Craving Mr. Kinky

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Craving Mr. Kinky Page 8

by A. m Madden

  “Not much to tell. My parents still live in the home I grew up in. I have a brother, Mark. He’s four years older and a cop in Colorado. Boring childhood.”

  “Back up. Your brother’s a cop? I bet that boded well for your boyfriends. Nothing like meeting the girl’s family, especially when one is armed.”

  “That wasn’t an issue. First, I had one boyfriend all through high school. Second, Mark was out of the house by then, so all Sterling needed to worry about were my parents, who loved him. Our parents were friends, and…”

  “Hold on.” I lifted my index finger and asked, “Did you say Sterling? As in silver?”

  Cassie snickered, but then scowled. God forbid she agreed with me. “Yes, I did. He was a very respectable young man.”

  “Hmm… well, that’s your first problem. Where is Master Sterling now?”

  “He has a very prominent dental practice in Stamford, Connecticut. Married to his college sweetheart, and last I heard he had three children and a golden retriever.”

  “He sounds super.” No wonder she was wound like a top. She spent her formidable years with a dude named after flatware. “What caused the demise of your relationship?”

  “Well, he was exactly the type of man my parents wanted me to marry. So instead, I went off to Fordham, moved to Manhattan after graduation, and became a school teacher.” She waved her hand back and forth. “Back to you. You grew up in Milan, right? That had to be exciting.”

  “It was riddled with culture, and I loved living there. I do miss my family, but I feel the States is where I need to be.”

  “Well, Milan rivals New York City as far as fashion goes. Hell, they’re generally a step or two ahead in trends. Wouldn’t it make more sense for you to be there?”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” I winked. “I’ve been back, and it’s where I got my start. It was during an apprenticeship with a prestigious photographer when he realized I had a unique way of capturing an image. After I graduated, I ended up receiving several lucrative freelance contracts with high-end fashion magazines. From there, I moved around a bit, Chicago, LA, and then ended up here.”

  “When did you start taking pictures?”

  “My nonno…”

  “Aw, that’s so cute that you call your grandfather that.” At my amused pause she added, “Sorry, continue.”

  “Thank you. Anyway, he bought me my first camera for my eleventh birthday. He thought I needed to focus more, and what better way than looking through a viewfinder.” Shrugging, I added, “It was the best gift I’d ever received.”

  She pointed to the portrait on my wall. “So why did you lose touch?”

  My eyes cut to where she indicated. There was no doubt Cassie’s natural thirst for knowledge would steer the line of questioning, so I beat her to the punch. “She’s my ex.”

  Her pretty blue eyes widened in shock. “Oh. Why did you break up?”

  “She was offered a job in Paris that she couldn’t refuse. It was her dream gig, and my work was here.”

  “Why do you still have her picture hanging on your wall? Do you still have feelings for her?” She continued to stare at it, and I may not have known her very well, but I could guess she was secretly comparing.

  “No. You wouldn’t be here if I did.” Cassie’s gaze swung my way. “That picture was my first professional shot. It won me awards, and for the most part catapulted my career overnight. You may just see it as an unusually large picture of my ex in my living room, but to me, it means more than that. To me, it’s not Charlene Dupree, a woman I once dated. It’s the picture that kick-started my credibility as a photographer.” I dragged my thumb over my lower lip, only to notice Cassie’s eyes were no longer pinned to the portrait, but instead to my mouth. God, how I wanted to kiss her.

  “That makes sense. She’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, she is. But she doesn’t hold a candle to you.” Cassie scoffed. “It’s true. You have a natural beauty about you. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. Even when you’re enraged, you’re stunning.”

  A blush crept up her cheeks. Just like before, she said, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  And just like before, I repeated, “Actually, I don’t.” Cassie averted her eyes. The woman had no idea how gorgeous she was. Everything about her, from the way she dressed to even her name, forced a commonality that didn’t fit. I didn’t know why I felt that way, but I couldn’t shake the suspicion that right beneath the surface was an extraordinarily brazen woman. “Is Cassie short for something?” I asked.

  It looked like she didn’t want to say, but then quietly admitted, “Cassandra.”

  “That’s a beautiful name, and much more fitting for you than Cassie.”

  “No one calls me that except for my parents and grandparents.”

  “And me.” She opened her mouth before quickly clamping her lips closed. “Would that bother you if I called you by your given name?”


  “Good. Can I tell you one more thing?”

  Looking back at me, she nodded. “Sure.”

  “I’ve been dying to kiss you all night.”

  Her pink tongue swept over her bottom lip before withdrawing between her teeth. “You have?”

  “Yes. I admitted I wanted to in the elevator. But now we’re here, and I can no longer pretend it’s all I’m thinking about. Tell me you want me to kiss you, Cassandra.” A bubble of hopeful expectation lodged in my ribcage. I waited for her reply, watching the fabric of her blouse tighten with each deep breath.

  “I want you to kiss me, Dante.”

  Her voice was barely above a whisper and sounded more like a plea, but I heard it loud and clear. I framed her heart-shaped face with my hands and drew her closer to me. Our lips were a breath apart. Her sweet perfume attacked my senses, and her soft skin felt like a balm under my palms.

  When her baby blues vanished beneath her lids, my mouth came coaxingly down on hers. At first, our kiss was slow, and our lips took their time to become acquainted. I tilted her head and dragged my tongue over her bottom lip, gently sucking it into my mouth. Cassie’s fingers gripped the back of my head, pulling me even closer.

  Our tongues met, and the connection sent a shockwave of ecstasy through me. She tasted like wine and sweetness—one of my favorite combinations. But Cassie was different than anyone else I had ever kissed. My entire body soared at the thought of making her mine. I wanted more of her… all of her.

  Then she moaned and tugged my hair… and I was ruined.

  On instinct, my hands gripped her ass, pulling her onto my lap. With her straddling me, and my back pressed against the supple fabric of my sofa, our bodies lined up perfectly. The position gave her the control to lead this dance between us.

  The brazen woman I knew was inside of her broke our connection to say, “I want you, Dante.”

  “Want me to do what?” I knew what I needed her answer to be, but I wasn’t going to assume when it came to her.

  “Take me to your bedroom.”

  After a breath, I stood, lifting her with me, her denim-clad legs wrapped around my waist. Once again, I fused our mouths together and stepped toward my room. At the threshold, her wide-eyed innocence made me feel as though I was about to trespass. Needing reassurance, I asked, “Are you sure?”

  Her hesitancy instantly changed to determination. “Yes, I’m sure.”


  His mouth twisted wryly before he trekked straight toward the bed and lowered us on the center of the mattress. Something intense flared through his smoldering expression.

  Damn, I was a good liar. Was I sure? Hell, no, but I couldn’t dwell on the way his confidence intimidated me while making me forget all logic. Because if I spent one moment analyzing what was about to happen between us, I’d be halfway to the door by now. Deep down, the desire Dante stoked within me took over every rational thought in my mind. Bottom line, I wanted him… now. I needed him to fill that void I hadn’t realized was there.r />
  I tried to control the dizzying surge racing through me. Despite my confident reply a few moments ago, he hesitated to measure my expression. Feeling that another vocal assurance wouldn’t prod him to continue, I tucked my fingers into the silky, thick strands of his hair and pulled his face closer. I may have initiated the next play, but he finished it by crushing his lips against mine.

  Never breaking our connection, his hand snaked under the formfitting fabric of my top and rested on the bare skin of my waist. Somewhere along the way, I lost all control of motor skills. He controlled my breathing with each passionate kiss, my body with the firm hold he kept on my flesh, and my mind with every subtle shift his body made against mine. I was lost in every sensation he forced on me. With each move, a new wave of desire rushed through me. I felt cool air replace his warm lips as he pulled away, and my lips tingled with the memory of his touch.

  “Hands above your head, Cassandra.” The command followed by the use of my full name compelled me to comply. Not to mention that the way he rolled the R had to have been one of the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard. His left hand closed over both of mine, preventing me from touching him. I should have denied his request, but his words held so much promise.

  My core ached for friction in the worst way. I swayed and raised my hips in hopes of meeting his. Spasms of need, want, and desire rolled through me. But Dante moved at his own pace and ignored my silent plea.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off his hand as it roamed my stomach. When it inched its way to the waistband of my jeans, my breath caught in the back of my throat. I was mesmerized by his touch—slow, methodical, and confident. My trapped fingers tightened around his, urging him to touch me. My body felt like a battery hooked up to jumper cables waiting for another volt of power. With just one kiss, combined with the way he touched me, I already knew having sex with Dante would surpass all others.

  He skimmed his free hand until it rested between my legs, cupping me where I needed him most. “Is this where you want me?” His deep voice had me writhing on the bed.

  “I think you know the answer. I never pegged you for a tease.” The words that left my mouth in his presence were completely out of character for me. Not to mention, the number of gorgeous women that he had had the pleasure of photographing, or doing God knows what with, should have intimidated me—but it didn’t. Instead, it gave me a sense of determination.

  At my accusation, he grinned mockingly. It was then I realized I had just issued him a challenge… one I had no patience for. The prolonged anticipation was unbearable. He rubbed me and pushed the heel of his hand down on the spot that needed his attention. At my moan, a look of satisfaction grew over his face.

  “Feel good?” he asked calmly.

  How was it the man appeared to be unaffected by what we were doing? Meanwhile, my body was in a state of arousal that it had never felt before. Needing confirmation, I shifted my left leg between his and felt his thick, long, hardened shaft on my thigh. I pressed upward and asked, “Does that?”

  “Are you teasing me now?”

  “No, just provoking.”

  “Mission accomplished.”

  Shifting his weight, he settled between my legs and ensured I felt every inch of him. Then without warning, he released my hands and stood at the end of the bed. Bereft, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and began to lift it over my head.

  “Stop.” He flicked my sandals off one at a time, sending each to the floor. Dante raked his eyes over me seductively and said, “Take off your jeans.” Every time his gaze met mine, my insides coiled as a response. Without hesitation, my fingers worked the button, then the zipper, until I was able to shimmy the jeans over my hips and down as far as I could before he pulled them the rest of the way off.

  “Now your panties.” The white lace constricted in the worst way. I knew they were wet, and I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn’t. Everything about tonight was a huge turn-on. Once again, I complied with his request.

  Lying half-naked with knees bent, feet flat on the silky duvet, didn’t help my disposition. Nor did the way Dante appraised me… lustful eyes moved over my body in a seductive caress. My flesh prickled with every second that passed. He took his time, studying, assessing, all while his thumb methodically stroked his full bottom lip. I was exposed and turned on, the most I’d ever been.

  “Beautiful.” Still fully clothed, he gripped his chin between his thumb and forefinger. His gaze slid downward, and I stiffened under his scrutiny. “Spread your knees,” he commanded as he yanked his shirt over his head. Each ridge of his tanned muscles, the silver bar that punctured his left nipple, down to the vee that disappeared into his dark low-rise denim jeans, made me want him even more. His expression, and the way he barked out orders, gave me a glimpse of Dante the photographer. Tonight, I was his subject. Except he wasn’t using a camera but instead photographing me with his eyes.

  As he took a step forward, I could feel the sexual magnetism, and a natural self-confident aura, roll off him in waves. His candid stare remained bold and without reservation. Part of me wanted him to speak, hoping it would erase the element of surprise. But the other part couldn’t wait to find out what came next.

  Putting me out of my misery, he placed a hand on one of my knees while the other grazed the oversensitive flesh of my inner thigh. Just as his outstretched hand reached the juncture between my legs and exposed core, he stopped.

  At first, his attention remained riveted on my face, but then it crawled down the length of my body, landing where I needed him most. He extended the tip of his middle finger, paused, and ran it ever so lightly up my seam.

  “Jesus, Cassandra.” A soft moan preceded his raspy confirmation that I was ready for him. “You’re wet… and I’m hard as fucking stone knowing I did that.” Responding wasn’t an option, even if I wanted to. The only thing I could manage was a slow blink. “I need to taste you,” he added, and I almost came from hearing the desperation in his voice.

  Expecting his mouth, his fingers worked over my pulsating clit while he pierced me with his thumb. I bit my lip to stifle an embarrassing outcry. It was too soon to come undone, but with every simple move he made, it became nearly impossible to hold back my pent-up frustration. His thumb glided in and out as the knuckles on two of his fingers stroked over me with just the right amount pressure.

  Upon closing my eyes, white bursts of light danced behind my lids as my release came in an exhausting wave of pleasure.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. I obeyed and saw carnal appreciation in the smug look on his face because of what he just did to me. He dragged his thumb across his bottom lip, and then popped it into his mouth while sucking with a wink. “Fucking delicious.” With our gazes tethered, that signature move that I’d come to know, along with his words, practically caused me to climax again.

  “God, you’re sexy,” I admitted. Clearly, all my inhibitions had vanished with my orgasm.

  “It’s because of how badly I want to fuck you.”

  “Then do it.” Not wasting another second, he climbed onto the mattress to straddle me. In one swoop, he lifted my top, trapping my arms above my head and turning it into a makeshift blindfold, stealing my sight.

  When I attempted to remove it from where he had folded the fabric over my eyes, he placed a firm hand on mine before whispering, “Leave it.”

  The imagery of his naked torso left a burning imprint on my mind. My senses heightened just as my nerves spiked. Being so vulnerable during sex left me feeling uneasy. Yet for some reason, I trusted him.

  Strong fingers unclasped the front hook of my bra, exposing my breasts to him. Cool air caressed my hardened nipples, only to be replaced with his warm mouth. My heels dug into the mattress as I arched, forcing more of myself toward him. He accepted my invitation, laving at each breast and giving them equal attention.

  Dante moved away, leaving me breathless and exposed. The sound of a drawer opening and closing before the telltale sound of foil ripping seemed
unusually loud in my darkness.

  More silence came, leaving me to wonder where he was or what he was doing. The longer I lay without sight, the more I craved Mr. Kinky to take me. A begging plea lingered around the edges of my mind but wasn’t voiced. Without having to verbalize my desire, the coarse hair of his legs gave me the confirmation I needed that he was finally where I wanted him to be.

  “I want to see you,” I pleaded with a shaky breath.

  “You will… but right now, I want you to use your body to feel me, Cassandra.” At that, he entered me in a slow, deep thrust.

  He was right. I didn’t need to see him at that moment. In fact, without my sight I felt every delectable inch inside of me. Our bodies fused and stilled, stealing the air from my lungs. Dante released a long grunt and began gently moving his hips. Each stroke became more intense, and each time his hips bumped into mine brought me closer to once again falling over the edge.

  Oh my God.

  Chapter 10


  Oh my God.

  I nearly came the instant I plunged into her, and with every pump it became harder to hold back. My intention to make the foreplay linger backfired in an almost painful way as my cock hardened to steel. The way she was wrapped so tightly around me made it impossible to think straight, much less hold back.

  If I were fucking anyone else, it would have ended by now. But I wanted to bring Cassie to places she’d never been before. Easier said than done, I thought, as I hung on to my sanity by a thread.

  “Jesus, Cassandra, you feel so good.”

  “Mmm… Don’t stop, Dante.” A thin sheen of sweat coated her breasts. She looked perfect, blindfolded and writhing beneath me. The fact she trusted me enough to take away her sight, even if for a little while, spoke volumes. It made me wonder how far she’d let me take her. What limits she’d go to in order to experience pure carnal pleasure.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  Her voice was just above a whisper. “No, tell me.”


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