Craving Mr. Kinky

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Craving Mr. Kinky Page 11

by A. m Madden

  That was another downside to my profession… time to relax. There was always a shoot or a model needing new headshots. Fuck, at times it all seemed so ridiculous. The fashion industry and their arrogance—it wasn’t like they were curing cancer. The older I got, the more I realized my entire adult life revolved around my career.

  Procrastination wasn’t my thing, so I powered through until the last image was perfect and slammed closed my laptop.

  While my face was plastered to the screen, daylight turned to dusk. Exhausted from doing nothing but sitting, I got myself a beer and headed out to my balcony. The humidity smacked my face the moment I stepped outside, making me envious of Luca and the gang hanging at the beach and not in a concrete jungle. I felt antsy, restless. Grabbing dinner alone held no appeal, and neither did taking a walk only to sweat my ass off because of the stagnant air.

  I had maybe a few hours left before I was done. A quick glance at my watch had the wheels in my head turning. After a few internet searches, I checked the train schedule and packed a bag. Thirty minutes later, my ass was in a cab heading to Penn Station.

  By the time I got to Brae and Jude’s house it’d be past midnight, but I didn’t care. I deserved a day at the beach… swimming in the ocean… having a cocktail… with a sexy blonde at my fingertips. Since seeing her at Dispatch, we had unresolved business to discuss… the topic of us.

  Tires crunching on the gravel drive slashed through the silence. “Nice house,” my driver said, ogling it from his window. Nice? The place was a beachside fortress. I could definitely get into hanging out here for the rest of my life. Faint waves could be heard in the distance as I exited the car with my bag and approached the front porch.

  I tracked the sound of voices and followed the paver-stone path to the backyard. When I reached my destination, I was greeted by an impressive deck complete with a bubbling hot tub in one corner of a large rectangular pool, enough furniture to furnish my apartment, and an outdoor kitchen that would impress most professional chefs—yes, I was definitely glad I decided to leave the city.

  The group of friends sat around a patio table, laughing and chatting, and the only thing missing was Cassie. At my approach, Jude looked over with a frown until he realized who it was. “Hey, man. You decided to join us after all.”

  “I did. It’s hot as balls in the city.” As soon as the words were out, I shrugged an apology. “Sorry, ladies.”

  “It’s much cooler out here. Come sit, and I’ll get you a nice cold beer,” Brae said as I climbed the steps toward them. She left her husband’s lap, his eyes following her the entire way. That dude had it bad.

  “I’m glad you’re all still up,” I said as I made my rounds, shaking hands and kissing cheeks. “I had visions of sleeping out on the porch until morning.”

  “You finished all your edits?” Luca asked as Brae returned with my beer.

  “I have a few more hours, but most of them are done.” I took a long swig and tried for nonchalance when I asked, “Where’s Cassie?” My first thought was I schlepped all the way out there and she decided to stay behind. That would suck.

  “Cassie hit the sack a while ago,” Vanessa offered, and then studied my reaction. But when I remained quiet, she felt the need to add, “Our girl desperately needs excitement in her life.”

  “I’m sure it’s not easy on her being the only one here unpaired,” Sabrina said lovingly, playing the good cop.

  “No, Cassie doesn’t care about that. Give her a quiet corner and a book, and the girl is in heaven,” Brae said matter-of-factly.

  Jude leaned toward his wife and nuzzled her neck. “That sounds like your Saturday nights before I came into your life.”

  “You’re a funny man,” she said before sticking her tongue out.

  “We’re outta here,” he said, grabbing his wife and dragging her away without apology. Brae giggled in protest, but then quickly changed her complaints to a good night to the rest of us. “Dante, your room is next to Luca’s,” she called right as Jude threw her over his shoulder and sprinted into the house.

  “What just happened?” Sabrina asked Luca, but Kyle responded, “He’s rude as hell. We only hang out with him for his nice beach house.”

  Rude or not, it took minutes before Kyle and Vanessa took off as well, leaving me with my brother and his girl. Either they felt bad ditching me or had more self-control than the rest of them. They ended up hanging out with me until I finished my beer, then left me alone in the sultry night air, jealous they all were doing things to their girls that I ached to do to Cassie.

  Left to my own devices, and not ready to head to bed yet, I reached down and grabbed my camera out of its bag. Most of my life was spent staring through the viewfinder. For me, it changed the perception of things; it made me more cognizant of the world I lived in. It afforded me with an appreciation that all things held beauty.

  Scanning the dark night, my finger started clicking the shutter button, capturing the way the moonlight danced on the dark ripples of the ocean, the way the stars dotted the sky, and the way the tips of the waves rolled onto the shore. Each of those things happened every day, yet each time they were different. That was the beauty we were all surrounded by, and what we failed to stop and appreciate.

  Hearing a giggle from inside the house made me smile. It could have been any one of the ladies. Except Cassie. Thank God she didn’t bring someone here. That thought never crossed my mind until Sabrina mentioned her being the only one not paired off. I thought, She is paired off, she just doesn’t know it yet. I took one more glance at the ocean before whispering, “Until tomorrow, Cassandra.”


  I woke to the smell of bacon and six noisy people chatting and laughing downstairs. Last night, the crew decided to head into town today to explore and shop. I easily passed, not needing to be the seventh wheel. Since I knew I’d have all day to myself, I turned over and went back to sleep. School started next week, which meant days like this would be few and far between, if at all.

  My entire body felt rested as I stretched out on the luxurious bedding. The house had been quiet for the past few hours, and my stomach rumbling was what had me finally ready to leave the heaven of my bed.

  There was something about beautiful weather, and not having plans, that made me feel more wired than a triple-shot latte. I popped out of bed, pulled my hair back in a messy ponytail, washed up, brushed my teeth, stripped out of my pajamas, and decided to wear my black string bikini. Normally, I’d be a little more reserved, but everyone having left, and not knowing anyone on the beach, gave me the confidence to wear something a little skimpier.

  I slathered on sunscreen, tied the strings around my hips, back, and neck, and pushed my boobs up to give them maximum fullness. I slid on my sheer cover-up and flip-flops, and twirled in front of the mirror, ensuring all necessary places were covered. Snagging my beach bag and romance novel off the side table, I headed out to the kitchen.

  Whistling caught my attention, causing me to stumble. I wasn’t familiar with the tune, but it was a happy one. When I peered around the corner, my heart stammered just like my feet had. Dante. What the hell was he doing here? Rather than announce myself, I took a moment to appreciate the man—low-hanging black board shorts, no shirt, and the sexiest bedhead that only someone with his good looks could pull off.

  He leaned casually against the kitchen island, drinking a cup of coffee and peering out the window. The vee in his hips had my tongue poking out of my mouth to wet my desert-dry lips. Glancing down at myself, I cringed. Yes, he’d seen me naked and complimented my body, but I was sans makeup, and knowing the type of women he was used to, I couldn’t help but feel a bit self-conscious.

  Despite my reluctance, I did my best to tiptoe into the room… not an easy accomplishment given my footwear. His head spun in my direction and that smile that could make a woman stupid flashed across his face.

  “Good morning, Cassandra. I didn’t realize anyone was home. Would you like a cup of

  I straightened my spine, hoping my boobs, which I’d just positioned, didn’t flop out of the small triangles. “Good morning. What are you doing here?” When his eyebrows arched to his hairline, I amended my statement. “What I meant was, I didn’t realize you were coming here this weekend. I thought you had work to do. We haven’t spoken in days.”

  “I finished earlier than planned and hoped we could talk this weekend. I’m not here to pressure you, just to enjoy your company and to relax. Everything else we can play by ear.” I had to admit hearing that calmed me a bit. It was the unknown of our relationship playing out in front of our friends that gave me pause. But having him there, looking all sexy and irresistible, rebuked my concerns.

  With a stunning smile, he pushed himself off the island and walked to the coffee maker. Pulling the pot out, he held it up. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please. Black.”

  His muscles flexed as he tipped the pot to fill a mug. When he turned to face me, his eyes raked over my body. Looking back, there was never a time in my life when a man made my body temperature rise the way Dante had. He was a human flame and I was a taper of paraffin wax. I took a step toward him and reached for the cup of the steaming beverage. He turned it so I could grab the handle. “Thank you.”

  “You look beautiful this morning.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “Not that you don’t look beautiful all the time.”

  ‘Thank you,” I repeated. The man was a talking-book boyfriend. Yes, I loved romance novels, and I had one in my hand that I was ready to devour. Who could blame me for wanting to escape into a fantasy world? All the heroes I’d read about knew just what to say and treated their women like princesses. Maybe that was my problem. I wanted to fall in love like the heroines in a steamy romance. Was it a practical way of thinking? No, of course it wasn’t, but it also didn’t matter.

  “What do you have there?” He tipped his head toward my book. “Ahh, yes, I heard you’d be happy relaxing and reading.” A devilish grin sprouted. “It looks sexy.”

  Glancing down as if I hadn’t memorized the cover, I looked at the man and woman embracing. Okay, they were doing a bit more than embracing. Her legs were wrapped around his hips as he pinned her against a wall. Sue me for wanting a little excitement on the pages.

  Not wanting to make a big deal of it, I merely shrugged. “It is.” I mimicked his move and motioned toward his camera. “Planning on taking pictures today?” Memories of our walk in the park and of Dante taking pictures of obscure objects flew into my mind.

  “You never know when inspiration will strike.”

  He winked, and like a few moments ago, I began to heat up from my insides out… and it wasn’t because I had just taken a sip of my coffee. I plucked a muffin off the platter that sat on the island. “Yes, well, as long as you don’t point it at me.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I can’t promise you that—you’re extremely inspiring.”

  The vast room started to feel like a broom closet. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later.”

  As gracefully as I could, I maneuvered the sliding door open before stepping out into the salty humid air. When he called out, “Sooner than later, Cassandra,” our eyes met, and he grinned at my playful smile.

  I set up my tanning area, chaise lounge positioned perfectly so the sun would hit my body, a small table to hold my coffee, and no other chairs around me. Perfect. With my earbuds in, Rob Thomas’s soothing voice brought a smile to my face as I enjoyed my breakfast in peace.

  Finally, being able to breathe, I let out a sigh, slid on my sunglasses, and started my new book. It was time to get lost with a billionaire and his assistant. I couldn’t help but giggle at the cliché, but this was so much better than reading to five- and six-year-olds. Not that I didn’t love reading to them about the little engine that could, but my little engine needed to get revved up… and not by a drop-dead-gorgeous sexy photographer.

  As I turned the page to begin chapter four, the sun started to make my body sweat. I untied my cover-up so it fell to the sides, making it easy to free my arms. My skin had started to redden. I set my book next to my now-empty coffee cup and began reapplying my sunscreen.

  When I sat up and glanced at the water, people had gathered on the beach. Some were just lying on towels or chairs; others were frolicking in the water. There weren’t many, but enough to tease me to want to do the same.

  Leaving Rob Thomas and my sexy billionaire on the teak deck, I headed toward the shoreline. Grains of sand filtered through my manicured toes as I left small footprints behind me. I preferred Jude’s heated saltwater pool, but how could I come to the Hamptons and not dip my toes into the ocean—no matter how much it freaked me out?

  As I slid my index fingers under the bottom of my swimsuit so it would no longer feel like a thong, I heard a distinct click. Dante. Trying to act cool, I ventured forward far enough that the surf hit me mid-calf. Scooping the ocean water with my hands, I cooled off my arms and again heard that sound. Shit.

  I peered over my right shoulder, and sure enough, there was Dante standing ten feet behind me with his lens pointed in my direction. My glare was enough to make him chuckle.

  “Stop taking pictures of me,” I said in what Vanessa called my teacher’s voice. But he was not deterred, eliciting several more clicks. Damn him. I fisted my hands on my hips. “Dante, I mean it. You better knock it off.”

  He lowered the camera and teased, “Or what?”

  “I’ll hurt you.” His deep chuckle forced me to stomp toward him in the most unladylike fashion. Water splashed all around me until my feet hit hard-packed sand. His continued laughter fueled me. “Aren’t you afraid your camera is going to get wet?”

  “Nope, it’s waterproof.” He casually pointed it at me, and once again I heard a click.

  “Give it to me.” My hand darted forward, but he lifted it above his head. With one of my hands on his arm, I jumped like an idiot trying to grab it. The jackass pointed the camera down and continued clicking.

  It was clear I amused him. His lips quirked to the side before letting out a howling laugh. That’s it! I twisted my sandy leg around his, lining up our ankles, and in a swift move pulled my leg forward, causing him to fall backward. What I didn’t prepare for was his hand grabbing my arm, taking me down with him.

  We both landed with an oomph—him in the sand and me on top of him. Then he pushed the button on his camera one more time. Our eyes met, and suddenly the humor in his gaze was replaced with lust.

  “Cassandra, if you wanted to be on top of me, all you needed to do was ask.”

  “You wish.” It took all I had not to grin… because that was exactly what I did wish for.

  “I do,” he said with a seductive timbre in his voice and a subtle shift of his hips. This time, it took all I had not to moan.

  Ignoring the fact that other vacationers were around, I could feel the excitement growing in his shorts. I wasn’t sure if it was the fact that the hot billionaire just took his assistant on his desk that had me riled up or because the most gorgeous man I’d ever known was beneath me.

  Dante cupped the side of my face with his free hand. “Kiss me, Cassandra.”

  Just hearing those words proved this had nothing to do with the billionaire and everything to do with the photographer—not that I didn’t know that already. I leaned forward and out of the corner of my eye spotted his camera. This was my chance. Our lips were just a breath away when I popped off of him, snatched his camera, and laughed as I ran back to the house.

  Chapter 13


  If she wanted to play, I’d play. The tiny black fabric perfectly highlighted the curves of her ass as she ran ahead of me. When she craned her head back to see how far behind I was, her tits looked as though they were ready to escape the scraps shielding them.

  Her laughter sounded like a melody as she made it to the deck stairs. It would have been easy to catch her, but seeing Cassie carefree and playful was worth her thi
nking she’d bested me.

  When we were both standing next to the pool, breathing heavy, her a little more winded than me, she snapped my picture. “How does it feel?” she said with friskiness before bringing my camera to her face again for another shot.

  Glancing down, I spotted her book. There was no way she could grab it before me, unless she dropped my camera, which I knew, or hoped, she wouldn’t do.

  Cassie’s eyes narrowed as I opened the page just before her bookmark. “Ahem.” My eyes scanned the words, and I couldn’t help but grin. Was this the stuff she was into? Who knew?

  “Here,” she said with a nervous voice, and extended my camera toward me. “Take it and give me my book.”

  “No way, this is too good.” Cassie’s glare turned into a wide-eyed look of horror. “Ethan pushed my body over the edge of his expansive desk, forcing papers to fly to the floor. Heat pooled between my legs, wetness coated my panties as my boss shoved my skirt up to my waist. With gentle force, he grabbed my wrists in his hand before the cool metal of cuffs bound my arms together.” I glanced up, and Cassie’s face was beet red, but I continued. “The thought of getting caught by another employee should have scared me, but instead, it thrilled me. I knew of Ethan’s history, his love of BDSM, and if that’s the way he wanted me, then that’s what I would give him. His deep voice rumbled, ‘I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked. Spread your legs and show me how wet you are… ’” I arched a brow and looked at Cassie. “Wow, Ethan’s a kinky fucker.”

  She reached forward, offering me my camera. “Can I please have my book back?”

  “Will you let me take a picture of you?”

  She let out a resigned sigh. “Okay, if you stop reading.”


  Once we made the swap, my camera for her romance novel, she crossed her arms in front of her chest while still hanging on to her book. “How do you want me?”


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