His Pretend Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Cafe Om Book 2)

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His Pretend Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Cafe Om Book 2) Page 14

by Harper B. Cole

  "But something is a problem...." Chris said leadingly.

  I led him to sit on the couch and held his hands. "Father wants me to contractually agree to six weeks off, completely away, turn my cell phone off away, when Rosemary comes."

  "But she's due around the same time as your launch," Chris protested. "I mean, that sounds amazing and I would love it, but not at the sacrifice of your dreams."

  "Exactly," I replied unhappily.

  "Maybe I can help with that," a voice said from the doorway.

  I looked up, but I knew who it was before I saw him. I wasn't ready to deal with him yet. There was no one else who knew enough to have spilled information to my dads. And even though it had ended well, that was a huge betrayal of trust.

  "Did you get my texts?" he asked cautiously.

  I could feel Chris looking between us in confusion.

  "I left my phone at the office Friday," I responded coldly.

  "Damn it," he swore. "Can I sit?"

  I nodded and he sat across from us.

  "Your dads met with me Friday night. They were trying to plan a surprise for you, for your family," Ethan said. "Your dad caught me up on some things, by the way. Congratulations."

  I only nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  "I'll cut to the chase and say I accidentally spilled some information. Information you had entrusted me with. I'm sorry. I was...preoccupied with some personal circumstances, but that's no excuse."

  He looked so stricken, my anger faded somewhat, and Chris squeezed my hand in reassurance. It really wasn't like Ethan. I had suspected he might have done it out of some misplaced sense of loyalty, and that wasn't the case. Ethan wasn't one to let personal circumstances affect, well, anything, so it had to be something big. But he would tell me when he was ready. "I accept your apology," I said finally, and Chris rubbed my arm in approval.

  Ethan flashed me a grateful glance. "One of the things they wanted to figure out was if it was possible for you to take off a month and a half when Rosemary comes. They left in a bit of a flurry after my...mistake, and after I sent you a million text messages and calls, I spent the rest of the evening and all day yesterday drawing up plans." He pushed a thick envelope toward me. "I have contingency plans for if the baby arrives before the launch, after the launch, or anytime in the middle of it."

  I opened the folder and glanced inside, excitement burning through my body. I wanted this, I just hadn't imagined it would be possible. I closed the folder. "So the short story is, we can do this?"

  Ethan nodded.

  "I trust you," I told him, his eyes holding mine as I told him with more than words that we were okay. I stood and held out my hand. "Thank you."

  I invited Ethan to stay the night and join us for dinner, but he passed, saying he had prior engagements and I escorted him out. I could tell whatever it was, he wasn't ready to share.

  When I returned, Chris was talking with my parents and they all turned to me.

  "Okay," I said. "Let's do it. I'll take your offer."

  Chris rewarded me by jumping into my arms and smothering me in kisses. He’d been so considerate, not pushing me one way or the other, thinking of me and my business first, but seeing his reaction and feeling his kisses when I accepted revealed his true feelings. He was my omega already. We might not be married or bonded, but he put my needs first just as I did his. I’d have to up my game, because his needs would always come first, but for now I basked in the adoration and contentment of my future mate.



  Waddling down the hall, for it was all waddling all the time now that the pregnancy had hit full-term, my smile broadened as the room came into view. Ethan had pulled off the impossible. The office looked almost regal as they officially launched (insert company name). I had no idea who most of the people in the room were, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was that they were all here to support Aiden’s dream, a dream that had finally come to fruition.

  Chances were favorable that he was going to be more than a wee bit mad at me for waddling up here while he parked the car, but I wanted to be here to see his face when he saw what Ethan had accomplished. He had this fear that a valet would somehow touch something that would make the car seat no longer properly installed or something equally ridiculous. New father paranoia had set in well before Rosemary made her way into the world.

  Ethan had secretly been texting me pictures as the event came together. He had a crew of a bazillion workers in here from the look of things, and it paid off. Between the hors d’oeuvres, the decorations, and the media kits complete with product displays, the room was a PR masterpiece.

  The press was taking pictures of pretty much everything. Probably only a couple would actually ever be seen, but it was nice to know they all looked amazing. The best thing was that all of the used sample cups were empty, meaning they at least didn’t hate the drink. We’d gone to an energy drink launch a few weeks ago to see how it was put together and half those cups were sitting around still practically full. Aiden mentioned they were pretty nasty, not that it seemed to stop sales. That company was doing amazing, and Ethan was sure it was due to the launch.

  Ethan put so much pressure on himself to make this the launch of the year. He and Aiden were back on good terms, which made me feel relieved. But I was starting to worry about him, the weight of his responsibilities showing on his face. Aiden thought it was more than just the launch and work, but wasn’t sure what. I hoped he was wrong because if it was simply the launch, that pressure would fall away in the next few hours.

  I leaned against the wall, my phone out and ready to snap a picture when Aiden finally made it up here. The parking was a hot mess. A concert in town was stealing all the typically vacant spots in this neighborhood. Some singer-songwriter I didn’t know, but whom Marcus from work constantly babbled about before I finally quit to grow my daughter full time.

  I wanted to work until the very end. Aiden wanted me to work not at all. In the end, he won, as my midwife agreed that working too hard was a bad thing. Too hard for Aiden meant any shift over thirty seconds. I finally gave up and jumped into getting our place ready for her, with his dad’s help, of course. That man loved to do all things grandbaby related. It wasn’t even as if Rosemary was their first. It was stinking adorable.

  The ding of the elevator doors opening pulled me back into the moment, my phone poised for action. Ever the businessman, Aiden came into view with a smile on his face, one that doubled in size as he saw me. Oh, I’d hear about it, but he knew he couldn’t have pictures of his grumpy self overshadowing the launch.

  Applause filled the room as people made their way to him, one after another. It was a solid half hour before he was able to make his way to me. I never left the wall. Frankly, I needed the support, especially with all the Braxton Hicks contractions I’d been having the past two days. My brain knew I should have my feet elevated and be drinking all the water to slow them down and be more comfortable. My heart said there was no place I’d rather be than right here, watching my alpha achieve his dreams.

  “You look absolutely giddy for someone who has been so naughty,” he whispered for only me to hear as he enveloped me in a hug, inhaling my scent. I loved that he still found my scent so intoxicating, possibly even as intoxicating as I found his.

  “Are you going to spank me?” I teased back. Sadly, he refused to go there “in your condition” so that would have to wait. Didn’t keep me from asking. A guy needs to make his needs known, after all.

  He growled in my ear before nipping it playfully and pulling back, twining our fingers together. “Come, let me show you off,” he bantered, but then did exactly that. By the time things started to wind down, I had been introduced to everyone there from reporter to investor.

  “You did an amazing job, Ethan,” I offered as we took a seat beside him.

  “Thanks. I had motivation.” All three of us knew the motivation was his guilt over telling Aiden’s family about our fa
ke mating. No matter how many times we affirmed that he’d actually done us a favor, he was set on this penance.

  “It is brilliant just the same.” I leaned back in my chair, placing my hands on my ginormous belly just as another stupid fake contraction hit. We still had two weeks until she was due to arrive and dealing with this the entire time sounded like a living hell. The midwife assured me this was all normal, but normal or not, I was ready for this part to be over.

  “You okay, love?” Aiden’s arm wrapped around my shoulders, his voiced heavy with concern. Which was pretty much the norm lately. He acted as if omegas hadn’t been giving birth since the dawn of time.

  “Perfectly. I’m just tired and these Braxton Hicks are annoying me is all.” I leaned my head on his shoulder, loving the feel of him.

  “Are you sure they’re not real contractions?” Leave it to Ethan to fuel Aiden’s fears. I gave up a long time ago with those two, attributing it to an alpha thing. “You’re at term.” Because I had no idea, with my belly reaching a doorway a good full three seconds before I did and all. I just rolled my eyes. What else was an omega to do?

  “Ethan, the midwife assured me I would know when they were real. Something about blinding pain and praying for death.” I might have been paraphrasing.

  “She said what?” The shock on his face had me barking out with laughter. Poor Ethan was so clueless. One day, an omega was going to swoop in and change his existence. I was looking forward to being there for that and adding my torment along the way.

  “Well,” I shrugged, “she may sugar coated it a bit.” I held my thumb and forefinger together with barely a hair’s space between them.

  “What my mate is trying to say,” Aiden corrected like the spoilsport he was, “is that the midwife said they would be progressively stronger and more consistent if it were actual labor.”

  “Which this is not.” I took a sip of the water some kind waiter placed before me as he pretended to not watch us banter back and forth.

  “That’s good. I don’t need a baby stealing my thunder.”

  And as if on cue, I felt a rush of wetness. Had I just peed my pants? Granted, my bladder control was pretty non-existent these days, but this was ridiculous. I shifted my hips to gauge the severity of the issue and I squished. Crap. This wasn’t a bladder issue. At least the party was almost over, right?



  “Consider your thunder stolen. My water just broke.” He practically fell out of his seat before snapping up and looking around the room as if answers were written on the wall somewhere. Aiden took the freeze in shock approach. Big strong alphas, except when it came to babies being born. Then they were a hot mess.

  “What should I do? Boil water?”

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten before opening them again to answer him. He was trying to help, I reminded myself.

  “Or come downstairs with us so you can wait with me while my mate gets the car because that deer struck look tells me he’s not really ready to go with the flow on this one.” I pushed onto the table and got myself standing before giving Aiden a slight pinch to snap him into action.

  “Now?” was the first word he spoke and it was filled with wonder.

  “Now,” I answered, holding out my hand for his, which he gladly took. One squeeze of his hand and Aiden, amazingly strong, sexy, get this done Aiden was back and my heart swelled.

  “Catch.” He threw his keys at Ethan. “My car is on the corner of East and Fourth. Go bring it around front.” His words had barely filled the air before Ethan was racing down the hallway, jamming the elevator button before racing to the stairwell.

  “Looks like he called us an elevator, love. Shall I carry you?” Aiden had to be flipping kidding me. I started to walk away.

  “Only if you want to pay for your alpha caveman ways later,” I called over my shoulder, but he’d already caught up.

  “Walking it is.” He took my hand and we reached the elevator just as it opened.

  I knew I should feel somewhat embarrassed by the mess I had left and the noise my wet pants made as I walked, but all I could think about was that I was going to meet Rosemary soon. Our Rosemary.

  “We’re having a baby tonight,” I said aloud as the doors closed. Something about saying it then made it so much more real. We were having a baby. Tonight. Or tomorrow, depending on how cooperative she was.

  “Yes, we are.” He tapped his foot as if it would somehow miraculously make the elevator move faster. It didn’t. “Now let’s get me to the hospital so it isn’t in front of the entire press.”

  Crap. Dimes to dollars that was the picture that they were going to feature.



  I tried to keep my outside as calm as possible, but inside, I was freaking out. Why had I thought I should be the one driving Chris to the hospital? I should have had a driver on standby. No, a driver would have taken too long to get to us. A series of drivers, all on standby, escorting us everywhere we went.

  Even as I thought it, I realized it was ridiculous. I was pretty sure my dads would have paid for it anyway.

  Chris had settled into this zen-like mentality, a small smile resting on his face. Ethan screeched to a stop in front of the building and we both hovered over Chris as he got in the car.

  “Guys, I’m fine,” he finally snapped, the smile still shining. But his tone pushed me into action. I closed the door behind him and rushed to the driver’s side.

  “Have someone call me, or text me, just let me know when she’s here!” Ethan yelled as I practically fell into my seat. I fumbled with the seat belt and Chris laid his hand on my arm, the simple touch soothing me more than any words could.

  “Sorry,” I said. “Just a little…” Excited? Terrified?

  “I know,” Chris replied. “Just take it easy, she’s not coming in the next five minutes. Oh, I didn’t think to grab the hospital bag. I didn’t think we had to worry about it tonight.”

  “Do we need to go home? Do we have time to go home? What do you need?”

  “Aiden, calm down. I’m texting your dads now to ask them to swing by the apartment and pick it up.”

  My dads. Right. They were on the security approval list. My dad probably knew better than I did what the hospital bag looked like. He had helped Chris put it together.

  “Deep breath,” Chris instructed, and I obeyed.

  “I thought it was my job to instruct you on breathing?” I glanced over just in time to see Chris’s face tighten with pain. “What is it? Is she coming now? Do I need to pull over?” My eyes darted between Chris and the road.

  When the pain passed, Chris chuckled breathlessly. “She’s not coming now. We have quite a while. The contractions are just getting more intense like they’re supposed to. Now stop looking at me and focus on driving.”

  The hospital was only ten minutes away, but it could have been an hour for all I knew. Each slight gasp and painful grunt was like a smack across the face, but Chris kept reassuring me everything was fine. We had pre-registered at the hospital a few weeks before, and so it didn’t take us long to be shown to a room. Chris changed into a hospital gown and the nurses performed some preliminary checks before leaving us alone.

  “How will they know when to come back? Are we supposed to tell them?”

  Chris waited for the current contraction to pass. “Relax, Aiden. They’re professionals. Just focus on me. Focus on us.” He took my hands and held them to his forehead. “She’s almost here.”

  A goofy grin exploded on my face. “She’s almost here!”

  “She’s here!” I ran out into the waiting room yelling. “Dad and baby are doing fine.” Both my parents were there, as was Ethan. I hugged each of them. “They’re resting right now, but when they wake up, he wants to see you. All of you.” I pulled out my phone. “I have pictures.”

  After oohing and ahhing over the adorable tiny creature that was my daughter, my father asked, “Can we get you anythin
g, son?”

  “No, I’m good. Tired, but good.”

  “Have you eaten? I didn’t see you eat anything at the launch," Ethan said.

  "Um, I had a... well..."

  "Did you grab any of the samples?" Ethan asked.

  "Not that I can remember..."

  "I've got extra shakes in the car. I'll go grab a few. Your body needs fuel."

  "I'm going to go get some coffee," my dad added. "You want some, Aiden?"

  Caffeine sounded amazing. "Yes, please." My eyes darted back to the hallway. "Can you text me when you get back with it?"

  "Of course." My dad smiled. "Go back to your mate and child."

  I gave him another hug and did just that.

  I closed the door softly behind me. Chris was sound asleep. He'd been in labor for thirteen hours. I'd been able to catch a few cat naps throughout the night, and he'd had some sleep once they gave him the epidural, but neither of us had slept much. I bent to press a kiss to his skin then turned to look in the bassinet next to him.

  She was so tiny. And wrinkly. Just her small, perfect pink face peeked out of the blankets the nurses had bundled her into, a tiny white hat keeping her head warm. I reached down to brush a finger against her cheek and marveled yet again how exquisitely small she was. But at the same time, it was hard to imagine that just yesterday, Chris had held her in his body. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I could never have imagined this happiness. Less than a year ago, my life had been all about my work. And while it was no less important to me, I had discovered something much more important. Two somethings more important. As Rosemary heaved a tiny baby sigh, I knew that between Chris and Rosemary, I was in trouble. There was nothing I wouldn't give these two to keep them safe and keep them happy.



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