Enslaved by a Barbarian [Sold! 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Enslaved by a Barbarian [Sold! 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Anitra Lynn McLeod

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  Enslaved by a Barbarian

  He was a wanted man…

  Abducted and sold to one alien, computer-game programmer and math whiz Darin Poole is then abducted twice more before he’s finally given to a vicious-looking barbarian to settle a debt. Considering how everyone wants him so desperately, Darin is shocked when Axoev Shadow actually offers him a surprising deal.

  Axoev is the leader of Clan Shadow, and though he’s willing to take Darin in payment, he refuses to strip him of his rights. Axoev needs a way to protect himself from the designs of the women clan members, but Darin’s proximity makes Axoev realize he has other far more pressing needs.

  Darin and Axoev aren’t surprised when their relationship becomes physical, however neither is prepared for a deeply emotional attachment. But when the clan blocks any progression of their status, will Axoev keep his promise to let Darin go? Or will Axoev do almost anything to keep Darin at his side?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Science Fiction

  Length: 38,875 words


  Sold! 6

  Anitra Lynn McLeod



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Anitra Lynn McLeod

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-688-1

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To anyone who ever wanted to chuck civilization and go live in a tree.


  Sold! 6


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Darin Poole was a wanted man. He’d never considered himself overly attractive, but he’d always thought he had a certain appeal what with his platinum-blond hair, dark blue eyes, and sleekly tanned body. He was often called a twink, a description he didn’t really mind. But being desired on Earth was not like it was out in space. Darin went from an alien slave auction to the back room where he was scrubbed and prepped for a Krase warrior named Refann. However, before his new owner could claim him, another creature stole him away.

  “You are far too perfect to pass up.” His name was Dartalli, and like Refann, he was a Krase warrior. He was eight feet tall and had maroon skin. He was stone-cold terrifying. From the way he was looking at Darin, it was clear he had nothing but perversity on his mind. Worse, there was something wriggling around in the front of his trousers.

  Thankfully, Darin had never seen what the squirming appendage was because yet another alien, this one smaller than the Krase warrior but just as scary, stole him away. Darin was convinced he wouldn’t be in the new alien’s clutches long, but it turned out he was right and wrong.

  After a lengthy ride in a rust bucket of a ship that thoroughly ruined all Darin’s fantasies about gleaming interstellar transport, he was taken to a world so thick with vegetation it was impossible to see to the surface of the planet.

  “Ye will satisfy a debt of mine.”

  Darin peered up at the curious green manlike being who sounded somewhat like a pirate with an Australian accent. Since he wouldn’t give him a name, Darin decided to call him Green Man. He was humanish in that he had two arms and two legs, but his legs were very long and muscular while his upper body was tiny. Whatever kind of creature he was, his physical structure made it clear he used his legs way more than his arms. For some reason, whenever Darin looked at him, all he could think of was the poor Tyrannosaurus rex with his spindly little arms attached to his gigantic body.

  “Ye speak?”

  Darin decided he would be better off not to, so he held his tongue.

  “That’s good. The ruler of the Clan Shadow will enjoy a silent faunsha.”

  There was no translation for that particular word, so Darin still had no idea where he was going, who he was going to be with, or what he would be expected to do. The only thing he knew for certain was that he was sick of being carted around on big guys’ shoulders. Even Green Man with his stumpy little arms had still been able to pick Darin up, toss him over a shoulder, and make him go where he wanted him to go. It was as uncomfortable as it was emasculating.

  Darin shivered as he looked at the world below.

  “Axoev will clothe ye.”

  Like it would kill you to give me a damn blanket? Darin had never met so many beings who were so impossibly rude about meeting the most basic of Darin’s needs. He had a feeling that carrying him was an option because all of them were simply too cheap to buy him a pair of shoes. The only thing Darin had had was his collar, but Dartalli had removed it, presumably so Refann couldn’t track him.

  Still, Darin had to admit that the man’s name was interesting. Axoev. It sounded like axe-of and gave him a
mental picture of a gigantic man wielding an axe. Also, it sounded kind of Russian, but that was unlikely now that Darin was far from Earth. Hopefully, this Axoev guy only needed someone to tidy up around the house. There wasn’t a whole lot that Darin knew how to do other than to play video games, program computer language for video games, or do very complicated math for video games. As of this moment, Darin realized how much of his life revolved around computer games.

  “Ye ever had a man in your mouth or ass?”

  Darin’s eyes widened. The inhabitants of space wouldn’t meet his basic needs, but they had no problem asking the most intimate questions. Now he had a pretty good idea of what a faunsha was. Unsure which answer might result in freedom, he realized that even if he managed to get away from this alien, another would only scoop him up. Perhaps the best he could hope for was gentleness, so Darin decided to tell the truth. He shook his head.

  “No? Aye!” Green Man laughed in such a way it almost sounded like he was yipping like a hyena. “Axoev will be pleased. I hear tell his clan likes to break their faunshas personally.”

  Break? Darin didn’t ask, but his fear must have shown clearly on his face.

  “Oh, calm ye, now. Not that kind of thing. Ye would be no good to him with blood oozing out your holes.” Another gale of laughter followed his comment while Darin sank deeper into his seat.

  Darin turned away from Green Man and peered out at the land below. Once, he’d sucked a friend’s dick, but they both were pretty drunk, and Darin hurled halfway through. Not from disliking what he was doing, just that all the Southern Comfort suddenly caught up to him and his friend’s long, thin cock had hit his gag reflex. Puking didn’t make the moment, as it were, but that was okay, too, since his friend passed out. Embarrassed beyond words, Darin staggered off to sleep halfway down the stairs.

  In the morning, his friend had forgotten all about their encounter, and Darin had continued to hide his attraction to him. He’d also sworn off alcohol of any kind. Just the smell of it made his gag reflex quiver. Darin’s friend was married now and had two kids. There was a moment, once, where Darin swore he’d remembered, but it faded quickly. If he had, he certainly didn’t want to talk about it or reenact their drunken encounter. Darin was almost twenty-two and still hadn’t found the courage to go all the way. He’d always thought he’d have a lot more of a say in who came into his bed the first time, but apparently the universe had other ideas. Some jungle guy was going to fuck him and toss him aside. Or maybe not. He might fuck him until Darin wasn’t any good to him anymore and then chuck him out. Either way, it seemed Darin’s virginity wasn’t going to be hanging around for long.

  Darin had always tried to look on the bright side of life, but that was difficult to do in his current situation. He wondered why this Axoev guy didn’t have a woman or several of them as sexual slaves. Not that Darin would suggest that to Axoev, just that in movies and in his own computer creations it was always men enslaving women, not men subjugating other men. There had to be a reason. Maybe it was a tribe of nothing but men. Darin considered. Pretty quickly he realized that wouldn’t work, not for long at any rate. How would they make more members for their tribe without women?

  As Darin continued to peer out the grime-encrusted window, he saw the most bizarre thing he’d seen since he’d been abducted off his college campus. A creature was flying over the tree tops below, but it wasn’t like anything Darin was familiar with. It was white with enormous black eyes and a wingspan that looked bigger than the ship they were in. It had huge, golden antennae and seemed to be covered in fur. For all Darin could tell, it looked like a gigantic, furry moth.

  He turned to ask Green Man what that thing was but remembered he was playing mute and turned back toward the window. As the creature came closer to the ship, Darin realized there was a man on its back. Wow. Darin smiled. How cool was it that here the people rode enormous insects? Maybe being a reluctant traveler in the universe wouldn’t be all bad. He was bound to encounter all kinds of cool things that he could then use when building his computer worlds once he got home.

  “Ye should hold tight.”

  Darin realized he was going in for a landing. Whereas most pilots did this with confidence and skill, Green Man landed with what could only be called a hope and a prayer. To call it a bumpy landing was to downplay the sheer terror of the ship’s wings cutting off the tops of the nearby trees and the total alarm induced when the entire ship skidded across the landing area with all the grace of a drunken cow.

  A scream emerged when Green Man tossed up his hands to cover his face. Darin realized he wasn’t the one screaming. His pilot was. Closing his eyes, Darin, who really had never been religious, prayed to God he didn’t die naked in a crappy spaceship. Frankly, he wasn’t ready to die just yet and certainly not like this. He always figured he’d die when he was a very old man. He wanted to go while schooling some young upstart in how computer games were played and impressing upon the younger generation that just because a man was old didn’t mean he didn’t know a thing or two. By that time, Darin hoped they had perfected virtual reality so that when he kicked ass he could do it in style.

  Darin’s life flashed before his eyes, reminding him of all the things he hadn’t done. Too many items were still on his to-do list. He couldn’t check out now. It seemed really horrible to die when he’d never even had an orgasm with someone else. Oh, he’d had plenty by himself, but that wasn’t the same thing at all. If there was some kind of weigh station in the sky, he’d be ashamed to be judged on the number of times he’d beat off while thinking about random guys. Just once, he’d like to have another human—or humanlike creature—willingly touch him and give him pleasure. Not a drunken groping. Not a shameful grasp of his dick. But a real, full-blown sexual encounter. A mutual, sexual encounter, he amended quickly to himself. He didn’t want to be forced to service some backwoods alien.

  When the ship stopped, Darin cracked open his eyes and saw they had landed just short of the end of the runway. To his credit, the pilot hopped out as if he had meant to land like a one-winged albatross while Darin struggled to free himself from the copilot straps. He was probably never going to stop shaking. When he climbed out, he thought his chance for freedom was now. Green Man was on the other side of the ship and miles of canopied jungle loomed before Darin.

  Just as he was gearing up to make a run for it, the man on the big white moth landed. His skill was the polar opposite of what Green Man possessed. Either that or his mount knew what it was doing. Probably both. The moth hovered over the landing area then slowly eased down until his surprisingly delicate-looking feet touched the tarmac. Darin realized it wasn’t pavement or concrete but hard-packed dirt. He was out in the middle of nowhere, which meant there weren’t going to be a lot of amenities. At this point, he’d be thrilled to get a pair of shoes and something to cover up his junk.

  With just as much skill as his flying moth, the man riding him dismounted. He wore some kind of animal hide pants, heavy boots, and nothing on his chest. And what a chest! Muscles rippled under darkly bronzed flesh which was made darker next to the blinding whiteness of the moth. He looked like some kind of living action figure, something like Conan the Barbarian or maybe He-Man. Either way, the guy was certainly worth looking at.

  As he strode over to them, Darin realized the massive man had some kind of a weapon slung on his back and plenty of something slung in his trousers. Swallowing hard, Darin allowed his fascinated gaze to travel upward, taking in hands as big as catcher’s mitts and arms that could damn near rival Popeye’s. His hair was long and looked tangled from a distance, but as he came closer, Darin realized the man’s hair was braided with all kinds of things. Feathers, colored thread, and even some kind of polished stone. It was sexy in a bohemian way.

  The closer he came, the more Darin retreated. He thought the guy just looked big next to the moth, but distance and exhaustion caused all kinds of optical illusions. The nearer he got, the bigger he became until Darin re
alized the guy was on a par with the Krase warriors. He was a bit more humanlike in that his skin wasn’t the color of dried blood, but he had his own strangeness. For one, his eyes were like the opposite of Darin’s. Rather than a white part of his eye, this guy had a black part, and his iris was so pale it looked white. He had no beard, not that Darin could see, which somehow was a relief. Darin had never been able to grow a beard, so he didn’t care for men who could. Sure, it was petty, but he kept that little nugget of truth to himself. Even after several days out in space, his beard—if it could even be called that—was more peach fuzz than anything.

  “Is this the faunsha?”

  His voice almost made Darin laugh. It was high-pitched and nasally. A scary character he really wasn’t. Then again, Darin stifled himself because the barbarian’s hand looked like it would fit over the top of Darin’s head, allowing the man to grasp ahold and pull. Darin’s head would pop off like the top of a dandelion.

  “Aye, Sieg. Will he do to settle the debt with Axoev?”

  So this wasn’t Axoev. Whew. Darin was relieved for all of two seconds. If Axoev was the same race as this guy, then Darin was still in a lot of trouble. Green Man’s question came back to him as Darin considered how big Sieg’s cock would be in relation to the rest of him. “Ye ever had a man in your mouth or ass?” All Darin could hope for was that his new owner was gentle. Although, considering Sieg, that wasn’t very likely. He looked like all he did all day and night was fight. Or cut down trees. Barbarian lumberjack. For some insane reason, the Monty Python song about lumberjacks popped into Darin’s mind and wouldn’t go away.


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