I'll Be Down for You: A Bay Area Saga

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I'll Be Down for You: A Bay Area Saga Page 17

by Xuri Foxx

  “You know I love you, right?” he blurted out right in the middle of my musings.

  I cleared my throat because the shock of his statement had put a lump in it. “You do?”

  “Yep. Don’t act like you didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t. I thought after you got mad at me—”

  “Yeah, me too. But realizing that I coulda lost you brought it all back. At first I was like, ‘Fuck her’, because you just seem like a lot to deal with. But I ain’t tryna not be with you.”

  I couldn’t believe that we were in that place where we could love on each other like we had, and then speak the actual words after. I swore that him knowing what happened with Dom would turn him all the way off from me. But I think he knew that what I said was true and that it meant nothing and that I was just doing what I felt I had to do. I loved his ass even more.

  “I love you too, Khalil. Been lovin’ you since I was a teen. And even more now.”

  “That’s what’s up. So, we gon’ do this, then?”

  “Yeah, we gon’ do this. And ain’t no backing out now either.”

  “Nah, baby…I ain’t goin’ nowhere from you.”


  A few hours later, I was wide awake and admiring Khalil in his sleep as the sun tried to make it past my thick curtains. The man was fine, even in his sleep. I smiled down at his sleeping form, and then slid out of the bed to go see if Maria had cooked any breakfast. If she hadn’t, I was going to. This man had me feeling all domestic and shit just the day after. I had half expected him to be up before me with everything his schedule had on it, but he was knocked out. I called out to Eva, but she had obviously gotten her an early start or she was tucked away in some other part of the house. Whatever the case, the place seemed empty and there wasn’t any aroma coming from the kitchen, so I went to work and prepared us pancakes, bacon, eggs, and some cut up fruit. That was quicker than the smothered potatoes and grits that I wanted to make.

  By the time I got upstairs, Khalil, was sitting against the headboard and probably thinking about what all he had to do today. But he hadn’t gotten up or dressed, so that was a good sign that he was sticking around for a while.

  “Uh oh, my girl don’ made me breakfast in bed!”

  “She sure did. And it’s enough to put you right back to sleep again,” I said, setting the oversized tray in between us on the bed. I sat down Indian style facing him and blushed. “This is us for real right here, huh?”

  “Yep,” he responded, reaching for a piece of his turkey bacon.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed suddenly, jumping from the bed and running over to my closet.

  “Where you goin’?” Khalil yelled out with his mouth full.

  “Forgot to show you something!” When I got back to the bed, I had Dom’s cell phone in my hand and extended it to him. “Here…”

  He grabbed a paper towel to wipe his hands off. “What’s this? You already trying to give me access to your cell?” he laughed. “I trust you!” he teased.

  “This ain’t mine. We can just call it a keepsake. You know, just in case there’s more people that need our…your attention.” I caught myself quickly.

  “I think you already eliminated that, baby. I saw a typed out voicemail that confirmed that Dom was the dude who ordered the hit on DJ. I just wish I could’ve got that nigga first. I didn’t get a piece of no pie. Carl got that bitch ass Nick and you took out other dude. So, unfortunately, I think we’re good.”

  “Long as you’re sure. Just know that I won’t be getting in the way again. I’ll let my man handle business the way he sees fit,” I promised.

  “Great minds…” he remarked, in approval.

  “Yep, great minds,” I cosigned. “So, baby . . .” I started, while chomping down on a piece of bacon. “Was any of those messages about Dani’s cousin, Shay? Because that’s what still gets me. I mean, I’ll admit my focus was all the way on my uncle; but shit is still a little strange, right?”

  “See!” he laughed. “That’s that good education that keeps that beautiful mind thinking.”

  “Whatever,” I stated with my jaws full.

  While I was stuffing my face, Khalil had started to scroll through Dominic’s phone and had a big ass smile on his face. “This nigga got some missed calls,” he acknowledged. “Unfortunately, thanks to my chick, he won’t be answering anymore of ‘em.”

  We started to laugh and mid-laughter, the phone began to vibrate in Khalil’s hand, just as he was setting it aside. We immediately looked at each other, amused. But when Khalil looked from me and then to the display, I watched as his entire facial expression changed to a more serious look.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked, alarmed. But he didn’t answer. The ringing stopped and Khalil’s brows furrowed, then he looked over at me. “Baby—”

  I was cut off by the phone’s persistent ringing again and watched as Khalil’s head began to shake slowly from side to side. I reached for the phone, but he pulled it back and swiped to answer with the speaker on. “What’s up…?” he greeted.

  A deep sigh came through the speaker in 3-D. It was relief to the highest power in that sigh too. “Ohhh my God, baby! You’re okay! Where have you been?! I’ve been trying to reach you! I was worried! What’s going on? Did you find that guy you were looking for yet?! Or were you with one of those fuckin’ whores! Wait, no…I’m sorry! I’m just glad you’re okay, baby. Whew!” she breathed out deeply.

  My entire mouth dropped when I recognized her voice. Instinctively, I went to say something, but Khalil shook his head in fast motion and put his finger to his lips. “Hold up,” he mouthed.

  “Baby! You there? Are you mad at me? Say something, please.”

  “What you want me to say…?”

  The voice went silent. She had probably figured out that the voice wasn’t Dom’s. “Dominic…?” she whispered nervously.

  “Nah, Eva…not Dom. This is Khalil.”


  Tuesday, June 3, 2014

  “This is so exciting, DJ! You sure you wanna do this?” Shay questioned with a smile.

  “I don’t think there’s anything that I’ve ever been sure of…more than this.”

  “Okay! Well, let’s make it happen. I’m ready too,” Shay gushed.

  “Hello,” the consultant greeted. She chuckled lightly before taking a seat across from them in the showing room. “How are you both today?”

  “We’re good!” Shay shrieked. “And yourself?”

  “Oh, I’m wonderful. This is the best part of my job.”

  Shay rubbed her hands together excitedly. The anticipation of the moment was getting to her and she was anxious. Derrick was quiet and in his thoughts about the huge plunge that he was about to take. But he wasn’t having second thoughts or anything like that. He just couldn’t believe that he had actually found the woman that he wanted to take such a huge step with. He had been with Eva for years, but there was a whole lot missing and for the past year they’d neared that place of the end. He knew it and she knew it. He didn’t have any regrets. It had been a good ride. She’d been there when he needed her and while he was raising Honey, his niece, but he’d been there for her just as much.

  Derrick knew early on that his and Eva’s union would never lead to marriage because their interests and their paths were so different from each other’s. He also knew that it didn’t make sense to remain in a relationship with a woman that he didn’t see long term with. He had a feeling that when he met the right one, the urge to wife her would come immediately. And that’s exactly what had happened. He was ready.

  “So, this one here that I’m holding is the Tiffany setting with a diamond band in platinum…”

  “Damn. I have never seen anything this fu…excuse my language,” Shay said. “…this beautiful in my life! This is giving me life right now!”

  “Shay, let her finish,” DJ insisted, chuckling slightly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Please go on.”

  The consulta
nt smiled wide, knowing the effect their diamonds had on many of the guests that came through the door. “Okay,” she continued. “So, it’s a round brilliant diamond that’s delicately cradled in a tapered band with bead-set stones. It fits perfectly together with a matching band ring to make a harmonious couple.”

  “How many carats is this one?” DJ asked, handling the startling diamond.

  “That one is two carats.”

  “That’s perfect!” Shay exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

  “You think…?” DJ asked.

  “No. I know. My cousin is going to love this! I promise you she’s gonna love it!”

  “That’s all I needed to know,” he said, turning to the consultant to finalize the transaction. “Can I get this one customized—four carats—in a size seven and with an inscription, please?”

  “Of course,” the woman smiled. “What is your timeline?”

  “I’m proposing on the fourth of July, so as long as I have everything by then, it’ll be perfect.”

  “Oh, we’ve got plenty of time. The turnaround on this will be under two weeks.”

  “Wowww, DJ. This is so beautiful. I’m so happy for Dani. She deserves this after all that we came from. And to think, I damn near had to threaten her to get her out here! Now look! She’s got a damn ring in under a year. Shit.”

  “Well, what about you and Carl? You got my man on cloud nine out here,” DJ laughed. “You might be next.”

  Shay blushed slightly. “I’m keeping that a secret for now. Haven’t even told Dani, and don’t you mention it to her. I wanna see how it all plays out because she might freak to know that I’m considering going to Miami when I told her to come out here.”

  “She’ll be okay. She’s in good hands. And even though you’re one of my best hostesses and Vanity would hate losing you, Carl is good people. You gotta do what makes you happy.”

  “Well, I know one thing, after looking at these big ass rocks today and seeing what love looks like up close, I’m closer to telling Carl ‘yeah’. That’s for damn sure. You know…I really appreciate you including me in this process. I was lightweight jealous at first, but that went away when I saw how good you treated my cousin. Nowww, I just gotta try to keep my mouth shut about all this!”


  “I’m kidding! I’m keeping a whole a secret by even being here without her knowing; so you know I can keep secrets.” She animatedly ran pinched fingers across her lips, and then tossed away an invisible key. “My lips are sealed,” she laughed. “If…if…you get me that cute little Tiffany’s heart tag bracelet over there.”

  “You got it. It’s the least I can do for helping me pick out the perfect ring.”


  “Derrick! I saw you! Are you gonna keep denying that you’re fucking around? I saw you!” Eva screamed. “And you didn’t even have enough sense to upgrade; you go and fuck around with some whore that does escorting for you! A fuckin’ escort! You might as well be fucking a nasty ass stripper! What the fuck type of man are you?!”

  “Eva, get the fuck out of my face with all of that bullshit.”

  “I’m not going any damn where until you talk to me about this bitch!”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “The hell it ain’t! I saw you in San Francisco coming out of fuckin’ Tiffany’s with that bitch yesterday! With a fucking bag, smiling all big and shit!”

  “Okay,” Derrick said, attempting to walk past her. He was in no mood to argue. She was off base, but he had no intentions on debunking any theories that she was throwing his way. Her time of getting under his skin had expired a long time ago.

  “Okay what?! You’re not gonna address anything that I said?!”

  “No, I’m not. For what? You need to be leaving. I already told you that. I’ll get you an apartment and even an allowance for a year while you get on your feet and that’s being nice, Eva. I think we both know why,” he said standing close to her face. He stood so close she could feel the heat from his breath.

  She took a few steps back from him. “An apartment. After living in a place like this, you think I’m going to an apartment? Think again, Derrick. That’s not gonna happen.”

  “Take it or leave it. I don’t owe you shit. You’re in here screaming like a damn fool about shit you don’t know with the same mouth that you wrap around that nigga Dominic’s dick three times a week when you go to Oakland to kick it wit’ ya girls.”

  Derrick smiled when he saw the look of surprise creep across her smugness. The cockiness was gone and in its place was fear. He saw it.

  “How do you…?”

  “Know about that? Huh, Eva? Is that what you wanna know?”

  “Yes…” she responded, softly. All the power behind her voice had left her body and confusion and panic engulfed her.

  Derrick walked past her and took a seat on the living room sofa, sat back into the padding and comfortably crossed his leg. “You’re kinda sloppy with your shit, Eva. But aside from that, your car has a GPS tracker on it. I know when you fucked, where you fucked, and for how long you fucked. So, now, tell me again who’s nasty? Tell me again how I might as well be fuckin’ with a stripper? When the pole is exactly where I found yo’ ass. Back when you claimed to be one of those college students who was paying her way through school by stripping? Remember that? Where’s the degree from Stanford, Eva? You’ve been nothing but a muthafuckin’ fraud from day one. It just took a nigga a minute to figure it all out.”

  “So are you in love with the bitch? Because not once have you taken me ring shopping. Not once has a ring even come up and I gave you years, Derrick! Years! Yes, I’ve been fucking around, but it’s only because I don’t get attention from you! That was the only reason! He’s nobody to me! I promise. I can leave him alone right now and never look back! He was just something to fill the time, Derrick. Baby! I promise!” she said, going over to the couch and kneeling before him. “He can be gone, baby! It’s only ever been you! I’m not worried about this girl. I’m really not. Just tell me that you’re not trying to marry her!”

  He wasn’t about to tell her anything because it wasn’t her business. He wasn’t about to tell her that Shay was helping him to pick out a ring for the woman he had fallen in love with and who he planned to spend the rest of his life with. He didn’t owe her that shit. He didn’t owe her anything. And in fact, giving her an apartment and sponsorship for a year was more than enough time for her to find a new come-up. The only reason he was even doing that much was because he had a close relationship with her mother. It was only because of that respect that he wouldn’t throw the woman’s daughter out on the street. In addition to that, she was there to help when he gained custody of Honey.

  “I’m not about to tell you anything, Eva. I don’t owe you that. Get off your knees. We don’t have anything else to talk about. Just plan for this week to be your last week here.” Derrick rose from the sofa and stepped around her. “You should be thanking me, Eva. Because if I was to put you out on your ass tonight, trust and believe that your friend Dom wouldn’t be extending an invitation for you to move in with him.”

  With that, he walked off from her.

  “You don’t know what he’d do!” she shot, behind his back; her anger resurfacing when she saw that she couldn’t get her way. “You don’t fuckin’ know what Dom would do for me, Derrick, but I can tell you it’s a lot more than what you do!”

  Derrick looked back at her over his shoulder. “Good, then you don’t need a whole week then!” he called out. “That’s good news!”

  Nah, I don’t need a week, Derrick. In fact, I don’t need a damn day because I ain’t going a muthafuckin’ place. If anybody’s leaving it’s you and your bitch.

  Eva smiled behind Derrick’s back and took a place on the sofa planning her next move.

  You fucked with the wrong one, Derrick.

  To Be Continued…

  Other books by Xuri Foxx include:

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  (Click book’s image to be routed to Amazon)

  Below enjoy a sample from Friends, Foes & Fam

  1 | Monique

  October 8, 2001

  I was over this preacher dude talking about we don’t know whether Stanley went to Heaven or Hell, and all his subliminal shots about living by the sword and dying by the sword. I was offended by that shit, and wondering how in the fuck a pastor that we didn’t even know was in charge of the eulogy.

  It was taking everything in me to not go and slap the fuck out that man. He was talking bullshit.

  “He in Heaven, muthafucka! I’m the one in Hell!” was what I wanted to say to his punk ass. Instead I just held onto my daughter with every ounce of strength I had left.

  Stanley’s mama had her arm wrapped around me and even though I knew it was there, I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t feel anything. I was numb. I didn’t know how I would go on. Waiting a whole week to bury him was like losing him all over again, only now I knew it was real. He was gone and I would never see him again.

  Hate was alive and well in my heart.

  The reality of everything was hitting me from every direction. My chest, my head, my heart…everywhere. What am I gonna do without you, Stan? What the fuck am I gonna do? You were my lifeline.

  With my daughter in my arms, I headed to Stanley’s casket to get a final view of the man I had loved since I was fourteen. Nissa was asleep on my shoulder and had managed to sleep throughout the entire funeral. I was happy about that because I didn’t actually want her to see him like this. No telling how long that would’ve lived with her as she grew.

  I leaned down to give my baby the last kiss that I would ever be able to give him. The hardness of his skin shook my whole core. It was hard, and it was cold. He’s gone. My flow of tears fell onto his face. I wished like hell that I was in a fantasy and my tears would somehow wake him up. That him feeling my lips and knowing I was there with him would make him open his eyes. “I love you, baby,” I whispered. “I love you…forever.”


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