General ‘Boy': The Life of Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Browning

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General ‘Boy': The Life of Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Browning Page 48

by Richard Mead

  Tilly, Lieutenant Colonel G. 145

  Tobruk 212

  ‘Tod’ (see Waddell, Maude)

  Tonn, Lieutenant Colonel M. 239

  ‘Torch’, Operation 82, 83

  Tower, Alastair (Boy’s son-in-law) 211, 231

  Tower, Rupert (Boy’s grandson) 220, 222

  ‘Transfigure’, Operation 109, 111, 154

  Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm 48

  Tree, Violet 48

  Tripoli 88, 205

  Tucker, Major General Reuben H. 130, 131, 249

  Twiss & Brownings (later Twiss, Browning & Hallowes) 3, 28, 29, 35, 43, 244

  Uden 137, 149

  Ultra 122

  United Appeal for the Blind 212

  United States-British Comrades Association 204

  Urquhart, Sir Brian 60, 77, 78, 90, 105, 146, 247

  on Boy’s personality and appearance 14, 68, 235, 249; serves in Boy’s HQs 67–8; concerns about complacency of senior officers 121; concerns about Panzer divisions 122–3, 156; sent on sick leave 122; rejoins HQ and leaves again 149–50; and A Bridge Too Far 229, 232

  Urquhart, Major General Roy 72, 136,137, 139, 150, 155, 161, 166, 168, 227, 237, 251

  appointed to 1 Airborne Division 96, 152–3, 247; wartime career 97; concerns about morale 111; and Sosabowski 112–13; on Boy’s ‘bridge too far’ opinion 115–16; on lifts to Arnhem 119–20; cut off from division 128; requests urgent relief 143–4, 146; meets Boy after withdrawal 146–7; meets Dempsey & Montgomery 148; on Boy’s support for withdrawal 143, 162; representation in A Bridge Too Far 229

  Valburg 140–1, 143, 160, 164

  Valkenswaard 127, 152

  Vandeleur, Brigadier J.O.E. 128, 130

  Vandervoort, Colonel Benjamin H. 131

  Vaughan Williams, Ralph 204

  Veghel 117, 137

  Vienna 195

  Vietnam 182

  Villers Guislain 22

  Von Tettau, General of Infantry Hans 130, 155, 249

  Vught 126

  Waal, River ix, 116, 117, 120, 130, 131–2, 137, 138, 139, 145, 149, 159, 161, 237, 238, 249

  Waddell, Maude (‘Tod’) 197

  governess to Daphne 47; letters from Daphne 49, 52, 54, 80, 111, 173, 179; feud with Boy 192, 202, 219, 220

  Waddy, Colonel J. 229, 247

  Walch, Brigadier A.G. 62, 73, 76, 96, 106, 126, 138

  as Brigade Major 128 Brigade 58–9, 60; as GSO1 1 Airborne Division 67–8, 69, 71; as GSO 1 HQ Airborne Forces 87; accompanies Boy to North Africa 90; in Sicily 92, 247; accompanies Boy to India 93–4; as BGS I Airborne Corps 97, 105; on Boy’s ‘bridge too far’ opinion 116, 154; rejects criticism of ‘Market Garden’ plan 121–2; performance during ‘Market Garden’ 133, 157; as Head of Airborne Operations, SEAC 172

  Wales, HRH Prince of (see Edward VIII, HM King)

  Wallace, Edgar 48

  Wallace, Pat 48

  Walton, Brigadier B.B. 164

  Ward, General Sir Dudley 35

  Ward, Joan 252

  War Trade Intelligence Department 28

  Watson, Staff Sergeant 68

  Wavell, Field Marshal Earl 169, 170, 204

  Wedemeyer, General Albert C. 172–3

  Weeks, Lieutenant General Lord 78, 95, 165, 238

  Weir, General Sir George 55

  Wellington, Field Marshal, 1st Duke of 57

  Wellington, Arthur, 4th Duke of 12

  Wellington College 3, 8

  Wells, Colonel (US Military Attaché) 71, 78

  Wemyss, General Sir Colville 189, 190, 194

  Wesel 111, 112

  West Downs School 7–8, 201, 210

  Westmacott, Brigadier Guy 22–3, 244

  Westward Television 222

  Wheeler, Lieutenant General Raymond A. 171, 181

  Whelp HMS 170

  Whitehouse, Private Frank 19–20

  Whitelands House 195, 203, 216, 219, 220

  Wigram, Lord (Clive, 1st Baron) 23, 244

  Wigram, Lord (Neville, 2nd Baron) 200, 244

  Wildman-Lushington, Major General G.E. 167, 171

  Wilhelmina Canal 117, 127

  Wilkinson, Ellen 85

  Williams, Evie 218, 219, 254

  Williams, General Sir Guy 61

  Williams, Major General Paul L. 118, 119, 154, 155, 161, 248

  Williams, Major W.T. 68

  Wilmot, Chester 212–13, 248, 253

  Windlesham Moor 200, 205

  Wingate, Major General O.C. 94, 169

  Wolseley, Field Marshal Viscount 12

  Wombwell, College Sergeant Major 12

  Wyler 127, 137, 149, 159

  Ygdrasil, motor boat (‘Yggy’) 44, 45, 50, 80, 99, 187, 191, 193, 201, 210

  Ygdrasil II, motor boat 210

  Ygdrasil III, motor boat 222

  Yokohama 4

  Ypres 11, 13, 14–15, 18, 20–1, 25, 41

  Yvon, Fernande 48

  ‘Zipper’, Operation 177, 178, 179, 181

  Zuid Willemsvaart Canal 117, 137

  Zutphen 122, 156, 157

  Zwolle 122




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