Mermaid Tails

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Mermaid Tails Page 7

by Sasha L. Miller

"No, I'm not shopping for me," Giato said. He hesitated, glancing toward the barrettes. It was a bad idea, but he was going to do it anyway. "I'd like to purchase those." He gestured.

  "Lovely choice. Were you after the set, or specifically the hair pieces?" The clerk walked over to the window, carefully picking up the barrettes.

  "The hair pieces," Giato said, despite the urge to buy the whole set. He couldn't justify that—not that he could really justify buying the barrettes.

  The clerk brought the barrettes to her counter, fetching a small rectangular box from beneath the counter. She laid the barrettes in it carefully, wrapping them in silk. She tied the box shut with a ribbon, then quoted a price to him.

  Far more than he should be spending, but Giato didn't care about gold the way his grandfather had. He laid several coins on the counter and took the box. The clerk smiled again, tucking the coins away, and she was jotting the purchase down as he left the shop.

  Outside, Giato paused to tuck the box into his jacket. He surveyed the street, wondering where to go next—and paused when he caught sight of a familiar face. The man was human, tall, with a pinched look to his face, and he disappeared into the crowd before Giato could place him. He was familiar, and a trickle of unease snaked down Giato's spine.

  He stared at the spot where the man had stood, across the street near a food vendor's cart. Maybe Giato was conflating him with someone else. That had to be it. Giato had never visited Hirane before, and most of the vendors he worked with didn't come this way. Some did...but Giato would've been able to place the man if he'd been a vendor.

  He'd just keep an eye out and see if he saw the man again. Perhaps that would jog his memory. Giato started down the street again, watching the crowds and keeping a half-hearted eye out for anything else he might want to buy.

  He ended up with a few books, a gift for Chara, and several hair ribbons for Mihail before he finally decided it was time to return to the university.

  He thought he caught sight of the familiar man again, but the glimpse was so fleeting that Giato half thought he was imagining it. Or he was looking for him everywhere, and so his mind had decided he would see him. Shaking the thought off, Giato stepped into the university and began making his way back to the room he and Mihail were sharing.

  Mihail was awake when Giato let himself in, and he smiled in greeting but didn't move from where he was sitting on his bunk. He still looked tired, as though he'd only just woken, and Giato wished he could convince Mihail that simply breaking the spell was the better option. He knew it likely wasn't, but it would be the faster option, and Giato would rather see Mihail happy and whole instead of so tired and worn out all the time.

  "Did you sleep well?" Giato asked, shutting the door behind him. He set down the bag he'd obtained from the book merchant. He'd added his other purchases to it.

  Mihail nodded, making a gesture that Giato interpreted as asking about his trip.

  "The market was nice. I got this," Giato said, pulling out the hair ribbons. He'd save the barrettes for later, even if they were burning a hole in his pocket. "I thought you could use them."

  Mihail tilted his head, taking the small, paper-wrapped package. He frowned slightly as he opened it and paused to stare at the ribbons inside for long enough that Giato started to feel nervous. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten them. Maybe he should've kept them for later too, so he wouldn't have to wait for Mihail's reaction. What if Mihail hated them? Giato couldn't actually remember Mihail ever binding his hair; he only ever twisted it and never secured it. It always fell free if he moved too much.

  "For your hair, if you want to use them," Giato said, awkwardly. That was probably obvious. "They're a gift. You don't have to use them..." Giato trailed off before he could stick his foot further into his mouth.

  Mihail smiled, setting the package on his bunk and standing. Before Giato could say anything else, Mihail was in front of him, then pressing a soft kiss to Giato's cheek. He mouthed thank you as he stepped back, and Giato grinned. Not a terrible idea, then, and his cheeks went warm as he reached up and touched his cheek where Mihail had kissed him.

  "Ready for dinner?" Giato asked, and Mihail nodded. He swept his hair back over his shoulder and went to fetch his shoes.


  Three days later, Giato was cruising the edges of the shopping district when he saw the man again. He was across the street, a scarf around the bottom part of his face, which was what made Giato notice him. It wasn't quite cold enough to warrant a scarf any longer, and the man was staring at him with a sharp, cold look on his face. He didn't look away when Giato locked eyes with him, staring as though Giato were the cause of all his problems.

  The look snapped him into place for Giato and he nearly swore, because he should've placed the man sooner. He wasn't one of the men who'd visited Giato looking for mermaid tail, but he had to be related to one of them because they looked very similar. This man had much longer hair, however, and a meaner, colder look to him.

  Giato didn't stop to think, heading across the street toward the man. A sneer curved the man's lips, and he turned away, stalking down the street into the busier parts of the market. Giato hurried after him, not sure what he'd do if he caught up to the man, but he couldn't let him disappear. The man—the Delacroix—had been following him, which meant he had to know Giato had something to do with Mihail and his compatriots' end.

  "Excuse me, sorry," Giato muttered as he shoved by a clerk carrying a stack of books. Delacroix disappeared around the corner ahead, and Giato scowled as he tried catch up. There were too many people out, however, and by the time Giato got to the end of the street, Delacroix was out of sight.

  Giato didn't let that stop him, hurrying down the street and glancing in every shop he passed. There was no sign of Delacroix, however, and Giato scowled as he reached the street where the market faded into more residential buildings. He could've gone anywhere, and there was no telling when he'd next show up.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Giato headed back the way he'd come, all traces of his good mood gone. Should he go to the guard? Giato debated for a moment before dismissing the notion. He had no idea how the guard in Hirane treated non-humans, and he wasn't in a rush to find out. Especially given all he had was a vague description of someone he assumed was named Delacroix.

  Maybe he could mention it to Renato and Hanne? But that likely wouldn't be worth anything either. They were magic users, not law enforcement. There was little they could do, except maybe break Mihail's curse more quickly and get him home. Which...wasn't the worst idea, but he doubted they'd take the potential threat seriously when all Giato had was his word that he'd seen someone who'd looked like the men who had cursed Mihail.

  Giato huffed in annoyance. Likely all that would come of Giato telling Renato and Hanne would be Mihail finding out and worrying more. Best to keep his mouth shut until he was able to get hold of Delacroix properly. If Delacroix was following Giato, he had a reason, and he'd probably show up again, especially since it didn't seem as though he was trying to hide.

  Though he was tempted to go back to the University immediately, Giato headed back into the market. If he were still lurking about, Giato didn't want to give Delacroix the opportunity to follow him back to the University. Best to backtrack and spend some more time in the market. Perhaps Delacroix would show up again and Giato would have another chance to corner him. In any case, wandering around would keep him from worrying, which was all he'd spend the afternoon doing if he went back to the University.


  Three days later, Giato still hadn't resolved what to do about Delacroix. He'd continued to explore the city and keep an eye out for him, but so far Delacroix had been conspicuously absent. Giato supposed he should be happy about that, but he doubted Delacroix was just going to disappear after following him and letting himself be spotted.

  Stifling a yawn, Giato climbed out of his bunk as the first bell rang. They'd have time for breakfast before Mihail headed out to
do his next round of tests, and Giato would spend the day in the city, like usual. Mihail dragged his blanket up over his head, making Giato laugh.

  "Time for breakfast, come on," Giato said. He didn't wait for Mihail's response, ducking out of the room to head to the shared washroom for their floor.

  It didn't take him long to clean up and return to their room. Mihail was awake and sitting up, a frown on his face as he studied a piece of paper. He held it out toward Giato as soon as Giato entered, and Giato took it, hoping it was something simple and not something to do with Delacroix.

  Maybe he should tell Mihail, given the way he was jumping at every excuse to be worried about Delacroix.

  Testing is cancelled for the next three days due to an emergency Mr. Durante had to attend. Please report at your usual time in four days to resume.

  From the desk of Mirko Vitale

  "Oh," Giato said. "Huh. I wonder what kind of emergency."

  Mihail shrugged, then gestured to himself briefly.

  "A more pressing curse?" Giato guessed, and Mihail nodded. "That would make sense. Did you want to go eat or sleep more, since we have nowhere to be?"

  Mihail opened his mouth and pointed to it, standing at the same time. Food, then. Maybe after they could go to the library again, since Mihail hadn't been able to enjoy it much since the spell casting had begun. Mihail disappeared down the hall to the washroom and Giato finished getting ready for the day, leaving aside his dirty laundry for the University staff to take.

  The spellstone and curse breaking experiments must have been under someone important's supervision, given the lengths that the test subjects—Mihail, mostly, but also Giato—were treated. It would have cost a small fortune for Mihail to cover the costs of room, food, and all the amenities the University was providing him for free.

  Mihail returned, twisting his hair into a complex braid. He held one of the ribbons Giato had given him in between his teeth, and another was threaded into the braid itself, a feat Giato had no idea how Mihail had accomplished. He tied off the braid with the ribbon in his teeth.

  "Ready?" Giato asked, earning a brief smile and a nod. Mihail crossed the room to fetch the small pad and paper he'd taken to carrying with him most everywhere.

  The mess hall was busy, as usual, but it didn't take them long to fill their plates and find a spot on the edge of the hall to eat. Mihail sat next to Giato, as had become his custom, rather than across from him. He ate a few bites of his sausage before writing something on the paper.

  Will you show me the town?

  "You don't want to visit the library again?" Giato asked, stuffing a pastry in his mouth before he could say anything else. Why hadn't he thought of a good reason to not go out? He glanced across the hall, where a set of windows overlooked one of the University's many courtyards. The sun was shining brightly, so the weather wasn't a good excuse.

  Mihail shook his head and wrote, want to walk somewhere, move after being cooped up.

  Giato nodded, even as unease made his stomach flip. Mihail seemed to be excited about the prospect, and Giato didn't want to disappoint him. Was it safe enough, though? It had been three days since Giato had seen Delacroix, and if they kept to the busier parts of the market, well, what could Delacroix do? Magic would be immediately caught out, and Giato would be there to protect Mihail. If anything seemed off, or if he caught sight of Delacroix again, they could go straight to a guard.

  "You have to promise to let me know if you feel too tired at any point," Giato said, swallowing a bit of his breakfast that sank like a rock in his stomach. "Just because they're not doing any testing today, doesn't mean you're not still worn out from the last few days."

  Mihail nodded, giving Giato a soft smile.

  Giato managed to eat half his usual breakfast, but Mihail didn't seem to notice. He ate quickly, clearing his plate without hesitation. Giato brought their dishes to the cleaning station and left them for the University's workers.

  "Need anything from the room?" Giato asked. He wanted to dawdle and drag his feet, but that would only put Mihail on edge. Better to focus on the good part of the day: showing Mihail all the neat places he'd found around town.

  Mihail shook his head, gesturing for Giato to lead the way. Not for the first time, Giato wondered what Mihail's voice would sound like.

  The fountain sets near the center of the market would be a good place to visit. Not first, though. They could rest there after Giato showed Mihail some of the more interesting shops in the market. Mihail would likely be tired at that point, even if he might not admit it.

  The walk to the market was quick. Giato kept a watchful eye out but saw no sign of Delacroix. He was able to relax enough by the time they reached the market district itself to enjoy walking with Mihail, the way Mihail stayed close enough that their hands occasionally brushed as they walked. Mihail's braid swung free, the color even more vibrant in the sunlight, and Giato was glad it was braided because otherwise he might have given into the urge to touch it.

  Mihail attracted a few curious looks here and there, but for the most part, people ignored them. There were enough non-humans in Hirane that they didn't especially stand out. Giato steered them first to the shop where he'd bought the ribbons for Mihail's hair. He ended up picking out several more ribbons for Mihail, despite Mihail's silent protestations, but he couldn't resist when he saw the wistful look on Mihail's face as he stared at the display.

  He'd buy all the ribbons in the world to remove that look from Mihail's face.

  Giato was in over his head, he knew it, but was there really anything he could do about it?

  He managed to refrain from buying anything for Mihail in the next few shops they visited, though it was a near thing at the trinket shop that sold figurines carved from a glass-like crystal.

  "Want anything to eat?" Giato asked as he started steering them toward the courtyard where the fountains were. Mihail seemed to be slowing down, so it was definitely time for a rest break.

  Mihail shook his head, glancing around the street curiously. Giato followed his gaze, half looking for Delacroix, but as before, there was no sign of him.

  "Come on, then, I have somewhere else I want you to see," Giato said. Mihail shot him a curious look, obediently following along as Giato headed toward the courtyard.

  Giato paused as they reached the entrance to the courtyard to take in Mihail's expression. Mihail didn't stop, though, making Giato laugh as he walked straight up to the nearest fountain. He tilted his head at it, taking in the twists and turns of the stone that emulated waves.

  "There's dozens of them," Giato said. "I thought we could sit for a while and watch them."

  Mihail rolled his eyes, mouthing, I'm fine. He wandered over to the next fountain, and Giato trailed behind, grinning. Most of the fountains had a nature theme, and Mihail paused at each one, taking each of them in with a soft joy in his face that Giato couldn't look away from. Perhaps this hadn't been a bad idea after all.

  They could go find some food after Mihail was finished enjoying the fountains, and then make their way back to the University. Even if Mihail protested he was fine, they could still spend the afternoon in the library. A quiet afternoon together sounded good to Giato.

  As if summoned by and determined to undermine that thought, Delacroix suddenly appeared from behind a tree that split the path they were walking. Mihail came to a stop, startled, and then immediately backed up several paces until he ran into Giato.

  "Stay back," Giato warned, wrapping an arm around Mihail and drawing him closer. He didn't know what Delacroix had in mind, but he doubted it was anything good.

  "No," Delacroix said, taking another step closer. Something bright glinted in his right hand. "It's your fault my brothers are dead, and I intend to even that score."

  Giato glanced at the bright glare, not the least bit surprised to see a small dagger in his hand. It glimmered in the sun, almost glittering. If Giato didn't know any better, he'd say it was bitter glass, but that was somet
hing Giato had never seen in person. It was almost a legend: super expensive and incredibly poisonous to most non-humans. Its wounds were supposed to never close, though that was likely an exaggeration.

  He certainly didn't want to find out, and he pulled Mihail back another step. "It's your brothers' fault, not mine."

  "They'd still be here if it weren't for the both of you," Delacroix said. "If I had more time, I'd fillet you both for parts. You're nothing better than animals, both of you, but I don't have time to deal with you properly." He sneered, lifting the blade so that it caught more of the sunlight streaming down on them.

  Giato turned, pulling Mihail to the side, intending to push him aside, but Mihail slipped free of his grasp, ducking down and wiggling out of Giato's arms. "Mihail."

  Mihail glanced at him briefly before straightening up. He took a step to the side, out of Giato's reach, and his jaw set with determination. Giato made a grab for Mihail, not sure what he was planning to do except keep Mihail out of Delacroix's reach, but Mihail dodged him. The look on his face was furious, and Delacroix actually took a step back.

  It wasn't enough distance, however, and Mihail threw himself at Delacroix. Giato's jaw dropped, but worry won out over shock, even as he heard the sound of a fist hitting flesh. Delacroix stumbled back, raising both hands—including the one holding the shimmering knife—to his face where his nose was now bleeding heavily. Mihail shook his hand out, wincing.

  "You dare," Delacroix snarled. Well, Giato was pretty sure he was trying to snarl, but the bleeding nose was inhibiting his ability to speak clearly. Mihail gestured at him rudely, which almost made Giato grin. If it weren't for the knife that Delacroix still held, this would be almost funny.

  "Step away from each other!"

  Giato jumped, startled at the sudden command issued from the walkway to his left. A pair of guards had appeared, which was commendable, given that Delacroix hadn't been threatening them for that long. Someone must have seen and gone immediately to fetch them.

  Delacroix spat something that vaguely sounded like, "This isn't over," and promptly turned on his heel and ran.


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