Whiskey Reveals

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Whiskey Reveals Page 17

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Too familiar.

  She had danced to it for hours with her friends, putting her sweat and her energy into fine-tuning it for their final program at Juilliard.

  And she knew she didn’t have the song on her phone currently because she’d never wanted to hear it again. She swallowed hard and looked down at the player, noticing that it was unplugged, but then again, that wasn’t where the music was coming from. The haunting melody that would forever tighten its grip around her heart and soul was coming from her latest gift.

  Someone was taunting her, and she was so damn scared.

  Before she could look around and wonder if someone were watching her to get a reaction, the front door opened, and she screamed.

  Fox dropped the bag of food and ran to her. “What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t cry, but she did pull away from him, her hands shaking and her palms sweaty. “The music. I didn’t choose that song. I didn’t buy that music box. I thought maybe at first it was from you, but it couldn’t be, could it? Because you don’t know that song.”

  Fox’s eyes widened before he glared at the music box. “How the hell did that get in here? Both doors were locked.”

  “But the alarm isn’t on because I was sitting inside. Loch is going to update everything, but it’s not done yet. Someone could have picked the lock or found a way inside to leave that there. I don’t know, but we need to call the police. Because that’s the song I danced with my friends to the night they died. That’s the song we choreographed our final piece to as a group. There’s no guessing what this could be connected to, not with that song.”

  Fox’s hands on her shoulders tightened for a bare instant before he let her go, his fingers trailing down her arms to grasp her hands. She let him hold her there, knowing she needed to be strong. Because while she valued her safety and the safety of her unborn child, she also valued Fox’s. What would’ve happened if he had been standing there when the person came in to bring the music box. Though more than likely, they had been watching the studio the whole time, waiting for her to be alone so they could drop it off. She would’ve noticed it when she first walked into the studio earlier that morning if it had been there overnight. At least she thought she would have. She didn’t know, though, and that was something she would have to tell the police. But despite it all, she truly didn’t want Fox to get hurt, and she was really afraid that’s what would happen.

  So after the police came and went, taking her statement once again and making her a spectacle of her new town, she put her hand on Fox’s chest and let out a slow breath.

  “What is it? I’m not going to let them hurt you. If that means I have to spend every single second by your side, I will.”

  She shook her head, knowing that wasn’t the answer. Because in the end, she wouldn’t let Fox be hurt. “That’s not going to work, and both of us know it. I don’t want you to get hurt, Fox. Maybe you need to give me some space. Because we both know that whoever’s stalking me is watching you, too. They haven’t hurt me yet, but what if they hurt you to get to me? I can’t have that on my soul, Fox. I can’t let you get hurt because of me. You mean more to me than I thought possible, and if we keep going like we are, you’re going to get hurt. Maybe not by me. But by my past. I don’t want that to happen, Fox. Please don’t let that happen.”

  Fox’s eyes widened before he took a step closer and ran his hand through her hair. “I’m going to let that pass because you’re scared. And I’m going to take away the fact that you care about me more than you thought possible. It’s something I’ll always treasure. But I’m not going away. If you need space because I’m being overbearing? That I can do. But I’m not leaving you. Whoever is stalking you will have to go through me. And I know you hate to hear that, but for one moment of your life, let someone else take care of you. You are so damn strong, but let me take care of you. Let me take care of our baby. I know you’re scared. Frankly, so am I. But we’ll get better locks, and my brother can work on security. The police and the town are on the lookout for anything out of the norm. And with so many tourists, you might think that would be hard, but this town is smart. I’m here to take care of you. So don’t push me away, Melody. I know you’re smart and you’re beautiful and you’re scared, but don’t push me away.”

  “Fox…” She didn’t know what she might have said because there were no more words left. Because even though she wanted her space and wanted to push him away, she knew it wouldn’t help anything. She had taken a chance on this man, and he wasn’t letting her down. But with every breath she took, she felt as if she were the one letting him down.

  “I can’t let you get hurt.”

  “I can’t let you get hurt either. So let’s work together. Being apart and letting ourselves be alone for whoever this lunatic is won’t help anyone. But if you need some space from me physically, where I’m not sleeping in your bed and holding you close, I can do that. I know we’re moving pretty fast. But don’t push me out of your life because of this person. Because in some aspects, it feels like that’s what they want.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, letting him hold her close after she’d spoken.

  She hated the fact that this was happening at all. Because she was weak, because she didn’t want to let Fox go even though she should, she let him drive her home after they had closed up the studio. Loch and his team were working hard on security before they opened tomorrow, but she was still worried that she was putting Fox and her students in danger because of her past choices.

  The house was quiet when she walked upstairs, Fox right behind her. He went into her room to get his notebook that he’d left behind before they made dinner, and she went to her grandmother’s room to say hello since the other woman hadn’t come downstairs when Melody and Fox called out. That wasn’t unusual, however, since her grandmother liked to take naps, and sometimes liked to read while drinking tea and got so engrossed in her story that she didn’t hear the outside world.

  Melody knocked softly on her grandmother’s door. When there was no answer, she peeked her head in to make sure everything was okay. And then Melody screamed.

  Chapter 20

  “I’m fine. I just got a little dizzy.”

  Fox held back a snarl at Ms. Pearl’s words since the other woman was currently laid out on her bed and looked anything but fine.

  And because, no matter how long he lived, he would never forget the sound of Melody’s scream.

  Melody sat on her grandmother’s bed after returning from the hospital, holding the other woman’s hand and frowning. “A dizzy spell? I found you lying on the floor, your hand reaching out towards your phone, completely passed out. That doesn’t seem like a dizzy spell. I can’t believe I left you alone for so long. You were on the floor for two hours.”

  “I’m okay, baby girl. I promise. I just didn’t eat enough today because I got involved in a good book and was so excited for your studio opening tomorrow. Don’t you start to think that this is your fault. I know how much I need to eat every day because of my glucose levels. I’m a big girl, and I know what I’m supposed to do, and I didn’t do it because I was stupid.”

  “Well, you’re not going to do this again. If we have to write out everything and make a color-coded calendar or have a nurse in the house to force-feed you, we are not letting you get lightheaded again. Because the last time I was lightheaded, I ended up pregnant.” She winked as she said the last thing, forcing a laugh from Fox and Ms. Pearl.

  “Yes, Melody. It’s true. It must’ve been one of those gentlemen callers I still have. Me at the age of, well, I’m not going to tell you that, but you can probably guess. Yes, me at this age, having a baby. It’s quite special. We can raise our children together.”

  Fox chuckled and went to sit in the chair behind Melody. That way, he could reach out and brush his hand along her thigh as Melody continued to talk to her grandmother. He didn’t miss the warm looks Ms. Pearl gave him, but he figured since he was slowly becoming part of her life as he
ingrained himself into Melody’s, she would just have to get used to him being around.

  “The doctor only let you come home and not stay overnight because your blood sugars were just a little off and everything else seemed fine. But that doesn’t mean that Fox and I aren’t going to watch you like hawks. I guess like foxes since that makes more sense with his name, but I digress. If you need anything, you call us. And we’re going to seriously think about having a way for you to alert us or the hospital if you get in this position again. Because I love you, Grandma. You’re my family, and I’m not going to let stupidity hurt us again. Do you understand?”

  Ms. Pearl patted Melody’s hand and nodded. “I do, my fierce protector. Now I’m going to sleep now that I’ve had all my food and beverages for the day. Tomorrow, after you get home from your classes, we can talk about exactly what needs to be done. Because I’m so glad you’re back in my life, my favorite granddaughter. And I promise to take better care of myself. Because I am really ready to hold this great-grandbaby of mine. So make sure you take care of yourself, as well. And that means not letting any of the Collins boys out of your sight as they protect you from whoever is trying to hurt you and my great-grandbaby. Do you understand?”

  Fox stood then and bent over the bed so he could kiss Ms. Pearl on the cheek. “I’ll make sure she’s safe. Because she’s mine. Just like she’s yours.”

  “You’re a good boy, Fox. And I’m glad my Melody has you.” When she patted his cheek, he couldn’t help but smile. She looked so frail, a little older than she had the day before, but there was still a strength inside her, the same one he saw inside Melody. Ms. Pearl would be fine, at least for a few more years. And for that, he was grateful.

  Melody didn’t say anything as the two proclaimed what they were to her, but she did say goodnight to her grandmother and then walked side by side with Fox back to her room.

  When the door was shut behind them, Fox held her close and kissed the top of her head. He hated seeing her like this, so scared and nervous. They hadn’t had a lot of time to talk about what had happened earlier at the studio, but he knew it was on her mind. However, he had a feeling it wasn’t what was at the forefront because of what happened with Ms. Pearl later. He was so damn lucky that she hadn’t pushed through with the idea of keeping him out of her life for his own safety. Because he wasn’t sure what he would do if he couldn’t be near her at a time like this. Hell, he wasn’t sure what he would do if he couldn’t be near her at any time.

  “I know you can’t drink, even though today is the kind of day that deserves one, so I’m just going to hug you for a while and hope that’s enough. If you want, I can use some of my newfound skills and cook something for you. I can’t promise it’ll be completely edible, but it will be the best I can do.”

  “I’m not really hungry. I’d like you to cook for me sometime, though. I don’t think you’re as bad as you say you are.”

  “You’ve never had my cooking. And I know you ate a big breakfast with me and nibbled on some things at the hospital while we waited to hear about your grandma, but that’s it in terms of food. Just like you said with your grandmother, we need to make sure you eat enough, too. Because you’re not just eating for yourself anymore, you know?”

  “I know. But we did have that big breakfast, and I snacked all day. So I’m taking care of myself even if it’s not that much fun right now.” She went on her tiptoes and kissed him on the jaw. So he lowered his head and took her lips. He loved the taste of her, craved it. And he knew that no matter how many years he had with her, he would never get enough of her taste.

  “You taste so damn good,” he whispered against her lips. He knew he should stop with everything that had happened between the two of them, but when she deepened the kiss, he was lost and at her mercy.

  “Make love to me, Fox? Make me feel good?”

  He nipped at her jaw then ran his hands through her hair. He knew she loved that, and when she nuzzled into his hands, he held back a sigh of appreciation. He didn’t speak, instead let his hands and mouth do the talking. He licked and sucked at her mouth, moving down so he could nibble at her neck. She always shivered in his arms at that, and he knew it wasn’t because she was ticklish. She craved his touch just as much as he craved hers.

  He loved her. That much he knew. One might think it was too fast, but not between the two of them. His family fell hard and fast, and he’d seen it work in mysterious ways. But even though he loved her, he was going to wait to say it. Because she had so much going on in her life, he didn’t want to add to the stress. But as he touched her and slowly stripped her out of her clothes, he had a feeling she already knew what he felt.

  Fox had thought about his life and the fact that he’d been trying to find his place in his town and with his family. He had tried so many things. Tried to be the steady one. But, in the end, it seemed Melody might’ve been the one he was looking for the entire time. He didn’t have to hide his love of writing and stories when it came to her. And though his family had never made him feel that way and had always honored and showed love for what he did, he had his own shortcomings when it came to self-esteem. Yet when it came to Melody, he didn’t feel anything like that. She was his just as much as he was hers. And even though he wasn’t going to say the words tonight, he planned to show her exactly how we felt.

  He nipped at her nipples after he took off her bra, and she slowly ran her hands through his hair, her head falling back. Her long, blond hair flowed down her back, and she looked so much like a goddess right then he couldn’t help but kneel at her feet. Then he pulled down her leggings and her underwear at the same time, placing a kiss on her mound before he helped her step out of her pants.

  Melody moaned, spreading her legs for him. He grinned and ran his thumb over her folds, using his other hand on her hip to keep her steady. Her pussy was already swollen, ready for his touch. And he knew she was sensitive there because she arched for him at just that barest graze of sensation. He slowly circled his thumb around her clit, teasing her. Then he twisted his wrist so he could use his two fingers to spear in and out of her as he paid attention to every breath and moan she made as he touched her. And when he lowered his head to her pussy and licked her swollen flesh, her knees went weak as she came. He grinned, using both hands to steady her as he stood up. Then he reached around and gripped her butt to pick her up in his arms. He loved that she was so small and compact even with all those curves. He could toss her on the bed pretty easily. But tonight, he wanted it to be sweet and all about her. Even though she reached for him, grazing her fingers along the long line of his erection beneath his pants, he pulled away so he could focus his attention on her and not himself.

  He quickly stripped out of his clothes, rolled the condom over his length so he would be ready, and went back to feasting on her breasts. He always felt like he went straight to her pussy or her ass and sometimes forgot how beautiful her breasts were. And he didn’t want her to forget either.

  So he licked and sucked and molded them until she was panting and rocking her drenched core against his thigh. He could feel the heat of her on his skin, and it was all he could do not to thrust into her right then and there.

  Then he rolled her over so he was on the bottom and she straddled him. “Put me in you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “Ride me, Melody.”

  Her eyes were dark and filled with need, and when she reached down to grip the base of his cock and slowly slid herself over the length of him, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and they both moaned. She rode him softly, rocking her hips as he slowly ran his hands over her body, cupping her breasts, squeezing her hips, sliding his thumb in and out of her mouth. She was the one in control, she was the one sending them both over the edge, and she was the one that he would love until the end of his days.

  Chapter 21

  Melody shouldn’t be nervous, but she totally was. She might have made it through a whole week of dance classes with only a few hiccups, but that was not
hing compared to this.

  Tonight was dinner with Fox’s family.

  Meaning she would probably be interrogated and introduced as Fox’s girlfriend.

  Fox’s pregnant girlfriend.

  Dear God.

  It wasn’t as if they didn’t already know she was pregnant. Hell, the entire town knew she was pregnant by this point because she was almost four months along and starting to get a tiny belly. She’d felt so guilty that she hadn’t told all of her dance students ahead of time, that she waived their first fees if they wanted to cancel because she was pregnant. Somehow, nobody canceled, and she hadn’t lost a single student yet. She might in the future, but for now, they were staying. Even though they knew she was pregnant.

  And that meant no more hiding from Fox’s parents, his brothers, or the women in their lives.

  Hence why she was just a little bit stressed out and really worried that she was about to mess everything up by saying something stupid.

  Fox, however, did not understand how she could be so stressed since she’d already met everyone. This was one area where he was a typical man and really needed to think before he spoke. But she didn’t yell at him, afraid that if she did, she would start crying because her emotions were all over the place. She really didn’t know if it was baby hormones or the stress of not figuring out who the stalker was that was making everything worse, but she was beyond tired of not knowing whether she was going to yell or cry any moment. And she wasn’t even really that pregnant yet.

  “It’s going to be fine. My parents already love you from that one meeting and every time you come into the bar. You’re giving the family tons of business, and they’re already working with you at your studio. Yes, we went about this whole relationship a little backwards, but they’re getting a grandbaby out of the deal, so I really don’t think they’re going to freak out about that. You don’t have to worry either.”


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