Fate of the Fae

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Fate of the Fae Page 1

by Jenee Robinson

  Fate of the Fae

  Jenee Robinson


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author

  Fate of the Fae Copyright 2018 Jenee Robinson. All Rights Reserved.

  Cover design by Bella Emy Graphics

  Editing by Madison Ryan

  Formatting by Cece Rose

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form with express written permission from the author. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales are completely coincidence.

  Chapter One

  This is not how I thought I’d die.

  The day started out just like any other, on a supply run for our faction and I found myself surrounded by zombie like creatures that we like to call the creepers.

  If I had been paying better attention and not checking out the books in this store then I would have noticed the stench getting stronger the closer they got to me. By the time I did notice, the creepers were trying to back me into a corner. Luckily for me they tend to be slow. Raising my lantern, the closest creeper to me is missing half its face, its skin drooping down to expose the bone underneath. I can see the black veins running through what was left of its skin and by the amount of blood on its mouth and hands you can tell I’m not the first person its run into today. As I look for a way out I spot some shelves along the way and hope that knocking them over would slow them down even more. I think of my friends and family back at the faction. I need to start making smarter choices.

  Ok, focus Liauna.

  I run around the corner only to realize I’m surrounded by creepers and all I have with me is my knife, my lantern is useless in a fight. Looking around I try to spot something useful to use against them but this store was pretty run down. I was lucky to find the supplies I needed to take back. Racking my brain, I look up to see three of the most glorious men I’ve ever seen in my short life.

  They were taller then I, which is an accomplishment in itself since I am 5’10”. The one in the middle has the most beautiful emerald green eyes I have ever seen. As my gaze falls to his full pouty lips, I’m a little jealous mine aren’t that full. I wonder if he’s a good kisser? I blush a little at the thought. His face has the unshaven look that I find oddly hot, wearing a leather jacket, his hair is cropped short on the side and kind of spiky on top giving him a bad boy look.

  Hello tall, dark and handsome. Is it getting hot in here? I mentally fan myself.

  Moving on to his left is a man just as gorgeous with piercing blue eyes and a giant jewel encrusted sword. His nose is curled up with a look of disgust on his beautifully sculpted face as if he smells something bad. I chuckled; of course he does there are rotting creepers everywhere. He’s a little taller than green eyes, clean shaven with his short brown hair slicked back, not a single strand out of place. Mr. Perfect, I bet he takes his sweet ass time to get ready. Wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, it looks odd on him. Wait, do his ears have points?

  Mr. Hottie on the right is the scruffiest looking of the three, wearing jeans and a flannel shirt with short hair that look wild and untamed. He’s the same height as Mr. Green Eyes but this man’s eyes are a stunning amber brown with a wild yet ornery look in them. The whole look definitely works for him.

  Really, Liauna you’re about to die drooling over three strangers? Shaking my head, I snap back to the gravity of my predicament. Securing the knife in my right hand, I look towards Mr. Half-face and notice a baseball bat at his feet. Considering my options, maybe if I take him out first I can get that bat at its feet. Right as I start towards Mr Half-face, the green eyed man rips its head clean off without a second thought. Crap, what have I gotten into?

  Heading for the next one, Blue Eyes impales it with his giant sword, swinging it down onto its skull.

  The third closest to us is taken out by Brown Eyes with his sharp claws. Wow, where’d those come from? Brown Eyes smiles at me and I can’t help but notice his teeth. My, how pointy they are. I smirk at that thought.

  Dispatching the next creeper with my knife puts me back to back with Green Eyes. It takes everything I have to concentrate on the task at hand and not the man behind me. Setting my lantern down I reach out for the bat, Green Eyes takes out a rotting creeper that is a little too close to my head, way too close. Swinging the bat, I catch the next one in the jaw or what’s left of the jaw, knocking it back enough to bring it down again hard on the top of its head, causing shards of the skull to impale the brain in the process. Still back to back, I notice Blue and Brown are fighting back to back as well, maybe there’s hope yet. As the fighting continues a question sits in my brain to ponder. Why are they helping me?

  Green Eyes and I take out the remaining creepers, with the assistance of Blue Eyes and his bad ass sword. Can I get one of those? It sure would come in handy.

  Brown Eyes was still taking them down right and left, with his claws. Interesting….but I have no time to dwell on that now as the store is now clear and I need to get back.

  Reaching my cart, after grabbing my lantern, which was a lucky find on the way in, I finish my haul throwing the a couple books in and check my list once again. Satisfied that I had collected everything on said list, I head out to my truck.

  Green Eyes looks me over, “Are you ok?”

  “She’s a bad-ass, you saw how she handled them with her knife and bat!” Brown Eyes replies, impressed.

  Blue Eyes stops me and asks “What are you?”

  “I’m a girl, never seen one before?” I reply sarcastically, starting to push the cart again.

  Green Eyes and Brown Eyes chuckled.

  “Evans don’t be a dick.” Green Eyes said. “Don’t mind him, he doesn’t have manners.”

  “Thanks for the support, gotta finish loading up and get home.” I say.

  Just then another creeper appears, I lift my knife and throw it, hitting my mark right in the left eye. The body drops to the floor, crashing into a few shelves and I hear the guys all say “Whoa.” When I turn to look at them they are holding their hands up in an I give motion. Whoa turns into wow as I ignore them. I smile to myself and go retrieve my knife as it can’t be left behind. Pulling my knife out of the creeper’s eye was gross, I wipe the goop off on the cleanest part of its clothes.

  “Easy boys, I know what I’m doing, I don’t train everyday just for the fun of it.”

  Heading for my truck, I had already loaded it with some of the water and food I collected earlier. I walk passed the guys who have dumbfounded looks on their faces. As I reach my reliable, rusty, older than me truck, I’m thankful it was my dad’s when he was a teen and that he took really good care of it. That was until the creepers started showing up, now it is worn but useful. The tailgate lowers with a groan and I start to load the supplies.

  I realize the men are still behind me and I turn to them. “Sorry guys, I can’t spare much of my haul, but you’re welcome to a few bottles of water and some cans of food. I really need to get back before dark.”

  “Where’s back?” Brown Eyes asks.

  “Nope, can’t tell ya. We help strangers when we can but I can’t show up with you three at home. The faction would kick me and my family out. We’ve helped people before, when that backfired we learned our lesson.” I reply.

  Throwing in the last little b
it of water, rations and a few must have items, including a few books, I’m done loading my truck. Call me crazy, but yes I risked my life for a book. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane in this kill or get eaten world.

  “Stupid human” Evans whispers.

  “Dude” Green and Brown eyes say.

  “Well it’s true, like you or Anton couldn’t smell them out.” Evans states.

  “Ok, someone’s off their crazy meds,” I state as I climb into the driver’s seat, “I’m out of here, thanks again for the help.” With that I promptly lock the doors and drive off.

  I decide it’s safer to take the long way home in case they decide to follow me. It wasted more of our precious fuel and time then I’d like but in this world now you can’t be too careful. Lucky for me this little town was closer than most to home so I know more than one way to get there. Twisty roads lie ahead, let’s hope I don’t get car sick.

  On the drive home all I can think about are those guys. Who are they? How’d I get so lucky they showed up when they did? Will I ever see them again? I replay the fight in my head and the feeling of green eyes so close to me.

  Focus I tell myself, I need to get home, unload, eat dinner and then maybe a little me time with the new book. A bath is a must first as I have creeper blood and guts all over me. Looking at myself in the rearview mirror, boy am I a hot mess. Creeper blood smeared on my forehead and cheek, as well as in my hair. I sure am a sight to see. My poor baby is in need of a bath, inside and out as well. Mental note, wash this truck or Dad will skin me alive.

  Finally, I see the familiar wooden fences that outline our faction. Seeming like I was gone forever as I arrived home to see my family waiting impatiently at the large metal gates. Dad motions for them to open up and I hear it rattle as they slowly open. I pull through and drive to the third house on the right as it’s the supply house or main house for our little faction. It’s a simple two story with white wooden siding, a small porch with a blue door. It also happens to be the smallest house in the faction. Perfect for our needs, mainly storage and distribution while also housing our infirmary, which my mother helps run and supply. We have a total of ten houses in our faction with six families and a few singles residing, leaving two empty. We were lucky, when the creepers started showing up, we were able to get the metal gates and wooden fence panels in place fast. It is one of the huge advantages of living on a dead end street.

  I hop out of the truck to help unload, my mother takes one look at me and shakes her head.

  “Off to the showers for you, you are rank.” she laughs, a huge smile on her face. It’s almost like looking in a mirror. All but this dang dimple in my chin.

  “Aww mom, come hug me! You know you missed me.” I say as I stalk towards her with my arms out wide.

  “No way, Jose. I stayed here to be blood and gut free. Shower now, double time!” she says taking a few steps back.

  “Yes, Mother.” I reply, knowing it will bug her that I called her mother. Even being almost twenty I take orders from her with a smile.

  “Amelia dear, Liauna found some medical supplies can you please take to the infirmary?” My dad calls out.

  “Yes, honey! Just making sure our blood and gut covered girl heads to the showers.” She replied. “Off you go, shower, then we will talk over dinner.”

  I head off to our house, hoping that I don’t scare any of the little kids with my appearance. Stupid reflecting windows, realizing those three beautiful guys saw me like this. I am a complete mess, but I survived and live to tell the tale.

  I start blushing then curse to myself, “Why the freak am I blushing now, they aren’t even here. Wait till Rae hears this.”

  Walking quickly, I pass three houses, all looking the same. They were all built right before my birth, all of them are the same style as my house. Our house has the biggest porch as it wraps around our house. The houses are all two stories high, some with balconies, with all wooden sidings. Each house is painted differently and most are well kept. I make it to our house, hating the walk to the end of the block sometimes. I look up at the house and I’m reminded of how I should be grateful we have this home. I’m in love with this wrap-around porch. Note to self; get some supplies to redo this porch and my balcony soon. My parents and I loved to hang out and visit with family and friends on it, my how times have changed since the creepers appeared.

  My favorite spot now is my balcony with beautiful white railing on all three sides. I can look up at the stars and dream or just read a book and relax.

  Reaching the front door, I’m glad I convinced mom to let me paint it teal, I barely have it open a hair when out bounds my dog, Max. He is always so excited to see me. I laugh as he knocks me on my butt. Max is a great guard dog, he is a border collie with black and white fur. I doubt Max has met a person he doesn’t like. I finally shake him off after few minutes of hugging and petting.

  My thundering steps ring throughout the empty house as I climb the stairs. I start the shower and steam rolls over the top of the curtain. I am so grateful for the hot water we still have. Our hot water heater runs on propane, which by the way I need to look for more on the next run because the levels are getting dangerously low.

  I shed my clothes to the bathroom floor and hop in, letting the hot water wash over my skin and ease my achy muscles. Steam blankets my body and I enjoy it for a few minutes, knowing I can’t linger too long. After scrubbing off today’s adventure, I will need to clean my shower tomorrow.

  My mind keeps running over the appearance of the strangers, Green Eyes and his pouty lips, Blue Eyes with his sneer and Brown eyes with his claws and ornery eyes. Smiling to myself I know I have to stop thinking about them. What are my chances of ever seeing them again?

  Looking down I realize my skin is red from all the scrubbing and I’m as clean as I’m going to get. I reluctantly turn off the shower and get out. Picking up my clothes, I stuff them into a bag to wash tomorrow. My book falls out. How did I almost forget about it? I know what I’m gonna be doing later.

  “Liauna, are you out of the shower?” I hear my dad’s voice float up the stairs.

  “Yes, Daddy, dressing as we speak.” I holler back.

  Putting on my dad’s favorite AC/DC t-shirt and faded blue jeans, I pull my long auburn hair up into a ponytail to braid later. I start to head down the stairs and stop suddenly. Staring up at me from the bottom of the stairs are the three men from earlier.

  Chapter Two

  What….how…” I stammered. “How did you follow me?” I slam my feet down the rest of the stairs.

  I am beyond pissed. How did they get here? Why are they in my house? Crap, am I in trouble?

  “We didn’t get a proper introduction earlier” Green Eyes says. “I’m Anton, the one with the sword is Evans and the scruffy looking one is Callum. We wanted to make sure you made it home safely so we followed you on our bikes.”

  “Daddy, I swear I took the long way and I never saw them following.” I tell him.

  “Liauna, calm down. It’s going to be ok. They talked with the council when they arrived, told them of your adventure and how you let them know that you couldn’t tell them where you were going.”

  I’m mad now! Why would the council just be ok with them? They have strict outsider rules but yet here they are, unbelievable.

  “How dare you follow me! Are you trying to put us in danger? I told you not to follow me, they don’t take to new people well here.” I poke my finger into Anton’s chest, waiting for an answer.

  Evans replies, “Well I didn’t want to come at all but Anton and Callum insisted. I have more important matters that I need to take care of.”

  I turn and look at Evans, “You sure are a load of sunshine aren’t you? Life of the party, am I right boys?”

  I hear little chuckles from Anton and Callum behind me.

  “That’s enough young lady, you will treat our guests with the same respect you do everyone else.” My father scolds me.

  “Dad, they
aren’t supposed to be here. I don’t want to get grounded from runs because they didn’t listen! You know I’m the most capable runner we have.” I tell him.

  “That’s up to your mother and the council now.” That’s all he said on the matter. “Please take these young men upstairs and show them to the guest rooms and the bathroom so they may freshen up before dinner. Then go help your mother in the kitchen.”

  “Yes, daddy.” I turn and walk up the stairs, “Follow me.”

  I hit the second floor landing with Anton and Callum on my heels, Evans on the other hand was taking his sweet ass time.

  “First door on the left is the bathroom. This door on the right is the guest room with bunk beds and the next door down, also on the right, is another guest room. I’ll leave it to you three to decide who sleeps where.” I turn to go back down the stairs and Anton grabs my hand to thank me.

  “Don’t thank me.” I say stiffly. “If it were up to me you wouldn’t be here, let alone staying in my house. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to help my mother.” I turn around and have to stop myself from running down the stairs.

  As I enter the kitchen, my mother already has dinner going.

  “Something simple, fast and easy tonight my dear.” She says. It looks like spaghetti and meatballs is what’s on the menu since she’s already in the middle making of the meatballs. I get the pot out and fill it with water. “What do you think of our guests, Liauna?”

  “Other than drool worthy?” I laugh. “They are amazing fighters and could help with the creepers. Maybe help on runs too, if they stay. You should have seen them in action mom. Evans with his sword, Anton ripped a head off with his hands and I’m not 100% what Callum did, but he had pointy teeth and claws.”


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