Fate of the Fae

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Fate of the Fae Page 3

by Jenee Robinson

  “Thank you, I don’t have any living family left. Or at least that I know of. Their loss was hard, but my road led me to you, so that’s a plus.” He says flashing me a cheesy grin.

  It’s good to see him smiling even though the pain was still written on his face, breaking my heart in two.

  The rest of the checks go smoothly and we arrive back at my house. The living room is a buzz with voices as Anton and I walk through the door. Dead silence, you could hear a cricket chirp. Everyone is looking at us, waiting on a report. I let them know all is well, no creepers bites or scratches were found. You can see the relief wash over their faces.

  Everyone bids each other good night and heads their separate ways. After the day I’ve had, I am more than ready for bed. Kicking off my shoes I pull back the covers and slide into bed, not bothering to change into my pajamas. Sleep hits me as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Chapter Four

  My internal clock wakes me at 6 a.m. Ugh, I can’t even sleep in with an apocalypse going on. It’s already warm today so I dress in a pink tank with jean shorts and pull my long hair up into a messy bun. I make my bed, smoothing out my teal comforter and tidy up my room a bit before heading down stairs with my laundry.

  I start thinking back to when this all started; it was my senior year of high school, almost two years ago. I arrived home to find mom and dad glued to the TV, which I thought was odd since they rarely watched it. I took a seat between them wanting to know what had their undivided attention. The lady on the screen was talking about a mysterious infection that luckily was not too close to our home, yet.

  “What’s going on mom?” I ask.

  “We don’t know much more than you do. Based off what the reporters are saying, this doesn’t look good. There seems to be no known cure.” Mom tells me.

  “I have a date with Kyle tonight, you guys ok with us going out still?” I ask looking at dad.

  “Of course, have fun. This infection isn’t anywhere near us.” He reassures me.

  I ran up the stairs to get ready, Kyle had told me to dress comfy. I showered, threw on a sundress and braided my hair. After putting on some mascara and lip gloss, I was ready. I went down the stairs at the same time that Kyle knocked on the door.

  My dad opened the door and Kyle was standing there in a muscle hugging tee, jeans and cheeky grin. Boy was I a lucky girl I thought to myself. That smile of his used to make my heart melt.

  “Don’t you have our girl out too late tonight.” Dad chuckled.

  I jogged down the stairs and hugged my dad, “We will be home on time.” I promise.

  I took Kyle’s free hand, since his other hand was full with a picnic basket and blanket. We headed to a little clearing right behind our neighborhood.

  I took the flannel blanket from Kyle’s hand and waved it in the breeze to help spread it out. We then sat down and he unloaded the picnic basket, laughing because he brought us burgers, fries and a shake from the place downtown.

  “So romantic of you.” I giggled. “I’m so lucky you cooked for me.”

  “Nothing but the best for my girl.” He said and kissed my forehead.

  We ate, talked, and made plans for the upcoming weekend. After I packed up our trash, we relaxed by laying down and staring up at the sky, spotting some clouds as the sky started to darken. It was a beautiful night. I remember getting sleepy after eating so I snuggled up to Kyle. I loved his musky scent so breathed him in. My eyes were almost closed when a strange sound coming from behind us. When I sat up I was aware we were not the only ones in the clearing anymore. I squinted my eyes as I looked into the darkness where I heard the sound coming from. Then I spotted it, unsure of what I was looking at. It lumbered towards us and the closer it came the more I could see it wasn’t a normal person. I could see its skull, half of the face was gone and dark black veins were running through the skin. White bone made an obvious sign of where the skin was missing. It’s clothes were torn and ragged, wearing one shoe, it stumbled a bit as it approached us.

  “Kyle we need to run.” I told him as I grabbed for the basket.

  He grabbed the blanket and we made a dash for my house since it was the closest to our location.

  After running for what seemed like forever, we made it to my house. I sprinted into the kitchen as my mom and dad rushed in when they heard the front door slam. I grabbed the biggest knife I could find.

  “Liauna, what’s going on?” Mom demanded.

  Still somewhat out of breath, Kyle responded “We aren’t sure Mrs. and Mr. Hope. We were having a picnic in the clearing and this thing came out of nowhere. It was rotting, bleeding, and had blackish looking blood veins. It walked toward us so we ran here as fast we could. I have to get home and warn my family.” Kyle finished and kissed me on the cheek before he disappeared out the front door.

  Mom and Dad stood there in shock.

  “Go warn the neighbors, tell them to lock their doors and stay inside.” I told them as I handed them each a knife which got them both moving.

  I told them I’d stay with Max, while they went out and warned the others.

  Still unsure of what was happening, I wrapped my arms around Max’s neck and hugged him to calm my nerves. I needed some courage to face what I hoped would never come.

  After what seemed like an eternity, but was only 10 minutes, my parents came back and told me everyone was on lock down. Just then, Max started barking like crazy at the back door and I knew it had arrived in our backyard. I tried to quiet him down, telling him it was going to be alright which got him to stop barking.

  “What is that?” Mom asked as we glanced out the back window, being careful not to draw attention.

  “It’s a person, I think.” I uttered under my breath.

  “It has to be what they were saying on the news, but I’ve never seen an infection do that.” Dad contemplated aloud.

  We watch as it stalked around the house, stumbling on dog toys and hoses as it made its way into the front yard. We inched our way through the house to make sure we could keep an eye on it. As we got to the front I saw the reflectors from Mrs. Johnson’s twins bikes and they were headed our way.

  “I told her to keep those girls inside.” Dad said.

  I rushed outside waving my arms, hoping to grab the thing’s attention. As it changed its direction, I yelled at the twins to go home and stay inside. As soon as it got close enough I charged with knife in hand and stabbed it in the eye. I watched it fall to the ground while I emptied the contents of my stomach. That was the day I killed my first creeper.

  Shaking the memory away, I pluck up my laundry as I go to start my chores for the day.

  As I pass the guest rooms, I stop by the first door and knock. Evans promptly answers the door, shirtless of course. Geez hasn’t anyone ever heard of modesty? Admiring him for a second or two, he is just as beautiful as Anton and Callum. Not that I’m comparing, I just notice how they all seem to be well defined men. How does he look perfect already? He just got up. I smile at him and then Evans opens his mouth.

  “What do you want?” Evans grunts.

  “Good morning Sunshine!” I say cheerfully, even though I’m still shaking off the memory of my first kill. “I’m about to start the laundry do you need anything washed?”

  He turns around and walks to a pile of clothes. He bends over to pick them up and my gaze falls to his butt. Those jeans do look flattering on him, if I do say so myself. Stop staring at his butt, Liauna. I am not drooling over a jerk. I can admire him from afar but no staring. He turns around with a handful of clothes and piles them on top of my already full basket, shutting the door in my face. What a jerkface I think as I roll my eyes.

  Turning towards the next door I slide the laundry baskets with me and knock on the second guest room door.

  “Callum, Anton got any laundry you need washed?”

  Surprise, surprise they answer the door each with a big pile of clothes in their hands. Good thing I have two big hampers. Anton and Callum
set their piles in the second basket, overflowing it just like the first one. I struggle dragging them towards the stairs. I’m going to have to make two trips.

  “Liauna, wait.” Callum calls.

  I look up to see him pulling on a shirt and I catch a glimpse of his rock hard stomach peeking out of the bottom, tempting me to reach out and touch it. Get a grip, why am I so boy crazy? He takes both hampers and lifts them with ease. Holy crap. How is that even possible?

  Following Callum down the stairs, I can see his muscles move through his t-shirt. And damn if it’s not even more noticeable since he’s carrying the hampers. Callum stops and since I’m paying more attention to him than where I’m going I smack into him. We are at the bottom of the stairs. “After you.” He ushers me in front of him, with a chuckle.

  “Lucky for you guys we have a washer and dryer that work. They run on the solar panels that we use for the hot water and electricity. They sure are lifesavers.” I tell him.

  Heading through the kitchen to the laundry room, Callum set the hampers down and we sort the guys stuff to get a load started. I’ll wash mine later because I don’t want to get my underwear in with theirs. I’m self-conscious and awkward enough already.

  “Ok, what do we do now?”Callum asks.

  “I have a few chores to do, if you want to help?” I request.

  “Sure, I don’t mind pulling my weight around here.” He replies.

  “Ok first we’re going to wash my truck, it’s starting to reek after all these runs.” I tell him.

  “OK, awesome. I’m going to get the other two so they can help as well.” Callum calls as he heads up the stairs.

  Heading out to the drive, I hook the hose to the hydrant. I run back to the garage to grab the bucket with rags and soap that I set inside the day before my run. I knew Rusty Red was due for a bath. I turn around and head back to the hydrant and fill the bucket with soap and water.

  Backup has arrived. Giggling to myself I throw a soapy towel at Evans, hitting him in the face. Laughing at the scowl I see on his face I high tail it to the other side of my truck when it turns into a mischievous grin.

  Grabbing the hose, he chases me around the truck trying to spray me with water.

  I hide behind Anton and Callum. Until those traitors, pull me out in front of them. Soaking wet I run to grab the bucket and throw it all over the three of them.

  Laughing, I say, “You guys look good in bubbles, do I need to wash you as well?”

  Realizing what I just said, I feel my face turn beet red as the three of them just laugh.

  Anton brings me the hose after they rinse off and whispers in my ear, “You’re welcome to wash me anytime.”

  Gulping “Ok guys, that was fun but let’s wash Rusty Red, she needs a bath more than we do.” I say with a shaky voice.

  Taking the hose from Anton, I refill the bucket with soap and water. I hand each guy a rag and Evans starts washing the front, Anton starts on the left side, Callum takes the right side and I start in the bed of the truck.

  Concentrating on cleaning the truck is not as easy as I thought it would be with three sexy guys helping me. But I can’t complain since they decide to go shirtless. Sneaking a peek every now and then I smile and work harder. Rusty Red is clean in no time.

  Thanking them, I put the bucket, rags and soap up as Anton rolls up the hose. Evans and Anton return to the house to see if my parents or the faction need help. Callum goes sightseeing, curious about the faction.

  As I walk back in the house I hear the dryer alarm go off. I go upstairs and change into dry clothes then head back to the laundry room to change the loads over and start a clean pile on the couch. Pulling out shirts so they don’t wrinkle, I grab a pair of boxers. I wonder who these belong to? Just as I set them down, I look up and see Callum standing there with a huge smile on his face, I look away knowing mine is red again.

  “What else do you have planned for the day?” he asks with a sexy grin.

  “Well I told the Johnson twins that I would practice with them, you’re welcome to join.” I say a little unnerved from that smile.

  “Practice? What kind of practice?” He asks raising an eyebrow.

  “Knife throwing and combat. All the kids learn to protect and defend themselves here.” I reply. I finish folding the laundry and go to grab my backpack that I left by the back door. I head out with Callum following.

  Ever since the creepers first appeared, I started having training sessions once a week for anyone that wanted to learn. It was hard at first, we all had to learn the basics. Once those were figured out it got easier and we felt safer.

  It’s been a little over two years since the first creeper appeared. Hard to believe that just two years ago I was a carefree girl, in love with my boyfriend and now I’m teaching kids to kill the creepers.

  “Right on time girls” I say with my lips turning up into a smile. I love these girls and I’m glad that not only can I protect them but that I get to teach them how to protect themselves.

  The twins are like day and night. Presley has blonde hair with blue eyes and Baylor has brown hair with brown eyes. It makes telling them apart easy.

  “Presley, what did I tell you about your clothing when we’re training?” I chuckle.

  She’s dressed in a sparkly pink tutu and tiara. Baylor on the other hand came prepared in jeans and tee.

  “What? I love pink. Besides creepers don’t care what I wear.” She says. “Plus you’re wearing pink too.

  “Okay, you have me there.” I tell her. “Girls this is my friend Callum, he wants to see how we practice.”

  Callum gives them a little wave and a smile which causes the girls to attack him with hugs. He looks so adorable as mouths help me.

  Ignoring him, I unload my bag. I place my knives of all shapes and sizes, along with my slingshot and ammo on the table we have set up for training.

  Finally the girls let go of Callum. Baylor grabs the slingshot, her favorite. She takes aim at the dummy we have set up on the side of the yard and gets down to business.

  After an hour, the twins and I are sore and sweaty. Callum, on the other hand, looks like he could do this all day. When the girls start to whine I know it’s time for lunch.

  “That’s it for today, same time next week girls” I say snatching a knife from Presley. Callum and I clean up the mess from the targets and pack away all the gear.

  “What’s next?” Callum asks eagerly.

  “Lunch, are you hungry?” I ask walking towards the house. He nods his head in response so we head towards the kitchen.

  “Once lunch is done and I check on the laundry, I’m going to take a dip in the pool. You’re welcome to join if you have some trunks. No trunks, no pool.” I giggle.

  After a quick lunch of peanut butter and jelly with crackers, I rotate the laundry. Folding this newest batch of clean clothes I head up stairs to change in my room. I find my favorite two-piece, it’s a neon blue color that one has seen better days, but it works. I change into it and then stop by the empty bathroom and grab a towel.

  “Grab three more.” A voice behind me says.

  Turning around I’m face to face with Evans. Shit, I invited Callum not him. He’s always so rude to me, so much for relaxing in the pool.

  Picking up three more towels, as well as my sunscreen, we all head down to the backyard. The best part of having a house at the end of the block is we got the biggest yard and were able to put in a pool. It’s an oblong shape with a bright blue liner and crystal clear water. A few mismatched lawn chairs here and there sprinkle the faded tile we have around the pool. It’s nothing fancy but it sure is relaxing. The pool is one chore I do without much complaint.

  I set the towels down and squirt some sunscreen into my hands. I offer it to the guys and they just laugh. Whatever, it’s their skin not mine. I on the other hand will burn without it. After I get finished making sure I have sunscreen on all my exposed skin I look up to see Callum taking off his shirt. He sets it on the law
n chair next to him. Goodness, look at those muscles, he must work out a lot. He’s fairly tan with a couple of tattoos I didn’t notice earlier. I step closer to look at one on his left shoulder; it’s a wolf with its head tilted back howling at the moon. Next thing I know I’m tracing it with a finger.

  “You like that one?” he laughs, “you should see the rest.” He winks.

  Shit! I take a step back.

  “I’m sorry! It’s a beautiful tattoo. I’m usually not the touchy type, at least not without asking” I wink, trying to play it off.

  Anton laughs while Evans just sneers at me. Ugh. Does that man ever smile? I try not to stare as they take their shirts off and drop them next to Callum’s. Am I drooling? Hoping that I’m not, I look at my arm to see if the sunscreen has dried so I can get in the pool. Finally I can get in and step towards the pool stairs when I feel a strong pair of hands pick me up. Oh crap! Before I know what’s happening we are in the pool. I come up for air, sputtering, I smack whoevers behind me.

  “What was that for?” Anton asks.

  “For making me get in before I was ready.” I realize my hand is still on his muscled arm and I quickly let go. Looking at him the sun seems to be glistening off his milky white skin. My gaze reaches his eyes and I can feel myself getting lost in them. Get a grip Liauna!

  Callum and Evans choose that moment to jump in, splashing us as they do. It’s a welcome change to see them relaxed, swimming around and goofing off. Even Evans looks so normal when he’s usually so stiff and arrogant.

  Ignoring them, I find my donut floaty and hop in. I was so excited when I found this floaty on a run. It makes the apocalypse seem little easier and fun all in one. Floating around I put my sunglasses on, close my eyes and just float. Now this is what I call relaxing.

  Shattering my blissfulness I hear “Got room for one more?”

  Great. I sigh, opening my eyes to see Kyle standing on the edge with his trunks on and holding a towel. I guess there will be no relaxing for me. How did he know we were in the pool? We really need to get that privacy fence back up.


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