Brides of the Kindred

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Brides of the Kindred Page 1

by Evangeline Anderson

  Hunted--Book 2 Brides of the Kindred

  Title Page

  Book 2: Hunted

  Book 1: Claimed


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  About the Author

  Brides of the Kindred

  Book 2: Hunted

  Evangeline Anderson

  Dedicated to Barb for being a fabulous editor and wonderful friend.

  And to all the readers who wrote me asking for the next book.


  * * * * *


  Evangeline Anderson on Smashwords

  Brides of the Kindred

  Book 1: Claimed

  Copyright © 2011 by Evangeline Anderson

  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

  Author’s Note #1—Though I have tried to handle the subject sensitively, parts of this book may be disturbing to anyone who has experienced sexual abuse in the past.

  Author’s Note #2—Even if you have already read the excerpt of Hunted, please don’t skip chapter one. A few subtle changes were added to Sophie’s part which will help you understand her character better. Also, you don’t want to miss Sylvan’s part. ; )

  Author’s Note #3—You’ve probably already figured this out but this is the second book in the Brides of the Kindred series. I recommend that you read Claimed, the first book in the series, before attempting to dive into Hunted.

  Hugs and Happy Reading to you all!

  Evangeline Anderson


  “It isss time. The Kindred ceremony isss today and the protection grid around the entire planet will be relaxed.” The AllFather waved one skeletal hand, causing his shadowy sleeve to billow in the stagnant air of the Scourge Fathership. He was seated on a throne of metal inscribed with strange alien script in glowing green letters. It was a foul and ancient language, forgotten by all but a few who were high in the Order.

  “Not enough for our ships to get through. They’ve changed it—modified it to allow only their own ships to pass.” Xairn ran a hand over his sleek, black hair in agitation. Being the true son of the AllFather, he was able to read the words written on the throne. They spoke of pain. Pain, submission and the dominance of the strong over the weak. His life was based on such principles—he had learned them at his father’s knee. When the AllFather’s cruel black boot wasn’t digging into his neck, that was.

  There was a hiss of displeasure from the hooded figure. “Then you must do your work in space instead.”

  “As you wish. What would you have me do?” Xairn asked, staring at the massive viewscreen which had been erected behind the metal throne.

  On it was projected a misty blue planet with a single tiny moon. Earth. Such a small world—such an insignificant little speck in the arm of a far-flung galaxy on the edge of the universe. But it might hold the secret to the resurrection of their race. If the prophesy holds true. He kept that thought to himself. His father did not tolerate doubt.

  “What would I have you do? Capture the girl, of course. Ssshe is essential to our caussse.” The AllFather’s eyes glowed red within his cloak.

  “Yes, but how will I know which shuttle she’s on? It’s a large ceremony—there will be many coming and going between the Kindred ship.”

  “Asss to that, I will tell you which to ssseek. I have tasted her twin’s mind and her own mental flavor is sssimilar. Just be ready to act when I tell you.”

  “To hear is to obey,” Xairn said neutrally. It was best not to get his father upset when he was in a mood for conquest. The result was never pleasant and often bloody. “Shall I prepare a squadron to surround the shuttle?”

  “Prepare it but do not let it be ssseen until you have the shuttle sssecurely in our net. They must have no idea what isss happening until they are caught.”

  “Of course.” Xairn bowed before lifting his red-on-black eyes, much like his father’s, to the viewscreen again. “There will be no warning. Sophia Waterhouse will be ours.”

  Chapter One

  “You can’t be serious. It’s the bride and groom who are supposed to kiss—not the best man and maid of honor.” Sophia Waterhouse looked at her sister in horror but Olivia just smiled happily. Clearly she was too firmly cocooned in nearly-wedded bliss to worry about the severe emotional trauma she was about to inflict on her twin.

  “Don’t be silly, Sophie,” she said, adjusting her veil for the fourteenth time and peering anxiously at her reflection in the full-length holo-viewer. It had been specially set up in the dressing tent for the bride and her attendants and it was getting a lot of use. “It’s not a big deal—Sylvan doesn’t bite.”

  “Oh yes he does! He’s a Blood Kindred, or did you forget?” Sophie put a hand on her hip causing the long, form-fitting bridesmaid’s gown to make a soft swishing sound. She had to admit the deep emerald color looked great with her green eyes and the cut was very becoming to her hourglass figure. But no dress, no matter how gorgeous, was enough to distract her from the matter at hand. “I mean, he’s got fangs,” she pointed out, still glaring at her sister. “Honest to God fangs.”

  “Yes, but they won’t get sharp enough to pierce flesh until he finds a woman he wants to mate.” Jillian Holms, an old high school friend who had also been “drafted” or called as a bride to the Kindred Mother ship, smiled smugly and adjusted her neckline. Her bridesmaid’s gown was a deep violet which went well with her tan skin. Green and purple were holy colors to the Kindred—the colors of the sacred grove where Olivia and Baird, the Kindred warrior who had called her, were about to say their vows.

  Sophie shot the other woman a resentful look. Jillian had been no more than a passing acquaintance back when they all attended Hillsborough High. Now she was practically Olivia’s best friend—or at least that was how it felt to Sophie, who was used to being her sister’s closest confident. “How do you know so much about the Tranq Kindred?” she asked, trying to keep the irritation she felt out of her voice. “I thought you were called by two of the Twin Kindred?”

  “I was—and you’ll never meet a sweeter pair of guys than my two hubbies.�
� Jillian giggled. “Everyone thinks they’re these ferocious warriors when actually they’re just big teddy bears. Well, except in bed. They can be plenty ferocious there.”

  “How nice for you,” Sophie said dryly. “But I still don’t see how you can know about Blood Kindred when your husbands are Twins.”

  “Oh, that.” Jillian made a shooing gesture. “You get to know things up here. I mean, the mating habits of the different Kindred are practically all we brides ever talk about—isn’t that right, Livvy?” She nudged Olivia and let out another high-pitched giggle.

  Sophie frowned. There she goes again. Jillian’s “look at me, I’m such a perfect little Kindred wife” routine was getting pretty damned old. It was enough to make Sophie wish she’d never heard of the Kindred. Although if she hadn’t, she and the rest of the people on Earth would probably be dead or enslaved.

  The Kindred were a race of alien warriors, humanoid in form but much more massive in scale than the average human male. They had come to the rescue at the eleventh hour, when Earth was attacked by a menacing force from space called the Scourge. The Kindred Mother ship still orbited the planet, keeping the attackers at bay, but there was a hitch. In exchange for their continued protection, the Kindred had demanded a genetic trade.

  From previous trades the Kindred were divided into three separate races: the Beast Kindred who had animalistic lusts, the Twin Kindred who always shared a bride and could not be separated, and the Blood or Tranq Kindred who bit and drew blood when they had sex. Like freaking vampires. Sophie shuddered at the thought. She’d had a serious illness when she was a little girl that meant she was constantly at the doctor. As a result, she had always hated shots and needles and anything to do with blood—which was why Olivia was a nurse while she was an Elementary art teacher.

  Because their race was ninety-five percent male the Kindred needed willing females to mate with. Accordingly, an Earth-wide draft was established. All women between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five were required to participate. Though it was rare to be called as a Kindred bride, it did happen on a regular basis.

  It had happened to Olivia and Jillian both. While Olivia had fought it at first, she was blissfully happy now. Of course it was her wedding day—or bonding day as the Kindred called it. So Sophie supposed she could excuse her sister’s blissed-out state. Although she wished Olivia would have consulted with her before adding the Luck Kiss to her bonding ceremony.

  “Liv,” she said, trying to get back on point. “It’s not that I want to ruin your ceremony—I mean, it’s your special day and you should have anything you want. But Sylvan doesn’t even like me. He’s not going to want to kiss me anymore than I want to kiss him.”

  “What are you talking about?” Olivia was fussing with her train now. “Why wouldn’t he like you? He barely knows you.”

  “He knows me well enough to hate me, I bet,” Sophie said gloomily. “I was pretty rude to him during your claiming period. I was so angry at Baird for trying to take you away from me and, well, I kind of took it out on Sylvan. A lot.” She cringed with embarrassment when she remembered the way she’d yelled at him and accused him of trying to steal her twin sister away on several occasions. Oh yeah, he definitely hated her. Not that Sophie blamed him.

  Olivia waved her fears away with a flip of her train. “I’m sure that’s all forgotten now. And besides, the Luck Kiss is just a quick peck on the lips—it’s really not a big deal.”

  “Actually, it’s a lot more than just a peck,” Jillian spoke up. “And doing it right is a big deal. If you don’t give it everything you’ve got, it’s bad luck for the bride and groom. So you better really lay one on him Sophia, because it’s up to the girl to kiss the guy in this case, not the other way around.”

  “Are you serious?” Sophie put a hand to her head, actually feeling a little faint. “You mean I’m really supposed to give some guy I’m not even on speaking terms with a passionate kiss in the middle of the bonding ceremony?”

  “It’s at the end of the ceremony, actually. Right after the bride and groom kiss.” Jillian smiled. “Some couples make it a contest. You know—to see who can put on the best show?” She giggled again in a way that Sophie was beginning to find really annoying. How do her two husbands stand it? They must want to strangle her half the time.

  “How do you know so much about it?” she demanded. “Was it part of your ceremony too? I mean, is it some kind of sacred Kindred tradition or something? Because this is the first I’ve heard of it.” Which really wasn’t fair. Her twin could have at least warned her she was expected to lock lips with the best man in front of God and everybody instead of just springing it on her at the last minute.

  “Of course I had it in my ceremony—it’s a Twin Moons rite.” Jillian primped in front of the holo-viewer, fussing with her long blonde curls. “More and more of the other Kindred are picking it up because it’s so romantic. In fact, I’m the one who convinced Livvy to put it in.”

  “Oh you did, did you?” Sophie was normally mild-mannered in the extreme but just now she could cheerfully have strangled the overly-perky Jillian.

  “Yes, Jillian has been a big help in incorporating Kindred culture into the traditional ceremony. I just want everything to be a mixture—the perfect blend of Earth and Kindred traditions.” Olivia smiled dreamily. “That way when I tell our sons about it, they can understand that they truly are the children of both worlds.”

  “Listen to her—not even married yet and she’s already thinking of babies.” Jillian gave Olivia a sisterly squeeze that made Sophie wince. It wasn’t that she was jealous of the other woman it was just…Oh hell, just admit it. You are jealous, muttered a little voice in her head. After all, before Olivia had been called as a bride she and Sophie had been inseparable. And now, even though Sophie and her twin spoke on the Think-me—the Kindred version of a telepathic cell phone—constantly, she still didn’t get to see her every day the way Jillian did.

  I miss her, she thought sadly. She’s moving on with her life, leaving me behind. I wouldn’t mind so much if she wasn’t so far away. But the only way we could go back to being in each other’s lives on a daily basis is if I got drafted too. Just the thought of it—of being called as a bride to one of the huge, muscular Kindred—made her shiver. She was really glad that her twin was so happy but that didn’t mean she wanted the same kind of life for herself.

  The Kindred were so big for one thing and their levels of sexual aggression were off the charts—at least to hear Olivia and Jillian tell it. Olivia hadn’t had much experience before being called by Baird but she’d managed all right. Unfortunately, compared with her twin, Sophie was practically a virgin. She’d only been with two guys. Her first had been forgettable enough—just a guy she’d fallen for at summer camp. But the other… Sophie pushed the memory quickly away.

  The point was, sex was bad enough without adding biting to the mix. Not that all the Kindred warriors bit their brides—only the Blood Kindred did that. And of course that’s the kind I’m supposed to kiss! Sophie thought, staring at her reflection in the holo-viewer. Next to her radiantly happy sister she looked positively gloomy.

  Olivia seemed to think the same thing because she finally snapped out of her bridal bliss long enough to notice her sister’s distress. “Sophie,” she said, turning away from Jillian and giving her twin a searching look. “What is it? Is this Luck Kiss thing making you that unhappy? I mean, is there some other reason besides a few hard words that you don’t want to kiss Sylvan?”

  As a matter of fact, there was—an extremely big and embarrassing reason as far as Sophie was concerned. But there was no way she was going to come right out and divulge such humiliating information—not in front of the smug Jillian, who had a knowing little smile pasted on her perfectly made-up face.

  How could Sophie explain that Sylvan had been on her mind a lot recently? A lot more than a prospective brother-in-law should be, anyway. Not that she wanted to think of him—somehow he just…intr
uded. And lately his spiky dark blond hair and ice-blue eyes had been cropping up everywhere—including Sophie’s art. She hadn’t painted a single picture in the past month that didn’t include him. Even if she tried purposefully to leave him out, he always snuck in somehow. She’d be painting a landscape and realize that he was there, under a tree. Or a bowl of fruit and suddenly he was taking a bite out of one of the apples. It was bizarre, and not in a good way as far as Sophie was concerned.

  “I…” she tried, but couldn’t think how to put it. He’s ruining my art and I can’t stop thinking about him just sounded…weird. Like she had some kind of mental problem—Kindred inspired OCD or something equally bizarre. “It’s nothing,” she said at last. “Nothing, really.”

  “Yes, it is. Come on, fess up womb-mate.” Olivia took her hands. “Please?”

  Sophie couldn’t help wishing Kat was there instead of Jillian. She was a close friend and a much better choice for a second bridesmaid in Sophie’s opinion. The three of them had been close since grade school. But Kat had decided to use her organizational skills to pull the ceremony and reception together so Olivia didn’t have to worry about anything on her special day. She was probably in the sacred grove somewhere, bustling around making sure everything was perfect and directing the guests to their seats. Sophie wished she had such a fearless, take-charge personality but she couldn’t help it—she was terminally shy.

  “It’s nothing,” she lied bravely. “Just that…that I don’t think he likes me. That’s all. And you know how I get stage fright. Remember that time in third grade when the teacher picked me to play Princess Primrose in the school play?”

  “And you went completely white and fainted the minute the curtain went up.” Olivia put a hand to her head. “You know, I had forgotten about that. I’m so sorry, Sophie—what was I thinking? I don’t want you to be miserable. We’ll just cut the kiss.”


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