Luke: Rebels Advocate (Book 3)

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Luke: Rebels Advocate (Book 3) Page 10

by Sheridan Anne

  We can go back to our strange love/hate relationship tomorrow, for now, I need him to keep touching me.

  His lips move from mine and travel down to the sensitive skin of my neck, but he doesn’t just kiss it, he devours it. Electric currents shoot through my body and I tilt my head back, needing more.

  My hands roam over his warm skin, feeling the tight ridges of his muscled body before I slide my hand up his back and into his hair as he continues on my neck. A moan slips from my lips and it seems to drive him on.

  Luke’s hands travel down past my ass and he lifts me in one easy go. I wrap my legs around his waist as his lips come back to mine before he walks us down to the guest bedroom.

  I kiss him greedily and I feel as though I can’t get enough. His touch is intoxicating and his lips are nothing short of heavenly. He lays me down on the bed and his large body comes down on top of mine.

  The pressure of his body against mine is exactly what I need, especially after not feeling a man’s touch in so long. My body has completely come alive and I feel like if he were to stop, I’d suffocate.

  Jeremy is the only man I’ve ever been with, and truth be told, it wasn’t great. I didn’t enjoy sex. It was quick, passionless, and all about him. For me, it was about the possibility of falling pregnant. Nothing else.

  But Luke, Luke is a real man. He’s one hundred percent pure alpha. It’s already explosive and I’m still fully dressed. I’ve never felt excited about sex, but right now, I can’t wait to see and feel every tiny little detail.

  Luke’s hands slide up my shirt, bunching the fabric as he goes. A moment later, he slides it up and over my head, pressing his skin against mine. His hands instantly begin exploring before sliding his hands around my back and unhooking my bra.

  It comes off and he cups my bare breasts in his hands. He squeezes and rubs his thumb over my nipple and I feel that same shot of electricity pulsing through my body. I arch up into him and dig my nails into the back of his strong shoulders.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmurs before sucking my nipple into his mouth and moving his tongue across it.

  “Shit,” I pant before sucking in a breath.

  I didn’t know my body could be so responsive, but here with him, he’s already showing me pleasure my body has never experienced before.

  I can’t wait any longer. The need is too strong, and for me, it’s been way too long.

  I reach for his jeans and flick the button before he helps me to slide them down his legs. Next to go is his underwear. As they slide down, I feel his erection land against my stomach. It’s heavy and the feel of it sitting there waiting for me, has me reaching for it.

  I take his length in my hand and wrap my fingers around his velvety skin. His pure size has it impossible for my fingers to completely wrap around him, so I use both hands. One pumping up and down while the other takes hold of his tip.

  He practically rips my pants from my legs and I instantly wrap my legs around him.

  Luke’s lips come back to mine as he truly begins exploring my body. His hand travels down my body and cups me between my legs.

  I gasp at the touch.

  Holy shit. He’s only just getting started and my body is already nearing the end. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to handle what he’s putting down. His finger slips in between my folds before finding that little bundle of nerves.

  He presses down and rubs tiny little circles, sending my body into overdrive before going down and slipping his fingers inside.

  I bite down on my lip as my fist squeezes around him.

  In. out. In. out.

  I can’t wait any longer.

  “I need you,” I murmur with a gasp against his lips.

  “Are you sure?” he questions. “Because once I start, I’m not going to be able to stop,” he tells me as his eyes flick over my body. “Not with this.”

  I arch up into him and he swallows my moans with his lips. “Yes, I need it,” I say with urgency.

  I see the same need reflected in his eyes before he adjusts our bodies, lining himself up with my entrance.

  His eyes come to mine before he slowly pushes himself inside.

  A breath escapes me as the feeling overwhelms me. He seats himself fully inside me and I’m filled to the brim. I’ve never felt anything like it.

  And then he starts to move like really move. Slow at first until I can’t even remember my name. His pace quickens and I fist my fingers into the sheets on either side of me.

  “Fuck, babe,” he groans.

  I want to focus on how damn good it feels to hear him call me that, but I don’t have the mental capacity right now. All I can think about is the way he slides in and out. In. out.

  His hands continue exploring and leaving a burning trail behind.

  My body is on fire. I never knew it could be this good.

  His fingers slip in between my folds once again and circle my clit, add that to the way his lips devour the sensitive skin of my neck and it’s just what I need.

  I explode.

  My thighs clench around him.

  My eyes squeeze in overwhelming bliss.

  My nails dig into his strong back.

  I scream out.

  Luke’s eyes sparkle with lust as he watches my orgasm rock through my body. But he doesn’t dare stop. He allows me to ride out my orgasm and after one more thrust, he groans as he reaches his climax.

  I feel him empty himself into me and I’ve never felt anything quite so intense and arousing before. I mean, Jeremy used to do it all the time and it only ever felt gross, but this is different on so many levels. I like it. It makes me feel nothing short of a woman.

  The way he touches and looks at me makes me feel admired, rather than a piece of meat or a notch to add to his belt. It’s sensual and I love it.

  Luke stills above me and runs his fingertip down the side of my face, pushing a stray lock of hair behind my ear. It’s as though he cherishes me, but that couldn’t be right.

  I don’t know what’s happening here, but then, maybe I don’t want to.

  He brings his face down to me and presses his lips to mine once again. I feel his smile against my lips and I push for more.

  He rolls us and I sit up on his waist, completely showing myself to him. His hands come to my waist and he rubs his thumbs back and forth over my skin. I can’t help but smile down at him. “Well, that was… unexpected.”

  “Incredible is what it was,” he says with a boyish smirk that has my insides clenching.

  Being on top of him like this, I can’t help but look down at his torso and take in all the scars. The high I was on instantly vanishes as I’m reminded of the story he had told not an hour ago.

  “What is it?” he questions.

  I look up with my heart on my sleeve. “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t mean to force you to tell me about Iraq.”

  “You didn’t,” he tells me. “You were curious. So is everybody, but if I didn’t want you to know, I wouldn’t have told you.”

  It’s as simple as that. I press my lips together and nod. I’m silent for a moment, but what we just did is still at the forefront of my mind. I indicate between us as he watches me. “What does this mean?” I question.

  He shakes his head as if to say he has no idea. “All I know,” he tells me, “is that we’ll be doing it again. And again. And again.”

  “You know,” I tell him. “I’m not the kind of girl who just sleeps with random men.”

  His smirk returns as his fingers tighten on my skin. “I never thought you were.”

  Chapter 14


  As I step out of my home on Monday morning, I can’t help but look across to Lexi’s place. The images of her naked body moving beneath me is all I’ve been able to think about for the past twenty-four hours. Over and over again, I envision her digging her nails into my back, the way her body would react to my touch, and how she would moan when I pushed up into her. It was fucking heavenly.
The sound of her moans was like music to my ears.

  Afterward, she had asked me what it all meant, but I couldn’t give her an answer, even now, a day later, I still couldn’t, because honestly, I have no fucking clue. Yes, it was incredible. Yes, having her come alive beneath me is something I plan to do over and over again, and yes, being with her was fucking magical. But, I’m not a girlfriend kind of guy.

  Especially after everything that went down in Iraq. I couldn’t burden a woman with me, especially not her. She deserves a man who has his life together. Someone who isn’t going to scare the shit out of her in the middle of the night when I start having those dreams.

  No, she’s definitely better off without me.

  All I know is that until she finds that guy, I’ll be the man entering her bed. Over and over again until she tells me to stop. At the risk of sounding like a pussy, being with her was magical. I’ve never felt something like that before and I have no idea what it was.

  It was like we had this connection where we simply couldn’t get enough of each other. I needed to be close with her. After telling her about Iraq, I felt exposed. I was terrified she’d look at me as less of a man, but instead, she called me a hero. She’s pulled at something within me and I think in that moment, she healed a part of my soul that had been screaming for help.

  When I opened up to her, she saw the real me. I’ve never let a woman in like that. In the past, it’s always been physical. It’s about showing a woman a good time and getting the fuck out of there, but with Lexi, it was raw and passionate.

  And honestly, it was fucking terrifying. I was vulnerable and as a basic rule, I never allow myself to be that way. But for some reason, with her, she keeps pulling me out of my comfort zone. Shit, she’s been making me feel things I didn’t even realize I was capable of. I mean, the second I touched her skin, I couldn’t stop, it was like she was made out of the purest Egyptian silk. It was intoxicating.

  Hell, I think I’m even starting to understand why the guys drool over those women of theirs. If this is the beginnings of a relationship, then I’m fucked. I can’t be getting feelings for her. Luke Hayes doesn’t fall in love.

  Fuck. What the hell is happening to me?

  All I know is that as I’m standing here in front of my house, desperate to get a look at her through the window, that I need to have her again. I need to hear that smart mouth of hers, and I need to have her eyes on me. Always.

  I don’t know what possesses me to do it, but I find myself turning on my heel and heading back inside my house. I grab her stupid speaker off my kitchen counter, head back outside, and walk across to her place. I place it down on her doorstep, knock on the door and cross back over to my drive.

  I keep my eyes on her door as I get in my truck and start it up. I reverse out of the drive and just as I’m getting onto the road, her door opens. I practically creep along the road as I watch her look left and right before looking down. As she takes in the speaker, a breath-taking smile takes over her face and she looks right up at me.

  A softness seeps into her eyes and I’m once again, blown away by her beauty. With the morning sun shining down on her, she looks like an angel, hell, with her potty mouth and wicked ways, she can be a fallen angel.

  I send her a wink that has her cheeks flushing and get my ass to work. I’ve wasted enough time this morning.

  I pull into the parking lot of Rebels Advocate at the same time as Jace. We each park our trucks and jump down. I reach across to grab my protein shake and throw it back as I make my way to the doors. “What’s up?” he says with a nod of his head as I hold the door open for us.

  “No much,” I grin. “What’s going on? You don’t usually get here this early.”

  “Thought I’d get a workout in before my group classes.”

  “What are you working on? I was thinking of getting in the ring. You in?"

  His eyes practically bug out of his head. "Yeah," he says coolly, though I see the excitement deep within his eyes. Jace and I used to face off together all the time in the ring. It was our most basic form of exercise, but since returning from Iraq, I've barely looked at the ring and I know it's been weighing on Jace. He’s been itching for this moment.

  I've been neglecting our friendship over the past few months and I know it hurts him, but he's too curious. I see it in his eyes every time I see him. He wants to know every single torturous detail of my time in Iraq, and I know that when it finally comes out, he's going to be crushed. It’s going to kill him. I’ve been trying to spare him from that but he pushes and pushes. Eventually, I’ll have to tell him, and I’m not looking forward to it.

  Things have changed between us, and quite honestly, I miss my best friend. We used to have a wicked bromance. Hell, if you looked up the definition of bromance, you'll see nothing but a picture of me and Jace.

  I want that back. I'm the one who’s been holding back, all I would have to do is reach out and grab it.

  I finish off my protein shake as we walk through the door and I head into my office. The sound of Caden yelling out orders to his client echo through the club and has me looking around wondering why the hell I can’t hear Cole and Xander training.

  I look around and find them using the treadmills. Xander is sprinting like his ass is on fire and Cole is busily putting the speed up higher and higher, with a grin plastered on his face.

  I chuckle to myself as I duck into my office and empty my pockets out onto the desk. Xander hates using the treadmills. He's more of an outdoor runner and Cole knows it. He only makes him use them as a form of punishment which usually means Xander has mouthed off during their session.

  I meet Jace in the ring and he’s bouncing on his toes, excited to get started. “Where have you been all my life?” he says with a grin.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head at him. I fucking love Jace, he always knows exactly what to say. “You’re such a fucking idiot,” I laugh.

  With that, we get straight into our workout. We work our asses off and it feels good to be here again. I feel like I’m finally coming back to myself, and I have Lex to thank for that, not that I’ll be admitting that to her anytime soon.

  I get Jace in a headlock with him bent over at the waist when the prick shoves his foot out, making us both topple to the ground. I land with a hard thump on top of Jace and like the idiot he is, he can’t stop cackling to himself.

  I hear more laughter from across the club and look up at find Cole, Caden, and Xander watching us fuck around, though I don’t miss the look in each of their eyes that suggests just how damn happy they are to see me here. I’m about to tell them all to shove their heads up their asses when I decide to let them have their little moment and continue on being a bunch of emotional pussies.

  I turn back to Jace as he gets himself into a sitting position and rests his elbows on his knees while trying to catch his breath. He looks at me with a sober expression, and just like that, I know shit’s about to get real. “You look good,” he says with a slight nod of his head. Now, I could be wrong, but something tells me he’s not talking about my rock-hard body.

  My eyes cut back across to the boys who have suddenly found something more important to do. “I feel good,” I tell him.

  “Yeah?” he questions with hope in his eyes. “Did something happen? Did you talk to someone?”

  “Yeah, actually,” I say with a shrug as a slight grin starts spreading across my lips as I recall the conversation I had with Lex, and obviously, the events that unfolded afterward, as you know, I can’t think about Lex without my mind taking me there. It’s just not possible. “I did talk to someone.”

  A slight jealously crosses his face before he does his best to mask it, and I feel like a prick. Jace has always been my go-to guy, but he just won’t understand this. “So… like a therapist?” he questions.

  I shake my head. “You remember Lex, right? My neighbor.”

  “Yeah,” he says slowly.

  “I told her about it,” I tell him.
“I don’t know, it just kind of came out yesterday, but it made me feel better. It’s like I’m not holding onto this awful thing anymore.”

  He nods his head before looking back up at me. “I’m glad you’re feeling more like yourself, but you know I’m here, right?” he questions before pointing out the guys. “Out of all these fuckers, I’d be the one to understand. I mean, I was right there with you for the first three tours. I’ve seen this shit.”

  “With all due respect, Jace, but you don’t get it. You wouldn’t,” I tell him, hating myself for what I’m about to say. “The shit we saw was nothing compared to what I went through. It was fucking child’s play in comparison.”

  His eyes go hard before he pushes himself to his feet. “Right. I got it.”

  With that, he jumps down from the ring and disappears.

  Shit. Why can’t he see that I’m trying to protect him from the ugliness of it all? He did his time as a soldier and has moved on. He’s already seen things that no one his age should have to and I’m not about to be the reason for him to lose faith in humanity. Just because I have, doesn’t mean he should have to as well.

  Usually, when he’s pissed off, he’d find a punching bag to lay into, but after our workout, he’s probably sulking in his office or has disappeared altogether. Who the fuck knows?

  He’ll come around soon enough, after all, he has a group session starting in an hour.

  With a sigh, I climb out of the ring and jump to the ground. I grab my drink and squirt some water into my mouth as I head back to my office. I pass by Jace’s door and see him lounged back in his desk chair, hands behind his head, looking like the world is against him.

  I can’t help but stop in his doorway. I don’t wait for him to acknowledge me. He knows I’m here. “I’m sorry,” I sigh. “You know I’d tell you if I could. It’s not like it’s easy to talk about. The things they did…”


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