A Birds of Paradise Novella: Fae Wren's Story

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A Birds of Paradise Novella: Fae Wren's Story Page 1

by M. , ChaShiree

  A Birds of Paradise Novella: Fae Wren’s Story

  Copyright © 2017 by ChaShiree M.

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Editor—Melinda Grier

  Cover Designer—Nicole Jones

  Formatter—Champagne Book Design

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Italian Translations



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Upcoming Releases


  About the Author






  Sorellina—Little Sister

  Il mio amore—My love

  Mia Moglie—My wife

  Beyonce—Who Runs the World

  Aerosmith—I don’t want to miss a Thang

  Adele—All I Ask

  All of Me—John Legend

  Maroon 5—Don’t Wanna know

  Harry Styles—Ever since New York

  Whitney Houston—Why Does It Hurt so Bad

  “Maria, bring me a drink. Now, Steven, is everything set for Saturday?” “Yes Sir. We are ready to go. The warehouse has been secured and the supplies stocked. There are men already in place for security. Now, it’s just a matter of waiting.” I am pleased to hear all these years of waiting and planning have finally paid off.

  I look over at Steven and see the apprehension pinching him. He looks constipated. I know I’m a scary son of a bitch, but I also hate doddling and right now, he is doddling. “Steven, was there something else?” He looks pensive and it’s pissing me off. He needs to speak now or get the fuck out. I don’t have time, for this shit. I got a meeting and plans to make, for my beautiful girls. My sons, will keep. But, those girls are worth more alive. But broken. I have buyers waiting, who they will not be kept much longer.

  “If I may, Sir? Alto is pretty mad Fae will not be the first one taken. You know how he feels about her. I am worried what he will do, when he finds out about your plan. It is not what he is expecting and when he finds out…”

  “Steven, you worry too much. I have something extra special for Alto. But Kea is first. She is the least cautious and will send the loudest message. Not to mention, Fae is surrounded right now, and I have a different punishment in mind for her.

  All my girls. Daddy’s coming!!!!

  Shit! They’re going to kill me. My sisters are some of the most punctual ladies you will ever meet. Me, I’m always late. To tell the truth, I don’t even want to go out tonight. I have absolutely zero interest in bars, guys, music, or “anything” really.

  All of my siblings keep saying that I should get out and live a little. Not let the fear of my father run my life. If only they knew how incredibly too late it is for that. My lack of interest in all things life related, other than what is necessary, has nothing whatsoever to do with my father. My disinterest in living is because I feel I don’t deserve happiness.

  I mean, sure I always have this feeling like I’m being watched. I’m sure we all do. But in my world it seems to be a twenty-four/seven feeling that never goes away. Unfortunately, that is not my biggest problem.

  You see, I once had a life.

  I was only sixteen at the time, but I did live outside the walls my dad had built around our home, known as ‘The Compound’. For a whole year I thought I had found everything I would ever want, but I should have known better. I made a mistake believing in a ‘happily ever after’. A few weeks from the day that was turning into the most beautiful day of my life, a terrifying thought occurred to me. I knew to protect my most precious gifts, I would have to leave. On that day I made a vow to exist only, nothing more.

  Shaking off my thoughts as my phone rings, I know it will be my little sister, the baby of the family.

  “Hello. Fae, where are you?”

  “I’m on my way baby girl. Are you ok?”

  “No one is answering their phones. Maybe its dad. Maybe he found us….”

  “Phe, calm down. I’m sure they are fine and just got caught up primping and are on their way. You know how those two are. They are probably playing the music way to loud in the car and can’t hear their phones. I will be there in five minutes. Can you hang for a sec?”

  Waiting as I hear her take a deep breath she says, “Ok Fae.”

  “That a girl. Just order a virgin drink and calm down. I love you and will see you soon.”

  “Ok. I love you too. Hurry, OK?”

  Phoenix is the baby out of the eight siblings. She is also incredibly shy, fragile and sweet, but she is also the one who worries the most about our dad and what he will do. Although, I suspect she is stronger than she knows. As true as that may be, I don’t ever want her to figure out her strength. That would mean she has had an encounter that will undoubtedly change her for the rest of her life. That is definitely something I do not want for her. I have lived it, am still living it, and it is not anything I would want her to endure.

  The one thing you must know about my father is that he is one of the most handsome, intelligent, and charming men on the outside you will ever meet. The perfect father that everyone would want for their own. But what no one ever suspects is that he is a diabolical and controlling leader of a very dangerous cult that does not value women or children. Both are expendable

  My siblings and I did manage to escape him and his compound before he could do unspeakable damage to us, I hope. Unfortunately, I suspect he has found us and is simply waiting for the right time to take my sisters and me back. If that happens, I am not entirely sure we will survive. We have disobeyed and betrayed him. For him, there is no penitence or forgiveness. However, he is not here now and I want Phe to live a little before all hell breaks loose.

  There are times I think I should take my own advice and lead by example. As the oldest sister, I should show them how to loosen up and enjoy life a little, even though it has been nine years since I was with anyone.

  At 25 my world has consisted of my brothers and sisters, work, and home. Maybe it’s time to try to move on, at least for one night, so maybe I can try to forget. But thinking about letting someone else touch me, or experiencing any pleasure at all, makes we want to vomit. The image of myself laughing or smiling at something, even remotely in a genuine way, makes me want to draw the shades and sleep until I forget or die. To forget is not that appealing either because I would forget the perfection I once knew and I wouldn’t want to forget. Not even to save myself
the pain.

  Have you ever done something you knew was for the best but you still feel guilty as hell? When I say guilty, I don’t mean like you told a little white lie. But one where you committed a murder in self-defense, because it was either you or them? You however, are against taking a life and are left with a sick feeling in your stomach that never seems to leave.

  Yah, that kind of guilt.

  Just to clarify, No, I didn’t commit a murder but feel as if I had. The decisions I had to make to protect others seems to have killed me on the inside in the process. Now I live my life feeling as if I don’t deserve to breathe the same air as anyone even half way decent.

  As I pull up to the club, I vow rather half-heartedly that for even just this one night, I will let loose and enjoy myself. Who knows, I might even get brave enough to get myself laid. I may be dead…figuratively speaking of course. Unfortunately I still have needs and desires, and damn it I am tired of denying them. Though sex might happen if I manage to let myself go, it won’t be half as satisfying as I wish it could be and not just because of my loudest pain, but also because of the other need I keep buried deep inside myself so deep you would need a whole crew of people with an excavator to uncover what is buried. I had to hide it all away the day I left my life so that my father wouldn’t see and use it as a bargaining tool for what he wants.

  There is only one other person who knows both my secrets and that is the way it must be for the rest of my life. So you see, even if I found a way to move on with a different life, it would still only be half a life because my whole heart and soul was taken a long time ago.


  Lucca, they still have eyes on her?”

  “Yea boss. She just pulled in to ‘The Hole’.

  “Are you fucking serious! What the hell is she doing in a place like that? That’s a goddamn shit joint. All types of drug deals and back alley shit go on there. What the ever-loving fuck. Make sure Raffa doesn’t move until I get there. If anyone lays one finger on her, I’ll kill every fucker in there. Got it!”

  “Gotcha Ren. Don’t worry. We are not going to lose her after looking for her for so long. Just get here.”

  My blood is boiling right now. My woman doesn’t go into places like that. What the fuck is she doing? My woman. God it feels good to say that again. No one but Lucca knows the toll it took on me the day she disappeared.

  At first, I thought an enemy looking for leverage to use against me had kidnapped her. I am not delusional enough to think being the second in command of the Italian Mafia doesn’t make my family a target. But I took every precaution to ensure their safety, so I was stumped as to how they got to her. After a few less than savory interrogations of several different factions, we ruled out a kidnapping. This left only one option. There was no sign of a struggle, no demand for a ransom and no special deliveries made. ‘She left on her own.’ That revelation brought me to my knees. I could not believe she could walk away from our life together, everything we hold precious, without looking back….I just didn’t understand.

  Luckily I had something or I should say someone to keep me going. I couldn’t allow myself or the legacy my family built to fall apart. There were others who depended on me now and I had to be at my best because I am all they have. So I played the part during the day, keeping my responsibilities in the forefront of my mind. But at night I was a wreck. I would drink myself into a stupor. As my personal bodyguard, Lucca was the only one who saw me at this low point. I didn’t worry about him trying to take advantage of my inebriated state; he was my most trusted guard and friend.

  When the cloud of despair and betrayal dissipated, I came to the realization that she ran out of fear. That is the only thing that makes sense. My Fae would never leave me without a reason, unless she felt like she had no other choice. I don’t know what she was afraid of, but you can bet your fucking life I was going to find out. First, I had to find her. Sounds easy, right? What with the age of technology it should be simple, but bullshit, she disappeared without a trace. It was like she was never here. No trail or movement on her social security number. As a matter of fact, it didn’t appear she even had a social security number. It took me eight and a half years to find her ass. Now that I have, all I can think about is getting her home where she belongs. We had started building a life…Life…just that word makes my hackles rise.

  What the fuck has she been doing with her life since she left? This is the first time I ever let myself consider she might have someone. My heart constricts at the thought that she would let someone else touch her. No one touches my woman. She belongs to me. Fuck that shit. I will spank her little ass if she let someone else near my fucking pussy. This makes it all the more imperative I get to her now. I know my Fae, and in knowing how she thinks, once I get my hands on her, I will have about 24hrs to remind her…. to remind her who she is and where she belongs.

  Shaking it off, I giggle to myself as I think about how long it’s been.

  Shit…my vajayjay probably has cobwebs by now with little coochie bunnies roaming around trying to find a way out.

  Walking in, the music feels good and seeps through my veins, as the latest Beyoncé song is playing. I feel myself start to sway as I let the music flow around me. I scan the room, taking stock of all the exits and everyone I see. My brothers have drilled into our heads that we always need to be aware of our surroundings at all times and prepared to get away from any situation.

  Whatever that means.

  While taking in my surroundings, I notice a man sitting at a table. He is dressed in black from head to toe, and if I am being honest he is sexy as hell. The problem is, he looks like he doesn’t belong here. The man seems of out of place, which does concern me, but since I try not to overreact I will give him the benefit of the doubt. The way I look at it, it’s not a matter of if, but when my father will come for us. And there is nothing I can do to stop it because he is and out of our reach for now. Though, I am sure he will come at a time when we are our happiest, because he is ultimately evil.

  So, this man with his buzz cut hairstyle, a goatee, and features that are exotically dark should get my attention. But, taking stock of myself to see if he might do anything for me at all, the answer is a resounding, “NO!” On the plus side, he doesn’t actually look abnormal so maybe he is not here to kill us. Ha. What is normal anyway? I mean seriously, have I told you about my family. Crap, this night is assuredly not looking up to what I was hoping it might be.

  Fuck it. Moving on.

  Looking around I see my sister walking into the bar, and to my utter surprise and panic she is talking to a man. I mean a real life man. My ‘baby’ sister, the one who is so cautious she wants one of us on speaker phone when taking a bath so we can hear if she cries out for help. Yah it’s that serious. See my shock? From where I am standing, this guy looks dangerous. Maybe not in the kidnap, kill, or return to psycho dad type of way, but definitely in a way that says he could eat her up, spit her out, and break her heart.

  Phe is naïve and still a virgin. A man that looks like this could only spell trouble for my baby sisters’ heart and I don’t want that. Making my way over to her, I notice and am a bit envious how this guy is looking at her. It is like she is the butter on his biscuit or the syrup dripping over his pancakes. The closer I get I realize she is also looking at him, not only with innocent amazement, but also like he is the sugar to her coffee. I mean the girl is addicted to the stuff.

  My little sister looks like an innocent Lolita right now and I can’t help but be happy for her. This is the first time I have seen her guard down and I can’t bring myself to interrupt this moment for her. Deciding to sit far enough away to give her privacy but near enough to be within reach in case she needs me, I take a seat at the bar.

  As the bartender pours my drink, I remember when someone used to look at me like that;

  I had no idea what I was thinking when I ran away from my father’s compound, except that I needed to find my brothers to see if they coul
d rescue us. There was no way to do that without leaving. My father had them exiled from the compound when he realized they had become stronger than him. That is something he could not have. He was so much worse before they got kicked out. Before he was just controlling and exacting. Eventually he added a level of cruelty to his craziness. It made me shiver thinking about what he might have done to my moms and sisters once he discovered my defection.

  As I got off the bus, I swore I felt like Alice did when she fell down the rabbit hole and found Wonderland.

  It was like nothing I had ever seen before. The buildings were tall and massive causing my neck to strain from leaning back far enough to be able to see them reach high up into the sky.

  Everything was bright with a shine that was blinding. The reflection of the sun, showing on almost all the glass, created a beautiful picture. If I only had a camera. It reminded me of looking through a kaleidoscope or going to a fun house with reflective mirrors.

  Then there were the people.

  They were colorful, exuberant and …. Oomph. I found myself faltering as something or someone hit my shoulder.

  ”Hey,” I called out to the person who bumped into me and kept walking without apologizing. Okay I decided, maybe they’re rude too. Even with all the excitement, I couldn’t help but feel out of place there. These people were extremely sophisticated. Up until that very moment, I had never stepped foot off the compound. We had a television with basic stations only because father wanted us to get a look at what the world looked like. He wanted to show us how bad it is out there so we would appreciate what we had and what he does for us.

  As much as I would have liked to stand there and continue enjoying all I was seeing, I was there for a reason. The sooner I accomplished that goal, the faster I could get back to my sisters. The last address I had was from a letter they sent to my mom over a year ago. I am praying that they still live at the address listed. My dad is getting so much worse now.


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