A Birds of Paradise Novella: Fae Wren's Story

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A Birds of Paradise Novella: Fae Wren's Story Page 4

by M. , ChaShiree

  Living through her rejection, I felt like my life had been sucked into a giant black hole. Forcing me into oblivion. Months after she left the house was finished. I went to the nursery to start packing and found the interior design books. Somehow, finding those books, looking at the ideas she had. How much thought she put in it, was a knife to my heart and also a balm. The care she used, I was able to say to myself, I knew she didn’t give up and decide she didn’t want it. She ran!

  This man has the ability to make me come undone. After years of feeling nothing, I need that.

  “I asked a question my beautiful, naughty fairy. Were you ever coming back? Did you not feel the loss in here?”

  He grabs my hand and places it on his chest over the top of his heart. The contact makes me shudder and yearn simultaneously.

  “Did your heart not skip a few beats every day? Acknowledging all you left behind?”

  “Ren, I had to go. You don’t understand. I did it to protect you both.”

  Now I am sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. Trying to explain to my heart, Ren, why I abandoned all that was ever good in my life.

  “Shh Fae, it’s ok now baby. We will put things as they should be. I will exact my pound of flesh, if you will. Then we will cement our bond once again. Only then will we talk. Make no mistake, you will tell me everything, but we must do it in order. Now take off the rest of your clothes my love.”

  I don’t hesitate, unsnapping my bra from the back. As its dropping, it catches on my nipple for a second, due to how hard and pointed they are. I can’t help but hiss at the sensitivity. It pisses me off, because I have no power when it comes to my body.

  I have spent nine years developing a hard-outer shell. With just one look, a few words and some touches, he manages to crack virtually all of it. My breathing is labored, like I have run a marathon. I’m thinking, shit! All this and he hasn’t even gotten to the good shit yet. Compose yourself Fae. God Damn it.’

  “Get on the bed, wrap your hands around the bars and spread your legs. I need to inspect my pussy.”

  Fuck. Talking to me like I’m a possession shouldn’t make me mewl. But fuck it. I can’t help it. I want his big thick cock slammed into me so far, I don’t know where I end and he begins. He needs to make it hurt pleasantly, I will feel it for days and it will remind me that I am his. It has not escaped my attention that I don’t curse or use filthy language unless I am around him…well not often. Something about him brings the dirtiness out of me. Always has.

  He gets on his knees and spreads my legs wider and wider. When I thought he would keep spreading them until it hurt, he puts both of his thumbs on my nether lips and spreads those. “Pull your knees up to your ears baby. I need you spread wide for this.” He waits for me to do as he asks, which I do without hesitation. He sticks his thumb in my pussy and pushes down against the bottom nerve to keep me anchored. With his other hand, he puts two fingers inside and begins scissoring. I don’t know how this is an inspection, but I will not complain. It feels so sublime having his hands inside me.

  He shocks the shit out of me when he put his nose in my pussy and inhales. “Ahh baby. You still smell fresh and untainted. You smell like my pussy, baby.”

  Holy shit that was hot! I have to check out of this situation right now. To stop myself from coming after that. Fuck. This night is going to be harder than I thought. Damn. I have to come up with a game plan and fast.

  “Where did you go Dea? Where did that beautiful mind go, just now? Were you remembering when I would claim you from your sleep in the middle of the night? Are you remembering the way I ate that sweet, juicy pussy until you’d pass out. Only to wake you up with my cock slamming into you? Did you let another motherfucker smell or taste my sweet pussy angel?”

  Mother of all that is Holy. I shake my head back and forth in rapid succession. I can’t do anything else. I mean holy shit! If he keeps talking to me like this, I’m going to come from that alone. I’m only seconds from beggin as it is. It takes all I have to calm my beating heart. Which by the way is beating like I was in the middle of a rock concert. “I’m going to tie your arms and legs to the bed now baby. Then the fun is going to start.”

  He takes a black silk scarf with leather roping going through it and ties my hands to the crated headboard. They are bound in such a way that my arms and hands are behind the headboard. Thrusting my breast in an upward position for his perusal and use. My legs are placed in cuffs connected to a spreader bar making me completely vulnerable and at his mercy.

  I am visibly affected and ready. Since I can smell my own arousal, I know he can too and I hope it makes him lose his fucking mind. At this point that will be the only thing keeping him from torturing me forever. I have seen the patience and self-control this man has. I know I am in big trouble. When he has his mind set on something, he cannot be deterred.

  “Now my fairy, where to start. Ah, I know. If I remember correctly, you like a bit of bite with your pleasure. Maybe we should start there?”

  He holds up nipple clamps and I am leaking all over the bed. Wetness is coating my thighs. I break into a cold sweat knowing with those clamps, comes intensity unlike anything I have ever known. As well as a different side to Ren.

  “Oh God. Ren please.”

  “Oh, no you don’t baby. You don’t get to say a damn word, unless I tell you too. You owe me complete surrender for walking out on us. Whatever the reason, you should have trusted me. You almost broke me Fae. Now it’s only right that I break you.” My eyes widen in fear.

  “Don’t worry my love, you’ll enjoy it.”

  His tongue swipes across my already hardened bud. I hiss at the very sharp sensation. I mean, fuck. I am already so sensitive. He wraps his beautiful sinful mouth around my nipple. First sucks, bites and then licks. He repeats this beautiful agony over and over. I am babbling nonsense and have tears running down my face. There is nothing to do but writher in vain and moan in exhalation.

  My eyes are closed. I am close to crying out. He attaches the first clamp and I scream in pain, shock and then pleasure. He encases my other nipple in his mouth and I become anxious. The pain is forgotten at the onslaught of his attack. I am begging for release once again as he clamps the second one on.

  It hurts so good.

  The initial burn turns into a slow buzz. Then wraps around into a warm heaviness. I feel as if I am floating above my body and looking down at the scene-taking place. I feel like an angel, who has been welcomed into the gates of heaven and forgiven for my flesh weakness. I am suddenly being pulled away from this feeling by the tugging of one of the clamps. The shaking and rambling from my mouth, lets him see how primed I am.

  “God Fae. Do you know how fucking beautiful you are laying there at my mercy? Supplicant, for me to do what I want to you. It makes me so fucking hard, Angel. My cock has never been so fucking hard. At least not since you left.”

  Hearing him admit that, makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Knowing that I could bring this strong virile man to his knees. It’s a heady feeling and somehow it gives me empowerment.

  Get a fucking grip Fae, jeez.

  But fuck. It made me feel good that I have such an effect on him. Lord knows he fucking controls everything about my life since the moment we met. He has always been such a force of control and power.

  Being new to the city, I didn’t know anything about him when we first met. Even three months later after realizing he was not just an ordinary guy. It wasn’t until he took me to his club that I realized exactly how powerful he was. And how much fear he garnered in others.

  OMG. Ren finally said we would go to one of his clubs. I was excited. I had never been to a club before and I was not sure what to expect. I wanted to experience everything and it was all the more better I was experiencing it with him.

  The feeling of happiness was because he talked to me like I’m this precious person to him. That was not something I was used to. I never had someone, aside from my mother and siblings, treat me like I was s
pecial. I felt wanted and like a princess at the betrothal of the most handsome prince. He spent the last 3 months sheltering me. I loved him for it, but I was going stir crazy. I was a little nervous. I knew I would stick out like a sore thumb in there.

  I bought a dress for that night. Though I wasn’t sure if it was good enough for where we were going, I felt beautiful and grown up in it. It was short, black, and extremely tight with keyhole cut outs on each side. It felt like a second skin and gave me an incredibly sexy feeling. The dress cut-off an inch and half above my knee and showed off my cleavage. Ren was not happy to say the least.

  “Fuck Fae. Are you trying to get me arrested? You look beautiful baby, but every man is going to be ogling my shit and then I’m going to have to kill someone.”

  Of course I thought he was just pontificating. Boy was I wrong. We had been there for an hour when Ren had to walk away for a minute to take care of some ‘business.’ I was in my seat. Excitingly looking around. Taking in the ambience while swaying to the music, anxiously waiting for him to come back to dance. A nice-looking man came over and struck up a conversation. I didn’t think anything of it. I was sitting alone. I engaged in a perfectly harmless conversation, or so I thought. He was asking where I was from as he leaned over me. I’m assuming so I could hear him over the music, when he was abruptly being ripped from my side.

  I looked behind him and there was Lucca. His hand around this guy’s throat. I was stunned. I couldn’t even form the words to yell at him, only stare. He was hurting this man for no reason. My brain wasn’t computing what I was witnessing with my eyes. I didn’t know what to do.

  “Lucca, remove this poacher from my club before I kill his ass.” Pulling the young man to his face he growled. I mean, he really growled, “You’re lucky I don’t break your fucking arm. As a matter of fact, break it out back and leave him. Let that be a lesson to anyone who dares to touch or try to take what’s mine.”

  Lucca walks away with the terrified young man. I look at Ren and expect to see recriminations or anger directed at me for not pushing him away. What I see instead was more disarming, adoration. He is looking at me like I’m his everything. I can’t for the life of me figure out ‘why me?’ I’m no one and I have nothing to offer him.

  “My little fairy, you’re so green and too kind. You don’t know how close you came to getting your little friend killed, my little Lolita.”

  I tense up at his words. The thought that somehow, I could have prevented this fills me with dismay.

  “Ren, I didn’t mean to I thought…..”

  “Shh, my little fairy. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. But now you do. No other man can ever exist for you; thus, they die. You belong to me my goddess. Everything you are is mine. Your smile, laughter and your shyness. Even the way you melt into me. When I touch you and you moan as I push my fingers inside of you. Every orgasm and every breath you take is MINE!”

  He growls out the last word, with his hand around my throat. I knew I should be terrified. But I was unabashedly turned on and rubbing myself against him before I even realized what I was doing. When I came back from wherever the hell I went, he is holding the back of my head, rubbing circles on my back trying to stop the shivering. He whispers into my ear how good and sweet I am. How much I mean to him. Whatever fever had overtaken me abates. I looked into his eyes and gasp. I could physically touch all of the untapped emotion I saw and felt from him. All the trapped power mixed with lust, want, and something else I am not quite ready to examine yet.

  “Soon, my love. I will take you soon. But first I have to take care of a couple ….important details I have been remiss in. I didn’t anticipate bringing you out in the open so soon, which was a miscalculation on my part and will not happen again.”

  It wasn’t until that moment, I realized Lucca was standing there. I felt my face turn fifty shades of red, wondering how much he actually saw of my wantonness. Unable to bring myself to make eye contact with him; even though, I knew he wouldn’t judge me. In the past few months, Lucca and I became acquainted. I had to admit, sometimes I felt safer with him than with Ren. Ren would never hurt me or let anything or anyone else. It’s the opposite really.

  Ren stared at me often so intensely, I swore I could feel my skin stretching. I would become all itchy and sweaty unable to escape. It felt like he was trying to burrow under my skin. Therefore, I am never without him. The feeling was extremely arousing and overwhelming. Eventually I had to leave and finish what I came here for. As it is, I was wasting time and allowing myself to be led astray. I deserved to know what it is to be normal right? Right? Ren’s voice brought me out of my deep thoughts.

  “Lucca, I want a full detail in place by morning. I also want her tagged and bolted. As a matter of fact enter her name into the Interfamily database. Code name ‘First Lady Infinity’.

  I could read the momentary shock on Lucca’s face. “Are you sure Ren? You know what that means, right?”

  My eyes kept bouncing back and forth between them, getting bigger and bigger as the conversation continued. Whatever was happening sounded serious and crap I couldn’t take anything else. Whatever it was though, I’m sure of one thing. My life had changed again and in ways I would not have imagined. “Yea I know. You got a problem?” I hear Ren say.

  “No. No problem Ren. Just asking if she can handle it. That decree comes with the whole family. I’m not sure little Fae is ready for what you are.”

  Not sure if I should be hearing this, but somehow I thinking it didn’t matter either way. He would do what he wants. Take what he wants and right then it seemed to be, me. I was officially a passenger. Along for the ride, but not entirely sure I would jump out of the car if given a choice. Something about him, the way he was with and about me, made me want to snuggle under a blanket and dream. I was safe and secure in his care.

  Was that weird or crazy? YES!

  Did I care? NO!

  Should I havebe worried? Probably!

  Was I? Not one iota.

  All of a sudden, Ren turned to me with this feral look in his eyes. He looked me up and down as if he was undressing me, giving me that itchy feeling I get every time he touches me. I know that feeling happens when he gets me worked up and aroused. Then holds back what I need for the experience of feeling exaltations. He called it delayed gratification. I called it cruel and unusual torture.

  “Huh. What do you say little fairy? You ready for me? Forever?”

  It took me a second to realize what he was asking. Blinking rapidly because I started to get dizzy and was unable to find my voice. I totally did not see that coming, at all. I kept trying to tell him I needed to find someone. Staying was impossible and maybe even a death sentence. Every time I began that conversation, he would distract me with kisses or the promise of sex that never happened.

  The guilt I felt everyday living this beautiful existence, while my sisters were probably being beaten and tortured for information about where I am, was weighing me down. I didn’t tell them what I had planned. Hoping it would save them, but I am wondering if that was the best decision.

  “Come my little fata, it has been too long since I have had the sweet taste of you in my mouth. The longer I have to stand here and look at you in that fucking dress, the harder I get. I am already hard enough to cut down a fucking tree and I really don’t want to take you to the bathroom for my daily drink. Although the idea of dirtying up your angelic essence with my filthy desires is becoming more and more of a need I have. However, I think it is time I take you and I want your first time to be at home surrounded by luxury and candles. There will be plenty enough time for me to turn you into my wanton seductress.”

  Taking my hand and rubbing it against his pants he says, “You feel that baby? This is what you do to me.”

  He grabs me by my neck, slams his mouth against mine and proceeds to give me one of the most erotic kisses we have ever shared. It was wet, dominating, but endearing at the same time. He was fucking my mouth with his tong
ue and holy crap do I want him to strip my clothes off and finally finish what he had started. I didn’t’ care where we were. All I could think about, feel, see, and smell is him. I couldn’t help but feel like this was his way of making sure everyone in the club knows I’m his. As if cementing his claim, he pulls away, and rubs his finger over my swollen and abused lips. He looked around the room. Gave it a once over, a slight nod, and escorts me out of the room. So this was what it was like to be owned by Antonio Renaldo Castro.


  Oh fuck…that killed the memory. I am glad because I have to stop doing this to myself.


  What the…..all I feel are sensations and I’m not even sure…shit, the nipple clamps. Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck.

  This has always been one of my most sensitive areas and of course the motherfucker remembers.

  “Ahh your back I see my Goddess. Good. Wouldn’t want you to miss this.”

  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh….Did he just attach a vibrator to my hot button? OMG….I’m dying! Will it be a good way to go…Fuck I don’t know but hoooolllllyyyyy shit!! My senses are firing on all cylinders. I don’t know if I want to cry, moan, ask for more or curse at him. It is too much. But not enough and he knows it.

  “REN” I scream “Please, please, please” I don’t even know why I’m begging. Whatever, it better happen soon. I’m seeing stars and my ability to form a coherent thought have gone kaput. I am not entirely sure my heart will withstand this form of torture.

  “My love, look at you. Sweaty, breathing so hard you’re convulsing and flushed. I see a huge wet puddle forming under you. It’s not enough. You haven’t suffered a fraction of what I have been through. I’m not sure I could come close to making you pay what our pain is worth, but fuck Fae, I’m going to have fun trying.”

  “Since you don’t use your mouth to talk when it matters, you can use it to please me. Maybe I’ll forgive you enough to let you cum. On second thought, hell no I won’t. You don’t deserve my mercy. Fuck if I’m going to give it to you.”


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