The Torchbearers

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The Torchbearers Page 23

by Ally Condie

  The howlers advanced a step in unison. The ground shook like an earthquake. They released a second earsplitting howl. Even the Torchbearers cowered from the awful sound.

  Parts of the Eater’s army turned and fled, racing back across the open plain.

  “They’re retreating!” Logan shouted, incredulous. “Keep doing whatever you’re doing!”

  Elation sizzled through Opal. They were winning! Saving their world from destruction. It’s working!

  Then she heard it.

  Footsteps, like the breaking of stone.

  A shadow, skyscraper high, parted the remaining mass of Takers and Beasts.

  The Eater had come.

  The destroyer of worlds towered over his broken army like a lightning rod of pure terror.

  He stomped toward the cavern, tossing aside anything in his way—Takers, figments, pillars of stone—and halted before the line of eyeless creatures. Nico’s figments opened their mouths to scream again, but the Eater struck first, unleashing a roar that shook the planet’s surface.

  The howlers vaporized into dust.

  The Eater tossed its head back and thundered, a sound so terrible it froze Opal’s blood. The fur-covered monstrosity leaped high into the air, red eyes glinting as its massive bulk sailed over the remaining figments, landing directly in front of the glowing cave entrance.

  “No!” Nico shouted, his face draining of color.

  The Eater looked back at the Torchbearers as they trembled in a ragged row. He laughed cruelly. Opal saw infinite coldness in those burning eyes, felt unfathomable power radiating from a being that had consumed and consumed for centuries. For millennia.


  In that moment.

  A shriek sounded inside her own head.



  The Eater lifted one fist with a smile. Dax was imprisoned within his meaty claws.

  It’s too late! Thing sent, fear coating its words like a weighted blanket. Flee! The Eater can’t be stopped!

  “We can’t let him through!” Opal shouted.

  Then she charged.

  No plan. No chance.

  No choice.

  The others raced alongside her, desperation etching their features.

  But Thing was right.

  As Opal watched in terror, the Eater stepped into the tear between worlds.



  Nico couldn’t catch his breath.

  The Eater had gone through the Rift. There was nothing standing between it and Earth.

  Behind Nico, the figment mob roiled, on the point of breaking. Takers and Beasts were closing a noose around the cave mouth again, ready to finish the Torchbearers and push through the Rift after their fearsome leader. Opal and Emma were huddled to his left, trying to rally the remaining defenders. Aster was helping a battered Logan to his feet, while Tyler was screaming instructions at his Beastwings.

  Everything felt on the brink of collapse.

  “We can’t stop the army!” Logan shouted, eyes wild. “We should follow the Eater into the Void!”

  Nico froze, unable to think straight. They couldn’t let the big monster get away, but what about all the nightmares here on Thing’s world? Wouldn’t they just follow on their heels? How had things gone so wrong?

  Takers screeched, slinking closer. Snake demons hissed. Beasts growled and stamped.

  It’s over. We lost. We couldn’t protect our home.

  Nico was about to call for a full retreat when a roar rattled his eardrums.

  Out of the mass of terrible enemies, the dragon exploded upward like a phoenix, spewing flames from its mouth. On her back rode two of Nico’s eyeless gray creatures. The dragon landed with a boom directly before the cavern, nearly squashing Nico and his friends as they dove out of its way.

  “She’s back,” Emma cried, clapping her hands in delight. “Get ’em, dragon!”

  The dragon spun slowly, regarding the demons opposing her. The remaining figments rallied around her, facing their attackers with new purpose. The two howlers dropped to the dirt.

  The dragon bellowed in defiance at the Eater’s army, shooting a stream of liquid fire into the purple sky.

  Nico’s creations stepped forward.

  My greatest fear. Fighting for me.

  The squat gray figments thrummed with sudden energy, expanding ten times in size to tower over the army facing them. Their mouths stretched to nearly swallow their own eyeless faces.

  Takers shrank back. Beasts ducked and whinnied, tucking their tails between their legs.

  Nico’s howlers advanced another step. The Eater’s army scampered in reverse.

  Then the howlers … unleashed.

  The pair of screams that tore from their throats seemed to stop time. Hundreds of Takers melted back into liquid form, streaming away from the mountain. The dragon launched skyward, bathing the remaining monsters in sizzling blue fire. Aster’s electric peacocks charged. Logan’s robots surged forward. A squadron of griffins and Beastwings buzzed low overhead.

  The enormous howlers shrieked again, clattering Nico’s bones.

  The Eater’s army backpedaled, broke, and ran, as a wave of enraged figments chased them back across the empty plain. Within moments, only the Torchbearers remained at the entrance to the cavern.

  “We did it!” Logan cried, thrusting a shaky fist at Tyler, who ignored it completely, elbows on his knees as he rubbed his eyes in relief. Out on the plain, enraged figments harried the Eater’s army into smaller and smaller groups that fled into the shadows of the broken landscape.

  “Human scum.”

  Nico went cold. He turned back to the cave.

  A giant, snarling bobcat stood before the Rift, golden eyes pulsing with hatred.

  Before anyone else could react, Aster charged forward.

  “Monster!” she screamed, waving Torchbearer daggers in both hands.

  “Where’d she get those?” Tyler blurted despite himself. “I knew she was going to steal one!”

  The Stalker reared back, startled by Aster’s rapid approach. Black smoke began to wreath its feline body as the horrible spice scent flooded the cavern.

  Nico darted after Aster, cautiously leading the other Torchbearers inside the cave.

  Aster halted a dozen paces from the Stalker. With a cry of defiance, she threw both daggers at the same time.

  The Stalker flicked its paws contemptuously, deflecting the blades with a snarl.

  Nico froze in place, unable to react. How could they defeat such a creature?

  “Devil! You have hounded me for the last time!” Aster shouted. Nico noticed she had slipped one hand in and out of her pocket. Something small and round appeared in Aster’s palm.

  “Foolish mortal,” the Stalker rasped. “You came back for nothing. Now you are mine.”

  The smoke around it increased, enveloping the huge bobcat.

  In a flash, Nico realized what was happening. “It’s about to change form!”

  Aster seemed to have been waiting for just that moment. As the toxic cloud thickened, she hurled the object nestled in her hand. It sailed into the cloak of vapors without a sound.

  White light exploded within the dark cloud. The Stalker shrieked in agony.

  The vapors turned a dull gray and drifted apart, revealing a small, ratlike being at their core.

  “No!” the shapeshifter wailed. “Impossible!”

  Aster leaped forward and kicked the tiny rodent squarely with her boot. The Stalker sailed into the Rift and was gone.

  “What?!” Logan panted, eyes as round as dinner plates. “How did … huh? I can’t …”

  Opal, Tyler, and Emma were staring at Aster in shocked disbelief.

  “Later,” Aster snapped, tossing her dark blond braid over a shoulder. “The danger has not passed. The Eater alone can devastate our planet!”

  Behind them, the dragon returned, landing at the cave mouth with a boom and eyeing Nico and his friends sternly. The pl
ain was now completely clear of demons. Few figments remained, either. Those that did were fading slowly until they popped out of existence. Many wore satisfied smiles as they vanished.

  Nico watched the figment champion warily. “I think she has some unfinished business.”

  Opal grabbed his sleeve. “We have to go!” She pointed at the yellow-green light. “The Eater is still ahead of us!”

  “We cannot let him get to Earth,” Aster insisted in a shaky voice. “Or else this battle will have meant nothing.”

  The dragon grunted loudly, steam pouring from its nostrils once more.

  “Wait!” Emma waved both hands at once. “I think I know what she wants!”

  Emma stepped outside the cavern and bowed to the dragon. Then she spun and pointed at the mouth of the cave. The figment snorted haughtily, but bobbed its head.

  Emma ran back inside and grabbed Nico’s forearm. “We have to go right now.”

  Nico blinked at her in confusion. So much chaos at once. Beyond the jagged opening, the dragon had drawn up to its full height, thick azure smoke streaming from her nose.

  Suddenly, Nico understood exactly what was about to happen.

  “Through the Rift!” he shouted, his voice cracking. “Like, immediately!”

  Emma didn’t hesitate, shooting forward and plunging into the yellow-green slash. Opal was helping Aster with Logan, who still seemed out of sorts. Tyler reached the gateway and turned, squirming impatiently as Nico and the others converged at his side.

  “Another crack in reality,” Nico whispered, then he laughed anxiously. “Let’s hope we’re right about where it goes, huh?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Opal’s face was determined. “The Eater went through here, so we have to follow.”

  “Emma already went through!” Tyler was rigid with tension. “And FYI, my watch alarm went off a while ago. We’ve been here way longer than last time. You know what that means.”

  Nico grimaced. “Nothing we can do about it now.”

  Outside, the dragon stretched its wings and leaned toward the cavern mouth. Nico noticed the powerful figment was beginning to fade. Soon it would vanish, and the chance would be lost.

  “Go go go!” Nico shouted, cajoling the others through one at a time, until only he remained.

  The dragon roared. Opened its jaws wide. Nico dove into the shimmering gap just as brilliant blue fire flooded the cave and collapsed its walls, sealing the Rift under a mountain of broken, burning stone.

  The Void was in chaos.

  Nico tumbled through nothingness, cartwheeling head-over-heels as the in-between space spasmed and quaked.

  Opal grabbed his arm to steady him. Mouths dropping open, they watched as the Rift behind them blazed a brilliant mix of rainbow colors, then went dark, sealing with a hiss to form the same scabbed-over look they’d seen the day before.

  Just like the Rift to France, Tyler sent in wonder. The one Aster found.

  Logan was blinking in wide-eyed disbelief. The dragon fried it! Rifts aren’t indestructible!

  Nico, come on! Opal began towing him away from the wreckage. The Eater isn’t here, and we don’t know where he’s gone. We can’t let him get away. That nightmare has Thing!

  Nico righted himself. Tyler and Logan were above him, supporting Emma by her shoulders. She was trying to catch her breath as words spilled out of her. Aster had arms crossed as she scanned the glittering Void. But they were alone.

  Nico shook his head to clear it. The Eater’s going to Yellowstone, so a companion Rift to Earth should be close by. We need to concentrate and let our minds take us there.

  Tyler zipped down to join him and Opal. That’s the problem, man! Emma already did that, and she’s back. The Eater isn’t at the Yellowstone Rift! She even went through it to make sure.

  Logan floated close, one arm locked around Emma, who seemed shaken. Aster whizzed to her opposite side.

  The Eater wasn’t in the underground chamber we found, Emma confirmed in a wavery voice. And a monster that size would’ve had to bash a way out through all those passages to reach the surface. But there was no sign of anything. We’ve lost him!

  Tyler seemed on the verge of tears. Nico briefly wondered how Emma could’ve scouted Yellowstone so quickly—she’d only been a few seconds ahead of them. Then he remembered how time moved more slowly on Thing’s world. A ball of ice formed inside his chest. How long had they been gone from Timbers? What was his father thinking right now?

  Nico pushed the worry from his mind, trying to concentrate. Opal, are you able to contact Thing?

  Opal shook her head miserably. No response at all.

  But we were so sure the Eater was headed to Earth. Nico felt his cheeks blaze in frustration. If he’s not going to Yellowstone …

  Beside him, Opal gasped. Oh no.

  Nico’s eyes darted to her. You don’t think—

  We’re all here. Opal could barely articulate her fears. Not at the Timbers Rift. Not watching the Darkdeep.

  Which is what the Eater wants in the first place! Logan smacked his forehead. How could we be so dumb?!

  Hurry! Nico mind-shouted. Back to Timbers! Let’s hope we’re not too late!

  Nico closed his eyes and imagined the Rift leading home. He felt his body speed across the Void. When he opened them again, he saw the Timbers Rift dead ahead, growing in size as he rocketed through space. The rest of the group was right behind him.

  Nico didn’t slow. Didn’t hesitate.

  He leaned forward like a cliff diver and shot directly into it.

  Frigid seawater enveloped Nico. He coughed out his air, trying not to panic. He was in the Pacific, under the ruins of the oil platform the Torchbearers had used to hide the Rift for decades.

  But we don’t want the ocean. We know where the Eater is going.

  A flash of movement caught his eye. Something huge was swimming away, into a jet-black current that seemed to both thrum and hold perfectly still at the same time.

  The Eater.

  The giant demon slipped into the Darkdeep’s inky flow and disappeared.

  The others were flailing underwater around him. Nico swung his arms frantically, then pointed.

  Opal nodded, gripping Emma and Tyler by the shoulders. Logan spun around and grabbed Aster’s hand as she struggled to keep from sinking. As one, the group swam down into the Darkdeep. Nico had never seen it look so distinct before. Almost like it wanted them to enter.

  With a silent prayer, he swam for the inky flow and was pulled like a magnet into darkness.


  Everywhere, black.

  Nico steadied himself in the nothing space of the Darkdeep.

  Silence blanketed the empty realm.

  Opal appeared beside him, followed by the others in a ragged line. They were dripping wet, then suddenly not—in the Darkdeep, your mind controlled the environment. Soon they were facing each other, patting shoulders and bumping fists. They’d made it back in one piece.

  This is where figments are born. Where it all started. But where is the Eater?

  As if summoned, the monster appeared in front of them. As if he’d always been there.

  The destroyer of worlds smiled wickedly, its belly rumbling as a humorless cackle sounded in their minds. Thing was still clutched in the Eater’s massive paw.

  Foolish. You should not have followed me here.

  Nico reeled. The Eater had spoken! Threatened them!

  He glanced at his friends, saw his horror mirrored on their faces.

  A strangled voice cut through the ether. Torchbearers, get away! This foe is beyond you!

  Nico’s gaze flew to Thing, who was struggling to break free from the Eater without success.

  Opal expression hardened. We won’t leave you, Dax. We can fight.

  Thing wagged its tiny head frantically. The Eater is too powerful. The Darkdeep is open to him now!

  The Eater shook his paw, rattling Thing like a child’s toy. Nico heard a wail from the little
voice inside his head.

  This goblin is correct, the Eater boomed. Here, I am … limitless.

  The monster roared.

  Behind it, a dozen figment versions of itself appeared in a row. Then a hundred more. Each smacked a meaty fist into its other paw, snarling with menace.

  Nico sensed Opal falter beside him. She covered her mouth, as if to hold in a scream. The others quailed from the army of Eaters. Their hopes teetered on the verge of disaster.

  This is our mission, Nico thought. We’re the guardians of the Darkdeep.

  He steeled his nerve. Nico straightened, squaring his shoulders against the monsters before them.

  We’re the Torchbearers. This is our place.

  Nico felt his own lips snarl. He sensed his friends growing stronger beside him. Lines of connection began forming between the Torchbearers like a network of spiderwebs.

  Against all odds, Nico smiled.

  You’re not the only one who can be limitless.

  He closed his eyes. Focused on a single point of light in the darkness. Nico let that spark burn in his consciousness, splitting and replicating, its branches streaking across the Darkdeep like lightning bolts.

  Faster than he could think, Nico sent a wave of instructions to the other Torchbearers. He felt their minds blaze in response.

  Reality shifted around him.

  Nico felt the Torchbearers meld. Join in purpose. Become one.

  Opal. Tyler. Emma. Logan. Aster.

  Their minds linked to his, and the bonds separating them fell away like cast-off chains. Everything twisted in service to the one vision in the center of Nico’s thoughts.

  A knight.

  In armor.

  Towering above the Eaters.

  Gripping a broadsword in one steel fist.

  The figment’s armor was as red as Tyler’s robes. One of Logan’s torch necklaces hung from its neck. The outline of a flower was etched into its breastplate—an aster, surrounded by glimmering opal stones. In place of regular eyes, movie cameras whirred, gleaming beneath an owl-winged helm.

  Something from all of us. Here. Together.

  In the vacuum of the Darkdeep, Nico and his friends formed a super-figment.

  With a roar, the Eaters attacked.

  The knight that contained them all swung its sword, slicing through the first wave of Eater figments, which vanished into the ether. But more poured forward, springing into existence so fast Nico couldn’t keep track. The real Eater held back, frowning its hatred at them. The knight swung and blocked, obliterating the monster’s creations.


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