Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series)

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Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series) Page 4

by Devyn Dawson

  “How did she get here? I know she didn’t get off at the same stop we did. Can anything today go as planned?” I thought to Gus.

  “As they say, the plot thickens. Yes, that was my feeble attempt at being funny.” Gus pulled his arm from me so we could both be prepared to shift if needed.

  No more than ten feet in front of us stood the girl from the Metro, her skirt right below her knees with leather lace up boots with frayed fringe blowing in the breeze that came from nowhere. The amulet around her neck was glowing a deep teal blue; the same color as her eyes.

  “Stay cool, I don’t know WHO she has with her but I’m sure someone is watching. She would be a total fool if she came alone.” I mentally braced myself for the next five minutes of my life.

  “Well, well. It took you two long enough. I thought I’d have to send a search crew out. Imagine the headlines, two werewolves lost in Paris,” she said with a cocky confidence.

  “Exactly what I was hoping for, a bitchy museum chick and now some rabid witch.” I thought to Gus. “And you are?” I asked.

  She puts her finger to her lips tapping them for a dramatic effect. “I am either going to be your biggest enemy while you’re visiting Paris, or I’m going to be your biggest ally. You make the choice, I’m cool either way,” she said curtly. “Zany, my name is Zany.” She pushed her bangs to the side with her un-manicured hand. Her pitch black hair, cut to frame her face, highlighted her haunting teal eyes. “You’re Pru Phelan but I don’t know who your amazingly hot friend is.” She smiled as she eyed Gus up and down as if he were a decadent chocolate treat.

  “Kudos to you, my friend is Gus. More importantly, why are you following us?” I asked, taking note of every single grave and leaf on the ground.

  “Technically, I’m not following you. I got here first.” She smiled flashing her deep inset dimples. “You’re asking for trouble trying to dig up dirt on the vampires. I heard about your visit to the vampire museum. I didn’t expect you to actually be dumb enough to come to the cemetery but there you were on the Metro, advertising you’re in town.” She walked closer closing the gap between us. “Mr. Norwid would like to meet with you this evening at Hotel De Crillon in the Les Ambassadeurs room. The event is black tie and ball gown; I’m guessing Gus will be your plus one.” She said as she pressed her heavily lipsticked lips together.

  “What time?” I asked, obviously I wasn’t in a position to turn her down. I was one step closer to knowing what happened to my father.

  She handed me a business card with the address and time on it. “So I can tell him you’ll be there?”

  “I’m curious about something, why is a witch hanging around vampires? You reek of cloves and sage and the amulet is a pretty good giveaway,” I said tilting my head slightly to get a good whiff of her.

  She crossed her arms and walked a circle around us as she checked us out from head to toe. “You’re not exactly what I’d expect when I think of a werewolf. Your red hair must be natural with an Irish surname like yours. By the way, I’m not hanging out with vampires, but I do show my respect for them. It is better to keep them happy and not upset the peace between supernaturals.” Her eyes grew wide as she looked behind us and brought attention to the man that appeared out of nowhere. “I’ve got this under control Seth,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Directly behind Gus was a short round and balding man. He must have been in his forties or even his fifties, given the fact his face was heavily lined and he had puffy bags under his eyes.

  “You call this control?” He demanded, his eyes were ringed in red and he pointed to where Gus and I were standing.

  “What is he?” I thought to Gus.

  “He’s a demon. I don’t know how he is on hallowed ground. This day gets better and better.” Gus replied.

  “This is Seth, and he is about to leave. He knows he can’t step any closer, if you notice there is a drain where he is. He is here on a technicality. When they had to place the drains in the cemetery they shipped in dirt, they never went back and blessed the drains. Seth is a straggler demon… nothing but some higher levels bitch.” Zany said emphasizing every word.

  A fireball appeared out of Seth’s outstretched hand “someone’s bitch? Would you like to see if you go up in flames like the witch from Oz?” He said as he bounced the ball from hand to hand.

  Gus started growling from deep within his chest, his hands were clinched into fists as he controlled himself from shifting. “Stay cool Gus, we’ve got this under control.” I said to him. I turned sideways not wanting to put my back to either one of them. “I don’t know what is going on, but I’m not diggin’ this whole demon in the cemetery vibe.” I turned to face Zany “I’m not exactly excited about the witch in the cemetery either. You can tell him I will be at his soirée. I will be a plus three though, in light of this little get together I have no choice. Now, if you both will leave, I can finish what I came here for.”

  Zany turned her attention to Seth, raising both hands as she said a short incantation and two lightning bolts shot from her fingertips and in an instant Seth went up in flames. As fast as it started it was over, Seth lay in a pile of ashes on the sewer cover.

  “Impressive,” I said to Zany.

  “Thanks, but I don’t feel happy about the way this turned out. He would have killed you on your way out. The minute your back was to him, he would have thrown two fireballs and killed you both. As I said before, I can be your enemy or friend…. you decide.” She wiped her hands on her skirt and fidgeted with her amulet before saying good-bye.

  Chapter 8. Relax

  “And as they were so weary that their legs would carry them no longer, they lay down beneath a tree and fell asleep.” Hansel and Gretel ~ Grimm’s Household Tales

  Only three small steps and heaven was mine. I dipped my toe into the water making sure it was nice and hot. The bubbles enveloped my freshly painted toes; the heat was so tempting I lost all patience and stepped all the way into the water. I’d lit every single candle I could find in the apartment and framed the enormous round bathtub with the sweet aroma of baked apples. My mom was meeting the designer that was bringing over a few gowns for the ball tonight. I couldn’t spend another minute looking at the dresses; I was too damn mad that I was forced to go to the dance hosted by a vampire. I held my breath and slid under the water. I rolled over on my stomach like a mermaid, raising my head to get another breath.

  I’d rather stay in the bubble bath all night long and wash away the chaos of today. I wish Oakley had been with me. He would have known we were being played the minute we went to the museum. I missed him so much, his touch, his eyes, his arms around me as we lay around watching vampire television. I hadn’t felt his arms in almost a month but it felt like a lifetime on days like today. I’d like to run my fingers through his shiny black hair. Right after I left on the hunting expedition with Parker, Oakley decided to cut off his hair. He said it was his metro businessman look. I smiled, remembering what it was like seeing it the first time in person. I thought he was hot with long hair; I almost died when I saw it short. Oh man, my thoughts are about to get away from me. I should call him and tell him about the craziness that we’re about to walk into tonight. I can’t because it will only worry him more. I couldn’t let anything distract him from his job protecting Abel.

  I rolled back over to sit up, leaning over the edge to dry my hands. My cell phone was right there; I could call Abel and tell him and make him promise not to say anything. I did what I said I wouldn’t do, I called his cell but he didn’t answer. I leaned back and fought away the tears that promised to make an appearance. Damn, damn, damn I should pack my bags, go back to Oklahoma and help Oakley protect Abe.

  “Pru, are you okay in there? I’ve got three dresses out here for you to die over.” My mother said as she slowly opened the door.

  “I hope there is at least one purple one,” I said, taking a towel and step out of the tub.

  Chapter 9. Shift

rlinchen was terrified, and began crying and screaming, and ran to her mother, and said, “Alas, mother, I have knocked my brother’s head off,” and she wept and wept and could not be comforted.”Juniper Tree ~ Grimm’s Household Tales


  It’d been a week and we were still no closer to knowing who Sam really was. Every time I went on a coffee run to Big Bob’s, Imogene told me how much she didn’t trust her. She said she was ‘shifty eye’d’. Estelle didn’t mind the help in the kitchen with Dolly gone, and Sam seemed to like helping out around the house.

  The front door swung open, letting in both Oakley and a small dose of the cold temperatures outside. We’d been trying to get the farm ready for the never ending blizzard like weather. My parents extended their vacation by a week to avoid coming home to below freezing temperatures.

  “We took care of the crops, and put the plow back on the front of the truck; which looks pretty sexy if you ask me,” Oakley said. He took off his boots and set them on the new heated boot dryer he insisted we needed. His hair stood on end as he took off his ski hat and static claimed his head. “Don’t look at me like that, you’re jealous.”

  “Too true, I’m jealous. Shhhh, Sam is sleeping on the couch. I’m wondering if she is sick from her bite because she has been asleep basically the entire day. She didn’t eat today either,” I said as we walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

  We helped Estelle put together food baskets for the church to give out at Sunday’s mass. The economy was already hurting our little town, and the below zero temperatures were having people spend money on propane and heating bills over groceries.

  “Did you hear that? Oh shit, come on!” Oakley yelled, tossing the jar of pickles into one of the boxes.

  Screams of agony were coming from the living room. We get into the room just in time to be witness to Sam’s first shift.

  “Don’t get any closer, stay away from me!” She cried through clinched teeth. Oakley took a step towards her and she yelled so loud I thought the entire pack would show up ready for a battle. Sam started pointing at Oakley “you did this, didn’t you? That’s how you knew I was bitten! You bastard, stay away or I’ll kill you!” She was up on the couch perched like an owl ready to pounce on us if we moved.

  “Sam, what you’re feeling is what we go through when we shift. All you need to do is focus on peace and tranquility. It will help you through the pain.” I pleaded to her.

  “Tranquility? You’re shitting me. You don’t honestly think I’m going to believe there is anything tranquil about what I’m feeling. How stupid do you think I am?” She snapped.

  “Relax, it will be easier if you relax,” Oakley said. He mentally called out for a few of the pack members to meet us in the living room with what may be a wild werewolf at any minute.

  “Go to hell you yoga freak!” She threw her head backwards and let out a guttural howl. “I hate you! I hate all of you! You ruined my life!” She repeated over and over between howls of pain.

  “This isn’t going very well.” I thought to Oakley. “We can’t let her suffer like this, can we?”

  Oakley looked at me, looked back at the kitchen and back at me. “Go get the emergency kit from Estelle. There is a tranquilizer gun in it; it is the only way I can think of to get her calmed down.”

  It took another twenty minutes for us to shoot her with the tranquilizer. Once she realized what we were about to do, she went rabid. She jumped from the couch to the loveseat, over and over. The way she moved her legs reminded me of the cloggers that had danced at the fair this year. Half the pack was in the room ready to take action if needed. It seemed to only add fuel to her fire as she hollered and screamed that this was our fault.

  Her screams became slurred, her jumping became crawling, and her anger turned to giggles that sounded like insanity setting in. Once her eyes closed and the tension in her body became slack, we picked her up from her strange position on the couch and gently placed her on the ground. Oakley and I scooted across the room, opting to watch from the floor versus the comfort of a couch. Her body twitched, she moaned and repeated one name over and over “Storm.” Estelle sat over her with a damp cloth to wipe away the sweat. Her frail little body twitched uncontrollably until the shift began. Estelle had removed her clothes and folded them up; I tried not to look at her perfect body. I still couldn’t understand how Oakley did this for years with Pru. I don’t care what they say, naked is naked and I like naked.

  Her glazed over eyes looked around blankly with no recognition in them once she shifted into a wolf. The tranquilizer obviously still affected her movement even though she had shifted. Her fur was solid gray with a white underside, her eyes glowing a shade of xanthous, her tail lifeless on the shiny wood floor. It was overwhelmingly sad staring at the girl with no name. As much as I wanted to take away her pain, it was my duty to guide her as she became a warrior for the Phelan pack. Without saying a word, either out loud or in pack, I could see Oakley’s eyes glisten with tears, obviously affected by Sam’s shift too.

  I woke up on the couch, the smell of bacon wafted in the room and the aroma of blueberry muffins lingered in the air. And there was Oakley, sprawled out on the loveseat snoring like a freight train. Sam was still on the floor, half lifeless, and whimpering in her sleep. She didn’t ask for any of this, and my heart went out to her. I was sure that Storm was looking for her and missing her too.

  Chapter 10. Ball

  “When the dance was over she curtsied, and when the king looked round again she had vanished, and none knew whiter.” Allerleirauh ~ Grimm’s Household Tales


  I’d never been in a Rolls before, and here I was, about to ride in a Rolls Royce limousine. We not only had one, we had two for the night. Gus looked gorgeous in his new black Armani tuxedo. I gave him a pair of amethyst cufflinks to match my dress. I was impressed mom had a jeweler come over to accessorize us in diamonds; I’d never borrowed anything so extravagant. I signed to borrow a stunning diamond and amethyst necklace by Cartier which matched my purple gothic style dress perfectly. Wearing a full gown did have a few disadvantages; comfort was on the top of the list. It all felt exotic with the exception of spending an evening with vampires.

  The hotel, with its lights accenting the antediluvian exterior, filled the air with the right ambience. The simply stated sign over the entrance proved it to be elegant without flash and flare. Photographers were causing the valet grief as they tried to open the door and allow us inside without being attacked by ambitious paparazzi. Gus held onto my elbow, escorting me into the lobby where we were greeted by more photographers and media. The enormous crystal chandeliers set off ambient lighting adding to the glamorous feel of the event.

  “Why are there so many reporters?” Gus thought to me.

  “I’m sure it is something staged by our host.” I thought back to him.

  A reporter approached my mom wanting to know who she was wearing and what she thought of her visit to Paris. Her jade green mermaid style dress hugged her curves; the strapless dress showcased her creamy flawless complexion. Mom didn’t look a day over thirty, although she was ten years older and though she was a size fourteen, she wore it well. Men would look at her like she was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. She would smile and say she was blessed with good genes and we’d share a knowing wink with each other.

  “She really is beautiful.” Gus said to me.

  “Oh, sorry. Was I thinking in pack?” I said.

  “No, I see that look of admiration on your face,” he said. I smiled, blushing a little thinking of a man other than my father thinking about my mother that way. A memory of my father telling my mother that no butterfly was as graceful or beautiful popped in my head. Gus took my hand turning it over and kissed the inside of my wrist “it is endearing to see you with a soft spot for your mom.”

  “Don’t ruin my reputation,” I said with a grin.

  The most gorgeous reporter approached me to ask about my dress. His s
mile was so genuine I couldn’t help myself but answer his questions. Gus stood beside me keeping an eye out for our host. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder and heard my mom whisper in my ear “that’s Mario Lopez. He’s a long way from home, interesting.” She said as she smiled up at him, he grinned from ear to ear.

  He leaned in to say something private, holding the microphone behind him, “Phelan pack right? How did you end up coming to this?” Mario asked.

  “He’s pack?” I thought to mom.

  “No, he’s actually a sorcerer. He comes from a long line of them but he isn’t an active one. He knows almost every supernatural being around.”

  “Who did you say you’re wearing?” He asked and winked at me.

  I felt my insides go a little mushy. Gus slid his arm behind me in a more protective stance. “Christian Dior with Badgley Mischka shoes.” I returned the wink and followed my mom through the lobby. I tried to minimize the tink, tink, tink of my stiletto heels on the black and white marble floors. The crowd was chattering as we all came to a halt and bottlenecked the entrance to the ballroom.


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