Noru 5_Ways Of The Wicked

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Noru 5_Ways Of The Wicked Page 29

by Lola StVil

  She stays in my arms for the rest of the night. We don’t speak much. It’s enough that she’s near me and I’m near her. I smell her hair, fearing I won’t recall it when she’s gone. She memorizes my fingerprints with her lips. I trace the space under her thighs with my tongue, nibble on her earlobe, and kiss across her stomach. She’s too busy kissing the space between my shoulder blades and caressing my back to notice what’s happening. I signal for her to look towards the window.

  “The sun is coming up,” she says to herself.

  Fear comes over her face. She gets up from the bed, looking back at me with a mix of sadness and acceptance. I watch her gather her things. By now the sun is beaming through the window. Soon she has everything she needs. And all there is left to say is good-bye.

  I scoop her up and hold her so tight that had she been human, she would have passed out. I whisper to her.

  “You and Sparks are the only proof I have that Omnis ever loved me. And no matter who you choose to be with, I will always think of you as mine. Because to think of you any other way would be torment.”

  She kisses my forehead and walks out the door. I listen to her walk down the steps. Some part of me still thinks that she may reconsider. Some part of me prays she will turn back; she doesn’t. She said she was done after last night and she really meant it. That’s the difference between the girl I fell in love with and the leader she’s become…

  “You two have been married for seventy-two years! Wow, what’s the secret?”

  “It’s easy. When you find her, don’t let go…ever.”


  The next time I see Pryor, it’s a few days later and we are all gathered in the house, headed for a charity event where Swoop will be the headline DJ. I don’t know that Swoop is ready to go back to partying; in fact, I don’t think she’ll ever be as loud and crazy as she was before. But that may be a good thing. Every morning before she leaves the house now, she looks in on her son on her cell phone. East got her a tracker app that follows RJ; so far he’s safe and very happy.

  As for me, I’ve been staying with my dad, and although I did not disappear like I always do, I did try to give Pryor some space. Now, standing in the middle of the living room, only a few feet away from her, I wonder how in the world we are going to make this work. She looks up and sees me. It’s not fair; she shouldn’t be this damn hot in just dark jeans and heels.

  “Hi,” she says with warmth in her voice.

  “You look great,” I reply, unable to take my eyes off her.

  “Oh, thanks. You too.”

  “This getup was Swoop’s idea. You know how she is.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she says.

  “Listen, how are you?” I ask.

  “I’m not bad. What about you? Are you okay?” she asks.

  No, I’m not. I miss you.

  “Yes, I’m good,” I say out loud.

  “Is everyone ready to go?” Diana wonders.

  “Yeah, where’s Randy?” I ask.

  “Right here,” he says, standing at the top of the staircase with a stuffed animal in his arms.

  “Is Mr. Frog coming with us?” East asks.

  “No, I’m just going out back to trash it,” Randy says as he walks down towards us.

  “Randy, you can’t! That’s Mr. Frog,” Pryor reminds him, shocked.

  “I don’t need it,” he says.

  “Why not?” Pryor pushes.

  “It’s a toy and there are no kids here.”

  As usual, there are no real secrets in the angel world; the news that Pryor and I would not be back together spreads like a virus. It’s all anyone can talk about; I guess it’s easier than discussing the fact that we have yet to get a handle on Malakaro. In addition to the above, every angel and demon has shown us a certain amount of respect for killing Raven, the child of Redd. But that in no way takes away from the pain of losing Key.

  Swoop is holding up pretty well, considering. East and Diana force her to leave the house and try to go on with her life in any way they can. Throwing out Mr. Frog was just the beginning. Randy is still withdrawn. In fact, he is even more so. All attempts to get him to engage are fleeting. I know how much Pryor misses her old friend; it’s hard for her. I want to comfort her, but I can’t trust myself around her right now, it hurts too much.

  I thought she was choosing Bex over me, but after that night in France, she didn’t run into his arms. Instead she remained single. I overheard Bex asking her about her status, and she said she wanted time to herself. He respected that and didn’t push it.

  The Kon spends most of his time trying to figure out where Malakaro is and how to take him down. Randy isn’t the only one out for revenge. When he isn’t looking for Malakaro, he comes by the house to check on Swoop.

  He knows how important Swoop was to Key, so he makes it his mission to come by and look in on her. The same goes for Randy. It’s during one of his visits to the house that Pryor asks to speak to him outside alone.

  I stand at the window where I know I can hear the conversation outside. I shouldn’t be listening in; after all, Pry and I are just friends now, but again, I just can’t walk away. I am afraid today will be the day that she picks Bex.

  “I don’t know how to start this,” she admits slowly.

  “Start what?” Bex asks.

  “You said I didn’t know what I wanted and that it was making things complicated. Well, you were right. And I don’t want to complicate anything anymore. I know exactly what I want,” she says.

  Oh no…

  “And what’s that?” Bex says.

  “You,” she replies as my heart splits in two.

  “You’re choosing me?” Bex asks.

  “Yes. I mean, if you still want to…” she says awkwardly.

  “Yeah, I do but…Pry, I love you. I have spent a lot of time hoping for this moment. But if there is any part of you that still wants to be with Silver, you have to go and be with him. The only thing worse than not being loved by you is having that love taken away. You need to be sure about this.”

  “I love Aaden. I will always love him. Just like some part of you will always love Key. She is a part of you. That’s what Aaden is for me.”

  “Key was in my past. Our love was in the past. Is that where your feelings for Silver are?”

  “Yes. I will be there for him should he need me, but the one I want to be with is you. The one who has been on my mind for weeks on end is you. The angel that’s been keeping me up at night is you.”


  “Because you’re kind and courageous. Because you’re selfless and you have always put me first, no matter what. And I want you in my life. I remember that night in the garden. You were so tender with me and…I think loving you will heal instead of hurt. And I’d really like to be healed; I’d like to be yours.”

  “Pry, I can’t remember a day where I didn’t want you or a moment where you weren’t on my mind. When you were taken to the Center, I realized that while I ruled a kingdom, one girl ruled me. I want to be with you more than I have ever wanted anything on Earth or in the light. But please be sure, be very sure that I’m the one—”

  Before he can finish, Pryor stands on the tips of her toes, leans in, and kisses him. I feel like my chest is going to burst. The room spins and I’m having trouble swallowing. I rake my hands through my hair and lock my fingers behind my neck. This pain is unfucking- bearable. When Pryor tries to pull back, Bex leans in even closer, preventing their lips from parting.

  “Um…there’s just one thing about us getting together,” she warns as she slowly pulls away.

  “What is it?” Bex asks.

  “Aaden was my first and…can we go slow?”

  “Yes, we can go as slow as you need us to, okay?” he promises.

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, I’m going to suggest something that might be too fast, but I’ll risk it,” Bex says.

  “What is it?”

  “Can we go for a walk? I
mean, are we at that point yet?” he teases.

  “Hmm…okay, but only around the block. And be gentle,” she jokes.

  They share a laugh.

  They share a laugh…

  Then they walk, hand in hand, down the street.

  “Wow, that can’t be easy to watch,” Diana says sincerely as she enters the living room.

  “No, it’s not,” I reply as I lean my head against the cold wall.

  “Come on, Noru. I’ll buy you a drink,” she offers with a smile.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk and sleep with me?” I ask, only half joking.

  She laughs and says, “Oh, please, that was so three missions ago.”

  The invitation was written into the air. I mean it literally appeared out of thin air. I was in my dad’s house when it showed up: graceful words written in symbols only angels could decipher. When translated it read:

  Your presence is required.

  Lateness is not advised.

  Love & Light


  There were coordinates at the bottom of the message. We followed them and it led us to where we are now, on top of the Himalayan Mountains.

  The fact that Omnis has chosen to contact us personally is a real mind fuck. He never communicates directly. He has millions of angels he can call upon. Yet he’s chosen to speak with us one-on-one. That’s either really good or really bad.

  When we told my dad and the Face about it, they both went into shock. When they recovered, they advised us that we should not bring anyone the message did not appear to. So we left Diana, Bex, and Randy behind. Now Pryor, East, Swoop, and I stand on this mountaintop, waiting for the creator of the universe.

  “Should we have brought a gift or something?” East asks nervously.

  “Like what?” Swoop says.

  “I don’t know. A scared chicken, holy water, an iPhone…” East replies.

  We all look at him and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “What? Just because he’s the maker of all things doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to Facetime,” East reasons.

  “Can you please order him to stop talking?” Swoop says.

  “Okay, but when Omnis comes down here on this mountain and asks why we came empty-handed, it’s on you guys,” East replies.

  “Has he ever summoned anyone like this before?” Swoop asks.

  “No. My dad and the other Guardians were summoned by the second highest power, the Council. But that was, like, forever ago,” Pryor says.

  “And how did that go?” East asks.

  “Not good…” Pryor replies.

  I look over at her; we both know us being called to this mountain is a major deal. The fact is, Omnis does not interfere. So why is he coming here to see us?

  “I’m not the only one who’s freaked out, right?” East says.

  “There’s no reason to freak out. Whatever happens, we will make it out of this. Everything will be just fine,” Pryor says.

  “Time will tell,” someone replies.

  We turn and find an old man standing behind us. He’s dressed in bright Himalayan clothing. His skin is the color of clay; he has watery grey eyes and a small hump on his back. His fingers are curled around his handcrafted wooden cane. He moves slowly towards us. There is no way this elderly human could have made it to the top of the mountain where he now stands.

  “Good morning,” he says.

  “Good morning,” we all reply awkwardly.

  “I forget how beautiful Earth is. When my children aren’t destroying it,” the old man says.

  “Are you…”

  “Pryor Reese Cane, did you think you could handle seeing me in my true form? Any of you?” he asks.

  “No, I guess not,” Pry says.

  “This body belongs to Tibu. He’s lived a long life. I shall see him soon in the light,” Omnis says. He looks us over and smiles sadly.

  “Noru, my very cherished ones. I did not anticipate us ever meeting on Earth. And yet…here we are.” He looks over at Swoop.

  “Kiana, the pain does go wherever you go. I hurt for you. I am sorry about your recent loss.”

  “Thank you,” Swoop whispers.

  “Easton, your father was fearless. I see that in you. Let us hope it serves you well.”

  “Same here,” East says nervously.

  “Aaden Grey, my troubled child. I see you have found some peace,” he says as he looks over at Pryor.

  “Um…yeah, I guess,” I reply, not sure what else to say.

  “And yet…” He doesn’t finish his thought. Instead he looks over at Pryor.

  “Marcus’ pride and joy. Hello, Pryor Reese.”

  “Hello,” she says softly, trying to get a feel for what’s to come next.

  “At the start of this you were told that you would have to take your best friend’s life. That is how this all began, yes?”

  “Yeah, but I won’t. I will not kill Randy,” Pryor replies.

  “Yes, I’m sure it will go against everything in you to take a friend’s life. You are truly worthy of leadership.”

  “Thank you,” she says.

  “I have summoned all the Noru here for two reasons. The first being, you saved the world from Raven. You protected the best interest of humanity. For that, I am here to personally reward your team.”

  “Um…thank you,” Pryor says, surprised.

  “I will give you what you all desire so very much—I will fix the bridge and send all Guardians back to Earth,” Omnis says.

  “Really? How can you fix the bridge?” she asks over the cheer of the others.

  “It’s my bridge. It will do as I say,” Omnis replies.

  “Why didn’t you do that before?” I ask before I can stop myself. East jabs me in the side with his elbow, as if to say shut up.

  “If you do not earn something, the value is lost. I suspect had I fixed the bridge before, none of you would have had a reason to truly band together. Process is the residue of struggle, Aaden.”

  “Thank you so much for bringing our parents back. When will they be here? Today? Tonight? Now?” Swoop asks.

  “They will appear some time during your next mission. It is my way of saying “thank you,” Omnis says.

  “You’re welcome,” East replies.

  “And now, for the second reason I brought your team here: Jason,” Omnis says.

  “You mean Malakaro? What about him?” Pryor asks.

  “You could have destroyed him long ago. He has shown you his weakness many times, yet you refuse to see it, Pryor Reese.”

  “What weakness? I have not seen any weakness,” Pryor counters.

  “That is because you are too busy being angry. It’s not just you; your whole team is unfocused and quick to anger. That anger ends up costing lives. The very lives you were born to protect.”

  “We have done our best to succeed on all our missions, and we have,” I remind him.

  “Yes, but at what cost? Your team leaves bodies in their wakes. Not from battle but from outright anger and rage. Easton tortured his stepfather.”

  “Do you know what he did to me?” East demands.

  “There were other avenues available to you. Yet you chose to inflict pain on an unarmed Quo. Kiana annihilated an entire village. She slaughtered the humans without mercy.”

  “It wasn’t her fault. It was Raven,” I reply.

  “I cannot blame Kiana for her illness. However, had she trusted her team and revealed the truth, lives could have been saved,” Omnis says.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right,” Swoop replies tearfully.

  “You are not alone in making rash, selfish decisions. Isn’t that right, Aaden Grey?”


  “Exactly how many of my angels did you plan to kill?” he asks.

  “They killed my daughter.”

  “I know Ameana-Rose was your world and that it hurt to have her taken. However, you are not supposed to use your powers for revenge. It is for protection against darkness.”

nbsp; “They were dark. They killed my baby,” I remind him.

  “Humans lose loved ones all the time; they manage not to kill everything in sight. Why can’t you? Losing a loved one does not entitle you to a murderous rampage. I know it is not fair; however, I am holding you to a higher standard than the rest because you are more powerful than the rest.”

  “We know we’ve made mistakes, but we also do a lot of good,” Pryor replies.

  “That is very true. Yet I wonder how much more effective this team would be if their leader knew how to control her emotions instead of letting them control her.”

  “It’s my fault. If you are going to punish anyone, it should be me,” Pryor says.

  “You are so much like your father. He would be proud of you at this moment. However, this is not a punishment. It’s what the humans call ‘tough love.’”

  “What does that mean?” East asks.

  “It means Jason is coming for all of you and for all of humanity. There will be a war of good versus evil unlike anything even your parents have seen. I need your team to be ready,” Omnis says.

  “We have been training. We are ready to tackle evil,” she promises.

  “Granted, this team has done an outstanding job banding together when in battle. However, your maturity level does not match that of your powers. Simply put, in order to be truly ready for the evil that’s coming, I need your team to grow up. Hence, I am forced to do this. It may seem harsh, but remember, only after facing the darkness can you truly appreciate the light,” Omnis says.

  He then waves his hand and the mountain disappears. We all find ourselves back in the Guardian home, standing in the middle of the living room. Diana and Bex enter the house and their jaws drop when they take a look at us.


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