Caramel Flava

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Caramel Flava Page 21

by Zane

  Adele groaned. In another minute, her knees would be too weak to support her. “Bed,” she croaked.

  She lay on the bed and he loomed over her, exploring her body with his mouth. He ran his fingers over her stomach, coming dangerously close to her cunt. “Be right back.”

  She waited anxiously while he tinkered around in the kitchen. He came back a moment later with a glass, which he placed on the table. “The day you brought me water, all I could think about was running ice all over you.” He took a piece from the cup and put words into action.

  Adele shivered. The ice was so cold it nearly burned her skin. Neck, breasts, belly, thighs, nothing was spared.

  The ice found her clit and she jumped from the shock. His mouth replaced it a moment later. He alternated the ice and his warm tongue until she was shouting and shaking from the orgasm.

  He kissed her mouth. She could feel his cock pressing against her pussy, begging for entrance. “You ever done this before?”

  “A long time ago.” She glared and poked his shoulder. “Be gentle!”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. You’re in good hands.”

  Miguel kissed her again. Adele deepened the kiss, getting lost in his mouth until she felt a sharp pain. “Stop.”

  Miguel stilled immediately. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll get it in and then it’ll be all over.”

  She nodded, burying her head in his shoulder. Either Miguel was enormous or her vagina had generated a new hymen. The pain mounted, but he took it slowly, taking the cue from her reactions.

  She snuck a look at his face. “You okay?”

  “You feel so good.” He kissed her neck. “I want to make you feel good.” He smiled at her. “There. It’s all in.”

  Adele lay beneath him, getting accustomed to his penis inside her. “Move a little.”

  He withdrew, but stopped when she winced. “No, keep going.”

  He started moving inside her, slowly at first. Adele could tell he was straining to stay in control of himself. “Thank you for your patience,” she murmured.

  He started thrusting faster. Somewhere along the way, the pain dulled. Adele realized she actually felt good. No orgasm loomed on the horizon, but the sensations were bearable.

  Miguel pulled her legs around his waist, dipping deeper into her. His breath got more rugged and shallow. She reached around and gripped his back as he shuddered and shot his cum inside her.

  It wasn’t until they were drifting off to sleep that she realized neither of them had remembered to use a condom.

  Adele was worried that everyone would know what she had done. Fortunately, Miguel’s work kept them separated the entire day. If people knew, no one made any comments. However, Kim did say that she was smiling more than usual.

  “Just blessed to be alive,” Adele replied.

  Adele didn’t even bother trying to convince herself and God that she’d never do it again. She knew exactly where she planned to spend the night. As planned, midnight found her draped across her lover’s body, taking his penis into her mouth.

  “This thing gets bigger every time I see it.”

  He grinned, running his fingers through her hair. “See if you can take it a little deeper. There, that’s it.” He closed his eyes and settled back. “I’ll try to warn you before I come.”

  Adele’s jaw was starting to hurt. His penis filled her mouth, leaving little room to maneuver her tongue. Still, she could taste him and it was just as she had imagined. Luckily for him, she was in a good frame of mind. He didn’t warn her until it was too late.

  Their days settled into a routine, although the sex was anything but. She and Miguel explored her office, the kitchen, and even the daycare. After hours, The Center seemed like one big bed.

  And while Adele knew that it would all come to an end, she wasn’t prepared for the cessation of her period. Initially, she told herself it was just late, but after two weeks, she had to face the facts. A home test confirmed her worst suspicion. She was pregnant with Miguel’s child.

  Her choice was clear. She had to give up either her baby or her work. She couldn’t have both. Adele walked aimlessly around The Center. The whole building held special memories. Every weekend, they fed the homeless. The daycare was up and thriving. Could she possibly leave everything behind? There was so much work to do. But how could she stay, knowing she’d be living a lie?

  She heard footsteps behind her, but she didn’t turn around. She could sense Miguel’s presence a mile away. Miguel! She hadn’t even thought about him yet. For the millionth time that day, Adele started to mentally kick herself for her stupidity.

  “You never showed me this.” He waved her toy in front of her face. “We could have some fun with it. It’d be a good way to celebrate my new job.”

  He bent to kiss her, but she pulled away. Tears threatened to fall at any moment, but she didn’t want him to see her cry.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He walked around until they were face-to-face. “Adele, baby, talk to me.”

  The concern in his gaze touched her. In that moment, she knew what she had to do. Miguel needed a helping hand, not an ex-nun wife and baby. She took his face in her hands and kissed him as tenderly as she dared. “Nothing. I’m fine.” She put on her best smile. “Now, come tell me about this new job.”



  Sydney Molare

  I’d seen the signs—new haircut, faint bruises on her neck…bite marks on her inner thigh. We’d been married thirteen years and I knew this woman like I knew my own self. I was an authority on what she liked, disliked and how she liked it served up to her. Fun-loving, sporting a sexy damn body with “hello, there!” tits and a “ride me” ass, she was a wild woman…or rather, she used to be. Lately, she’d been standoffish, prone to headaches and excuses, and that just wasn’t like her. Sex had been major in our marriage. Now it’s “I’m not feeling so good. I’ll make it up to you some other time.” I tried to ignore it but if I were a betting man, I’d put everything I had on this: My wife was having an affair.

  Moonlight flooded the room. I stared at her lying next to me, golden sun-blushed skin, long hair curling around her pillow. She looked angelic sleeping there, head atop her hands. I ran a finger over her soft, honey flesh. She flinched slightly; moved away. Oh how I wished she’d open her eyes, turn into my hot body, make me believe she was mine and only mine. But she didn’t. She rolled onto her stomach, head facing away from me, awake now. I knew if I touched her again I would feel clenched muscles unresponsive to my touch.

  I threw back the covers, headed into the kitchen for a glass of Coke, just to think. I left the lights off. I’d memorized the layout of our house too well to need it. Grabbing a soda, I stepped onto the terrace, wanting to look into the starry night as I sorted out my thoughts.

  Just as I popped the top, I heard a muffled, “Ahhhhhhhhhh…” My hand stilled as I searched for the origin of the sound. I was surprised to see the drapes open in the rear room of my neighbor, a mousy woman who skittered away whenever I spoke to her. She wore her hair in a tight bun, wore schoolmarm clothes, but she was a librarian so I guess it went with her image or something.

  I heard the moan again, then the librarian popped into view…except I’d never seen her looking like this. Her hair cascaded around her shoulders, bullet breasts I didn’t know she possessed were encased in some sheer fabric and a G-string barely covered the essentials. Damn, she was hot! Who knew?

  A dark man followed behind her, grabbed her hair, pushed her against the wall, ripped the scrap of bra off her body. I grew apprehensive, not sure if I should dial 9-1-1 or just watch. The devilish side of me said Watch so I waited. I had second thoughts as the man lifted a short riding crop and began lashing it across her heavy breasts. Just as I’d convinced myself to call the police, she leaned back, held the reddening orbs out as he continued to lash them. My cock surged to life as she grabbed his head and sucked his tongue into her mouth, head rolling as they tongue dueled to
the death. Damn!

  The man ripped the panties from her hips, dropped his pajama bottoms to reveal a curved average-size dick. I felt precum forming as I watched him lift a leg, position himself, surge into her pussy. Our librarian surprised me further as she pistoned back on him, groped his ass, propelling him forward, giving as good as she got.

  Precum leaked when the man suddenly pulled out, turned her around and rammed back into her. The man rode his mare, hands twisted into her long hair. She bucked her cowboy high, tetas bouncing in the air. The cherry nipples were distended at least two inches. I licked my lips, imagined suckling those berries.

  I stroked myself then, pulled at my tight, wet head, as our librarian thrashed and contorted on the unknown man. I couldn’t close my eyes, couldn’t imagine any other image than the one in front of me. I stroked and watched as they rolled and pitched, his pelvis melded to her ass. Finally, he pulled out, shot his cum over her back.

  My hand was slick with my juice. I wanted some loving. I started to keep stroking, get myself off, but no, this hard-on I had was too good for a hand job—especially when I had a wife.

  My brick rod bounced as I walked back to the bedroom. She hadn’t moved an inch. I pulled the shirt over my head, dropped my bottoms and slid into bed. She was snoring a little so I knew this was no act.

  I skimmed knuckles over her sumptuous JLO ass before palming it. Lifted her hair and rained kisses across her back and neck. I glided lightly up and down her satin skin; was rewarded with a sigh. I ran my hot hands between her knees, rubbed them as they parted for me. I took my time running fingers into her bush…gawddamn, she was already wet…flicking across her clit.

  A sharp intake of air.


  My cock pulsed as I slid down her back, between her legs, dipped my head. My tongue already knew the route as it sliced between her lips and headed for her clit.

  She moaned then.

  My head rotated as I wrote the alphabet and the numbers one to one hundred in her pussy. Her wet lips grasped, clenched…snapped around my tongue. That’s it, talk to Daddy. Her hands could no longer be still. They rubbed over and over my head, nudging, pushing, guiding me.

  I lifted, slid her down the bed to my throbbing cock. I seated those lush hips on my thighs before I pushed into her, swerved and pistoned into my hot snatch. She hiccupped, pulled a pillow to her mouth and bit the fabric…but worked her ass like she knew who owned the pussy.

  I was in heaven as my slick dick hit all the right spots. Her belly quivered, legs shook as I showed her pussy how much I loved it. I am The Man! Then…she threw her legs over my shoulder and clenched. Her pussy muscles groped, caressed, fisted my cock. Got damn! She was tight! My balls swelled, head mushroomed as she brought the thunder, lightning, hail, cannons and…milked my ass dry.

  The following day, it was business as usual. No mention of the great sex the night before and believe me, we hadn’t had mind-stunning sex like that in a minute. It had gotten routine, stale, no real passion behind it. Just convenient.

  Clad in a short, but tasteful, skirt that hugged her bountiful ass and nipped in her waist, she rinsed out her coffee cup, gave me a peck to the lips before grabbing her jacket and purse. I watched through the window as she stabbed a number in her phone and smiled as she spoke into it as she backed out of the drive. I had to wonder who she was calling this early and, more important, what was said to make her smile like that.

  I stood there, mind heavy, watching the rain tapping against the panes. As our undercover sexpot librarian darted through the drizzle to her car—a dead ringer for the woman from That ’70s Show today—I was determined to get us back on track.

  I cooked dinner and had a dozen red roses waiting when she arrived home.

  “What’s this about, Tonio?” she asked, flicking her long hair off her shoulders, eyes apprehensive.

  I wanted to blurt out, “Your affair,” but instead I just smiled and served her dinner. Besides, I had no proof and didn’t plan to hunt for any. Like my abuela always said, “If you go looking for a booger, you’re bound to find a fat one.” Things would come to a head one way or the other.

  I played some Santana, slow-danced her around the room, tried to show her what she meant to me as I grooved her to my groove. But soon, the smile she’d had earlier faded and she excused herself, said she’d had a long day, was feigning sleep as I lay next to her a few hours later. Shit!

  The gunning of a motor woke me. I walked to the living room, stared out, smiled as I saw the man from last night hopping off a Harley. My gut clutched, cock lurched as the memory flooded back. I hoped and prayed for a rerun.

  My prayers were answered.

  Librarian Lady walked into her back room wearing a black shiny getup that had those tits front-and-center, nipples free, ass cheeks hanging out and high-heeled boots. The man crawled on his hands and knees behind her. She held a leash fastened to a choker around his neck in her hands.

  This ought to be interesting.

  She said something to the man who nodded, head facing the floor. She slapped him then. Oho! I threw my fist over my mouth, stopping the chuckle about to escape as his head snapped back like a boomerang. Chick packed a wallop!

  Ms. Librarian then sat on a stool, legs crossed. I watched her red lips bark something to the man. He began licking the tips of her boots. Her lips moved again. The man licked up the boots and to her knees. She parted her legs; revealed those shorts had no center. Her pinkness seared my brain; made my half-mast cock wake to high alert.

  The man nibbled inside those skinny thighs as he drifted higher and higher. Our local librarian’s head was thrown back, chest heaving as he reached the mother lode. Her head and neck twisted with abandon as he tongued the hell out of her. Face contorted, body writhing, I lip-read the “Oh God! Oh God!” she spoke to the ceiling.


  The man switched places, took charge as he pulled the librarian from the stool, shoved her to her knees, pushed his cock between her red lips. She opened wide, swallowed him whole. Her cheeks sucked in, face bounced against his pelvis in relish.

  I don’t remember pulling my cock out, stroking myself, hips pumping in the air, but I was. The man grabbed those long nipples, pushed her tits around his cock as he mouth-fucked her. Librarian cupped his balls and he went ballistic. His hands tangled in her hair as he slammed into her mouth again and again. I watched in amazement as she grabbed his ass, added her muscle to his momentum. In seconds, he pulled back and spurted white viscous fluid over her chest, which she rubbed into her skin.

  I was past horny. I was about to explode!

  On anxious legs, I strode back to our bedroom. I shed my clothes, slid beneath the covers again. My hands roamed across María’s belly as I nipped her shoulder, licked her earlobe, rubbed my rock-hard dick against her ass. I ran my hand into her panties, was feeling for her clit when she stopped me.

  “I’m sore,” she protested.

  “That’s all right,” I assured her. I turned away, felt for the tube of K-Y jelly in the nightstand. I lubed my pole, then squirted more on my fingers. I rolled back, began sliding the slippery lubricant between her ass cheeks as I sucked her neck.

  “We haven’t done this in a minute,” she reminded me.

  Way too long. “I know. I’ll be gentle,” I said, mouth reclaiming the patch of skin I’d been sucking. I blew into her ear and she seemed to ignite. Her body moved against me, her ass ground against my hardness, hands reached behind, rubbed my head. I directed my cock into the high hole and pushed. She moaned as I slipped past her sphincter. Relaxed as I slid in further.

  “Damn,” she said before reaching into her nightstand, pulling out her mini-bullet.

  Her Milky Way was tight as heck! My breath was labored as I held back, tried not to let my body take over, piston into her in my need. I stroked slowly, stretching an inch at a time as I fed my dick into her ass.

  She inserted her bullet…and took me over the edge. Aw shit! I couldn’t
stop as the vibrations made me pump, hump, grind into her. She pushed back, hand reaching around grasping my ass cheek. I rode her chocolate highway in eighth gear.

  Then…she put the bullet on my balls. I double-pumped as the vibration radiated through my sac. She put an arch in her back, made me sweat, slobber, speak in tongues, bite my tongue. I don’t remember cumming. I just remember bliss flooding my body before my eyes rolled into my head.

  The following morning the conversation was a little livelier.

  “What’s gotten into you, Tonio?” she questioned as she sipped her coffee.

  I’d slipped into the shower, massaged her fully before I bathed her down. “You mean us, don’t you?”

  “Okay. What’s gotten into us?” A smile played at the edges of her mouth.

  “Ain’t nothing wrong with a husband loving his wife, now, is there?” I replied, leaning over to kiss her. She opened her mouth, gave me some tongue action. I flicked, glided, sucked and bit her tongue. I wanted her to understand that whatever she was looking for was already here.

  She pulled back first. “If we keep this up, I’m gonna be late.” Her chest heaved.

  Not a bad idea. But instead I fixed her mussed hair and ran a finger down her cheek, locking eyes with her the entire time.

  She stood there, mouth agape, as I turned to the refrigerator. I flexed my butt as I reached in for the orange juice. She was in the same spot when I turned back.

  “What?” I teased.

  I saw the questions in her eyes; refused to answer them. She smiled again and shook her head. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” She picked up her purse and glanced back at me. “See you tonight.”

  I walked over, pulled her into a hug and gave her another tongue lashing before releasing her. She wobbled, reached for the cabinet to balance herself. Said nothing more as she walked on unsteady legs up the hall, head shaking the entire time.


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