Her Bareback Cowboys

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Her Bareback Cowboys Page 9

by Ylette Pearson

  The stable door creaked open and the wind blew Adrian inside. A camera hung around her neck and she pulled a bale to where she’d been standing before. What the hell was she doing? They planned to have sex, which, the last time he’d checked, was not a spectator sport.

  “What are you doing? I thought we were done with the photos.”

  Adrian grinned at Maverick. “Can’t a girl have some fun? Relax, boys, these are just for me. Nobody else will ever see them.”

  “Well shoot.” He strutted forward a few paces and crooked his eyebrow. “Seeing as everything’s bigger in Texas, I presume you want us to do a striptease for you?”

  She nodded and despite his aversion to Maverick’s showmanship, Wade’s cock stirred again.

  “Only if you return the favor.”

  What was wrong with Maverick? He’d embarrass himself and come in his pants if Adrian were to do a striptease in front of him now. And he hadn’t done that since…well, ever.

  “We’ll see.” She took her coat off, sat her delectable ass on the bale and brought the camera to her eye. “So, are you guys going to get out of your clothes or not?”

  With Joe Cocker singing in her head, the men unbuttoned their shirts again and Adrian swallowed. Although leaner than Maverick’s, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Wade’s sculpted chest. Through the viewfinder, she watched him bend to untie his boots, his abdominal muscles flexing. His shoulders rounded as he lifted his foot to tug at the boot. He hooked the lace around his finger and twirled the boot in the air before he tossed it to the side.

  Maverick latched onto Wade’s shoulder to take off his boots and he swore softly when the spur caught him on the back of his hand. The camera’s motor struggled to keep up with her pace and Adrian changed the setting.

  “Are you done torturing us?” Maverick pleaded.

  “Not on your life.” She fiddled with the controls. Why wouldn’t the camera obey her commands all of a sudden? Adrian inhaled to calm her raging hormones and concentrate on what she was doing. Her face heated. What must the men think of her if she couldn’t even manage to operate her own equipment? At last she found the correct setting and lifted the viewfinder to her eye again.

  Wade unbuttoned his jeans and she held in the shutter button. Oh hell, this was not such a good idea. As Maverick also dropped his jeans to the floor, revealing muscled thighs dotted with fine blond hair, Adrian clamped her legs together. She bit her lip to stop herself from drooling all over the body of the camera.

  When they reached for the boxers to take them off, Adrian lowered the camera. No way would she risk anyone seeing naked photos of her cowboys. The thought brought her up short. Her cowboys? Since when did she think of them as hers?

  The sight of the two cocks ready for action chased all coherent thought from her mind. She dropped the camera on a bale and sauntered over to the men, kneeling between them and crooking her fingers at them. They stepped closer, grinning.

  “Who do you think is in charge here, woman?” Maverick grumbled.

  “Me.” She smiled. “At least for now.”

  She palmed Maverick’s balls, kneading them, testing their delicate weight in her hand. She gently scraped her fingernail across the surface and they pruned and scrambled for cover. Coaxing them out again was going to be fun. She stroked the sensitive flesh in front of his anus and his cock bobbed. Adrian salivated with need.

  Wade gasped as her hand clamped around his jutting member and she flicked her tongue over the sensitive tip, tracing the outline of the mushroom shape. She took him into her mouth, moving her lips along the velvety shaft, depositing moisture along the way.

  She moved her other hand and clutched Maverick’s cock, stroking in rhythm with her mouth’s movements on Wade. Switching her head to Maverick, she moistened his cock, taking him deep into her throat. As reward for her ministration, Maverick pressed deeper into her mouth, making her swallow the tip.

  With both men’s pistols armed and ready for a showdown, she sat on her haunches and stroked them, licking them and clamping her legs together when their pre-cum caused her vagina to beg for their touch. She dragged them closer to her and rubbed the blossoming heads together, gliding her tongue across the united shafts.

  “Enough,” Wade growled and pulled her to her feet.

  Seconds later, she stood naked, her clothes scattered over the dusty floor. Their hands caressed her body, pinching her nipples, stroking her ass, her sides and fondling her clit. Wade closed his mouth on the sensitized peak of her nipple while Maverick nudged her legs apart and paid homage to her cunt. Sensation rocked through her, throbbing in her pussy and lubricating Maverick’s hand. Her legs threatened to give way.

  Wade caressed her midriff, her hips, and stroked the globes of her ass. When he separated the cheeks and his finger found the tight ring of her anus, Adrian’s legs buckled and she grabbed onto Maverick’s shoulders to steady herself. Wade stepped away from her and rummaged through a saddlebag nestling against the wall. He returned with a small bottle of lubricant.

  At her raised eyebrow, he grinned. “We thought we better be prepared on the road today, so we dropped it in the saddlebags—just in case we needed it.”

  “Hmm,” was all she managed to say through the sighs of pleasure as Wade spread the lubricant over her pussy and anus.

  “I need to get inside you.” Maverick stood, grabbed his jeans from the floor and impatiently tore at the foil packet he’d removed from the pocket.

  Wade picked her up, kissed her soundly while carrying her to the blanket and positioned her so she straddled Maverick’s hips. Maverick moved his buttocks and shoved his cock against her pussy, demanding entry.

  Delirious with want and need, Adrian reached between their bodies and slowly impaled herself onto his shaft.

  “Damn, woman, you’ll be the death of me.” His hands explored her breasts, massaging them, and he closed his mouth over each peak.

  “Are you complaining?” She rocked her hips, riding him. Faster and faster until her world threatened to spin out of orbit. She dug her nails into his shoulders as waves of pleasure crashed through her.

  “Never. I could do this for the rest of my life.”

  So could she. The pleasure inside her reached unbearable proportions and realization hit her. She loved them—both. The thought arrested her movements while her mind raced. Thank goodness her hair hid her now pale face. How could she be in love with two men at the same time? What type of woman was she?

  Maverick stopped moving and stroked the hair from her face. He frowned. “You okay? Did I hurt you?”

  His concern threatened to close her throat and she swallowed. No wonder she was falling in love with them. She shook her head and jiggled her bum. “No, I’m just making sure you’re paying attention.”

  “Oh, I am, honey.” He picked up the rhythm, pushing up and into her with increased vigor.

  When Maverick’s cry echoed in the room and his body spasmed, sensation overrode reason and she abandoned herself to the pure ecstasy of enjoying the mating.

  Her own spasms subsided and Wade lifted her to her feet. He hugged her to him and she nestled her cheek against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Oh, she was in such trouble.

  Wade placed her hands on the top of the bales and bent her forward. She glanced at him over her shoulder, presenting her backside to him.

  “Trust me?” Wade asked.

  Adrian nodded, surprised to find that she did trust the men. Instinct told her they would never hurt her. They didn’t need to love someone to be gentle and kind. Wade’s fingers lubricated the tight hole of her ass again, and Adrian lost her train of thought as he slipped one finger inside. With her on the brink of orgasm, he extracted the finger and she gasped. He couldn’t leave her hanging like this—she’d die of want. Her body would never recover. Then he eased two fingers inside, stretching the muscles, relaxing the tight ring.

  Maverick squeezed his shoulders between her legs. “Open your legs
wider, honey.”

  She obliged and he stroked her clit, tugging and twisting until her body undulated around the fingers in her ass, forcing them deeper. While Maverick twirled her nipple between his fingers, the pressure in her anus lessened, only to be replaced by the sharp sting of Wade’s penis entering her.

  She gasped and he held still for eternal seconds to allow her time to adjust to the burn. Heady sensation and an incredible fullness replaced the discomfort and she moved her hips tentatively.

  “Oh, God, you’re tight.”

  His words electrified her and she tilted her hips to ease the pressure. Or increase it. She wasn’t sure what she wanted. All she knew was that she wanted more. As if waiting for the sign, Wade thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock deeper into her. Adrian lost all sense of time and place as her body attempted to process the ecstasy of Wade’s cock filling her ass and Maverick stroking her clit and breasts. She failed miserably.

  When Maverick pushed two fingers into her vagina, her legs buckled and Wade snaked an arm across her waist to keep her upright, changing the angle and burying himself deeper inside her. Wade started moving, excruciatingly slow at first, but gradually increasing the pace. Maverick followed the rhythm—faster and harder, until Maverick shoved three fingers into her pussy and Wade plunged in and out of her ass.

  She dug her nails into Maverick’s shoulders as the muscles in her pussy quivered. The cock inside her pulsed and Wade’s cry mingled with her own when her juices ran over Maverick’s hand. Still, they didn’t let up and Maverick ran his thumb over her sensitive clit. The walls of her vagina contracted, hugging his fingers and he curled them, sapping the strength from her legs.

  Then both men withdrew and Adrian sank to her knees, gasping for breath she was unable to find. Beside her, Wade replaced the condom with a fresh one while Maverick gently lifted her off the floor, his chest warming her back. When Wade moved in beneath her, looking up at her as he slid his hand over her chest and tummy until he found her clit, Maverick positioned her so she straddled Wade’s hips. With a few strokes, Wade brought her to the brink of orgasm again. He slipped his cock into her pussy and Adrian sagged onto his chest.

  Then the pressure on her anus returned as Maverick eased his cock into her. Her brain short-circuited. She couldn’t take any more pleasure. This was too much.

  Wade lifted her head and stroked her hair away from her face. “You okay, honey?”

  She wet her dry lips and nodded before capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. Once again they fucked her, Wade gliding his cock into her pussy while Maverick met him stroke for stroke with his cock up her ass, until she couldn’t remember her own name. She existed only for the pleasure they could give her. When her body shuddered, they kept going, not letting up until they had all tumbled over the edge again and again.

  Sated and spent, she slouched between their hard bodies while her world righted itself. Their panting subsided and Adrian glanced at Wade. He watched her through heavy lids.

  “If you don’t think that was larrupin’ good, I’m applying for a sex change.”

  She giggled. It was better than fantastic. Tiny eruptions still riddled her body, but it wouldn’t do to inflate their egos further. She kept her face straight as she ran her palm over his cheek.

  “It was all right, I guess, but I could do with some more.”

  Maverick lifted himself onto his elbow and glared at her. “Jeez, you want more? Damn, woman, what planet are you from because you sure as hell aren’t human.”

  She shrugged and bit the inside of her lip to keep from smiling. “I haven’t had any sex in over a year. So can you blame me for being needy?”

  Wade gave her a leery grin. “Nope, but I’d sure like to help you make up for lost time.”

  Adrian smiled and crawled to her knees. “You guys sure you’re up for another round?”

  “I see nothing has changed. You’re still fucking anything that moves.”

  Adrian shrieked and whirled around. Her eyes told her it was Rory leaning against the wooden door, but her brain refused to accept it. There was no reason for Rory to be here. She must be hallucinating. When her hallucination moved farther into the room, all the blood rushed from her face. The men sat up simultaneously, shielding her body with theirs.

  Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. The second chance at salvaging her career had just crashed and burned. This time, she’d violated her own rule and got caught. She’d slept with her models and Rory wouldn’t hesitate to announce it from the top of the highest mountain for all to hear.

  “Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?”

  Adrian jumped at Wade’s grumble. His aggression should send any intelligent man ducking for cover, but Rory had never pleaded an excess of brain cells. He stepped closer.

  Maverick reached for his shirt on a bale nearby and handed it to her. She pulled it over her head and struggled to get up from the blanket.

  “Wade, Maverick, meet my ex-husband, Rory Myburg.”

  Chapter Nine

  Maverick glared at Rory as the man strutted toward them and fisted his hands. The past couple of days he’d wondered about the man who had caused Adrian so much pain and he’d craved the opportunity to throttle him. Now Rory stood before him, arrogant and smirking at his good fortune of getting an opportunity to ruin Adrian further.

  Although he could see why Rory was a popular model, he couldn’t help his instant dislike of the man. One look at Adrian hugging her arms to her body and the pallor of her cheeks and Maverick was ready to rearrange the man’s face—preferably permanently.

  Maverick rose from the floor, taking care to flex his ample muscles. He strode to where he’d flung his jeans and took his time putting them on. Only after he’d slipped his arms into his jacket did he face Rory. The silence in the room since Adrian’s announcement was deafening.

  “I think we can take this discussion outside and give Adrian some privacy to dress.”

  Rory squared his shoulders and smirked. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.” His gaze ran over Adrian slowly, lingering on her bare legs and swollen lips.

  “Man, if you don’t walk out the door within the next two seconds, I’ll help you out.” Wade stood in one fluid motion and took a step toward Rory.

  Some of the arrogance evaporated from Rory’s stance, but he held his ground. Maverick felt a sliver of admiration for the man. It took real guts to stand up to the two of them. Although Maverick was by no means short, Wade towered over both of them, and with his stern face fully in place, Wade usually intimidated the bravest of souls. Hell, if he was on the receiving end of Wade’s wrath, he’d run a mile. But then, Rory didn’t know Wade—not yet anyway.

  “What are you doing here, Rory?”

  The quiver in Adrian’s voice belied the aggression she tried to infuse. With three strides, Maverick was at her side and had slung his arm over her shoulders, pulling her against him. The trembling in her body ratcheted his anger up another notch.

  “You’re not the only one who landed a job after nearly a year of struggling.”

  Adrian inched closer to Maverick as if seeking the warmth of his body. She swung her hand in the air, indicating Wade and Maverick. “We already have models for this assignment.”

  “You fucked up my modeling career, but you forgot I’m a qualified videographer. So, darling, I’m here to make sure you pay for the misery you put me through.” He grinned and Maverick fisted his hands.

  Rory stepped closer to Adrian and she cringed further into Maverick’s body. Damn, he ached to take the bastard’s head off. As if she’d read his thoughts, Adrian slipped her arm around Maverick’s middle and squeezed.

  “Buddy, you’ve overstayed your welcome in this room. I suggest you get your ass outside right now.” Wade’s voice rumbled like a rockslide through the room.

  “Or what?”

  Maverick loosened Adrian’s grip on him. It was time to get up close and personal with the hard-of-hearing lout. He s
tepped closer until his nose was inches away from Rory’s face. “Or I’ll help you out.”

  “Oh, this is ridiculous. Rory, get over yourself. This is not the time or the place to discuss this.” Adrian tugged on Maverick’s arm. “He’s not worth the effort. Let’s get out of here. I still have a couple of photos to take.” She grabbed her clothes and pulled her jeans over her hips.

  There was no way Maverick was going to let Rory have an eyeful of Adrian again and he needed his shirt. “I’ll see you out.” He walked to the door and held it open, leaving their guest no choice but to obey.

  “This is not over, not by a long shot. I owe you some of the same love you gave me.” Rory pointed at Adrian. “You ruined my career, so be warned, I plan to return the favor.”

  Adrian sighed. “I heard you the first time.” She lifted her hands in a careless gesture. “I can’t stop you from trying, so give it your best shot.”

  Maverick stared at Adrian and his mouth dropped open. In the space of seconds, she had transformed into a goddess on the warpath. Shoulders squared, hair tangled and eyes blazing, she wore a look that shouted don’t mess with me. His loins stirred and he cursed himself silently. This was not the time or the place to notice how very sexy, very desirable and totally lovable she was. Clearly she’d decided that she wasn’t going to let Rory intimidate her anymore. That’s my girl, he silently cheered her on.

  She gathered the rest of her clothes from the floor and tucked her boots under her arm. Ignoring everyone else, she sat on a bale and shoved her foot in the shoe, her hair hiding her face from view. Rory glared at her for a second more before he turned and walked past Maverick. Maverick shut the door behind him and threw the deadbolt.

  “I’m sorry you guys got caught in the middle of this.” Her shoulders slumped and she dropped her head into her hands.


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