Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance

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Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Page 4

by Liv Brywood

  A fist clenches around my heart. Oscar almost caught Nyx in my room. Nyx could have been in terrible danger. I have to be more careful. There’s no way that Oscar just happened to be passing by my room. Lexus was waiting for me to sneak out. She was probably going to have Oscar follow me. I have to watch out for both of them, and there may be other witches involved too. I can’t trust anyone at the Academy.

  I take a deep breath to try to calm down.

  When I think about Nyx’s visit, I smile briefly. He was sweet to come and check on me, especially when it was so dangerous. He knows the witches at the Academy are being trained to hate shifters, but he came anyway. There’s a lot of tension between witches and shifters. With Lexus at the helm, this place is especially dangerous. If Lexus knew he was here, she’d have the other witches tear him to shreds.

  “This war is so stupid.”

  I slump on my bed and scream into my pillow because I’m fucking stressed. My best friends are shifters. I couldn’t stand to lose any of them. It would tear my soul apart.

  Only a few witches are trying to start this war. Lexus is their ring leader. However, most witches want peace. The war between shifters and witches was settled decades ago. We’ve been living in harmony for many, many years except for the occasional brief skirmish.

  Hopefully, the war will never start, and everyone will be able to live in peace again. There’s absolutely no reason for a war to break out except for idiotic old prejudices and misconceptions and turf disputes. Still, Lexus uses anything she can to rile the witches to train for her battles.

  I close my eyes and try to relax against my pillows.

  Images of Nyx’s naked body pop into my head. I almost wish he hadn’t covered himself. His body is art. His face is ruggedly handsome, unlike Oscar’s pretty mug. And Nyx has a good soul. He may look like a badass on the outside, but he’s nothing but sweet and kind to me.

  Before Oscar interrupted us, Nyx leaned closer to me. I know he was about to kiss me. I wanted that kiss more than anything I’ve ever wanted. Stupid Oscar ruined everything.

  My hands clench.

  Lexus is doing a better job at ruining my life than she might think. I haven’t forgotten Lexus’ so-called warning about my safety. She seemed overly concerned about accidents that happen at night—accidents like my mother’s. I don’t want to say it aloud, but my gut says that Lexus had something to do with my mother’s nighttime death.

  Would Lexus actually try to find a way to hurt me and make it look like an accident? I wouldn’t put it past her. She thinks she can control my life. Well, she’s dead wrong. I stay at the Academy because of my father. Even though he’s clueless about Lexus, I still love him. Outside of Nyx, Remus, and Torak, he’s the only family I have left. My father wants me to stay at the Academy because he thinks I’m safe here… if he only knew.

  What will happen to me when Lexus finally decides she’s had enough of me because she can’t control me? Will I have an accident? Or worse yet, will Nyx, Remus, or Torak have accidents? Or will Lexus murder them because I made a mistake? I’m sure she could make it seem like they were the aggressors. What if Lexus hurts them because they’re trying to protect me? I can’t stand the thought of that either.

  I throw a pillow in frustration. I hate it here. This is hell.

  I’m constantly watched everywhere I go. Lexus’ threat looms over my head like a dark cloud ready to burst.

  I even have someone lurking outside my door in the middle of the night to make sure I don’t sneak out to see my friends. I can’t even get a bit of fresh air without someone spying on me.

  Do I leave?

  Unfortunately, I don’t really have any place to go. I don’t have any other family to run to. Where would I go?

  Nyx, Remus, and Torak have their own houses. Would I put them in danger if I stayed with one of them? No one here would have to know where I went.

  There must be some way to sneak out of the Academy undetected. I just have to wait until no one’s looking.

  When, though? Someone’s always watching.

  Except when I’m in my room.

  I get up, walk to the window, and look out.

  If Nyx can get in, surely there’s a way to get out. I sneak out every night. I might not be able to take everything with me, but I’m not trapped here. I could leave if I had someplace to go.

  I lay on my bed and consider my options. I like Remus’ house the best. He has an awesome shop attached to the front of his house called Thyme and Country. He sells herbs to witches for spells and to shifters for food and medicine.

  The best part is that he has a field of lavender behind his house. It smells divine. It’s so relaxing to go out to there and just sit among the blooms. When I’m out there, I don’t have to worry about anything. It would be so amazing to be able to go out there anytime I wanted.

  A whiff of imaginary lavender teases me.

  Would Remus let me move in with him? It’s a crazy idea. A crazy idea that I’d consider if it meant getting out of this hell. I’ll have to ask him what he thinks. Maybe tomorrow I’ll sneak out to go see him.

  I snuggle beneath my silky sheets and warm comforter. The promise of escape distracts me and my thoughts drift back to Nyx. What if Oscar hadn’t interrupted us? Would Nyx have kissed me? He’d leaned in so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. His beautiful brown eyes, the color of milk chocolate, had fluttered shut. I could almost taste his mouth as he’d licked his bottom lip. His left hand had cupped my cheek and his thumb had touched my lips.

  I indulge in the fantasy. The kiss would be tentative, gentle at first. Then gradually, it would deepen. His hands would cup my face. I’d wrap my arms around his naked body. He’d be so firm beneath my hands. I’d touch every muscle as I caress his back.

  And then what? Would he gently lay me on the bed and continue kissing me? Would he take charge? And then sensing my body’s response, would he make love to me? Would he press his body into mine and make love to me until fireworks exploded between us?

  It may only be a fantasy, but it just feels so right.

  My body and my heart don’t want to heed my brain’s warning that I could ruin our friendship. I almost found out tonight if I’d be ruining or improving it. Damn Oscar. Damn him. And damn Lexus for sending her little puppet to “protect” me.

  I can’t live like this. I can’t live knowing that every little move I make is being watched. Could that evil witch even be spying on me in my own room?

  As the thought pops into my head, my skin crawls. It’s like a thousand tiny spiders are walking all over my body. Goosebumps pebble on my arms.

  “I’m done. I’m leaving,” I whisper.

  Satisfied with my decision to talk to Remus tomorrow, I exhale. I clutch my pillow and wish I could hold Nyx tonight. I just hope I can get out of here. If Lexus finds out I’m leaving for good, there’s no telling what she’ll do.



  In the warm glow of golden sunlight, I squat between rows of verdant herbs in my garden behind Thyme and Country. A wide-brimmed hat protects my eyes from the sun’s vital yet dangerous energy. I smile as I consider this duality in light of my current task.

  I learned long ago how to help plants thrive. To care for my many herbs, I have to regularly pinch and prune them. In the process, they’re able to flourish, which is why they’re so coveted by the witches in Bonfire Falls.

  Much like the sun, gardening is all about contrasts, seemingly dichotomous elements that combine into a whole. The phenomenon doesn’t limit itself to gardening, by any means.

  Who would have thought Nyx, Torak, Iris, and I would form such a strong bond? Talk about dichotomous elements.

  I grin. We’re an odd bunch, but somehow, it works.

  With a palm-sized pair of clippers, I carefully snip off the spiny leaves of a rosemary plant. Rosemary is hardy and doesn’t have to be pruned to live, but in order to thrive, one has to put in extra effort. I don’t mind. I t
reat the plants with respect, and they grow faster and stronger because of it.

  I pause when a busy ant clambers out onto one of the spines I intend to prune. With a chuckle, I bend the stem down and shake it gently until the red insect falls to the ground. It scampers away to join its friends. Even ants have a place in the garden.

  I resume my activities until a bell draws my attention. It only chimes when someone pushes the button at the entrance to my shop, which is situated in a huge room at the front of my house. The shop is attached to the house on one wall, but it’s essentially a separate space. There isn’t a door connecting the shop to the house. The shop has its own door.

  My brow furrows in confusion. It’s too early for customers. Witches, obviously, prefer to do things at night. Who could it be?

  I stand and dust my hands off. I adjust my belt buckle and gardening pants before I head into the house. On my way through the living area, I remove my hat and pause at a mirror to finger comb my hair. I quickly don a green apron with Thyme and Country emblazoned across it in large yellow script. I put on my best customer service smile and head toward the shop.

  Oddly, no one is visible outside the front door. Perhaps it could have been the mailman?

  At the entrance, I flip the sign from closed to open. I’m about to step inside when I spot someone out of the corner of my eye.


  My eyes widen. She’s the last person I expected to see today.

  She’s standing next to the corner of the shop so that she’s partially hidden by the wraparound porch. A suitcase sits next to the rustic rocking chair I keep on the porch for tired customers.

  Iris’ brows furrow as she frowns. While she’s clearly happy to see me, she still seems apprehensive. She hasn’t said a word, and she’s constantly checking the road.


  Her frightened gaze snaps to my puzzled one. I check her over as she approaches me. She seems no worse for wear, other than her fear.

  “I didn’t know where else to go,” she whispers.

  “Did you leave the Academy?” I can’t keep the shock from my tone.

  “I—can we go inside?”

  “Of course. Come in.”

  I grab her luggage and usher her back to my house and into my sun-bathed kitchen. After setting down her luggage, I quickly fill a tea kettle and set it on the stove.

  “You can sit anywhere you want.”

  She takes a seat at the kitchen table. She’s usually never this quiet. It worries me to no end.

  As the kettle heats on the stove, I use a mortar and pestle to grind some dried lemon verbena leaves into a powder. The herb is good for upset stomachs and also functions as a mild sedative. I hope the tea will calm her anxiety. I add a pinch of chamomile for good measure.

  Once the kettle whistles, I pour water into an artfully painted porcelain cup. I place the silver infuser into it and reach for a glass jar of thick amber honey.

  To put her more at ease, I engage her in small talk.

  “It’s best to put in the honey right away so it has a chance to melt into the hot water.” I add two teaspoons of the viscous liquid to the cup and stir it around a bit. “Some people prefer to wait, but then the honey doesn’t mix well, and it settles at the bottom. This honey comes from the hive I have out back. It’s great for allergies and easier for your body to metabolize than granulated sugar.”

  I realize I’ve begun to ramble and hurry across the kitchen to hand her the drink. Iris takes it, but her hands shake terribly. The cup rattles against the saucer beneath it.

  She’s clearly terrified.

  “Hey.” I take the teacup and saucer and place them on the table. Then I gather her into my arms and hold her close against me. Her arms encircle my waist, and she seems to take comfort from the gesture.

  Even in my human form, her scent intoxicates me. She smells like wildflowers after a thunderstorm. Iris feels good in my arms, as if she’s right where she’s supposed to be.

  We break contact, and I can’t mask my concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “I—I’ve decided to leave the Academy.” Iris crosses her arms over her stomach and glances toward the road. “I can’t stay there any longer, but I have no place else to go.”

  “You can stay with me. My house has more than enough space.”

  She smiles, but it quickly twists into a worried frown.

  “It could be dangerous.” She purses her lips; her lovely face draws into a frightened grimace. “Lexus will be so pissed, but I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of her long-winded, bogus tirades about how evil shifters are. It’s not true.”

  We come together in another embrace. I gently stroke her hair as I hold her close. After a few blissful moments, Iris stares up at me with her big, beautiful eyes.

  “You’re one of my best friends in the world.” She sighs, able to relax at last. “There’s no evil in you.”

  Then she nestles her head against my chest. I’m glad she can’t see my worried scowl.

  You’d better believe there’s no evil in me, well, except when I think about her. All kinds of dirty, naughty thoughts come up when I picture myself with Iris. I can’t understand how she doesn’t realize how much I want her.

  For years, I’ve harbored a desperate, intense desire for her. For a long time, I’ve been wanting more. Selfishly, desperately wanting more than her friendship. I long to tell her how I feel, but so far, I haven’t. If I do, I’ll cross a line that can never be undone. I may lose her friendship, and the thought of that scares the heck out of me.

  I also have to consider how a romantic relationship with her would affect Nyx and Torak. Our little pack of four, a witch and three shifters, has been an unlikely success story. I don’t want to be the one to ruin it. If Iris and I become romantically involved, it would change the entire dynamic of our group. Nyx and Torak are my best friends. I don’t want to piss them off and lose them too.

  Still, it’s hard not to kiss her. Iris’s body against mine is something I’ve dreamed of. Now here I am, in the middle of the scenario I’ve invented and replayed over and over in my mind for so long.

  I want to kiss her so much that I ache inside. I summon every ounce of self-control and force myself to step back.

  I won’t kiss her. I won’t cross that line. Not yet. I’ll help her because she needs me, not because I want something from her.

  “Come on.” I pick up her suitcase and motion for her to follow. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  As I lead her from the kitchen to the living area, polished wooden floorboards creak under our footsteps. In the living room, a rarely used television sits on an entertainment center. Most of the room is bare but for the country-style art on the walls. Two comfortable stuffed chairs flank an equally homey sofa, all upholstered in brown suede.

  “This is the living room.” I stop. “It’s a good place to sit and drink tea. I have cable, but I don’t watch it much. Feel free to use it whenever you want.”

  “This is cozy.” Iris examines the room and smiles. “Thank you so much.”

  “It’s nothing.” My cheeks flush. The memory of her touch has me so flabbergasted I can barely function. “Ah, there’s also a sound system hooked up to my streaming service. Say ‘Hey, Bamboozle’ and tell it to play whatever you want. Come on, I’ll show you the bathrooms.”

  “Bathrooms?” Iris’s brows arch. “You have more than one?”

  “Well, not exactly.” I lead her down the hall toward the staircase and motion toward a half-open door. “That’s the half bath. There’s a toilet and a shower, but no tub. Upstairs, there’s a master suite with a bath and shower. Your room also has a full bathroom. You can use whichever one you want.”


  I can scarcely contain my excitement. My secret crush—and best friend—has officially moved in. Hopefully, Nyx and Torak won’t be too jealous.

  I lead her up the stairs to the upper floor. Upstairs, it smells like my homemade lemon cleaning oil.
I love the fresh scent much better than traditional cleaning products which are filled with chemicals. My wolf can’t stand the smell of bleach, but it loves lemon. It thinks we’re about to have lemon pie. Every once in a while, I’ll indulge the beast and make a fresh lemon pie just to appease him.

  I push on the door to the guest bedroom and we go inside.

  “This will be your room.” I pull open the drapes, tie them back, and raise the blinds. The room is bathed in warm sunlight.

  A vase with slightly wilted daisies sits on a three-legged nightstand in the corner. I make a mental note to replace the flowers.

  Adjacent to it, there’s a queen-sized bed with a plush down comforter and a full complement of pillows. The only other furniture is a vanity and a stool. Another door is set into the far wall. I open it to reveal the en suite bathroom.

  “You have a bathroom all to yourself.” I open another door inside the bathroom. “This will be your walk-in closet. I’ve got some stuff stored in there, but you can move it around if you need more room.”

  “This is wonderful.” Iris’ smile is warmer than sunlight. It penetrates deep and heats my blood. “You’re so good to me.”

  “You can have anything you want in the house.” I clear my throat. “I mean, you know, food or tea, or whatever. My house is your house now.”

  Iris breathes a sigh of relief as she pulls me into a warm embrace.

  My house is your house now.

  I love the way that sounds. While Iris won’t share my bed, she will share my house. There may not be a romantic relationship between us, but this is a huge step in the right direction. Now that she’s living with me, I may be able to shift our relationship from friendship to something more… maybe even love.

  I just hope Nyx and Torak won’t be too angry.



  For the first time in years, I feel safe. I love my new bedroom. I’ve been here for a couple of days. When I woke up this morning, I didn’t even want to get out of bed, so I’m sitting in bed watching birds flit around on tree branches by my window.


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