Dark Facade (Book One) (Dark Facade Series)

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Dark Facade (Book One) (Dark Facade Series) Page 4

by Hubbard, Sylvia

  “Please make a quarter turn to your right and wait,” the driver instructed.

  Maxine listened intently. There were more footsteps in the room and she was positive three more lines of women had come in.

  “Welcome, to the Dark Masquerade.” This male voice was coming from behind her. It was deep, older and she was positive white. “Your journey begins now. What you will experience, no one else in your life will ever know or understand.” There was a long moment of silence. “Obedience is not only for the protection of your identity, but the protection of the others around you and the protection of what our organization has represented for decades. Many think we’re degrading to black women, but that is not our mission. We prefer them, but unfortunately have to hide our preference to the world.”

  Maxine was now truly confused.

  “The voice you hear now, maybe the only other voice you will have to heed to other than your master. I am Devon Walkins, founder of Dark Façade.” He was moving around the room and Maxine felt him stop near her. “Before we go any further, we must make sure that all our rules have been followed. Like I said, obedience is demanded and once you are fully accepted into our society, there is no going back. Now, would everyone please put their boxes on the floor in front of them and raise their dresses above their waist.”

  Blushing all over, Maxine did as she was told wondering how many people could see her. This was too embarrassing.

  “Please lower your dresses and wait for further commands,” Devon ordered.

  Maxine could hear the bus driver and some other men talking, but they were saying some of the same things.

  “Disobedience is not wanted, give me your key and please step forward.”

  “You were instructed to only wear a dark dress. Underwear was not ordered, give me your key and please set forward.”

  They went on and on. Some women had worn stockings or even garters. Each that had disobeyed was ordered to give over their key and take a step forward. There were some women who had not raised their dresses and were told to step forward as well and giving their key to the person who ordered it.

  The bus driver passed by her and the other girl to her right. Maxine still didn’t feel like she had passed the test and couldn’t relax. Not yet.

  The room died down again and after another moment of silence, Devon said, “If you were told to step forward, please make a quarter turn to your right and put your left hand on the shoulder of the woman in front of you and follow them until you are told to stop.”

  Maxine listened to the women walk out, but she still didn’t relax. She clutched her key in her hand and knew if this was ever relinquished that would be the end. She wouldn’t be a part of this anymore.

  And if that happened, her chance to get closer to Lisa would be null and void.

  There was other movement and Maxine listened to people lifting things around her.

  “You must all be hungry, but you will eat eventually.” Devon politely implored. “Please further indulge me by holding your key out in your right hand. Someone will come by and lead you to a chair.”

  After a few minutes, she felt a gentle grip on her wrist and was led to a chair and her box was set in her lap.

  It wasn’t a normal chair though. It felt like a barber’s chair. She gasped along with the other women, as the chair started to slowly move back and her dress was raised above her waist exposing her nudity.

  Devon’s voice was soothing. “Just relax and allow us to pamper you and instruct you. Afterwards, you will be taken to your chamber to dine with your new master.”


  It had to be an hour and a half before she was taken to a room. From what Maxine could sense, it was smaller than the one she had been in before. The blindfold had come off just once when someone wanted to wash her face and then apply some more make up. She could barely see the person doing it. The blindfold was immediately put back on but not as tight. Someone had even painted her nails and toes while someone else was putting her hair back into a tighter ponytail after thoroughly inspecting her scalp.

  The only thing she objected to was when her legs were spread wide and someone with a shaver started to preen her. She screamed at first, but the woman who had been in her ear giving her instructions since this whole grooming process started told her to trust them and relax.

  Maxine wanted to yank off the blindfold so bad. Even though she felt she was alone in the smaller room, she remembered all the words that were told to her while she was being groomed.

  “Obedience is a must at all times. You must listen and obey your master at all times. You must do as you are told without question. Your master is your provider and protector, even outside of your chambers.”

  There was so much more and her mind was filled with what she was supposed to do that she just couldn’t concentrate straight.

  She was yanked out the chair and the box was shoved in her hands and then led out of the room, down a long hall, into an elevator which went up two floors and then down another hall. Finally, she was ordered to stop and wait. There must have been another woman with her and whoever was guiding them opened a door for the other woman.

  Another door opened and Maxine smelled food. Her stomach growled, but she didn’t move as she heard someone place something on a table and then the door closed. She didn’t hear anyone in the room, so she stepped cautiously toward the smell of the food until her leg bumped against the table.

  They said not to take off the blindfold, but they didn’t say anything about feeling her way around the room though. Reaching out carefully, she touched a tepid tray and then soft stickiness. Putting her fingers up to her nose, the rich aroma of gravy was warm on her fingertips. She sucked it off and then reached down for more.

  Suddenly someone grabbed her arm. She screamed startled and tried to wrench away, but the grip was strong. With her other hand, she dropped her box put her arm up to hold off whoever was there. Her arm was instantly well gripped tightly and then she was yanked against what felt like a brick wall, but was really a very large chest.

  She could smell instantly Armani Dark code cologne. She knew the scent well because she had to save three paychecks to afford a bottle to send to her adopted father, while she was in her first year of college. The ounce had cost nearly two hundred dollars, but even now it was a warm sensual smell that immediately brought back pleasant memories of a man who was missed.

  Soft warm lips suckled the gravy off of her fingers and Maxine frowned, as her body seemed to tingle at this strange sensation. His tongue was so strong as it licked the gravy off her skin leaving nothing there.

  “Weren’t you told to await your master’s instructions?” a voice sneered.

  Catching her breath shocked by his tone of voice, she said, “I-I didn’t know you were here. I didn’t know-“

  A hard push against her face sent her to the soft-carpeted floor. It wasn’t a slap, but it was definitely something that made her want to hit back.

  “Obedience is a must at all times!” the voice snarled as if knowing her intentions.

  Calming herself, she stayed her body to the ground and looked down submissively. If she wanted to get close to finding Lisa, she had to obey. She had to do whatever he wanted.

  “Are you my master?” she questioned quietly, knowing he stood above her from the sound of his voice.

  “Yes,” he said firmly.

  She looked up in his direction. “I’m sorry for my disobedience.”

  He moved down to her. She could feel his breath on her cheek because he was so close. His hand touched her chin and she jumped startled by the smooth warm touch of his palm on her cheek, but forced herself to calm down and not be alarmed or disturbed by his touch.

  Whoever he was, she was supposed to be submissive; Obey his every command. Still she couldn’t help but to tremble a little, scared of the power he had over her. Scared of what he could do to her.

  “You learn fast, slave.”

  The word was demean
ing and every fiber of her ancestors blood rose up to fight him, hurt him, want to beat the shit out of him, but she quelled this urge, squeezing her hands so tight she could feel her fingernails break the skin in her palm.

  Maxine forced her lips to say words she never thought in her lifetime, she would ever have to say to anyone. “I will obey you. I will do whatever you ask.”

  “Good.” He helped her stand up and then stepped away from her. “You are to ask no unnecessary questions of me unless pertaining to the subject at hand, nor can you take the blindfold off until I say so.” He gently took her wrist and guided her to a chair where she sat. The table was in front of her and she allowed him to put her up against the edge.

  He didn’t move from behind her right away and the hair on the nape of Maxine’s neck arose sensing he was watching her. She felt his hands move from the back of the chair and then come to her shoulders. She forced her body not to move away from his touch.

  His hands moved down her arms and then back up again to slowly move around her neck. Yet, he didn’t choke her. It was as if he was assessing her body and her reaction to his touch. She stayed calm waiting for him to make the next move.

  You’re scared,” he said above her. “I can feel your heartbeat racing.” He leaned down to her ear. “You want to fight, slave. I can feel it in every bone of your body.” He was close to her ear and she felt his breath high on her neck. The tip of his warm wet tongue snaked out and caressed the outer ear from the lobe all the way around. The tip followed the path the cartilage of her ear made until he was delving into the cavern.

  She gasped at the tickling yet erotic sensation that swirled down her chest and ignited a stirring below her waist that was unexplainable. Despite her fear, keeping with her obedience to sit there and take the erotic touch of his tongue was almost torture.

  “P-Please,” she whimpered. She would rather he hurt her than to do this to her. She could take the pain. She could take the hitting, but she couldn’t-

  His hands moved down from her neck and cupped her breast. Her nipples sprang to attention and she gripped the side of the chair praying he would stop, but damn if it was not feeling too good as his mouth attacked her other ear.

  Maxine finally couldn’t help herself as she whimpered her weakness. Cursing her body for enjoying what he was doing to her.

  “I see there is a way to get to you, slave.”

  She whimpered some more as he fully moved away from her, leaving her body with a strange great need.

  He moved around and sat across from her. She was so alert to his movements now and trembled slightly as his hands guided hers to something cold - fruit. Grapes, pieces of apple, and soft wedges of oranges.

  “Take one,” he ordered.

  She picked one up and as hungry as she was, she started to bring it to her lips, but then stopped. It was test!

  Reluctantly, Maxine stopped herself from eating the grape and outstretched it in his direction.

  Again that tongue of his moved around the tip of her fingers and then his strong lips seem to grip her skin until he was sucking the fruit from between her fingers.

  “You learn very well, slave.”

  He stood up. “When you hear the door close, you may take off the blindfold and eat. On the couch you will find a robe. Freshen up, put it on and throw that you have on in the trash. I’ll return in less than thirty. Lie on the bed up the stairs and await further instructions from me.”

  Maxine listened as he walked out. When the door closed, she pulled off the blindfold and adjusted her eyes to the light. The room was a deep purple and dark cream, draped in beautiful silks and white minks. Expensive. There was a plate of food in front of her and as she dug in the succulent chicken with gravy and rice, she memorized her surroundings.

  This was what they had called a chamber. The room was built similar to a small apartment or upscale hotel suite. Complete with a small kitchen, bathroom downstairs and there were spiral steps that led upstairs.

  Stuffing her face full of food, she wiped her hands and picked the dress off the couch. It was a deep dark purple robe like dress that buttoned all the way down to her ankles. It was her size and was specially made to accentuate her chest and curve into her waist. With short sleeve, there was a butterfly collar and silk buttons with lacing all around the edgings of it.

  Going into the bathroom underneath the stairwell, she washed up in the sink and there was a toothbrush that was still inside the plastic, which she used to brush her teeth. The key was still in her hand and she wasn’t sure what she should do with it until she put on the robe and found that it had pockets. She examined what they did to her hair.

  It was curled around the edges into an attractive style that accentuated the almond shape of her eyes. Her makeup was still quite prevalent on her face and she couldn’t believe how beautiful she actually looked.

  There were no windows and no clocks in the room, so she couldn’t tell the time, but she didn’t want to disobey. Still, she couldn’t help but to try to see if he had locked her in.

  Going over to the only other door that didn’t lead to another room, she turned the doorknob and was surprised to see that it wasn’t locked. Yet, knowing she didn’t want to do anything to disobey, she didn’t open the door. For some reason, she had a feeling she was still being tested. Pressing her ear to the door, she heard some crying and yelling in the distance.

  Before going upstairs, she cleaned her plate and wiped down the table. Even though she hated to clean, she didn’t want to be called a pig.

  Time being short, she ran upstairs and quickly looked over the room. A lamp lighted the area low by the bed and she was enchanted by the sheer romantism that seemed to fill the room. This was a room built for a king.

  She heard the door open and laid on the king size bed and closed her eyes forcing herself to relax.

  For a long moment she didn’t hear a thing. She had forgotten to replace the blindfold, but did not know if she was supposed to put it on.

  Whoever he was, he was a very hard man to figure out. Most things he ordered, but he also wanted her to figure out on her own.

  “Almost perfect obedience,” he said.

  She gasped because she had not heard him come up the stairs, but from the sound of his voice he was at the foot of the bed. One moment she wanted to open her eyes, but the next she wanted to keep them close. She didn’t know what to do, so she laid still trying to breathe normally so he wouldn’t know how scared she was.

  “When I saw your application, I knew I had to have you.” His voice was low and intense, with a touch of yearning. “There were others who wanted you as well. You are a prize, Maxine Moore, but I paid well at the auction and I don’t intend to give you up; Even when it’s time for renewal.”

  She couldn’t help but to frown because she had no way to know what he was speaking of. Someone must have explained all this to the other women, but Maxine had lied about getting in here and she didn’t know all the rules and regulations or even what was expected of her. Yet she was here and obviously they knew where Lisa was and what was wrong with her. Hopefully Maxine could rescue her friend and get them both out of this weird mess.

  He sighed, “You come when I need you, Maxine Moore.” This wasn’t an order. His voice was almost a whisper when he said it as if this was an inner thought.

  Her ears were on alert trying to figure out if he moved because the room grew quiet for a long moment.

  His voice was a normal tone, but she had a feeling he was imposing his cruelty. Not after what he just revealed to her. “And now I’ve waited long enough, slave. I intend to take what I have paid for.”

  Should she open her eyes now? No! She couldn’t. Terrified as she was, Maxine forced herself to stay where she was as she felt him unbuttoning her robe and parting her legs. His smooth palm moved to her ankles and simultaneously, both hands moved up one of her legs, over her knee and then high to her thigh. He paused near the precipice just before her woman juncture, but then t
hey moved back down again on the other leg. When his hands came back up again in sync, they positioned her legs up caressing the back of her calf and under her thigh until they rest on her groin to her freshly shaven thatch.

  She trembled because she didn’t know what to expect. A complete stranger was touching her like no man had ever touched her and she was allowing it.

  Every bit of her wanted to jump up out of that bed and slap him for his audacity, but she fought this urge again. Her soul wanted to die in embarrassment yet her body quivered in expectation, but at the same time she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs for him to stop what he was doing.

  “I sense you fighting your resistance internally, slave,” he said with amusement in his voice. “I know you want to scream for me to stop, don’t you?”

  Another test. She knew this. He was pushing her to fight.

  His thick finger moved into her and Maxine squeezed her eyes even tighter and dug her fist into the bed forcing them to stay where they were.

  Suddenly she felt his mouth on her clit…. Just like the dream; Swirling around enticing it out of its lair to be tenderly caressed by his thick tongue. All she could do was let out brief moans of pleasure, so startled by the abounding sensations that swathe her body. A high pitch half shrill escaped her throat as he lapped from the bottom of her ass all the way back to her clit and then back again, but this time his mouth swirled about causing innumerable spasms to encase her.

  Whatever fight was in her was gone. She wanted this, she needed this, and she didn’t want him to stop, yet she cursed her will and her body for allowing him to do this.

  Abruptly he stopped, but his mouth was still down there. The breath from his nose was titillating her clitoris.

  “Look at me, Maxine.”

  She closed her eyes tighter until she saw stars and shook her head.

  “Watch me pleasure you, slave,” he ordered in a husky voice.

  Lifting her head, she slowly opened her eyes just as his mouth returned to eating her. Maxine’s mouth dropped open as she met the beautiful turquoise eyes of the stranger she had seen on Lisa’s screen. Intense, passionate, staring right back at her.


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