Mirror in the Forest: Book One

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Mirror in the Forest: Book One Page 4

by B. Groves

  Jessica shook her head; this had to be a joke. “I didn’t wish for anything. At least, I don’t remember doing that lately.”

  “Your thoughts were that maybe you should do the things your parents want you to do, correct?” He asked.

  “Yes, but that wasn’t really a wish,” she said, wondering how he knew about that.

  “I am here to help you become what your parents want you to be,” he said smiling..

  “You mean a different person?” She asked, confused by his offer.

  The figure shook his head in amusement. “No, child. Just a better version of you.”

  “I really don’t know how you could help me accomplish that,” she said, her voice still shaking.

  She couldn’t believe that she was standing in the middle of the forest in the state of Washington speaking to a figure out of a mirror. Either she was going insane or this was some kind of movie she was starring in and hadn’t been told yet.

  “I know you still doubt your own eyes Jessica, but let me explain for a moment,” he said to her.

  The figure took his hand and made it into a fist. He opened it to show a caterpillar in his palm. Jessica stared in awe as the caterpillar began to crawl around the figure’s reflective hand.

  Then the figure closed his fist again. He then opened his fist, and out came a monarch butterfly making Jessica sigh in amazement as it flew past her and into the woods.

  “All of us have a beauty inside, that if given a chance, can shine onto the world. Sometimes one needs a little help finding that inner beauty, and sometimes one needs help showing it,” he explained.

  He gazed over at her, and cocked his mirrored head a little.

  “You are special, Jessica Winters. You are a special girl with lots of dreams, but your doubts and fears hold you back from your full potential in life. I am here to show you how to reach that potential,” he continued in his soft voice.

  The figure moved aside so Jessica could see her reflection in the mirror.

  Just as Jessica caught her reflection the figure appeared behind her shoulder almost making Jessica run, but she stayed in place.

  “You are so much more than this, and I am here to help you find your inner beauty,” he said softly in her ear.

  He then pulled away, and he was suddenly in front of her again.

  “That’s if……”

  “If what?” She asked, curious.

  “If you want what I am offering,” he answered.

  He moved away again, and let Jessica once again peer at her reflection.

  Every memory of school she ever had was never a pleasant one, and that is why she had become a loner. From the time she was small, she was bullied for one thing or another. She had considered so many things from suicide to running away and beginning a new life by herself just to make it stop. Yet, she had stuck it out and had only one more year to go.

  She had always felt she was a disappointment to her parents for not listening to them when they gave her advice. She was bitter that they never cared about how well she did academically, no, they cared more about her social life.

  Yes, her father mentioned her grades all the time, but then he would push her to go to a dance or join a club in the same sentence.

  She remembered all the pictures the school would post on the walls from years past, and there were her parents constantly front and center on what the school called the “Memory Board.”

  It was a hard expectation to live up to, and Jessica didn’t care to live up to it, but then there was a secret yearning within her to not only please her parents, but to become what they had expected of her.

  After thinking it over, she was what she was, and being seventeen, it might be too late for her to change to please them this late in her high school career.

  The glass figure stood patiently as Jessica’s emotions played around in her head as memories flooded her brain over things of years past.

  She looked up at him and started to say, “I really do appreciate your offer to help, but I think I am just fine how I am….”

  The figure nodded slightly, and smiled. “If that is your wish.”

  With more confidence, Jessica nodded in agreement.

  “Thank you though,” she said starting to back away. “Will I ever see you again?”

  The figure raised a reflective finger to his chin in thought. “Jessica, I have a feeling that you will change your mind, and come back soon.”

  Jessica shook her head in disagreement. Though she had her doubts.

  “No, sir. I don’t think so. I am really happy with who I am,” she said, trying sound confident in her words, but deep down she knew she was failing miserably.

  The figure nodded and said, “Well, I will be here if you need me.”

  “I doubt it, but thanks. By the way, what can I call you, just in case?”

  The figure smiled and said, “I am just a spirit who resides inside of the mirror.”

  Jessica kept backing away and finally turned to leave the forest.

  Her eyes darted around to make sure the thing she just met that came from a mirror wasn’t following her.

  She got back to her house, and collapsed onto her bed.

  She was having doubts that she made the right decision.

  Chapter 5

  A few days before school began Jessica and Tessa headed out to the stores to buy some school supplies for the year.

  Jessica had her mom’s car, and said she could have it for the day, but be back in time so she could go to work.

  Jessica had not been back into the forest since, and kept using excuses when Tessa would ask her about it. She always felt strange when she around the mirror figure, and she couldn’t explain it. It seemed like he was trying to influence her, but she could not put her finger on what or how.

  Jessica was afraid to go back to the mirror thinking she might say yes to him if she did, and she would regret it later.

  She lay there night after night wondering what he was, and why he chose her. She never thought of herself as anyone special. She was just a teenager trying to finish high school, go to college, find a good career, and hopefully start a family one day.

  Jessica tried to push her weird thoughts away, while trying to concentrate on their shopping trip. Her and Tessa had plans to get their school supplies and then head to the local diner for lunch.

  While they were walking around the store Tessa spotted the cheerleading group from school also shopping around the store, making Jessica groan inwardly. She was hoping to avoid them and have a peaceful summer. No such luck.

  Jessica wanted to leave, but Tessa waved hello to the girls, making Jessica turn and glare at her friend.

  One of the girls, a brunette with green eyes, approached them with a smile, but Jessica knew the smile was not sincere.

  She was the current head cheerleader and her name was Mandy Cooper. Not surprisingly, she came from one of the wealthiest families in town too.

  “Hey ladies,” she said, in a cheerful voice.

  “Hey Mandy,” Tessa answered, returning the smile.

  “Hi Mandy,” Jessica said, her eyes darting to the rest of the girls who were whispering something in the background.

  “So, here we are,” Mandy commented in a bored voice. “Summer is almost done, and it’s senior year. Aren’t you excited?”

  “Oh yes!” Tessa replied, squealing with delight.

  Jessica wanted to roll her eyes, but just smiled back to be polite, though Mandy didn’t deserve it.

  “Well, I hope to see you guys around, and maybe we could hang out together sometime,” she suggested.

  Jessica was doubtful about that, but just smiled slightly again.

  “Are you going to have a homecoming party this year?” Tessa asked. Jessica could see she wanted to be invited, and almost elbowed her.

  “Of course! Since this is our last one, it will be extra special. Did you want to come?” Mandy asked. Jessica almost took the question as a challenge more than an

  Before Jessica could answer Tessa gave a sound affirmative, while Jessica was trying to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her head.

  “Great! See you at school then,” Mandy said, walking back to the other girls.

  It didn’t get past Jessica the other girls were giggling as Mandy went back to her group. Jessica became suspicious of their real intentions, considering they had never been invited to Mandy’s famous homecoming parties before.

  Jessica turned and glared at Tessa. “Why did you do that?”

  Tessa was taken aback. “What? It’s our senior year, let’s make the best of it.”

  “I don’t want to hang out with them,” Jessica insisted.

  Tessa made a disgusted face, and said, “You know for years I followed you around, but who knows how much longer I have, and you know what? I am going to have some fun with or without you.”

  Jessica was shocked by Tessa’s sudden change of heart about school and socializing. She could only stand there with her mouth gaping as Tessa walked away. Jessica did realize that Tessa was very sick, and may not have much longer.

  Jessica thought it over, and maybe Tessa was right, maybe she should lighten up a little like her parents were always saying.

  “Tessa! Wait!” She called after a moment.

  Tessa turned to her friend clearly annoyed.

  “Maybe you’re right. Okay, if you go, then I’ll go,” Jessica said.

  Tessa suddenly smiled, and hugged Jessica tightly.

  “You are my best friend, and I knew you’d come around,” Tessa said, excitedly.

  Jessica hugged her back tightly, and worried how skin and bones she really was.

  They decided to finish their shopping, and Jessica started to push the cart around the corner of an aisle when she looked up to see someone standing there that she definitely needed to avoid at all costs.

  Jessica gasped a little, making Tessa look over at her in confusion.

  “What?” She asked loudly, too loudly.

  Jessica pulled back the shopping cart and wanted to get out of there before he spotted her. Her hands were almost shaking; her palms were sweating, while her heart was practically pounding against her rib cage.

  “Where are you going?” Tessa asked, looking around still puzzled by Jessica’s actions.

  Jessica still didn’t say anything, trying to concentrate on getting out of the aisle in a hurry.

  But she was too late. When the young Sheriff looked up and smiled sincerely, she knew he recognized her.

  “He just smiled at you,” Tessa whispered, looking over at her friend in question, and grinning at the same time.

  “Shhhhh…. that’s the cop who took me home the other day,” Jessica said, trying to look normal, but knew she was blushing profusely, and not acting normal.

  “Ooooohhh….” Tessa answered, still grinning.

  Oh God, he’s walking up to me, she thought practically panicking.

  He is going to arrest me now, she thought as her mind raced. Or maybe I’m just acting this way, because he’s so cute, she thought.

  “Hello….Miss Winters is it?” He asked smiling at both of them.

  Well, at least he’s handsome, and I won’t be too disappointed when he handcuffs me, she thought, making her face turn even redder.

  Jessica cleared her throat, and tried to stand up straight. She should at least try to look confident.

  Tessa was standing there just gazing at him, and Jessica wanted to tell her to stop staring!

  “Hello Sheriff,” she said, trying to sound self-assured. “How are you?”

  “Good…good, just out enjoying my day off. How about you ladies? Doing the same?” He asked, still smiling.

  “Oh yes, just picking up a few things for school since it starts in a couple of days,” Jessica answered feeling her palms sweating. She had the urge to wipe them on her shirt, but didn’t want to show her nervousness.

  Tessa cleared her throat and elbowed Jessica. Jessica had been so caught up in her thoughts she forgot to introduce her.

  “Sheriff, this is my friend Tessa,” Jessica finally said.

  Tessa smiled widely again, and said, “Nice to meet you.”

  Tessa was practically falling over herself with the Sheriff, and Jessica just wanted her to go away. In fact, Jessica just wanted to be swallowed by a hole, taking Tessa with her to suffer in the deepest darkest pits of hell for what she was doing. Tessa had always been so shy, but for some reason, she wasn’t today!

  “My pleasure, ma’am. So, are you doing okay? No more scares?” He asked, turning back to Jessica.

  Jessica shrugged her shoulders. “I’m doing pretty good. No, I haven’t been out there since,” Jessica lied.

  Tessa gave her a funny look and asked, “What are you two talking about?”

  Jessica looked over at Tessa sharply and then back at Sheriff McKenzie. “He was nice enough to give me a ride home when I saw the bear and ran into the street, remember?” she explained.

  Tessa gazed at Jessica, puzzled. “Bear? I thought it was the fire and that weird mirror you ran from.”

  Jessica thought she would be arrested at that moment, and really hoped that hole would appear, and swallow her up then and there.

  Jessica’s face reddened even worse, and she waited for Sheriff McKenzie to start accusing her of starting the fire.

  “She may have gotten confused,” Sheriff McKenzie said, but Jessica could tell he was trying to figure out what Tessa was saying.

  Tessa scoffed and said, “She wasn’t confused when she told me about it.”

  Finally, Jessica had to say something in her defense.

  “Yes, I was, Tessa. I told you I thought I saw the fire, but wasn’t sure, then I thought I spotted a bear and ran,” she said, she said trying to will Tessa to get with the program. If she didn’t, that was it for Jessica; she might as well put her wrists out for the handcuffs now.

  Tessa’s eyes widened at the realization. “Oh….oh yeah. Now I remember. I’m sorry, you know, low blood sugar from my diabetes makes me forgetful sometimes,” she said her blue eyes wide, and her mouth turning down in regret.

  Sheriff McKenzie sighed giving both girls a skeptical look, but said, “Well, it was nice seeing you again, and good luck in school this year.”

  “’Bye Sheriff,” Tessa said, still grinning as he walked away.

  “See ya,” Jessica said quietly keeping her head low.

  They watched the young Sheriff walk away, and Jessica went into the aisle gripping the cart making her knuckles turn white.

  “I’m sorry!” Tessa whispered, apologetically. “I didn’t know you told him you saw a bear.”

  Jessica took a few deep breaths, and started to relax when she didn’t see the Sheriff come back for her.

  “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have lied,” she answered, smiling slightly at Tessa.

  Tessa scrunched her eyebrows in question. “Then why did you?”

  Jessica scoffed. “Do you really think that he would believe me when I told him what caused the fire?”

  Tessa shook her head, but understood. “No, I guess not.”

  “There you go,” Jessica said still looking around. “I really need to get out of here.”

  Tessa seemed to ignore that and said, “You know before he found out you were lying to him, he seemed really happy to see you.”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. “Oh please stop.”

  “Well……he did,” Tessa said smiling again.

  Jessica ignored her and began to move the shopping cart again to go to the checkout line. She just really wanted to get out of the store, and go lock herself in her bedroom.

  Jessica finally had to tell Tessa to shut up about it as they waited in line. She was blushing the whole time.


  Sheriff Mark McKenzie paid for the things he needed, and got into his civilian Camaro, then sat there for a moment pondering why Jessica lied to him.

  He wondered why it was both
ering him so much that she lied to him. Teenagers lie to cops all the time; it was just the way of the world. Hell, he had been guilty of it plenty of times before he became one.

  Then something struck him as really odd; Her friend mentioned about seeing a strange mirror around the where the fire was reported.


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