Mirror in the Forest: Book One

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Mirror in the Forest: Book One Page 30

by B. Groves

  “I just want her to stop,” Jessica said. “I want all of them to stop treating me like I’m some kind of doormat.”

  “You are not a doormat. You deserve all of your dreams and wishes coming true,” The spirit said.

  Jessica knew The Spirit would grant her wish again, but Jessica still had her doubts about the price that Kelly and the rest of the girls would pay for what they were doing to her.

  “I know you have doubts,” The Spirit said reading her mind.

  Jessica let out a long breath thinking of Mandy and then Sara Miller. “Yes,” she whispered. Yet, she knew she wanted something to happen to Kelly too. Deep down, she knew she wanted Kelly punished.

  The Spirit gazed at her and said, “Be careful of your feelings Jessica. Don’t let the wrong emotions overpower your logic. Take some time to think it over, and when the time comes it will happen.”

  Jessica smiled slightly. “I will, I promise.”

  Jessica felt so much better when she finally said goodbye to The Spirit of the Mirror for the night. She never had one ounce of guilt over Mandy’s fate, and now she knew that Kelly and the rest of those bitches would get theirs soon. She knew she would have to give the Spirit a gift, and she was willing to do whatever he wanted from her to make it happen.

  Jessica had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t noticed Tessa standing in the path gazing at her in confusion.

  Startled, Jessica cried out a little when she looked up and spotted her.

  “Tessa! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” Jessica cried out, more in anger than surprise.

  Tessa continued to just gaze at her, and Jessica felt her palms begin to sweat, and her heart begin to race. She wondered how long Tessa had been there and what she had heard. Had she discovered the mirror? Did she know what Jessica was planning?

  Tessa finally narrowed her eyes as Jessica’s flashlight settled on her. “Who were you talking to?”

  Jessica looked around, trying to think of some kind of explanation. “No-no-no one why.”

  Tessa gave her an accusing look. “Yes, you were I heard you as I was walking up the path.”

  Jessica ignored her statement and asked, “What are you doing out here anyway?”

  “I forgot my Calculus book,” Tessa answered, crossing her arms on her chest. “I couldn’t find you, so I came looking for you.”

  “You found me. Let’s go before it gets really dark,” Jessica took a few steps and realized that Tessa hadn’t moved.


  “Who were you talking to?” She demanded without budging.

  “No one!” Jessica answered, defensively.

  “Don’t lie to me, Jess,” Tessa accused.

  Jessica scoffed and said, “Tessa, maybe your blood sugar is low….”

  “Oh, stop Jessica. Strange things have been going on with you lately, and now you were just out here talking to no one? I doubt it,” she replied.

  Tessa continued to stand her ground and both girls stared at each other for a moment. Jessica tried to hide her guilt, but she was having a hard time.

  Tessa finally looked down and back up to her best friend, and Jessica could see the disappointment in her eyes.

  Jessica felt the panic twisting her insides as Tessa continued to stare at her from a few feet away. Tessa’s face turned into blank gaze, and Jessica could not read what she was thinking.

  Finally Tessa spoke up again, “You told me a few months ago that you had found a mirror around here. Then things started changing-started happening to you. You’ve lied about a lot of things, and then that guy Rick Tanner attacks you for no reason, but mentioned the mirror. What is it Jessica?”

  Jessica suddenly had a thought. Tessa already knew too much about what was going on. She wondered if there was something she could do, something that she should do to keep her secret so that no one ever found out. She lifted her chin and began to size up her friend. Her friend may have been sick with diabetes, but she was surprisingly strong.

  Yet, Tessa still didn’t know everything, and Jessica knew she had not made all of the connections just yet. She had no clue about her connection to Sara Miller, and what happened to Mandy Cooper was Jessica’s doing. The only connection that she mentioned was Rick Tanner.

  Jessica felt something inside of her change on how she viewed her best friend, and it was not pleasing. She didn’t know how, but she knew that The Spirit of the Mirror was standing behind her, and she surmised the Tessa hadn’t noticed him yet or maybe could not see him.

  Jessica took a few deep breaths, and tried to calm the sudden impulses she was feeling, but they persisted with strange thoughts, and feelings that Jessica could not control if Tessa so much as provoked her.

  She continued to feel the whispering in her ear, though she did not hear the words, only sensed the feelings of what would come if Tessa continued to make accusations against her. Her best friend, the only real friend she ever had was now standing before her as a stranger in the woods knowing too much, but still so little. She was the one person Jessica knew could ruin everything she had accomplished. She would never let that happen.

  Jessica could feel her emotions start to turn off. She would not let Tessa interfere with her plans. She had to do something…anything to stop her.

  Tessa shook her head slowly, and Jessica could see the sadness on her face.

  “I know you are going to make up some lie so spare me. There is something going on with you. You’re my best friend Jessica, I love you and you have nothing to prove to me or anyone else what a great person you are. Just do me one favor, and don’t make a deal with the devil. You know what I’m talking about.”

  Tessa suddenly turned and walked away into the darkness of the woods.

  Jessica didn’t know how long she stood there after Tessa departed.

  Chapter 37

  Mark had noticed that something had been bothering Jessica the whole week. She hadn’t said much to him on the phone a couple of times after he had called her. They even went out one night, making love later on, but she seemed pre-occupied. He asked her a few times what was bothering her, but her answers were vague, and she would immediately change the subject. She didn’t seem angry with him, it was almost as if she was relieved to see him, so she didn’t have to deal with something else.

  He had switched Friday nights the rest of the month with Bill, so he could see all of Jessica’s playoff games. Bill said he was glad to do it, happy Mark found someone he wanted to spend some time with.

  Now, he sat on the benches of Leon’s Crossing High School. The school banner with the mascot of the Mountain Lion hung above his head, among other banners of past championships. It was a typical high school gymnasium now being used as a basketball court. It was funny now that he was long gone from high school what a different perspective he had about the place. It seemed smaller to him now. The place was packed to the gills with family, and school officials, teachers, friends, and on the other side sat the opposing team.

  This was the basketball team’s first time in the playoffs in a few years, so it was kind of a big deal throughout the town, and Jessica was leading the way.

  When Mark arrived, he happened to notice Jessica’s parents. They were cordial to him, but he knew they did not approve of him dating their daughter. Don was a little more aloof towards Mark than Mary was. Mark couldn’t blame them, though. He thought it over, and would probably feel the same way if it happened to be his daughter. He tried to reassure them that he had nothing but Jessica’s best interests at heart, but was still awkward nonetheless.

  Mark currently sat next to Jessica’s friend Tessa, and her other friend Alex. It hadn’t gotten past him that Tessa was also reserved, and she tried her best to avoid Jessica’s gaze when she could help it. She was still being nice to Mark, but he could see the tension between the two girls. He wondered if they had some kind of falling out . He figured that maybe Jessica was too embarrassed to tell him about it, thinking that he would not want to hear abo
ut high school drama.

  Tessa sat next to the one boy that Jessica was kissing with the night of the homecoming game. Mark wondered if that had something to do with their troubles, but dismissed it. It had to be more than that.

  Now that would make things even more awkward than they already were.

  He still wanted to talk to Jessica privately and without interruption about Rick Tanner, and the strange mirror in the forest. He wanted to know what she knew and how she knew it. He still felt there was something going on with her that she was not ready to reveal, and it bothered him that she felt she could not come to him.

  Even though his gut was telling him to run, he couldn’t help it. It was more now than just a fling. It was much more….

  The game began, and he decided to put all doubts and misgivings out of his head for now, and concentrate on the game.

  Basically, the team that won could keep moving on till the finals, and if they lost even one game they were out.

  The Mountain Lions were the underdog, but he had seen Jessica play before, and she had been phenomenal, so he had no doubt they would go to the finals.

  She had been practicing hard, and had been ready to go once the first playoff game began.

  Mark felt proud to watch Jessica play on the court, and was even more proud she was a starter.

  Mark could only watch her as she dribbled the ball, passed it, and scored many times.

  However, there were things that he noticed that had not caught his attention before.

  The first was Kelly Martin; He could see she would avoid giving the ball to Jessica if she could help it even if Jessica was in open court. She would go out of her way to avoid Jessica, and try to make the shot herself. She would even give personal fouls if it meant making Jessica look bad.

  He also noticed a few of the other girls doing the same thing, except for one girl Jessica said was named Amber. She was defense, and everything she did was to Jessica’s advantage as far as strategy on the court. Mark could tell that Jessica knew what was going on, did her best to prevent catastrophe, though sometimes she would take a few missteps.

  She would glare at Kelly, but most of the time the coach-whom he remembered named Mr. Cranston- would come in between them, and Jessica would go back to the court, and just try to win the game.

  Mark knew the Martin family, and knew they were very rich, even more so than the Cooper family. Kelly and Mandy had been tight for so many years, and Jessica had taken Mandy’s place on the court, probably making Kelly even more hostile towards Jessica.

  Not only did Jessica take Mandy’s place, she was ten times a better player than Mandy ever was, from what he heard.

  Then there was the second thing that Mark noticed. His eyes followed Jessica up and down the court. He then turned and gazed at Tessa when Jessica scored a huge three-point basket. Tessa sat there very stiff with her mouth turned down in a frown.

  Something was not right. Mark would think that Jessica’s best friend would be the first one cheering, instead she was sitting there unhappy with Jessica’s play.

  He turned back to Jessica, and continued to follow just her on the court. It was almost as if……how could he describe it…..it was as if her playing was unnatural. Her movements were not smooth, and he could see she knew what she was doing, but she seemed to struggle a few times before she finally had a handle on the play and scored the points.

  The three points she just scored should have been practically impossible, but she did it, it was not pretty, but she did it. It was almost as if a supernatural force was guiding her. There were no calls by the referees or anything to indicate that she did not play correctly.

  Mark continued to watch, and kept trying to keep calm, but he was having a hard time.

  Mark turned again to see Tessa still stiff in her seat. He then turned his head back a little further and caught Jessica’s parents not too far from him.

  He narrowed his eyes at the couple. The odd look on their faces started to plague him. It was not as if they were happy for their daughter, it was something else. Something strange…..he could not put his finger on it.

  The buzzer sound made Mark almost jump from his seat, and he realized that the game had ended and everyone around him were cheering because Leon Crossing High had won their first playoff game.

  Mark was going to take Jessica home tonight. He tried to shake off what he was seeing, but he had to know what exactly was going on with her.

  Mark stood and nodded to Tessa, who nodded back solemnly. He knew she knew something, and if he could get a moment alone with her….

  He was practically pushed out of the door as people began to file out of the gym and into the parking lot. He spotted his deputies waiting, and waved to them.

  “Great game tonight!” Mary Winters said, greeting Mark. He noticed the look she and her husband had on their faces before was gone. Now, they looked like proud and happy parents.

  Mark smiled slightly. “It was. She was outstanding,” he answered, politely.

  Don shook his hand, and he was a little more pleasant with Mark tonight. “You two gonna celebrate?” He asked, with no hostility in his voice.

  “Yes, sir,” Mark answered.

  Don nodded, and Mark could tell they were both excited, and seemed just fine now. Mark suddenly thought he was overreacting to Jessica, and he should just let it go. There were no looks on her parent’s faces right now that would indicate something was wrong.

  Mark spoke to the couple for a few more minutes, and tried to read any kind of emotion or reaction that would give him doubt, but now, he could not find any at all.

  Mark did notice that Tessa did not change her demeanor even though she was polite to Jessica’s parents and him. Jessica’s friend Alex was a different story. He seemed like he was oblivious to everything, and very happy for his good friend.

  They had to wait a little while until Jessica was able to come out, but it wasn’t long. She finally came out, and was immediately embraced by her parents. Tessa did give her a hug, but it was short, and stiff. Mark could see the hurt in Jessica’s eyes at her friend’s greeting, but Alex seemed to make up for it.

  Jessica was smiling from ear to ear, and congratulated by other people and teachers alike.

  She was finally able to make her way to Mark, and he took her into his arms.

  He had to admit, no matter what nagged at him, he had waited for that all night.

  He looked down into her big doe eyes, and could see she was happy to be with him too.

  He kissed the top of her forehead, and mumbled, “You were unbelievable tonight.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, almost making him melt.

  They said their goodbyes, and Mark walked over to the deputies with Jessica for a minute to greet them.

  “Good job, young lady,” Hal said, grinning from ear to ear seeing his nephew with a girl.

  “Thank you, sir,” Jessica answered, looking a little embarrassed.

  “You gonna be trying out for the Sonics soon?” Bill asked, teasing her.

  Jessica giggled and said, “I doubt that.”

  “Okay. You guys have a good night. Call if you need anything,” Mark said, walking away with an arm around Jessica.

  “Sure, Sheriff,” Hal said, with a mischievous grin.

  Mark groaned as Jessica giggled again, and they made their way to his car. He opened the door, and Jessica put her bag in the back seat, and sat down.

  Mark got in, and said, “I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”

  He gently turned Jessica towards him. Jessica smiled, and leaned into him. Their lips met, and they kissed for a moment, making Jessica moan quietly.

  “I’ve been thinking about that all night,” Jessica said, as they took a breath, but faces almost still touching.

  Mark put his forehead to hers, and tried to keep convincing himself that he was imagining the things he saw tonight, but it was still at the edge of his thoughts.

  “You were extraordinary to
night,” he said, leaning back to see the reaction in her eyes.

  Jessica blinked for a second, and Mark caught what he thought was a flash of suspicion at his choice of words.

  Then, just as quickly as it was there, it was gone. Mark knew he touched a nerve, but she smiled brightly, responding, “Thank you! Having you there helped a lot.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he said caressing her cheek. No matter what doubts he had, he knew deep down he could not get enough of Jessica Winters. “Ready?”

  “Are we going somewhere?” Jessica asked, as she got comfortable in the passenger seat.

  “I thought we take a little drive. Are you hungry?” Mark asked.

  “Starving!” Jessica replied.

  Mark watched Jessica as she ate her burger. They were at a little all night diner that most truckers stopped at as they were passing through. The diner was located at the edge of the county, and of course, they knew him here too.

  Jessica seemed oblivious to his gaze as he tried to read her expressions. Her face was still a little flushed, and she had a glow in her eyes from the exercise she had just done not even an hour ago.

  Finally, she noticed Mark gazing at her. Her chewing slowed down, and she frowned a little.

  “What?” She asked between mouthfuls. “Do I look like a pig? I’m sorry. I didn’t have a chance to eat anything before the game,” she explained turning a deep crimson. She quickly set her burger down, and wiped her mouth.

  Mark couldn’t help but laugh. “No, keep eating. You look fine. You deserve this,” he said, taking a sip of his vanilla milkshake. This diner had the best milkshakes in the state, he always thought.

  Mark leaned a little forward. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” He waited for her reaction, and she took a sip of her soda and looked down into her lap for a moment, before meeting his eyes.

  “Go ahead,” she said lowly. He could tell she was twirling the napkin in her fingers under the table.


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