Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances Page 66

by Marissa Dobson

  Her brows cocked to a sympathetic angle. “I’m so glad you came,” she said in a weak voice.

  He wanted to roll his eyes and call her out on the pathetic lie she’d concocted, but he knew with a woman like Shannon, he had to play this carefully. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better.” She sighed. “I never want to go through that again.”

  He pulled a chair to her bedside, and she opened her hand. He took it and swallowed his revulsion. “What the hell happened?”

  “It’s stupid. I’m stupid. I was devastated and embarrassed when you didn’t want me. Last night, Charlie had given me some pills and told me they were fun to party with. I didn’t take them, just put them in my purse.” She shrugged. “This morning after you left, I felt like an idiot. I went to the bar and downed the pills to get a lift.” Crocodile tears rolled from her eyes. “I just wanted my heart to stop hurting, ya know.”

  “So, Charlie gave you these pills last night?”

  She nodded. “I’m not a big drinker, and I never take drugs other than aspirin. I just wanted to forget what a fool I’d made out of myself. I didn’t realize I should only take one of the pills, not all of them. It was horrible. I don’t know why Charlie would ever use those things.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  Shannon cast a demure look his way and gave him a feint smile. “Maybe I came on a little too strong, but I’ve crushed over you for so long. I thought that maybe you’d…”

  Jesse patted her hand. “You shared this with Mr. Harrington then?”

  “No, not about you and I. But I had to explain how I ended up here.”

  “Mr. Harrington spoke to me about it. Said you demanded Charlie be fired and that she’d coerced you into taking the pills. That’s not exactly what happened, is it?”

  Shannon shrugged. “I was scared. Mr. Harrington is a very religious man. He hates drug users. I heard that he lost a daughter because of it.”

  This was making a little more sense to Jesse. If Shannon wanted to make trouble, and knew Harrington’s soft spot, she’d chosen wisely. “When exactly did Charlie give you these pills, Shannon? We were all together last night. I’d have noticed.”

  “When we went to the ladies room together.”

  Charlene had never done that with Shannon. He’d been next to her all night, and when she did excuse herself to go to the restroom, they’d already broken off from the group to have some fun on the casino floor.

  He squeezed her hand. “Looks like you’re going to recover and there’s no permanent damage.”

  “Just my heart,” she said sweetly.

  “How long before you get out of here?”

  “They’ll release me tomorrow. Would it be a huge imposition to ask that you pick me up?”

  “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked as he pushed the chair back into the corner. “Stay with me.”

  He had enough time to try and find out who she’d gotten the drugs from before they released her. But first, he wanted to pull the tiger’s tail a little and see what happened. “I’m going to get Charlie. She’s pretty broken up about this. She says you’re lying about all of it.”

  Shannon didn’t blink, but the heat in her glare could’ve singed her eyelashes. “I’m the one who almost died. Why would you go to her? She’s the one that nearly killed me, Jesse. She’s the one who’s lying if she tells you she wasn’t involved.” Her knuckles had gone white squeezing the shit out of the bedrail.

  “Is it revenge you want? Want me to throw her off the team?”

  “Mr. Harrington didn’t fire her?”

  “He’s considering it.”

  Venom nearly spit from her tongue. “What?” she growled. “I want her fired and tossed out on her ass.”

  “Because you know I’m in love with her or because she gave you some uppers?”

  Shannon’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t give a damn about me, do you? You just came here to try and see if you could get your precious bitch off the hook. Well, I won’t be changing my story, Jesse. Not now. Not ever. I’m doing you a favor. Once she’s gone, you won’t have to feel guilty about loving me.”

  He whistled and cocked his head. “You didn’t think this through did you, Shannon. If Charlene loses her job, I’ll be there to catch her. You’re a smart woman, but if you saw what’s coming, you’d call Mr. Harrington and tell him you made a mistake while under the influence of the drugs.”

  “Mr. Harrington will believe me over Charlie any day. He’s a businessman and the bottom line is the almighty buck. I bring in those dollars for him. If I want Charlie fired, he’ll fire her. He’s my bitch and every sale I make, he becomes more dedicated to me.”

  “That might be true, but you have nothing to sell, if I don’t create it first.”

  Shannon sat straight up. “You’d never quit. Not to save that woman’s reputation. You can’t be a SEAL anymore. What are you going to do? She’s not worth it. You don’t have to feel guilty about ditching her. In fact, if you co-oberate my story, we could move on with our lives.”

  “What you’re saying is if I leave Charlie, you’ll retract the lie you fabricated in order to get rid of her?”

  Shannon mulled it over. “Depends.” She cast a long gaze at him. “I know you’re a man of honor. If you leave her then, yes. I’ll tell the truth. At least enough of it that I won’t get into trouble and Charlene can keep her job.”

  Jesse nodded. “Think that’s a wise idea, Shannon. I didn’t realize you felt so strongly about me.”

  “Well,” she said in a breathy voice. “Now you know.”

  “I know Charlene didn’t give you those pills. Are you going to lie to me and tell me she did?” His thumb brushed her knuckles with a soothing touch, taming the spiteful bitch.

  Shannon looked a little defeated. “I just want her gone. Charlie is about as square as they come. She’s probably never even smoked a joint. I was desperate and angry, so I made up a little story. Please, don’t be angry with me. I don’t want our relationship to start on a bad note.” Her hand slid up his chest. “Lock the door, Jesse.”

  It took a lot to offer the scheming bitch a smile when he’d rather hold a pillow over her face. Shannon was nothing but bad news. “I’m not going to fuck you in a hospital room. Get some rest. I’ll see you later.”

  Shannon curled onto her knees and palmed his jaw. “At least kiss me.” She guided his hand to her breast. “I’ve wanted to feel your hands on my body for so long.”

  Now he was screwed. The call button sat two inches from his fingers. He removed his hand from her breast and cupped her cheek, pressing the button with his other.

  “Shannon, you’re going to have to respect the fact I need to talk with Charlie first. And if you tell the truth, then we’ll take it from there.” He ignored her her pinched brow. She didn’t like being turned down. Even if she could rationalize the reason. Shannon needed immediate satisfaction, all shallow women did.

  The door opened and a nurse came in. “Excuse me, how’re we feeling?”

  He stepped back and let the nurse check her vitals on the machine beside her bed. “See you tomorrow.”

  Shannon gave him a weak smile. “I’m hungry. Is there anything decent to eat in this place?” she said to the nurse.

  When the door closed, he pulled the phone from his pocket and replayed the conversation. He grinned. Came through pretty clear.

  “Nice,” he murmured to himself, and headed for the hotel.

  Evenings at the casino brought the biggest crowds. The computer convention took up every hotel room in the city. There were several bars in their particular hotel, and he needed to check all of them. He wanted to call Charlene, but if she was sleeping he didn’t want to wake her. He’d do the recon first, then arrange for room service and join her later.

  At the third bar, he hit paydirt.

  “Hey”, he called to both bartenders and slid them each a twenty. “You remember this woman?” Jes
se showed them a picture of Shannon.

  “I do,” the young one with a buzz cut and a tat on his right arm said, then gave him back the phone and slid the twenty into his pocket. “She was here this morning shooting back straight vodka shots. Don’t forget a beauty like that.”

  “What are you still doing on shift?”

  “Working a double, man. This is the best weekend for tips. Lots of money in this town, but computer geeks are loaded.”

  “Did she ask you anything, as in where to purchase something she couldn’t get in the tuck shop?”

  The guy squinted. “Yup. You a cop?”

  He shook his head. “Not even close. She bought some drugs from someone. Was it in here or did she go elsewhere?”

  “I don’t want to get involved in anything, man.”

  “You won’t be. I just need a lead, and I’m sure that’s all you offered her when she asked for a supplier.”

  The young bartender nodded. “He’s over there. Been a good weekend for him, too.”

  “Which one?” Jesse asked, turning to look over his shoulder.

  “Guy with the gold chains around his neck, taking up space in the corner like he owns it.”

  Jesse turned, but couldn’t make him out clearly with so many people in the club. He pushed his way through the crowd. Sipping a drink in the dark corner of the bar, sat a very obese guy whose skin tone and features looked like he’d come straight out of a Kazakhstan ghetto.

  He stopped at the guy’s table. “Mind if I sit?”

  The guy nodded once. “You’re interested in something I can provide?”

  Not a Turk, he had a thick Russian accent. Jesse hadn’t spoken it for a while, but he kept up the languages he’d learned in specforces by listening to radio broadcasts. Russian was one of them, so he gave it his best shot.

  “Earlier today you sold some pills to a woman.” As Jesse raised his phone he took a picture of the guy, then handed him the phone with Shannon’s image. “Do you remember her?”

  The guy stared at the picture, then at him. “Why?” he answered in Russian.

  Chapter Ten

  Jesse needed this guy’s information. Shannon would never throw herself under the bus. He needed absolute proof that Shannon got the pills from someone other than Charlene.

  “Because she’s trying to say someone else gave them to her, and that someone is an innocent woman. I know you have no reason to help me,” he said, reverting back to English.

  “You’re right, I don’t.”

  “How much would it cost for that help?”

  “Five hundred.”

  “Was she here this morning? Did she buy pills from you?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  Jesse palmed his phone, hiding the face and the recorder he’d turned on. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  “Because if you’re willing to pay. I’m willing to share. The blonde bitch sat at the bar and put back three double shots of vodka. She looked like she was scheming some plot when she talked to the bartender and he sent her to me. Said she wanted to have a little party for one and needed some pills. I sold her five of my highest quality Cat Valium.”

  “Okay, thanks. If I need the info, I’ll bring the money.”

  “Hope to see you again, soldier.”

  “I’m not a soldier.”

  “You used to be.” He smiled, showing a set of rotten and twisted teeth.

  Jesse headed up to Charlene’s room. On his way, he called Mr. Harrington.

  “Sir, I’d like you to meet me in Room 3667 in ten minutes. I said I’d prove Charlene’s innocence. I’ve got that proof.”

  “Shannon called me an hour ago, Jesse. Said she may have made a mistake. I owe Ms. Chase an apology.”

  “You still need to hear the whole story, sir. And I think, at least I hope, you’ll be firing someone else today.”

  After ending the call, he knocked on Charlene’s door and it opened as if she’d been sitting against it.


  “Where have you been?” she scolded. “I’ve been worried about you.”

  He drew her in for the kiss he’d been longing for all afternoon. Her soft lips made this crazy-ass day worthwhile. As they stood in the doorway, they heard someone clear their throat.

  “Oh, dear. Mr. Harrington. Come in,” Charlene offered.

  The CEO searched Jesse’s eyes as he and Charlene stepped aside, then he closed the door.

  Mr. Harrington took a seat and listened to the recordings Jesse provided. He didn’t need a lot of explanations to get a clear picture of what happened.

  He rubbed his temples and shook his head. “First, I’d like to apologize, Charlie. I jumped to conclusions, but when it comes to drug use, I lose my head because I lost my daughter to drugs three years ago. My wife and I still grieve deeply for her. We were too busy with the company when we should have been watching our children. Too many late nights, meetings and a foolish belief our girls wouldn’t ever take drugs. We were wrong.”

  Charlie nodded her thanks. “I understand, sir. I don’t think the worry ever ends when it comes to our children.”

  He put his gaze on Jesse. “I heard a rumor you might leave us. I hope you don’t. You’re the most talented employee to ever to cross my doorway. Your innovation and programming abilities border on genius. We signed the deal with Mr. Yin, but it’s dependent on you leading the project. If you stay, I’m willing to offer you ten percent of the contract.”

  “That’s very generous, sir, but I can’t stay if Shannon remains with the company. I wouldn’t care as much if she had a simple fascination with me, but she went beyond that. Way beyond.”

  Mr. Harrington nodded. “I see that now. That woman has a gift when it comes to sales, but her morals and unscrupulous actions toward both of you means it’s only a matter of time until she’ll turn on the company. I’ve been around the block a time or two.” He rose to his feet. “There’s a lot of talented salespeople out there, but there isn’t a lot of men with the talent you have. You won’t have to worry about Shannon.” He offered a complex smile. “I’m not her bitch yet.”

  Charlene remained silent during the conversation, but she understood what was happening. Jesse hoped she knew he’d done it all for her, and he would have gone the distance if he couldn’t change the CEO’s mind.

  He walked Mr. Harrington to the door, who parted by shaking his hand. He leaned close. “Good luck with Charlie, she’s a wonderful woman. I should have trusted her, but my own issues got in the way. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, sir. Could I ask if Shannon knew you were going to offer me a percentage of this contract?”

  Mr. Harrington nodded. “She did. You think that was part of her motivation?”

  “Part of it.”

  “You’re an intelligent man, Jesse, but you’re also sensible because you chose the right woman to fall in love with.” He clapped him on the shoulder. “See you on Monday morning.”

  “If you don’t mind, sir. I’d like to keep Charlie here for a couple of days to unwind. Think we both need it.”

  “Of course. Oh, yes, and we’ve still got the company dinner tomorrow night. Hope you’ll come.”

  “We’ll be there.” Jesse closed the door and returned to a very stunned but beautiful woman staring up at him.

  “How did you do that?” she asked, mystified. “You made it look so easy. How did you find the man she bought the pills from? And why did you do all of this?”

  “Because someone I care about very much was under attack.”

  Charlene stared at him in awe. “You’re…you’re, I want to fall to my knees and thank God for you.”

  He settled himself beside her. “I thought the same thing when I met you. Even more so when you came to my bed last night. Whether you know it or not, you trust me. That’s why you came.”

  “You’re crazy. I’m sure you had plenty of attention from girls when you were a SEAL. And I know from sitting in the lunchroom, you’ve got
every single girl’s eye at the office. Why would you settle for—“

  He put his fingers to her lips. “Don’t you dare say settle for less. I had my fill of Frog Hogs when I was a SEAL.”

  Her brows squeezed together. “Is that like a special hamburger or something?”

  Jesse burst out laughing. “No, they’re SEAL groupies.”

  “You had groupies?” she asked, incredulous.

  “I did. We all did.”

  “What was wrong with them?”

  “Nothing, if all you wanted was a good fuck.” When her brows bounced, he apologized for the language. “But it’s the truth. They go from guy to guy. And they’re vicious in their means to hang on to a guy until they can springboard to another SEAL. When the SEAL community came into the spotlight because of Osama Bin Laden, a lot of things changed for us. We had to watch who we brought into our group, which made the group tighter and more wary. Besides all that, we’re on the road at a moment’s notice. We can’t call home and talk. We can’t discuss our missions. We aren’t home for birthdays or funerals. Not a lot of women can deal with that type of man on a long term basis.”

  “I’m sure there isn’t. It’s all very,” she shrugged, “G.I. Joe meets James bond, isn’t it? No wonder you miss it. From the outside, people see you as military rock stars, but I’m sure the reality is a lot different.”

  “It is.” He pulled her hand to his heart. “I thought about what you said. I’m still in touch with a lot of the team guys. Course we talk, and I feel like I’m missing out at times, but I think what I’ve really been missing…is you.”

  Her gaze softened, and then she bowed her head and smiled. “You’ll decide on your own what you want to do. I can’t really help you with that.”

  He watched, fascinated, as a blush colored her cheeks. “I’m a relatively decisive guy. I know that I love you. I also know that life can take some radical twists when you’re not paying attention. Earlier, you said you thought I’m pretty amazing.”


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