This Is Our Legend

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This Is Our Legend Page 3

by Jamie Gandy

  “You really like him, huh?” she whispers quietly.

  “Who in their right mind would not like him?” I retort in such a hushed tone she barely hears me. “You obviously do too.”

  “Of course. Not that it matters though. I am his Princess; he would never allow himself to look at me any other way than as a Royal. I can hope though, right?” Her radiating smile makes me laugh; the noise bounces off the walls around us. Surprisingly, Adir does not bother to look our way until we reach Esther’s chambers. He bows to her.

  “Goodnight, Your Highness.”

  “Goodnight, Adir.” I push the door open for her to enter first.

  “Goodnight, Lady Catherine.” My heart skips a beat at the way he says my name.

  “See you tomorrow,” I reply as I bow my head to him before I follow Esther into her room.

  “Goodnight, Lady Catherine…” Esther mocking echoes Adir as soon as I close the door behind me.

  “Oh, shut up.”

  Chapter Five:

  ♘ Hector Ari: ♘

  “Hey Hector, Sebastian!” I look up from my task of grooming my father’s large cream-colored stallion. The Prince, Gideon, along with the Princess and the girl who stopped Sebastian and Gideon’s duel yesterday, all stand right outside the stall. “Want to go on a ride with us?”

  “It will be great! We heard from the servants that someone spotted a Unicorn close to the forest of the Peryton. We are going to go try and find it!” the Princess explains with such enthusiasm it makes me smile.

  “I am definitely in!” I glance over at Sebastian in the next stall over, where his dark chestnut-colored stallion resides. “Let’s go, brother!”

  “I think we should stay here; father will get mad if we slip out of the Castle,” Sebastian remarks.

  “You are no fun. He can get as mad as he wants, I am going to go help them find that Unicorn!” I pat the cream-colored stallion on the side of the neck. “You want to go, right?” I ask the horse, who responds back with a bob of his head. “See, even Rigel wants to go!”

  “Are you insane? You cannot take Rigel!” he protests.

  “Live a little boy,” the girl from before comments.

  “Catherine do not be mean. If he does not want to come, we cannot force him,” the Princess comments. She steps up to Sebastian’s horse’s stall and peers inside at the stallion. “He is stunning! What is his name?”

  “His name is Obi,” Sebastian answers.

  “That is a cool name, what does it mean?” Catherine inquires.

  “While you chatter along, we are going to get the horses saddled,” Gideon comments before walking off with the Prince.

  “If you decide to come you might want to get your horses saddled,” the Prince calls over his shoulder.

  “Obi means Heart. Because my brother has a big heart,” I smirk. I look over at the two girls and grin. “Did I hear your name is Catherine?” I inquire.

  Her light yellow-green eyes return to me. “My name is Catherine Faline, I am not just Her Highness’ cousin, but I am also her Lady in waiting. So, I would greatly appreciate it if you refer to me as Lady Catherine.”

  “She is my shadow,” the Princess adds.

  “Lady Catherine, such a pretty name.” Without another word I grab the saddle and make quick work of getting Rigel ready for the ride. I glance into Obi’s stall to see that the chestnut is also now saddled. ‘More skillfully and quickly done than I was able to do.’ I think to myself. I guide my father’s horse out of his stall, just as the Prince and Gideon walk over to us. The Prince has a tall solid back stallion with a single white flame along the length of his forehead. Gideon, who is guiding two horses behind him, one is a giant black stallion with feathered hooves and a thick mane. The other is a snow-white mare who is quite a bit smaller than the stallion. They walk right past us without hesitating.

  Catherine and the Princess both dart off ahead of the boys and out of the stables.

  “I guess that is our cue,” I smirk. I lightly tug on the reins and follow the others out of the stables. Once we exit the stable, I watch as Gideon helps the Princess on the back of his stallion before he mounts up in front of her. Catherine, who refuses Gideon’s assistance, skillfully mounts the snowy white mare with ease. ‘She is remarkable,’ I think to myself.

  “You know how to ride?” I question as I mount Rigel.

  Her beautiful light yellow-green eyes shoot my way. “No, I just like sitting on big horses,” she retorts. She grabs the reins and nudges the mare onward.

  “Sassy,” I laugh aloud.

  “You have no idea,” Gideon smirks before encouraging his own steed to gallup off after the Prince.

  “She is actually kind of cute,” I chuckle as Sebastian trots his horse next to mine.

  “Lady Catherine?” he questions with curiosity.

  “Mhmm, and so is the Princess,”

  “You better get that out of your head, brother. Take it from me, fighting Gideon is a lot tougher than it might appear. He would have your skin if you even thought about the Princess in an inappropriate way.”

  “Do you really think I would do anything as stupid as that?” I innocently protest. I glance at him with a grin just in time to see him roll his eyes. “Ahh, come on, you do not believe me?”

  “With you I never know.”

  Chapter Six:

  ♕ Esther Tora: ♕

  “How are you able to get out of the Castle? Is it not some kind of rule that the Royal children are not allowed out without Knights?” Sebastian inquires when he finally allows his steed to catch up to the rest of us.

  I look at the fiery-haired boy and smile, just for an instant my eyes lock with his handsome amber gaze. His slightly narrow pupils remind me of the tiger symbol on TigersKeep’s banner. His clothes include a khaki-colored button-down shirt with a black long-sleeved undershirt. A beige neck wrap, black pants, boots, and fingerless gloves. ‘He is so handsome,’ I think to myself before answering him. “We are not really allowed out, however, we do have Gideon here with us. It is kind of like we have a Knight with us,” I explain. “Next to Adir he is the best person for the job of protecting Kage and I.”

  “Sounds like you have a lot of faith in him. He did almost lose to me, I would think that should make you doubt his ability just a little bit, should it not?” I shake my head at his question.

  “Not even a little. On the contrary, it makes me think more about your ability as a fighter. I have never seen Gideon struggle so much against anyone, aside from Adir and the other Knights. Not even my brother stands a chance against Gideon,” I state admirably.

  “I appreciate your kind words, Princess,” Gideon says only loud enough for me to hear him. I lightly squeeze my arms that are wrapped around Gideon’s waist.

  I look back at Sebastian. “I bet you would make an outstanding Knight.”

  “That would be an interesting thought, me as a Knight.” I watch as a slow smile travels up his lips. It makes my heart skip a little at how handsome it looks on him.

  “Sebastian a Knight? Now that is a silly thought,” Hector laughs as he trots his creamy stallion up along Canicus’ other side. I turn my head completely around to look at the black-haired boy, his gemstone green eyes glistening with amusement. Unlike his brother, he wears a more noble attire, a maroon tunic that is mostly covered by a black cloak. ‘They are so vastly different from each other,’ I think to myself.

  “You do not think he would make a good Knight?” I curiously ask him.

  “Nah, that is not really what I meant. I know my brother would make a great Knight; it is just… I cannot see him actually becoming one. He would have to find something worth fighting for to dedicate the time into becoming a Knight.” He looks past me to his brother on the other side of me. “I have complete faith in hi...” he trails off when Gideon interrupts.

  “We are here.” Gideon eases back on the reins a couple of yards in front of a large forest. “The forest of the Peryton.”

sp; “Why is it called that?” I curiously inquire as I peer past Gideon’s shoulder to look at the forest.

  “The Peryton is the Mythical Guardian of this forest. He keeps the forest healthy and protects it against anyone that has hate inside of them,” Sebastian explains.

  “What does he look like?”

  “Not many actually have seen him. He will not show himself unless necessary,” The way he hesitates a few seconds makes me start to think that maybe he is leaving something out. Something important. I decide not to ask about it and focus on the trees again.

  “What do you think he will do to us if he catches us looking for the Unicorn?” Catherine inquires, I catch the very faintest hint of fear in her voice. ‘Am I just imagining it?’

  “Does it really matter? We have come all this way; we have to risk whatever punishment he might give us. It is not like he can really do anything major to us, I am the Prince of Kallai. Only a fool would try to do anything to us.” Kage remarks confidently. Sometimes I cannot decide if I admire him, or if I think he is incredibly stupid. A combination of both, I guess. I watch as he urges his stallion forward.

  “Do not worry, Princess,” Gideon’s reassuring voice wraps around me, comforting the fear that was threatening to scare me off.

  “Thanks, Gideon.”

  “The forest is actually really peaceful; you have nothing to be afraid of.” I once again look over at Sebastian and smile at his encouragement. For a second I can see an abnormal warmth in his tiger-like eyes.

  “So how is this going to work? If we actually find the Unicorn how are we going to capture it?” I watch as Hector pulls his horse next to Kage’s black stallion. “Do you have a plan, Prince?”

  “I sure do.” He motions over his shoulder towards Gideon and me. “My secret weapon in capturing it is none other than my own sweet sister, Esther. I have never seen an animal not like her; therefore, she will be the one to catch it.”

  “Are you insane, Prince?” Gideon scolds my brother.

  “Do not worry, Gideon. It will be fine.” Although I say the words to help Gideon relax, I am a little nervous at the thought of me being the one to catch the Unicorn, if we even find it. “Just think how incredible it will be to ride such a magical creature!”

  “That is nice in theory, but you cannot ride a normal horse by yourself. Why would you even think you could ride a magical Unicorn? Be reasonable, cousin,” Catherine remarks matter of factly.

  “Is that your way of offering, cousin?” Kage questions, his devilish grin rising along his lips as he looks from me to our cousin.

  “It was my way of offering to aid her, idiot,” Catherine corrects him. I cannot help but laugh aloud.

  “Is she allowed to call the Prince an idiot?” the confusion in Sebastian’s voice is unmistakable.

  “No one can stop her, if she is allowed to or not. That is one of many things that is so admirable about my cousin, she never hides what she is feeling, or thinking.” I smile at Sebastian as I look at him.

  “I guess you should not have anything to fear, with her as your Lady in waiting? Is she like a feminine version of Gideon to you?” Hector inquires.

  The giggle that escapes me this time is filled with affection. “I never would have thought about it like that, but I guess so. I trust them so compl...”

  “Quiet down, I think I just heard something.” Gideon interrupts. We all go silent.

  After a few moments the unquestionable sound of a neigh echoes within the forest in front of us.

  “Dovah let’s go!” Kage digs his heels into his stallion’s sides and instantly they gallup off into the forest.

  “That is our cue!” In unison the remaining four horses charge forward after my brother.

  We are in the middle of the forest when Kage finally brings his steed to a stop, with his hand raised to halt the rest of us. Gideon eases Canious to a stop next to Dovah. “Is that it?”

  “It sure is,” he whispers.

  I peer over Gideon’s shoulder to see the dock of a large pure white creature several lengths away grazing.

  “You ready, sister?”

  I have to swallow back the nerves as I slowly bob my head up and down. Gideon offers out his arm for me to take to help me dismount the large stallion. “I am right here, just say my name and I will be at your side in an instant.”

  I look up into his hazel-brown eyes and smile up at him in gratitude. “Thank you.”

  Kage pulls out the lasso from his saddle bag and hands it to me. “You got this.”

  Catherine also dismounts her mare and walks over to me. “I will take the lasso,” she offers. “Remember to move as slow as possible, no sudden movements or sounds.”

  I hand her the rope and nod my head in understanding. Swallowing back the fear, I turn towards the large creature. ‘Surely it knows we are here?’ Slowly Catherine and I walk forward, as silently as possible. When we are the length of a jousting arena, the massive creature lifts its head and turns its neck to watch us, while chewing a clump of grass. The long magical horn in the very center of its forehead is a lot bigger than I ever imagined. A breeze dances through the forest and tossels its glamorous mane, making it flow like a white flame. My feet get planted in their spot. “She is so beautiful.”

  “Magnificent,” Catherine agrees.

  Chapter Seven:

  ♞ Sebastian Ari: ♞

  “This suddenly seems like a really bad idea,” I remark as I watch the Princess and Catherine slowly walk closer to the magical creature.

  “I have heard that the magic of a unicorn can heal the sick, if used properly.” I catch my brother’s gaze as he looks my way. “I wond….”

  “Do not go there, Hector. There is no what-ifs that will change anything,” I silently interrupt him. I watch as he releases a defeated sigh before we both turn our attention to the Princess. ‘She is so brave,’ I think to myself. When she nears the large creature, she squeals when the Unicorn jerks back suddenly, rearing onto her hind hooves with her front hooves boxing at the air. Gideon’s horse is already in motion but, almost as quickly as she hears the black stallion’s hoofbeats, the Princess motions her hands at Gideon to halt him. He reluctantly obeys by reining in his horse.

  I nudge Obi to slowly trot forward until he is standing side by side with Gideon’s stallion. “Is it wise not to intervene?” I curiously inquire.

  “I am not sure, yet,” he honestly answers. The tension in the way he grips the reins is obvious.

  ‘Everything in him wants to charge forward to sweep her away,’ I think to myself. I look back at the Princess and smile as she carefully reaches out to calm the animal. Her words are so hushed that I cannot make most of them out. “How is she not terrified of it?”

  “She probably is. However, the Princess is the kind of person that gains strength from having people standing behind her, and like the Prince said, she is really good with animals,” his response is so softly spoken that I am amazed that this is the same boy I dueled.

  “You really would do anything to protect her, wouldn’t you?” I question him.

  “Undoubtedly.” His eyes do not stray from her as he speaks. “I am not a full-fledged Knight yet, but I have this need to keep her safe. Sir Adir once told me that is why he trusts her, and His Highness lives into my hands. To be a great Knight you have to truly feel passionate about protecting those around you, no matter the cost.” I glance sideways at Gideon to catch him looking at me now. “Have you ever felt that way?”

  Before I have a chance to answer him the Prince’s voice stops me.

  “She actually did it!”

  I turn to look at her to see her gently stroking the long snout of the Unicorn. The look of pure and enchanting joy on her innocent face makes me laugh. My body goes into motion before I even have a chance to second guess myself. I dismount Obi and slowly walk the distance to the Princess and Catherine. The Unicorn carefully watches me and every step I take until I am standing in front of her.

e is my friend, he will not hurt you,” the Princess coos to the massive creature. Carefully I offer my hand and hold it still for the animal to sniff a few times before she nudges my gloved palm with her nose. I press my hand to her snout and gently roam my hand up towards the horn, however I stop half an inch from actually touching it. ‘I do not deserve to even touch such a magical entity.’ I look deeply into the dark, yet spellbinding, gaze of the Unicorn.

  “I am going to slowly lift the lasso over her snout, be ready for her to try and run.” Catherine starts to loop the rope around her neck, but she is not tall enough to even reach the Unicorn’s ears. Carefully I slide my palm along the creature’s cheek and slowly glide my hand up until my thumb hooks part of the rope and moves up above her ear than down her crest. She snorts out in annoyance; however, she does not fight me as I slide the lasso over her head. “Easy girl, I will not hurt you,” I whisper gently to her.

  “Look at Sebastian becoming the Unicorn whisperer,” Hector snickers from his spot on his horse. I ignore the impulse to shoot him a warning glare. Instead I stroke the remarkable creature’s neck affectionately. “This seems wrong,” I mutter quietly.

  “Why would you say that?” Catherine questions me. She keeps a firm hold of the rest of the rope in case the Unicorn decides to run.

  “Look at her, she is not an animal that should ever be captured by any man,” I say quietly. My eyes stay in contact with the mythical being in front of me. “I really cannot play this role, not in catching you.” In one swift motion I take the lasso off from around her neck and step away from her. “Get out of here,” I command.

  “What the devil are you doing? We came all this way to bring her home! You can not let her go!” Kage snarls at me.

  I turn to face the Prince and calmly shake my head. “Be reasonable, Prince. Look at her, really look at her.” I wait only a few heartbeats to watch his eyes move past me to the magical pure white horse. “How can you look at such beauty, such mysterious wonder, with your own eyes and even think that you have a right to try and own it?” I boldly confront him.


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