This Is Our Legend

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This Is Our Legend Page 15

by Jamie Gandy

  When we eventually come to the cave the bandits had brought Hector and I, I dismount the Unicorn and gently stroke her long beautiful snout. I glance to the worn-out stallion quivering behind her. I was so caught up in my need to get here as fast as humanly possible that I had not even considered that the horse would not be able to keep up. I carefully untie his reins from Ziv’s saddle and pat his sweat coated neck. “You will be no good to me now, I am sorry for pushing you so hard, boy.” I unsaddle and bridle him before turning to the cave. This time as I travel to the back of the cave, I expect to see the scaled creature greet me in the darkness to light my way down into the earth.

  “You have returned a lot sooner than I expected, was it not clear that you are not ready to wield such power yet?” The Ifrits appears at the bottom of the starway, his tail flicking with annoyance. “Go away.”

  “I need Its help to cure my mother, the Queen. Death has marked her, there is nothing that human medicine can do to heal her.” I force my voice to sound commanding and strong to keep the beast from hearing the quiver of fear. Not fear of him, but of the terrifying prospect of my mother dying.

  “Why would you think that the Hell’s DragonBlade would be able, or willing, to help aid her?”

  “I am assuming you have not been allowed to touch that weapon. The power it possesses cannot be compared to anything I have ever seen or felt before. If anything can help her it will be this power.”

  “Do you realize that this power comes with a price? A sacrifice from the wielder?”

  “I am prepared for that.”

  He considers my words for a moment before he turns around and guides me through the labyrinth to the massive gate. I pay no attention to the Cinema or Cerberus once we enter the hell tomb and follow the Ifrits towards the bridge of bones, and on through the tunnels until we come to a stop in front of the large stone door covered in symbols and ancient gems. I lift my hand to the surface and press it to the cold stone. The gems begin to glow red, orange and black before the door starts to rattle and shake. It begins to open. This time neither the flames nor the dark haze surprise me as I soundlessly walk into the forbidden chamber. I walk across the stone walkway to the center of the chamber.

  “Have you decided what your sacrifice shall be?”

  I continue walking until I am standing directly in front of the mantle of fire that perfectly wields the long black sword. The darkness emitting from the weapon seems stronger than the last time I was here. “I have.”

  “So, it seems you have. What power is it you wish to contain?”

  “I want to be able to cure my mother from her illness, so she no longer has to suffer from the Black Plague,” I answer.

  “Very well. Wait until midnight when the moon is at its highest, then go and drive my blade into the heart of the one you are willing to sacrifice. I will grant any wish you desire after that. Take me off this mantle.”

  I reach out my hand and take a hold of the handle of the cold black steel. Instantly I feel a sharp spike the center of my palm, which the sword drinks in the blood that spews from it. As soon as the weapon leaves its mantle I fall to my knees from the weight of the overwhelming evil, the all-consuming anvil of darkness. ‘Do not lose control… Do not succumb to… it.’ I swallow hard as I force myself back to my feet.

  “Your strength is impressive, Prince.”

  “I am flattered.” The darkness becomes so massive that it consumes me, making the sword hard to see in my hands. I turn around and head back across the stone bridge, out the stone door, where the Ifrits, Chimera and Cerberus are bowing with their faces flat to the ground. “What are they doing?”

  “They are showing their submission to my eternal power. They know not to gaze upon me, otherwise they will vanish into ash. Ignore them.”

  I obey by leaving the tomb of fire and out of the tunnels back up to the cave. ‘What am I doing? She would never want to live with the price I am about to pay… she will be disappointed.’

  “It takes a lot of courage to sell your soul for someone you care about, all for the sake of love and loyalty. All to save her, and yourself, from pain and suffering. It is pathetic and so very human of you. I relish in the suffering and death of others.”

  I stop at the entrance to the cave and exhale a defeated sigh as I look towards the sun. I would have to wait a couple more hours before the sun would be setting. “Is there any way you can stop leaking out all this darkness? You will scare away the Unicorn.”

  “Your sacrifice is a Unicorn?”

  “Yes,” I simply reply.

  “How very unexpected, but splendorous. The blood and soul of such a pure and holy creature will be truly divine.”

  A shiver runs down my spine, and before I have a chance to stop it, vile rises from my stomach until I have no choice but to spew it from my mouth. ‘I can’t go through with this…’ I feel a prick to my hand, instantly the darkness surrounding me retreats into my flesh, turning my entire hand pitch black. “What is happening?”

  “You have nothing to worry about. You wanted the darkness to leave, so it has, it now resides within you. You will benefit greatly from it though. Can you feel its power already starting to spread within you?”

  I can, not that I admit it out loud. The power, the strength reigns supreme within me, while the influence from the fear and heartache fades. I watch the blackness soak into my skin, throughout my veins, from the tips of my fingers to the lock of my elbow. The incredible strength that surges in me truly takes my breath away. I feel invincible. Like I can take on a thousand trained soldiers.

  “That is just a small taste of what I can offer you.”

  “With you I could rule this Kingdom fair better than my father ever could. I could protect my Kingdom against any foes that dare threaten us. No child of Kallai would ever have to senselessly die by the hands of cruel men. With this power I could protect them all. I could set things right.” My fingers flex around the steel of the handle. “The Hell’s Dragonblade… can you… cure the sickness?”

  “Only light can cure death, Prince. A pure light from a Unicorn can certainly give you all that you desire.” I notice with each word that is spoken to me the ancient symbols all along the sword glow a dark blood red.

  “Were you really foraged in the pits of hell?”

  “Yes, satan himself crafted me thousands of years ago. I have been waiting a long time for a new chosen wielder.”

  “Why me? Why did you not call to one of those bandits?”

  “Those idiots had no future, no destiny to travel. You, I can sense greatness within you. You are strong, that is why you are here right now. You are the wielder that will allow my true potential to be embraced.”

  I sheath the blade while I walk out of the cave and silently head over to where Ziv stands grazing on a patch of lashish green grass. The bay stallion is nowhere to be seen, not surprising. The radianting Unicorn lifts her head as I approach her, a mouthful of grass in the process of being chewed. She snorts at me in annoyance at her meal being interrupted. I take ahold of the saddle horn and easily pull myself up onto her back. Again, she snorts her displeasure. I gently stroke the side of her long neck. “Come on girl, let’s go to that waterfall you like so much. I am sure it is beautiful at sunset,” I quietly comment.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am taking her to a place she loves… one last time. I know what I am about to do to her is not right, nor just. My love and need for my mother to survive is selfish, I know this… but I refuse to let my mother die. If that makes me heartless… and cruel, I have to live with that. However, Ziv deserves one last chance of happiness first.” Ziv trots off, her gleaming mane dancing with each magnificent stride. ‘Is there really no other way? Do I really have to do this to save her?.…’ I receive no divine answer, no voice of direction to talk me out of what I am about to do. The words I do hear are those of Earl Thorn from months ago. Words that begin to haunt me. ‘My wife deserves to live more than that thing! What ri
ght do you have to make my wife suffer when she could be healed from her disease?’ As karma would have it, I now find myself standing in his shoes, faced with the same choice that is revealing the ugliest part of who I am. All for the sake of love.

  Chapter Twenty-Five:

  ♔ Kage Tora: ♚

  I can hear the cascading waterfall through the foliage even before I see it. It is a soothing noise, rather it would be if my mind was not already in turmoil. Ziv comes to a stop in front of the pool of water and lowers her head to take a drink. I dismount the Unicorn and crouch down to cup a handful of water and follow her example by drinking the cool liquid. It is refreshing and quickly quenches my thirst. I glance up through the gap in the trees to see the colorful sky above us, pinks, oranges and purples, the colors of sunset fading. ‘Darkness will soon fall…’ I look at the gleaming creature at my side and again feel the conflicting emotions, of the choices I have to make. Her regal head lifts with water droplets dripping from her mouth as she looks at me. Our eyes connect. I start to reach out my hand to stroke her long muzzle when all of a sudden, she folds back her lips and sprays me with water. Soaking my face. “Gross!” I mutter while wiping my face off. A snickering noise, a sound that is so much like laughter, escapes from the Unicorn. “You are mocking me, aren’t you?” In response, she bobs her head up and down in excitement. She trots along the bank of the pool. Her mane flowing behind her, the fading light of sunset glistens off her snowy pelt. She is radiating, she is perfect, she is absolutely everything right with this world. ‘Why does it have to be her?’ I withdraw the Hell’s DragonBlade before I lean back until I am sitting on the ground, my left arm stretches behind me to plant my hand against the soil. I stare at the ancient symbols that are inscribed on the black blade. The image of my sick mother flashes through my mind, reminding me of why I am here, why I am able to come to this decision in the first place. Her face, so twisted in pain and torment is all it takes to set my doubts aside.

  “Have you finally regained your resolve?”

  “Yes.” The soft echo of crickets serenades the forest, making Ziv’s graceful prancing look like skillful dance steps.

  “Would it put your mind at ease to know it will be a fairly quick death?”

  “I suppose that really is all I can hope for at this point…” My gaze drifts up the waterfall to the Castle ruins that are barely visible through the trees along the cliff. Time passes, though honestly, I have no idea exactly how much slips through my fingers before night settles in around us. Awaking the nocturnal creatures. I cannot see the moon make its grand appearance until it finally rises above the waterfall. Remarkably enough, it is nearly completely full, glowing a bright illuminated orange. Making the cascading water glisten in the moon’s radiance

  “It is time, Prince.”

  My hands began to tremble, I slowly rise to my feet and glance around once before spotting Ziv grazing. ‘I have to be calm, otherwise she will pick up on my hopelessness.’ I swallow my fear, all my heartache, all my doubts and proceed to walk over to the gorgeous Unicorn, Her head lifts when I reach her side, my hand gently taking ahold of her reins. I silently guide her into the pool of water, until I am knee deep, where the moon is shining brightest. Her eyes and coat gleam in the moonlight, large and captivating.

  My grip along the black handle tightens so much that my knuckles started to turn white. She snorts her annoyance tugging lightly on the reins to tell me she wants out of the water, but I keep us both in place. “I am sorry, girl…” I thrust the black blade into the chest of the mare. The instant blood touches the weapon a strike of lightning illuminates the sky, flashing down to connect with Ziv’s horn. Setting an electric spark dancing up and down it. Numerous lightning bolts rage across the sky. The darkness that resides within my hand links back into the sword, oozing out of both of us until the entire pool of water is consumed in it. Ziv screams, a horrible sound that I know I will remember to my dying days. She rears back on her hind legs, boxing the air with her hooves, forcing me to release my hold on the Hell’s DragonBlade, which remains embedded in her chest. She turns tail and tries to gallup away, but to both of our surprise the darkness has created a barrier around the water, trapping us both inside. I watch as she runs in circles, desperate to escape her fate. Even from my spot I can see the sword soaking in her blood, which makes a funnel of darkness shoot out into the sky. A portal appears above us only long enough for a massive blue dragon to escape it. The lightning bolts strike down along our darkness infused barrier, but this time they implant themselves into the ground, adding more boundaries to our imprisonment.

  It is at this moment that I realize my body is trembling. ‘I have to end this…’ I find the courage inside myself to grab Ziv’s reins when she runs by me again. Due to the influence of the darkness I feel stronger, more empowered. At least enough so that when Ziv tries to free herself from my grasp, she is not able to. I grab onto the black steel once again.

  “Use me to cut her horn off.”

  I jerk the sword out from Ziv. “I am sorry…” is all I can say before I lift my weapon, and with all my force I swing downwards, slicing the large, beautiful, lightning dancing Unicorn horn clean off her forehead.

  As soon as the horn falls in the water, Ziv collasps to the ground. Her breathing is labored from terror and pain. Her eyes are wide and blood shot. A terrifying cry escapes from deep within her, echoing off the surface of the water.

  She stares at me, as if trying with all her might to understand why I just betrayed her. “Your sacrifice will not be in vain… I promise….”

  “Kage! What is happening?” My blood turns cold inside of me at the sound of my cousin’s pacified voice.

  I look to the bank where Catherine, Hector and Sebastian stand beyond the boundary. The dragon soars down and lands right next to me, his front claws clasping around Ziv’s long neck. At the sight of my comrades he releases an earth shaking roar.

  “Kage… what have you done?”

  “I...I…” my quivering voice breaks off. I look down at the Unicorn, the majestic creature who struggles with every fiber of her being to take each breath. I crouch down and slowly retrieve the still sparking horn from the water. “I have to save her… even if this is the price I had to pay… the sacrifice I had to offer.” I look at Hector, who’s focus is completely on the Hell’s DragonBlade. “I had no other choice…” The supreme power from the sword continues to grow stronger, so much that it has begun to seep inside of my hand again. The pain is so severe, yet once it subsides, I feel incredible. “You cannot trust them to tell anyone else about this. If anyone knows what has happened here, you will never become King. You will never be able to change this Kingdom the way your heart desires.” A sharp black thorn blooms from the handle of the sword, spearing right through my palm and wraps around my hand. I feel myself falling to my knees before I have a chance to stop myself. The dragon next to me bares his teeth at me in warning.

  “Kage!” I can hear Hector’s concerned voice yell out my name. When I look up towards him, he has his hands lifted, moving in a smooth sideways motion. ‘What is he doing…’ A wave of water cascades down the waterfall and rams into the dragon. Leaving me unharmed. Enraged the dragon takes flight and rains down fire on Catherine, Hector and Sebastian.

  “NO!” I scream while stumbling to my feet to run onto the bank, I come to a stop only when I see a large blast of fire deflect the dragon’s attack. Before the smoke can fade the dragon flies past the barricade of darkness and lighting and lands directly in front of my cousin. “Stop him!” I finally command the blade latched onto my hand.

  “Only my wielder can control him. As I said before, I can give you immense power, but it must be you that commands it.”

  It takes seeing the large jaws of the beast reaching towards Catherine, willing and ready to kill her in one bite, for my mind to comprehend what I have to do. “I command you to retreat! Leave the humans alone, this instant.”

  The dragon snorts his dis
pleasure as he steps away from my cousin. He turns his massive snout around to look at me, his gaze is filled with an overwhelming amount of hate at my command. However, he obediently does as I say.

  “Until I summon you again, be gone.” I order.

  With a rumbling growl the beast propels himself off the ground and circles around the waterfall three times before soaring off into the night sky. I wait until he is out of sight before I look towards my friends. I lift my hand and motion it to the side, in answer the dark lightning barricade disappears. ‘Remarkable.’

  “Wh...wha… what is going on? Ho… how can you do this?” Catherine’s voice is trembling, a strange sound that I have only heard less than a handful of times.

  “Banish them. After witnessing this they will betray you.” A violent pulsing sensation radiates throughout my entire arm. I wrap my hand around my chest and clench my forearm.

  “Kage?” This time it is Hector that speaks. I look at my friend and see the same sorrow in his eyes that I know must be blazing in my own. “You did not have to sell your soul… the Queen never would have wanted this to save her.”

  “It may be a small price if she survives th…” my words trail off as the pain intensifies. It feels as if the thorn is sucking the blood from my hand. “What are you doing to me?” I mutter to the weapon. My eyes tightly closing.

  “Power will soon replace the agony, Prince. Your body needs time to adapt to it.”

  “Kage…” his voice is closer this time. His hand is on my shoulder before I can blink open my eyes.


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