Ruthless Royals

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Ruthless Royals Page 3

by Eva Hart

  I went over to my seat, ignoring all of the stares and whistles from the other students. The last thing I wanted was for more attention to come to me.

  But I could see those guys both looking at me, assessing me up and down. They were the big shots on campus, and I didn’t trust either of them. However, by lunch the atmosphere of the cafeteria changed.

  I felt all eyes on me. Why though? Suddenly, I saw Tabitha from yesterday glaring at me. I turned to her, looking at her with a smile.

  “Take a picture dear, it’ll last longer,” I told her in a snarky manner.

  “Oh quiet down. We heard about you,” Tabitha said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were flirting with Luca and Phoenix during first period. We may not be together, but you should back off while you have the chance. I don’t take kindly to new meat stepping in on my territory,” she said.

  “You have it all wrong. I’m not ‘stepping’ on anything. In fact, that isn’t flirting. Or maybe it is according to you people. But no, they were just bothering me. Kept asking me questions and shit, and they kept calling me a Voyeur. Maybe you should talk to the girl Luca was fucking, since they weren’t keeping that very quiet,” I said.

  I wasn’t going to let Tabitha win. I could tell she didn’t like me from the moment she met me, and I knew she was trying her hardest to find some sort of dirt on me. Which I get, maybe that’s just how she did things, but for now, I was just trying to keep a low profile. Though, as I sat there, I mulled on a thought that I had.

  I didn’t understand where she got this crazy idea that they were flirting. Seriously, if that’s her idea of flirting, she must have some weird ass relationships.

  “Well, at least I’m not the daughter of officer snitch and a trashy singer,” Tabitha said loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Officer snitch? I mean, my mom was a trashy singer if you put it that way, but I don’t know anything about the first part.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I said.

  Luca and Phoenix immediately turned their heads as soon as Tabitha said that. she grinned at me, and then spoke. I could tell she was trying to get everyone in the cafeteria to listen to her. The girls that were following the Elites around yesterday all turned their heads, looking at Tabitha as she said her next words.

  “Well, your dad is responsible for getting Luca’s girlfriend expelled. He played a key role in getting her kicked out of here after she gave drugs to another girl who OD’d. but, that’s not for me to discuss. He tried to get the guys expelled too, but they’re too high on the social totem pole to be kicked out. So think about that next time you try to ever flirt with any of them. Your dad is a fucking snitch, and I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Tabitha said with a snap.

  She walked away, and I stood there. I felt like a target was on my back, all because my dd decided to be a goody-goody guy. I mean, I’m not a good girl like how my father is, and I already knew this was going to bite me in the ass. guess the only way to know was to wait and see what happens next. Little did I know, this would make my life a living hell.

  Chapter 4

  I could feel all their eyes on me, but then, it got worse. Phoenix and Luca walked over to me, moving closer and closer to me. I backed into the wall, feeling my lunch tray lay precariously against my hands. Luca and Phoenix were shocked, both of them unsure of what to say.

  “I knew there was something about you that I didn’t like,” Luca said.

  “But that’s my dad. I’m not like him. I don’t give two fucks about the drama from back then,” I told Luca.

  “Doesn’t matter. Once a snitch, always a snitch. Your dad tried to ruin our lives, but that piss poor excuse for power stopped him from doing so,” he said.

  I could tell Luca was pretty pissed at this, but I noticed Phoenix was too. However, he seemed more shocked than upset.

  “So it’s true? You’re the daughter of the head of security? I should’ve known there was something weird about you,” he muttered.

  “It’s not my fucking fault my dad did his job and busted your asses.”

  Suddenly, Phoenix pushed his hand down on my tray, causing the contents to fly off. Milk spilled all over my pants, and the rest of the contents went crashing to the floor. I could feel my composure coming apart, my eyes looking up at him. My mouth was agape with shock, and then, Luca sneered.

  “You better know your place bitch. We’re about to make your life a living hell,” he said.

  “Yeah. This is revenge for her,” Phoenix said.

  He then walked off, leaving me in the middle of the cafeteria with milk all over my pants, a lunch I couldn’t bother eating anymore, and shock in my eyes.

  But it then only got worse. During my next study period, I sat down, but that’s when I heard it. The sound of a fart echoing through the math classroom. I looked down, and sure enough, they put a fucking whoopee cushion there.

  It was a juvenile prank, but I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. The whole atmosphere here at this school changed, and it was just my first day. The teacher glared at me, and her next words made my heart stop.

  “Julianna, if you could please hold your bodily functions in till after class, that would be great,” she said.

  “It wasn’t me; it was—”

  I looked down. Someone grabbed it during the small five seconds of me standing up. I looked over, and there was Phoenix. The class began to laugh, and I sighed. I didn’t know what to do in this case.

  Then, after class, I went to my locker. I tried to open it, only to discover that it was glued shut.

  “What the fuck,” I said to myself.

  I heard the sounds of laughing, and then, a couple of girls stop on by.

  “Hey look, the daughter of officer snitch can’t get into her locker.”

  “Poor baby. Looks like you’ll need to find someone to open it,” the other said.

  “Maybe officer snitch could help his daughter then,” one of them said.

  I grimaced. I didn’t like the way this was going.

  “Hey, fuck off, this has nothing to do with you,” I stated.

  After a laugh, they, walked off, and I realized that most of the school was gone. I walked around, desperately trying to find a handyman or someone who could help me. Finally, after a half hour I finally found someone, one of the lesser known faculty, who helped me open it.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You should be careful. Seems like there is someone who wants to make your life harder,” the person said.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” I said.

  He walked away, and a part of me wondered if there was anything I could do. Not only did I make enemies of the three most powerful guys in school. Not only that, I think Tabitha has some beef with me too. I didn’t know if she did this on purpose to get back at me for being cold to her, or what. But, from the way Luca looked at me, I had a bad feeling about this.

  This wasn’t going to be good. Not good at all.

  I thought about what to do next. I guess I can just wait to see if they die down after a bit. I went to my apartment, and JJ was in the living room.

  “Hey. Is it really true about what you dad did?” she asked.

  “Yeah, but I don’t follow in his footsteps. I wish these guys would realize that. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m just here till my mom comes back from her stupid overseas joyride,” I said.

  “I see. Well, I hope it dies down. It sounds like you pissed off the wrong people,” she said.

  “No shit. The worst part is they think I had something to do with some bitch getting expelled. Please, like I care about who is dealing drugs here or not. I mean shit, if someone has the good stuff, I may consider it myself with all the bullshit they’re doing. It’s my dad who is the one who is always acting all goody-goody. Not my monkey, not my circus,” I stated.

  “I see. Be careful with that attitude Jules. Some of these people don’t understand that,” JJ

  “Yeah I know. I just hope for the best.”

  “It may not get better. I could tell Tabitha has a huge problem with you,” she said.

  “I noticed that. she’s acting like it’s my fault or something. I’m just the daughter of the bastard who did it. I can only hope this dies down tomorrow.

  But it only got worse from there. First, someone took my gym uniform and covered it in bird dung. I picked a bit of it off, but white spots decorated the uniform still. I tried to cover the small too, but that didn’t work out super well.

  “Shit,” I said. Of course, a couple of girls walked on by, making comments at me about it.

  “Eww, look at that smelly bitch.”

  “Bet she’ll ask her father to snitch on the girls who did it,” one of them said as they walked not the gymnasium.

  I had to go to gym class with bird dung smack dab on my gym uniform. The bullying didn’t stop. Most of the actions were done in secret though, meaning that I couldn’t do anything about it, other than to grin and bear it.

  I wouldn’t let them get the best of me. I could tell they got a high off bullying me, and this would only continue until either I broke, or something. The Elites started to back off a little bit, but I wondered if they were the ones forcing the girls to bully me.

  But, after the third day, I considered whether or not I should tell someone about this. That night, I went home, and JJ looked at me with widened eyes.

  “You look terrible!” she said.

  “Yeah, it’s been a rough week,” I told her

  “You really should tell someone about this,” she pointed out.

  Who could I tell though? I mean, I was dealing with something new every day. Whether it was a spider put in my locker, or even stepping in dog shit that was put in the courtyard, I was dealing with all of this.

  “I don’t know what to do honestly,” I said.

  “You should let your dad know.”

  Easier said than done of course. I mean, I thought about telling my dad. I stepped right near his office today, looking at the sign and thinking about telling him anything.

  “I’m not sure if I should do that. I went to his office today but…I don’t want to snitch,” told JJ. I mean, they already thought I did, but I couldn’t just actually do that. but JJ looked at me with concern in her eyes.

  “Why not?”

  “Because, if I tell my dad about this, it’ll only get worse. He’s going to try to punish them, and then, I’m completely fucked. I’m going to have to just…take it day by day. I hate that I have to do this JJ, but I’ve got to. I can’t fight them,” I told JJ.

  “True. I know how they are. These guys get away with a lot of shit,” she said.

  “You’re telling me. I’ve heard the rumors about them. About how they could get away with murder. I mean, in a sense they kind of did with the girl,” I told her.

  “Yeah, that’s really what it is. But it sounds like you aren’t taking it very well,” she said.

  “It is what it is. It’s not like I can do a lot about it,” I said.

  “If you ever need support you can let me know. I’ll try to help as much as I can,” JJ said.

  “Thanks, but don’t get too involved. This is all new to me.”

  I’ve never been at the receiving end of bullying until now, and I felt powerless. I could feel my resolve shaking. But, what sucks about it is I couldn’t do a dan thing about it. If I fight it, I’ll get hurt, but if I don’t, I’ll get hurt too.

  This all hurt my head.

  “I’m going to finish my homework and try to sleep,” I told JJ.

  “Are you sure? I mean, if you want to talk—”

  “Nah JJ. I suggest you stay away from me. I don’t want to see you hurt either,” I said.

  I liked JJ, even though she was a little naïve. She nodded, smiling at me.

  “Well, I’m here if you want to talk,” she offered.

  “Thanks. Right now, I just need a bit of time,” I told her.

  I went to my room, closing the door, sitting in my bed and holding my hands. Here the fuck was my mom? I tried to call her again and again, but the number went straight to voicemail. How come she always was unable to take my calls whenever I actually needed her help, but the police can easily call her to tell her that I was taking a joyride? It pissed me off, but as I laid there, I couldn’t really figure out what else to do.

  I didn’t belong here. I felt like I was the odd woman out in this school, and ii wasn’t a fan of being harassed like this. I feel like I was just their scapegoat because of my dad’s actions, which pissed me the fuck off.

  “Goddammit mom, where are you?” I asked myself.

  I knew that I couldn’t fight this. These guys were too powerful, and I know they could get away with anything, probably even actual murder. But now…right now the only thing I could do was stay silent. Although it may hurt me in the future, I needed to shut the hell up, and see what I could do about any of this.

  Chapter 5

  Today only got worse.

  I walked to my locker, opening up the door and putting my books in, when suddenly, something hit me in the face as I opened my locker. I looked up, and I noticed it was a greenish-yellow color. I peeled it off my face, cringing at the smell of this. It was awful, and I could practically smell the scent becoming more and more pungent in my locker.

  “What the—”

  “Hey look, it’s the little piggy. Bet you like that cheese,” one of the girls said.

  I looked over, realizing it was one of Tabitha’s goons. So not only was I getting harassed by Phoenix and Luca, I also had her to deal with. I took the cheese, putting it in the trashcan nearby. It was terrible, and the smell of this made me cringe.

  They laughed at me, and I wanted to say something, but I stepped back. if I did anything more right now, I would only get harassed further.

  But that was only the beginning. I thought I could forget the smell of dairy, but when I got to fourth period, one of the girls next to me pushed right into me, spilling milk on my pants once again.

  “Whoops, I’m SO SORRY,” she said, spitting in my face as she walked away.

  It wasn’t just ordinary milk like last time though. When I looked down, I saw chunks.

  It was rotten milk.

  The smell of it was pungent, and I quickly covered my nose. I tried to get it off, but it only made my pants smell just like milk, along with my hands. I needed to do something about this.

  I looked about, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I then saw the bathroom, running over there trying to run my pants and hands under water and clean them.

  After about ten minutes, I finally got it all off my pants. But what sucked was the smell was still there, so I would have to walk around all damn day with that faint odor of rotten milk. I was disgusted by this, unsure of what to do, and most of all, felt powerless against these people.

  I looked for something, anything I could use to help mask the smell, but it was no use. To make things worse, I had a big wet spot on my crotch too.

  This wasn’t going to go over well.

  I walked in, and I saw the girl who spilled it all over me smirking.

  “What’s the matter, piss your pants Officer Snitch?” she said.

  The girls started laughing, and I rolled my eyes.

  “No, just had something spill I needed to clean up,” I said.

  “Eww what’s that smell?” one girl said.

  “I don’t know, but I think it’s coming from officer snitch. She’s a smelly snitch,” another said.

  They laughed, and I groaned at the juvenile jokes. I can’t believe this was even happening to me, but I couldn’t let them win. I wouldn’t let them get the satisfaction they desired from this.

  I stayed quiet despite the teasing for the rest of the day. Though, it honestly did hurt. I hated that I was treated like this, but at the same time, I really wasn’t surprised. It’s not like I could fight it eith
er. Tabitha looked at me as I was heading out of school with a satisfactory smirk.

  She was getting such a thrill from this, that’s for sure.

  As I headed back to my apartment, I noticed that something felt off about the place, but I couldn’t figure it out. I looked around, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  “Strange,” I said to myself.

  Whatever I was experiencing, I didn’t know what it was. I looked around at the entrance, but it still seemed pretty normal. I went to the fridge, and I immediately looked inside.

  “Ugh,” I said to myself. There was milk and cheese in there. I couldn’t eat that. I had some ham from the meat container. After a moment, I heard the door unlock, and JJ showed up.

  “Hey there,” she said.

  “Hey. How are you?” I asked.

  “Good. Dang you smell,” she said.

  “Yeah well, you can thank Tabitha’s friends for that,” I said.

  I went to my bedroom and put my clothes in the hamper. I’d have to wash this shit tonight or else it’d stink up the whole place, and I didn’t want to do that to JJ. JJ hummed outside, but then, I heard her speak.

  “By the way, is this ice cream any good?” she asked.

  “Yeah. You can have it,” I told her.

  “Really? You sure?”

  “Yeah. I can’t have dairy for a little bit, so you’re welcome to it,” I told her.


  I heard the sound of the container being opened, and then a big scoop being poured into there. I heard her open it and hum while eating it, but then, I heard silence.

  “JJ?” I asked.

  I walked outside, only to find JJ unconscious on the ground.

  “Oh shit, JJ wake up!” I said.

  Suddenly, I noticed her vomiting all over the place. I put JJ on her side as she retched violently so she didn’t choke. I quickly called 911.

  “Shit, what the hell is going on?” I said to myself. I don’t remember the ice cream being bad. I just bought it two days ago and checked the date. I looked at it, and I noticed that there was a strange brown liquid within it. After the ambulance showed up, I rode with JJ over to the hospital. When we got there, she was quickly rushed in.


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