Ruthless Royals

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Ruthless Royals Page 14

by Eva Hart

  I prayed that it would. This was getting incredibly embarrassing, and very uncomfortable. Not to mention, for some reason I was annoyingly horny I didn’t try to show the satisfaction to any of them, but then finally, after a little bit, the laptop closed.

  I looked at the clock. Nearly two hours had passed. They sat here and watched my porn for two goddamn hours, not making a move on me. Would they finally do so in a bit? I didn’t even know anymore, and I wished I could just…get some help with all of this.

  After a little bit, I heard Phoenix sit up, looked at me and I could tell that they were waiting for my response.

  “Is…is it over?” I said.

  “For now yes,” he said.

  I looked at him, and then at my laptop. I had so many feelings, a lot of questions, and I didn’t know what to do at this point.

  I felt like I had a million questions, but I definitely felt like they were willing to listen to me.

  “We are done for the night, we’re not done here though,” Luca said.

  “No, I’m not done here either. I have a few questions,” I told them.

  They looked at me with surprise. I bet they thought I would just up and leave, but at the moment, I felt like this was only going to get worse with wear. I didn’t want this to be the end, nor did I want them to just leave it at that, but for now, I felt like this was going to get worse if I didn’t say anything.

  I had a lot of questions, and I wasn’t going to leave until the answers were revealed.

  Chapter 24

  “What do you want to know?” Phoenix said.

  I could tell in their eyes they were hungry, and I wondered if staying here would be worth it. But I wasn’t leaving till I got these answers, and found out just what they wanted from me.

  “This information. There was no way in hell you could find these videos. They aren’t online. And that’s my laptop. How did you…get it?” I said to them.

  Phoenix laughed, and Luca spoke.

  “Well, we’ve known a little bit due to Tabitha and Dane’s hard work. They took the laptop for a bit, and I’m sure Dane jerked it to these cause they’re hot as fuck. But yeah, Dane gave this back to us, saying we should show them to the little slut,” Luca said.

  I shivered.

  “So he….he lied to me,” I said.

  “What do you mean?” Phoenix said.

  Great, here we go again. I mean, I didn’t know if I should tell them the truth, that Dane told me the reason why he held onto my phone was to “Find dirt” but he didn’t find jack shit. But now, there was this…he gave this back to the guys, and now, I had a lot more questions.

  Phoenix laughed.

  “Did he really tell you that?”

  “Yes, he fucking did,” I snapped back.

  “Easy there Jules. We’re not going to hurt you,” Phoenix said.

  That was a damn lie, but I relaxed for but a moment, trying to figure out how to approach this.

  “So what did he say? He told me that he didn’t find anything on me. That’s literally what he said when I confronted him on it,” I told them.

  “Wow, and you believed him? I’m sorry Jules, but you should be better than that. Dane has never been on your side,” Phoenix said.

  “Like you guys were either though,” I said to them.

  “I mean, we definitely were more supportive than Dane. He just wanted to fuck you and get dirt on you for Tabitha. Which I mean, he definitely did. The thing is, he doesn’t realize that we control everything in this school. I found out almost immediately,” Phoenix said.

  “So what did you do? Did you…threaten them or steal this?” I asked them. I mean, I could see Luca stealing this from them, and Phoenix threatening them. I mean, either or this would definitely not end very well.

  “We actually talked to them, and we told them that if you release those videos and that information, here would be…consequences,” Phoenix explained.

  I thought about these words, unsure if I believed them or not. I mean, I did believe that they meant this, and that the consequences were real. But, did they really have all that power? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past them.

  These guys could get away with murder.

  “See, we never were your enemies Jules,” Phoenix said.

  Bull fucking shit. That was a boldfaced lie fi I ever saw one. I immediately scoffed, rebutting that.

  “Oh yeah? If I wasn’t your ‘enemy’, then why don’t you stand up for me? Why do you guys just completely ignore me when I’m getting tossed about and kicked aside? You may not be my enemy, but I don’t think you’re really my friend. Especially with…all of this going on,” I said.

  I didn’t believe for a damn moment they were my friends.

  “Well, you have to remember that this isn’t all about you. You’re a pawn in the game, a part of the bigger picture,” Phoenix explained.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we have been trying to get rid of Tabitha and Dane for a long time. Those fuckers are so good at cleaning up their tracks it’s obnoxious,” Luca said.

  “Yeah, and even Luca couldn’t get them in trouble. And after the OD, they were looking at our group, rather than Dane and Tabitha. Truth is, Dane’s sister wasn’t in all that bad of shape when Luca gave them the stuff. It was Tabitha and Dane who made it worse. They try to make it look like they give two shits about their family, but truth is, Dane doesn’t care. Dane wants nothing more than to put everyone under the bus, and get an edge over everyone. They do this for their own gain,” Phoenix explained.

  I mean, weren’t they doing the same thing? I wondered this, but almost as if they were reading my mind, Luca spoke.

  “We may seem to be the same way, and in a sense, we kind of are. We are usually just trying to do what’s best for all of us. But the thing is Jules, we also understand that, with the way things are, we need to keep an edge on things. We understand that,” he said.

  “Right. So what’s the damage? What do you want from me? Because there is no way in hell that you’re just doing this because you’re friends. You guys always want something from me,” I said.

  I felt that way. I felt like I was being used, and then, Phoenix smiled.

  “Of course we want something. We only let the schemes continue so that we could have an edge over those two. They’ve been a big mess for a long time, and we’re just trying to make sure that our backs are covered, and we can figure out something to use. Right now, this is the moment of truth Jules. We want to work with you, and we want you to join us,” Phoenix said.

  Join them? There was no fucking way I was joining these assholes! No fucking way.

  “No. I don’t want to. Why would you think I’d do that. you sit here, feeding me this sob story, saying that I have to join you guys for my own good, and for what? So that you guys can have something over my head? I don’t think I should join you guys. I still don’t trust you,” I admitted.

  I didn’t really know what to make of any of this, but then, I heard a chuckle.

  “It’s okay. Don’t be so uptight there Jules. Trust me, it isn’t a bad thing. We just want you to take our side, to join us. We’re offering you a spot within the elites. That’s not something small,” Phoenix explained.

  I tensed up unsure of what to do about this.

  “And what if I don’t? what if I decide not to do this? What are you going to do to me?” I asked.

  I mean, this could either benefit me, or not benefit me. I felt like, with the way things were, it would only get worse with time.

  “Well, that depends. Do you want people to see these videos?” Luca asked.

  No way. They wouldn’t.

  “You guys wouldn’t dare—”

  “Oh yes we would Jules. We would definitely do this, and we’d make sure that you and everyone else saw all the damage from this. We’re releasing everything to the school, and we’ll make sure that they all know about your little gig you had ack then, and these videos too,” Luca said with a smi

  “So what do you think Jules? Are you going to join us? Or are we going to have to put together a little video show for everyone to see? I’m sure this would be very embarrassing, and ‘m sure that even your dad would notice this too,” Phoenix said.

  I stopped, trying my hardest to think about what to do. This was a dicey choice. I mean, if I thought about staying here, it would ruin me. But there was also that chance of me leaving. I mean, I wondered what would happen with this. How would I get into the Elites?

  I then looked at all of them, bracing myself for what to do next. I had to make a decision, to figure out what to do about all of this, and then, I braced myself for what they would do. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come.

  Either this would haunt me for a long time, to the point where I didn’t really know what else to do, or things would change very quickly, and I’d have to, with this as well, figure out what to do next. There was a huge decision to be made at this moment, a lot that I needed to focus on, and I knew the answer I would have to give would determine my future, both her at Kingswood academy, and my future reputation as well.

  Chapter 25

  My cheeks burned in humiliation at their words, at the choice that they gave me. I’d be the talk of the school, and not in the way I’d want to be if I told them to just share them. But I didn’t want to join The Elites.

  I knew if I did, it would immediately incite the attention, and of course the anger, of Tabitha and the others. I wondered what Dane would do. Would he continue to suck up to me? Or would he try to ruin my life if I was with these guys?

  I didn’t know if they’d accept me as their friend or foe either. I mean, right now it felt like blackmail, but if I said yes, would they actually let this go? Or would they continue to bully me.

  “You all bullied me for so long, and now you expect me to just sit there, and take this shit,” I said.

  “We’re offering you a nice choice here Jules. Seriously,” Phoenix said.

  “Bullshit. This is blackmail,” I said.

  “Well, it’s what you want to think it is Jules. We’re just offering you a choice here. You can either take it, or you can just ignore it,” Luca said.

  I felt my cheeks burn. The last thing I wanted was for the faculty, for my dad even, to just see these. I felt my entire body grow hot, and I realized that this wasn’t going to work. I didn’t want to feel embarrassed by all of this, but instead, I wanted to come forward, say what I wanted to say, and not let them in.

  “So you think if I just agree to your demands, everything will be fine then?” I muttered.

  “You could say that,” Luca said.

  “Depends on how you feel. I mean, we could definitely work something nice out,” Phoenix said.

  Shit, it’s not like I had much of a choice then. However, I remembered the money my mom gave me, and I could go back with her to Vegas.

  “Well, it’s nice that you’re offering me such a grand position, but I’m going to have to say no,” I said with a saccharine voice.

  “And why is that?” Phoenix asked with slight surprise on his face.

  “Simple. My mom called me the other day. I’m not even going to be here by the end of this week. I was planning to leave yesterday, but I needed a little bit of time to get everything ready, but I’m heading back to Vegas,” I said.

  I felt a sense of accomplishment as I looked at them. This could be it; this could be the one-upmanship that I needed. But I definitely felt like this wasn’t going to be good. I felt like this would definitely be for the best.

  “You think you can just get up and leave so easily?” Luca said.

  “Yes actually. You all made my life here a living fucking hell, and I’m tired of it. If I have the chance, I’m getting out of here. Besides, it’s not like any of you were even my friends anyways. Even now, I don’t feel like this is just people offering me a chance to stay here. Tis is blackmail, through and through,” I said.

  I felt like I was doing something to at least crack all of this.

  “I see,” Phoenix said, looking at me with an expression I honestly couldn’t read.

  Was he happy or was he pissed that I was heading out of here? I honestly didn’t know, but all of this made me feel slightly overwhelmed, and I wondered if I was making the right decision.

  There was also the fact that I felt humiliated even just mentioning this.

  “That’s right, I’m leaving this shithole, and I’m not coming back. this is a permanent move,” I said to them.

  “And why do you suppose that?” Phoenix asked.

  “My mom insisted upon me coming back with her. Things didn’t work out with her guy, and she has no intention of going anywhere anytime soon. So, since I’ll at least have her watchful eye on me, I can get out of here. It has been real though,” I said to them.

  I felt a sense of power, but I also felt a little bit sad about this. As I stepped back, looking at these rooms right outside, I realized something.

  Despite the fact this school gave me a living hell of a time, despite the fact that I was so utterly bullied by all of the fuckers here, I felt a little bit sad inside.

  “Something the matter Jules?” Thorn asked.

  “Oh, so now you want to talk. Well fine, I guess I’ll admit it. I’m going to miss this place,” I said.

  I felt a little bit of heaviness in my heart as I uttered those words. I mean, this place was a living nightmare for me. I didn’t understand why I felt that strange feeling of sadness as I looked about. I wondered this, but for a moment, Phoenix spoke.

  “I see. So you think you’ll miss us then?” Phoenix said.

  I paused, looking around. I touched the chair I was in mere movements ago, and then looked at all of the guys. These men were the main reason why things were hell on earth here, why I was always harassed, teased, and whatever. I mean, if they didn’t show an interest in me, I think things might’ve been easier here.

  “Yeah, I guess I’ll miss you as well. Even though you all made me want to leave this damn hellhole many times, I will miss it,” I said.

  I looked at them, and while they all irritated me, tried to make my life a living hell, and caused a huge rift between me and the most popular girl in school, it certainly was something that I would miss a little bit, albeit I felt like, even if I did end up standing my ground here, I’d still get the shitty end of the stick.

  But, all of these guys caused so much trouble for me. Why did I feel guilty for this then? I honestly didn’t know. I felt like, with everything that happened, I was definitely a bit sad to go. I mean, I’d get to have a life that was normal, that felt right, that felt pretty easy to deal with, but at the same time…I also felt a bit sad. I wouldn’t have the fun, and the excitement of this as well. I mean, I could go back home, and make a crapload of money escorting, and also doing more videos. I could make it out there, and without these assholes bothering me.

  “Yeah, I’ll make it. I’ll go live my own life. And I don’t give two rat’s asses if you guys do tell everyone about it. Hell, I don’t even care if my dad leans about it. I mean, he’s the one wo doesn’t seem to give a damn about his daughter’s life, so I mean, it’s not like I have anyone here. You just want to make my life a living hell. JJ and the others were just toys in their plans too. I’d rather leave, since I’ve been harassed so much here. It’s easier that way,” I said.

  I wanted to go. I wanted to get the hell out, and from there, never look back. as I was about to leave though, I heard a cough.

  “What was that?” I said as I turned around.

  “Oh, we just thought it was funny that you were leaving when your dad is the one whose about to get fired from his teaching position,” Phoenix said.

  I stood there, a look of horror in my eyes as I heard this. I mean, there was no way that they would know…would they? I looked at them as I turned to face them, shock settling in.

  “You don’t mean—”

  “It’s exactly w
hat we mean Jules. Wouldn’t you like to hear us out? Or do you not care about what happens to your dad anymore?” Phoenix said with a smile on his face.

  I hesitated, feeling a bit scared about what might transpire next. I started to tense up, feeling a bit scared about what might happen to me next, and a bit of fear ghosting through my body.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked. I wanted answers.

  I felt that urge to leave, that urge to get the hell out of here while I stood could. But I realized I was trapped in their little game, and there was no way out. Phoenix’s lips curled into that of a smile.

  “Well, we have a few pictures of this, and we will show you now. I think this should be enough to convince you at least,” he said.

  I sat there, bracing myself for whatever it was that they were about to show me, feeling both fear, and anticipation for whatever it was that they were about to tell me.

  This could either go one of two ways: good, or bad.

  Chapter 26

  I looked at all of the elites as they sat there, the computer in front of them. They inserted one of the junk drives that they had on hand into there, clicking a few times, and then, the sounds of someone getting fucked echoed through the room. But, this time around, it wasn’t me.

  “Who is…that?” I said.

  “I think it’s someone familiar,” Phoenix said.

  They turned around, and right in front of me was a video of my dad, pushing the principal against the table, fucking her forcefully against it. The sounds of sex, and their moans echoed through the room. I felt my face burn in response to this.

  “Gross,” I said.

  “Actually, I think this video is pretty good. If we really wanted to, we could leak it for everyone at Kingswood to see,” Phoenix said. With a smile.


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