Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2)

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Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2) Page 1

by M. K. Eidem

  Autumn's Kiss

  By M.K. Eidem

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  About the Author

  Additional Books


  I want to thank my family and friends for listening as I talk ‘alien’ to them asking questions about worlds that only live in my head. I also want to thank: Reese, Julie, Fern, Beth, and Narelle. Thanks, ladies!

  Autumn's Kiss


  M.K. Eidem

  Turtle Point Publishing, Inc

  Copyright © 2017 by Michelle K. Eidem

  Cover Design by Judy Bullard

  Edited by: [email protected]

  All rights reserved: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission of the author.

  All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is strictly coincidental.

  License Statement

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Autumn thought she knew who she was and where she came from, but then she discovered she was a rare type of dragon shifter known as a Supreme Dragoon. Now she is heading to her new mate’s homeworld to meet more of their kind. Nerves were to be expected, but Autumn is about to get more than she bargained for.

  Kirall always knew who he was, a Prime Dragoon. One of the strongest of his kind. He'd never doubted who he was or his place until he traveled to Earth and met her. Autumn descended from a line of Dragoon thought to have died out many millennia ago. Their Mating changed all he'd been taught to believe.

  Together they will face challenges neither of them expected. With their Mating threatened, and everything Kirall holds dear in jeopardy, it’s up to Autumn to show who really is the baddest Dragoon of them all.

  Chapter One

  Autumn's fingers tightened on the transport's railing as it rose over the last, jagged peak to reveal Kirall's parents’ Lair. Kirall had been able to arrange for the transport to be waiting for them when the Inferno landed on Mondu, even though the first rays of the planet's sun had just begun to break the horizon. He’d hurried her cloaked figure across the landing platform, his now silver eyes constantly scanning for threats. She didn't understand his concern, but this was his planet... his world, and she would defer to him... for now.

  She knew that if it weren't for her, he would have shifted into his dragon form and taken to the skies to stretch his wings and fly home, as he usually did. But while she could shift to her dragon form, due to her young age she had never flown before. And Kirall refused to allow her first experience to be on such a long and arduous flight. So they were traveling in this special transport that had a viewing bubble in front, allowing her to see her new home world. It was beautiful.

  The city surrounding the landing port had been just starting to stir as they'd flown over it. Lights began filling some of the darkened windows, and shadowy figures were moving in them. The buildings weren't square like most on Earth. Instead, they seemed more... organic. They reminded her of the termite mounds she'd once read were found in Africa, Australia, and South America. Wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. Kirall told her the height was so those living in the buildings would be able to launch themselves into the sky when they shifted into their dragon form as the surrounding area was so flat.

  Outside the city, the flat terrain turned into gentle rolling hills that gradually became larger and steeper until they were flying over craggy peaks that dropped down into high mountain valleys. Following the valleys, she saw tilled fields that had crops growing in them and villages with people that looked human to her. But Kirall told her they were Others. The higher up into the mountain range they went, the smaller and fewer villages there were until she saw nothing but sharp, barren rock.

  Now the sun was high in the sky, and Kirall's parents' Lair lay before them. It was literally a castle, carved into the tallest peak of the range, with actual turrets and balconies. A thin shard of rock extended out over what appeared to be a bottomless crevasse. Her stomach dropped when she realized the transport was heading straight for it. But as they moved closer, she realized it wasn't a thin shard, but a large section of the mountain. It reminded her of how a drawbridge was lowered over a moat.

  "There's nothing to be nervous about," Kirall murmured nuzzling the tip of her ear. His hands eased hers from the railing so he could pull her back against his chest, enfolding her in his arms.

  "So says the one that's returning to everyone and everything he knows." Autumn's gaze remained locked on the group who were gathered at the widest end of the platform watching them land.

  "My family is going to love you."

  "You can't be sure of that."

  "I can. But even if they don't, it doesn't matter. We will only remain here long enough for you to build up your strength and then we will head home."

  "To Kruba," she whispered.


  "Is it far from here?" she asked tipping her face up to his.

  "A good half day of hard flying," he told her although she already knew this from the conversations they’d had on the Inferno. "We could take the transport..."

  "But you’re not sure Razeth's magic will recognize me if I'm not in my Dragon form."

  "Yes. It has been so long since anyone has been able to penetrate Razeth's protection." He turned her so she was facing him and pressed his lips against the frown forming between her eyebrows. "Don't worry so. We have all the time we need for you to build up your strength and learn to fly."

  "You're sure I'll be able to?"

  "Of course. And you will be beautiful doing it. My Dragon can hardly wait to fly with you."

  "I think there are lots of things your Dragon can't wait to do with me," she said giving him a teasing look. Kirall's response was predictable and instantaneous. He lifted her off her feet and captured her lips for a deep, hard kiss.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


  The deep voice boomed across the platform as Kirall stepped from the transport. Kirall assisted Autumn down before turning to face the male the voice belonged to.


  Autumn silently watched the smile that broke across Kirall's face as he turned to greet the tall male moving toward them. They clasped forearms in the traditional Dragoon greeting before Kirall pulled his father in close for a hug.

  "It is good to see you."

  "You are... well, my son?" his father asked cautiously.

  "Yes, of course, I am." Kirall's smile began to fade. "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Your transmission stated that you were concerned you were going into a Joining Heat. Then yesterday, I received another stating you were coming directly here upon your return instead
of to your own Lair."

  "You didn't receive the transmission stating that I had been mistaken and I had something important to discuss with you?"

  "No. A large, seasonal storm struck just as I received your first transmission. It only cleared two days ago. Had I known, I wouldn't have..."

  "Wouldn't have what?" Kirall asked.


  Autumn's gaze went to the female rushing toward them, or rather toward Kirall. Autumn recognized her as a Prime Dragoon because of her black laminae, but she wasn't one of Kirall's sisters. Not with the golden hair that streamed behind her as she launched herself at Kirall. So she was a Gold Prime. But that didn't explain why she was here or why she was smashing her barely-contained breasts against the hard, broad chest that belonged to Autumn.

  “I came as soon as your mother called,” the female gushed looking up at Kirall. “You know I’ll always be here when you need me. Come.” She tried to drag him away. “A Joining room has been prepared for us.”

  “Excuse me?” Autumn found herself growling. Neither she nor her Dragon was going to allow that to happen. Kirall was theirs.

  Three sets of eyes turned to where she still stood next to the transport.

  "Autumn." Kirall tried to disentangle himself from the other female, but she was clinging to him as tightly as a young dragon did to a cliff before its first flight.

  “Kirall, who is this... Other that dares to speak to you?” the female sneered, her dark gaze running over Autumn. “She needs to be reminded of her place.”

  "Maaike," Kirall finally broke his former lover's grasp, but her name was as far as he got.

  “My place, Maaike,” Autumn’s growl became deeper and deadlier as she moved forward, her claws extending. “Is at my mate’s side! And if you ever touch him again, I will make sure you regret it!”

  Kirall hooked an arm around Autumn's waist, spinning her away, so her extended claws sunk into his chest instead of Maaike. Usually, he loved the feel of her claws, especially when she drew them down his back when she was lost during their mating. But not now. Now wasn't the time or place to reveal the unique skill she had as a female Supreme. "Calm, my love."

  “Calm?!!” Autumn demanded, giving him a disbelieving look.

  “Mate!” Maaike and his father exclaimed together.

  “Yes,” Kirall said shortly over his shoulder then ignoring everyone, concentrated on his mate. “We spoke of this, Autumn,” he told her quietly.

  “That was before she thought to take you to her bed!”

  “It never would have happened. You know yours is the only bed I desire to be in.” Leaning down he gave her a hard, deep kiss that had her claws retracting and disbelieving gasps coming from everyone else. Well, everyone except Maaike.

  “No!” Maaike shrieked. “You couldn’t have been so desperate that you would mate an Other!”

  "Enough, Maaike!" Kirall's father growled giving her a look that immediately had her bowing her head in submission before his gaze returned to his eldest son. "Kirall?"

  Kirall ignored the concern he heard in his father's voice. Right now, Autumn was his only concern. Lifting his head slightly, he saw that the silver which had begun to fill her eyes during her partial shift was receding to just the rims. "Alright now?"

  “As long as she stays away from you. Yes.”

  "Kirall?" His father spoke again, and this time Kirall turned.

  "Father, I'm sorry for the confusion. The transmission you didn't receive explained that I was mistaken. I hadn't gone into an early Joining Heat but was in my Mating Heat. I present to you my mate, Autumn. Autumn, my father. Elder Kiran."

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elder Kiran,” Autumn said softly as she took in the older male’s appearance. He was taller and broader than Kirall, although not by much. His long, black hair with black laminae flowed freely around him while Kirall had his restrained back in a sleeve as it had been when she’d first met him. He wore trousers and a loose-fitting, sleeveless tunic similar to what Kirall was currently wearing. And even though she knew Kirall’s father was nearly two thousand years old, it didn’t show in his strength or bearing.

  “I... um... Autumn, is it?” Kiran stumbled over his words, a rare occurrence for him. How could this tiny creature be his son’s mate? It wasn’t possible. Why hadn’t Kirall waited to consult with him before giving her his Kiss? Was this why he wanted to come directly here because he knew he would need help protecting her?

  Letting his gaze run over her, Kiran could understand the appeal of the tiny female who looked nothing like any Other he had ever seen. Her green eyes were a startling contrast to her pale, creamy skin. And her hair, he could tell, was the color of flames even though she had it restrained in a sleeve. A sudden gust of wind blew her cloak open, revealing she wore only the thinnest of resting gowns.

  What in the name of Kur was going on?

  “Yes, it is,” she confirmed, pulling the edges of her cloak back together. The pleasure faded from her voice at his apparent hesitation in greeting her. So much for Kirall’s family loving her.

  “Father,” Kirall growled, his displeasure easily heard.

  "I am sorry, my son," Kiran's gaze returned to Kirall. "It is just such a shock, and we all thought..." He looked to Maaike. "Well, that doesn't matter right now. Autumn, welcome to my Lair."

  "Thank you." She forced the words past the tightness gripping her throat even as she put a gentle but restraining hand on Kirall's arm. She knew by the tension in his muscles that he wanted to confront his father about the coolness of his greeting, but she couldn't take that right now.

  "Perhaps we could get out of the wind?" she asked looking up at Kirall.

  “Of course,” Kirall gritted out through clenched teeth. Then moving to block the worst of the stiff breeze, he put an arm around her waist and guided her toward the entrance of the home he had grown up in, and the rest of his family.

  “Mother, my mate Autumn,” Kirall introduced her, ignoring the rest of his family.

  “I heard,” the beautiful female replied stiffly.

  “Autumn, my mother, Lady Niccele,” Kirall bit out.

  “A pleasure, Lady Niccele,” Autumn replied, her tone as neutral as his mother’s.

  Kirall couldn't believe the way his family was acting. Yes, he knew presenting his mate to them this way was going to shock them. Especially since they hadn't gotten his second transmission. But this was beyond anything he could have expected. He knew some Black Primes felt that anyone not a Black was beneath them, but he had never once seen his parents act that way. They had always treated everyone with respect. Dragoon, Other, or any species. They had taught their children to do the same. Until his Autumn.

  “My mate is tired, Mother. Can I assume my rooms have been prepared?”

  “Of course they have,” his mother replied as if the mere thought that she wouldn’t have done so was insulting.

  “Then we shall retire until evening meal.” He saw the shock in his mother’s eyes as he guided Autumn passed her, ignoring the way she tipped her cheek up for the expected kiss. It was something he had done since his first shift. He would kiss her cheek whenever he left or returned home, showing her how much he loved and respected her. But today he couldn’t. Not with the way she had greeted his Autumn.

  Kirall fought to control his beast as he led Autumn through the empty corridors of his parents' Lair. It wanted to emerge and rampage which is what his parents deserved. But he knew it would upset and confuse Autumn, and she was his priority. All that incredible heat and fire that were such a part of her had been smothered by their coolness until only weak embers remained.

  When she stumbled, he swept her up into his arms. It was only after she burrowed deep into them that she spoke.


  “Yes, my love?”

  “Your rooms... are they the same ones that Maaike meant to share with you?”

  Kirall’s steps faltered at the thought she might believe he would even co
nsider taking her to rooms that he had shared with another female.

  “No! No,” he said more calmly. “Maaike has never been in my private rooms here."

  “But she has been in them in your Lair, right?” She raised somber eyes to his.

  “I...” He would never lie to his Autumn. “Yes, she has."

  “Then I’m glad we are not making our home there.”

  “As am I, little one,” he agreed then shouldering open the door, took her into his rooms.

  Chapter Two

  "Oh, Lady Niccele, what are we to do?" Maaike wailed as they walked into the hall. Lady Niccele and Maaike's mother, Macawi, had been lifelong friends. While Macawi had found her mate much earlier than Niccele, they had remained close. Maaike was the youngest of Macawi's three children, but she was still several hundred years older than Kirall. The mothers always hoped that once Kirall's wild younger days were past, his Dragon would recognize Maaike as his mate.

  It wasn't uncommon for male and female Dragoons to not recognize their mates immediately when they are close in status. It sometimes took many centuries as it had for Niccele and Kiran. But now it appeared that wouldn’t be happening.

  “We? How is it we?" Nixie demanded of the older female. "This is a family matter, and as much as you hoped to be part of it, You Are Not." She didn't bother to keep the satisfaction out of her voice. She had never liked Maaike. The Gold was always trying to worm her way into Nixie’s family, and it had only gotten worse since Kirall had used her during his last two Joining Heats. Maaike always thought she was better than everyone else, and desperately wanted to become a Black to prove it.

  “Enough. Both of you,” Niccele snapped stopping the argument before it started. “There isn’t anything we can do if Kirall and this Autumn have completed the Mating Ceremony.”

  “But they couldn’t have,” Maaike argued a little desperately. "Not if her hair hasn't changed colors. Even an Other's would do that."

  “She can't be an Other," Nixie informed her smugly. "She has white laminae. Didn't you notice?"


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