Falling for Tripp [Milson Valley 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Falling for Tripp [Milson Valley 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Jo Penn

  “Oh, cutie, you are just amazing.” Tripp didn’t give a shit that anyone was around him. Grabbing his mate, he pulled Eddie down onto the sofa and covered him with his body, mouth with his mouth, and devoured.

  Eddie was stunned a moment, but pretty much melted beneath Tripp and returned his kisses with scorching heat, igniting the passion that was soon burning out of control and drove Tripp higher, needing more, wanting to touch his mate’s beautiful skin. Jerking up Eddie’s top, he got his hands on his mate’s beautiful peaches and cream skin, and burned a trail over his mate’s feverishly hot chest and abs, then dipped into his pants, going for Eddie’s lovely, good sized slender cock.

  Growling low, Tripp’s canines ached to claim. He wanted, needed.

  Chapter Eight

  “I’ve got a bucket of icy water here, and I’m not afraid to use it. In fact, I’d love to toss it over you then hit you with it.”

  Dalton. Tripp growled, tearing his mouth from his mate’s and bared his massive canines at the scrawny hedgehog shifter. Dalton just smirked, his hair spiked up on top of his head, eyeliner on and a diamond stud glittering from his ear. He cocked a hip and using his forefinger, wagged it back and forth. Tripp curled his top lip back, canines sliding out.

  “Down, bear. No mauling your mate in a café. Some of us don’t want to be blinded by your big hairy bear ass bouncing around, and though your mate’s pretty frigging hot—love the eyes, by the way, and the hair.” Dalton smiled sweetly at Eddie, who looked too dazed to understand what the hell was going on. “I don’t think it’d be a good idea to show him off to a roomful of people.”

  “Damn, I was enjoying the show.” Finn rushed over with two mugs and Luka Charmers. Luka was the pack’s interspecies public relations officer. One of his mate’s, Prince Caspar Morgan of the fae, joined them.

  Tripp’s erection began to deflate. Yeah, being interrupted by the prickly little hedgehog would do that to a man.

  “Congrats!” Luke exclaimed. “Give the bucket of water back to the café manager, Dal.”

  Though he’d never admit it to the hedgehog, it was probably good Dalton interrupted. Tripp hadn’t been thinking with the head on his shoulders, his other one taking the lead. Tripp helped Eddie up and introduced him to his friends.

  “Wait—two mates?” Eddie gaped at Luka five minutes later, a chocolate cookie half way to his wide-open mouth.

  Luka was one of the sexiest creatures Tripp had ever seen. Everything he did was sexy. The way he moved, walked, talked, even when disobeying alpha orders and getting into trouble, no one could resist the man. That’s why he was constantly surrounded by bodyguards and his mate, the huge fae prince, was working on a spell to keep Luka safe from others. The young wolf shifter was special, their special wolf and like an annoying, hyperactive, into everything little brother to Tripp, Tredd, and Trekk.

  “Yeah, keeps me busy, you know what I mean?” Luka gave that sexy smile and winked.

  Eddie drooled a little, blinked and shoved the cookie into his mouth.

  “Tudor is with his wizard friend Corey,” Dalton supplied. “And he was going to get a massage—”

  “What?” Luka exclaimed, looking around wildly. “Where? Someone was gonna be touching him, and it isn’t Cas or me? How come he’s allowed to have massages, and I’m not?”

  Cas went a bit crossed eyed a moment, sighed and rubbed Luka’s back. “Tudor does not have the problem of creatures and humans unable to stop themselves from trying to kidnap or touch him inappropriately. You do.”

  “Huh, you have a point.”

  Though Tripp would rather have Eddie all to himself, it was probably good for his mate to meet some of the pack and Tripp’s friends. Eddie had kept himself apart from others for quite a while now, especially paranormals. It may take him a bit of time to get used to being friendly and letting go of any reservations he still held. This group would either help ease Eddie into pack life, or make him want to run far away.

  Half an hour later they were all leaving the café together, Finn and Dalton telling Eddie exaggerated stories about Tripp and his triplets, while Cas drew Tripp aside with Luka.

  “Luka has requested an investigation through the creature and human councils, and the Alliance into HAP. There could be repercussions throughout the city and Valley because of it, so you might want to warn your different police precincts and prepare them for whatever may come up.”

  “Urian mentioned there was a notice on HAP’s website today. Has it been taken down?” he asked Luka.

  “Yeah, I got an injunction fairly quickly for that one. It was basically inciting humans to rise up against the paranormals in any way they could. There was a report from the South District Fire Brigade of a young shifter couples’ house being set on fire, and in the North District, the principal’s home was egged by his students. The principal is a fae.”

  “Well fuck,” Tripp growled. “I need to talk to Uri. The crime rate has increased five percent over the last six weeks, and I’ve been told it’ll keep going up. We have more and more paranormals moving into the city, suburbs and valley, along with Hunters setting up and spreading their prejudice through HAP.”

  “And the Renegades are sneaking in, hiding among the higher population and building little strongholds,” Luka said quietly. “We need to call another Alliance meeting and figure out ways to deal with this. I’ve got some ideas on how to neutralize HAP.”

  “Good. Tonight I’ll have soldiers patrolling around Eddie’s apartment block—”

  “He was threatened?” Cas snapped. “A human?”

  “I deem it as threatening, and due to being my mate, HAP could see a chance to try and turn him, or use him against me,” Tripp said seriously. “This afternoon when Eddie returned home from a grocery run, he found a HAP representative in his apartment. The guy broke in. He didn’t attack or threaten, but still…”

  Luka and Cas both nodded, Luka speaking. “I’ll see what I can do to calm the waters. Maybe set up a movie night in Milson Central park lands.” Luka pulled out his phone and began tapping away, smiling. “Yeah, put on a free banquet, celebrate unity in Milson Valley, have electric heaters going as we don’t want someone to use real fires and try to set everyone alight, put on some movies and no alcohol.”

  “That is a good idea, my mate. It is simple enough for my fae to magic up whatever you need.”

  Tripp smiled as Cas drew Luka closer and reverently caressed the wolf’s gorgeous face. Luka stared up at the fae with such love and adoration, it was beautiful to see. Once Luka had been adamantly against having a relationship and as he was a special wolf, was very difficult to control and keep safe. Now, though he was still into everything and had excess energy, he was happily committed and deeply in love with his mates, Cas and Tudor.

  “I’m sure Drax will gripe about keeping everyone safe, but it’s a good idea. Maybe Mason or one of his coven members can do up a spell that stops anyone fighting within the park.”

  “That’s a good idea, but no go, bro.” Luka grinned. “Civil rights and all that. And most would be annoyed and offended we didn’t trust them not to fight.”

  “Shit, this is why you’re the public relations officer, and I’m captain of police.” Tripp laughed.

  “Yep! Your mate doesn’t seem like an angry, bitter human with murderous tendencies. And he’s really hot!”

  “Luka,” Cas grunted, eyes narrowing slightly.

  “What?” Luka whined.

  “Eddie does not have murderous tendencies.” Tripp grinned. “He will tell you off if you irritate him.”

  “Cool. That’s normal in the pack. The fae are a bit more reserved, but I’m working on them.”

  Cas sighed and wrapped his mate in his arms. “Come, my wolf, we must collect our mate from the Armstrong coven, and drop Finn and Dalton at the pack.”

  Tripp snagged his own mate, and together they said good-bye and walked to his car. Eddie asked a few questions about the men they’d met, and Tripp spent most
of the time explaining about fae, and how their magic worked differently from witches and wizards. Tripp wasn’t an expert, but he knew the basics. Fae magic was a deep part of those creatures, and they had specific talents, but could do a lot of other common things, like open portals, conjure up clothes and food, furniture and other items. Witches and wizards used spells and made potions, could use objects, but had some gifts such as healing. How Eddie was taking a deeper interest was a good sign, but then, Tripp had seen beneath the anger during lunch today.

  It was late when he drove Eddie home. He could have charmed his way in and stayed the night, but their date had been pretty damn perfect, and Tripp knew if he went in, he’d take his mate to bed. While that would be frigging amazing, unfortunately, he wasn’t able to guarantee he’d be able to hold himself back from claiming and bonding them together. That was bad, he knew, but he was a shifter and the urge, the need was demanding and growing quickly, making it impossible to ignore and in the end, to fight against. Part of Tripp wondered why he should. They were mates, meant to be together. Then sense returned.

  Fate was damn determined to see a pair mated. Soon neither Tripp nor Eddie would be able to deny themselves, the urges would be too much and take over. Creatures could go feral if they didn’t claim and bond. Tripp didn’t want that to happen, but he knew Eddie needed just a little more time. So he was going to have to take the drugs especially made for creatures when not able to claim and bond immediately upon meeting their mate. It sucked, but he’d do it.

  And the separation would cause Eddie to think about Tripp and hopefully want to see him. He did make sure to get a good night kiss and leave his mate rumpled with his beautiful chestnut hair a mess, eyes lust filled and lips swollen. Groaning, Tripp had difficulty walking away, but he did it, knowing Eddie needed the time to miss him and not feel overwhelmed.

  Still, it was hard to go and he was left with the pain of separation and a raging hard on that wouldn’t quit. To distract himself, he put his music up loud and drove through quiet back streets before emerging onto the main road toward pack lands. He noted a few of the street lights were out; he would have to let maintenance know. What was strange was he couldn’t hear much nightlife from insects, birds and small mammals. He stopped and turned his car off just before turning onto the main road and listened. With his supernatural hearing, he should be picking up on insects, or a mouse at least. But he didn’t hear anything. That was odd. And he had the feeling he was being watched; the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and his bear stomped in agitation, claws primed and ready.

  Usually he’d park and take a walk around. Not tonight though. If he got out and shifted, his bear would do a bit of hunting then track down Eddie. Tripp needed the drugs for his kind during the mating heat before he could shift. He would let the pack security room know, but aside from that, he needed to get to the pack clinic and have the shot to stop the driving need to claim and mate from rising and taking over. Starting off, he drove straight to the pack house that was in the middle of Starters land and left his SUV in the carpark situated next to the large building. There were still a lot of lights on, and all around were streets with homes, a park across the road the pups loved, and lots of facilities. Striding inside, he checked that security was paying attention, and who were hanging out in the games room and cafeteria. As it was nearly two in the morning, there was mostly only security and other staff around, but a few pack members in search of company were in the games room playing pool.

  After letting security know about the lights on the main road, Tripp’s next stop was the clinic. The medic there kept everything well stocked and soon gave him a shot, and even got him to drink an herbal mixture made by herbalist Chane Taunton.

  “It’s good, helps your body absorb the impact of the shifter cooling drug and makes it last longer. We’re finding the herbal mixture also reduces a lot of side effects some creatures experience. I want to check with you again in ten hours, Tripp. Let’s not take chances. I remember when Tredd was injured a few years ago. The medicines we normally used were burned off quicker and he got an infection.”

  Thanking the medic, Tripp returned to his car and stripped off. No one said a word, security going about their business. They were shifters, they didn’t gape at each other and knew when someone was taking their clothes off in public, it usually meant they were going to shift.

  Which Tripp did. The relief was enormous. He’d felt so wound up and on edge since meeting Eddie, it only got worse every hour. The medicines and herbal mixture helped, but shifting was better. He needed to be his bear. Ambling around the pack village he scented the air, liking the familiar smells. He marked his territory, rubbed that spot on his back that always itched when in this form, and ran with some of the wolves on security detail. Trekk joined him and they wrestled, having a play fight, and then went down to the river a few miles away and did some fishing, bear style. They didn’t catch anything and the water was freezing on their paws, but it was good. By dawn, they had made their way back to their big house and settled in the garden under the stars.

  He dreamed of his mate. The way Eddie’s mismatched eyes twinkled with mirth, the man’s slightly croaked smile, the tender way he’d looked at Tripp when they parted. And his smoking hot body that Tripp loved in so many ways in his dreams. He chuffed and slept.

  * * * *

  Every day for a week, Edward and Tripp went on two dates per day. Some were to cafés for lunch and restaurants for dinner, sometimes they went to a movie or a club. One time, Tripp took Edward fishing in the river on pack lands, and another night Edward barbecued salmon on the roof of his apartment building.

  Edward could honestly say it had been the best week of his life. Sure, his life had some pretty crap moments, but there were great times also. He remembered dancing with his mom to CDs when he was little and making choc chip cookies. The honeymoon with his first husband to the Everglades, before his ex spent all their money on stuff to put up his nose, was pretty great, too. And there was achieving his accounting degree and making himself a life and a home.

  But being with Tripp was the best. Edward liked the shifter’s brothers also. Trekk was funny and so smart, Edward doubted he’d ever fully understand what the man said when he began talking about the technical side of his inventions, and Tredd just had this calm, reasonable way about him that reassured and made Edward feel at home and safe. Though if Tredd ever turned that particular stern look he had on Edward, he’d be quaking in his shoes. He also liked the assortment of creatures and a few human’s he’d met through Tripp over the last week. Yesterday at his session with Sebastian, Edward could hardly stop talking and felt like he would burst with everything inside him. He was ready for more, though hesitated to tell Tripp as that made it so final, plus he was enjoying the dates. Once they mated, things would change. They always did once you were in a relationship and living together.

  Sebastian assured him it was different with a mate. Still, Edward needed just a bit of time to deal with his concern, sure that once he and Tripp were bonded, everything they had now would fall apart and change irreversibly. Sebastian said Edward still had a few trust issues and that was fine, maybe speak to Tripp about it and see what his mate felt.

  That was a good point, and Edward would. Just in a few days. One thing that Sebastian suggested was to pay attention to the other mates he met and see how they were together. Mates, Sebastian said, wanted the best for one another, to make them happy. Edward would follow the suggestion.

  Work hadn’t changed much aside from their refusal to discuss a promotion. They said he could apply if one came up, otherwise, legally, they didn’t have to give him any more money or offer him a higher level position. This was true, but disappointing that they wouldn’t look at options. He was happy to work his way up, but he would also like work that he was now qualified for, and at the moment, he was already doing higher level accounts than that of a clerk. Edward was also finding over the last few days his supervisor was short wi
th him and had taken back some work, giving it to another clerk. He could see the writing on the wall. They were just looking for an excuse now that he’d mentioned he would like to move positions.

  So he wasn’t surprised at the end of the day when he was called into the boss’s office and was told he was being let go, effective immediately. Their reason was he had an unapproved day off, which was the day he first met Tripp. Edward argued that he’d called and asked for personal time, they promptly responded there had been no prior agreement for the day off, nor did he provide the necessary notice beforehand. They went back and forth for half an hour discussing what constituted personal time, personal emergencies, and what was acceptable, but in the end, he was out. During one of his dates, Tripp said that if Edward was sacked and it wasn’t a good reason, maybe he should consider speaking to a lawyer.

  Collecting his few personal items and placing them in his satchel, Edward said his good-byes and was pleased with how he’d dealt with the situation. He hadn’t yelled despite being angry, and he’d argued reasonably.

  Still, it wasn’t a good feeling, and once out of the office block, and ignoring the two wolf shifters who Tripp talked Edward into tolerating as bodyguards, something about HAP breaking into his apartment and the groups’ aggressiveness lately, he wasn’t sure what to do. So he went where he’d feel better.

  He didn’t expect Tripp to fix things for him, definitely not. Edward simply wanted to be near the man.

  Milson City Central Police Department was chaotic busy. Police were leading people in cuffs and there was so much noise Edward wasn’t sure how the officers taking reports at the reception desk could hear anything. Huh, maybe they were creatures and with that super hearing, this noise meant nothing. That was pretty cool actually, because Edward knew he’d never be able to work in this type of environment. He didn’t mind busy and disorganized, he just couldn’t stand the noise level. Fortunately, he had the two wolf bodyguards and went through the staff only area, and up the elevator to the third floor. While the ground floor had been crazy with activity and noise, the third floor was well organized with offices along the wall and desks set up in the center where detectives were seated. It was just as busy, but in a different way. No one was yelling and screaming obscenities, and the noise level wasn’t ear drum bursting. Everyone was busy, though, talking to others, on a computer or phone, and rushing around.


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