Donald: Dalton’s Kiss: Vampire Paranormal Romance (Dalton's Kiss Book 3)

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Donald: Dalton’s Kiss: Vampire Paranormal Romance (Dalton's Kiss Book 3) Page 7

by Kathi S. Barton

  This officer walked away too. It seemed to him that no one else had thought of his brilliant plan. Perhaps they’d thought of it but weren’t as savvy as he was about making it work. He’d been so close to sealing the deal that he could have tasted it. Then, like a fart in the window, he was out of everything. Money. Fame. He knew that with money came fame, so he’d been deprived of that as well.

  Eating his sandwich, he thought of the things he’d planned for his money. There was a great deal of her money that he wanted, and the things he had been planning for it were huge. A boat. Houses all over the world that he could just go to. She’d have to get him a private jet too. One that was ready at a moment’s notice so he could go and come as he pleased.

  Someone clearing their throat had him looking up from his nasty meal. “Who are you? And how did you get in here? Do you have a key?” The man said nothing but did stare at him hard. “Look at what they feed you here. Sandwiches with a bag of chips. I wanted a nice steak sandwich, but this is what I got. Why are you in here?”

  “My name is Fergus. I’m Lizzy’s father. I want you to leave her alone. You’re going to end up on the wrong side of me if you don’t stop calling her and telling people what a terrible person she is for not marrying you. You’re a deadbeat and should have been put down long ago.” Josh told him Lizzy didn’t have a father. The man only cocked his brow at him. “How the hell do you think she came to be if she didn’t have a father? You really are a moron, aren’t you?”

  “No. I’m not. I’m very smart. I need you to tell her to leave her current husband so I can have what I want.” Josh’s head exploded in pain, so much, so he felt blood coming from his nose. “What the fuck was that? Christ, that felt like a jackhammer hit me in the head.”

  “I did that. I’ll do more to you if you don’t fucking leave my daughter alone.” When he opened his mouth, Josh saw the fangs. He didn’t believe this man was a vampire any more than he was. Laughing, he told him that was a good try, but he wasn’t buying it. “You’re not buying the fact that I just showed you what I am? Lizzy is a vampire, too just so you know. So is her husband. The one she’s not leaving. Especially not for someone like you.”

  “What’s wrong with me?” The man listed off all the things he thought Josh was afflicted with. “You see, those are all my good traits. I’m lazy, yes. But why should I have to work when there is someone out there with more money than they can spend? I can do that. You said I was a drain on society. No, I don’t get any federal assistance. It’s a stupid rule again. I have to have worked someplace in order for them to give me money to live. And people call me a moron. If I had a job, which I’m not going to get, why would I need assistance? See? People like me need to be in charge of shit like this. Not that I’d stoop so low as to work for them, but hell, it’s all fucked up.”

  “You seriously believe it’s all right not to have an income? A place to live or anything like that?” Josh told him that was right. It was his right to do that. “At the expense of anyone you can con into marrying you or just giving money to you?”

  “Yes. Like you, for example. You have money, right?” He told him he had a great deal of it. “Why don’t you give a lot of it to me, and I’ll go away? At least for a little while. I mean, I have needs too. And wants. You give me, say, seven-million dollars, and I’ll move out of town. Then for the rest of my life, you can make sure I have at least a million a month to live on, and I won’t bother your daughter. See that right there? I didn’t have to work on that plan. It just popped into my head. I’m really good at planning shit like that.”

  “I have a better plan. Why don’t I just kill you right now and be done with it? No one would be the wiser. They’d just think you thought things through and decided you’d kill yourself. That’s the best route, I think. At least over me sending you money each month.” He told him that didn’t work for him. “What if I were to tell you I don’t give a good flying fuck what works for you? I want you out of her life, and now out of mine, and my solution solves it all.”

  “But I’d be dead. Doesn’t that bother you at all? For a man such as myself to be dead? Think of all the things that could be missed out on if I were to end up like you want.” He asked him what things. “Like me living the life I want. I know what you’re thinking. That it’s all about me. Well, it is all about me. Me getting what I want and believe I need. I’m not saying I really need that much money each month, but what if I did? Then I’d have to come back here and make sure you’re going to give me more money. It’s just too time-consuming. Just give me the money now and then monthly without making me have to bother you about it. That, if you haven’t guessed, is too much like work. And I don’t want to work. That’s the entire point of this.”

  Fergus stood up and looked down at him. Josh had never been one to be self-conscious about people’s opinions of him. So letting the man look at him all he wanted, he looked the man over too.

  He was big. He’d give him that. Not a bit of fat on him either. His hair was full and long, curly too. Probably one of those romance cover models. He’d heard that was a good way to make money, but he didn’t have any desire to exercise all the time to look that good. When the man touched his hand to his forehead, Josh smiled up at him.

  “You call my daughter again, mention her name about it being her fault you’re in the mess you’re in, and I’ll come back here and rip out your throat. I’m not going to pussyfoot around about it either. I will show up when you least expect it and kill you.” Josh told him that wasn’t very nice. “Nice or not, that’s what is going to happen to you if you fuck around and bother her again.”

  Then he was gone. Josh went to the mirror over his commode and saw that he had blood on his face. Washing up, he noticed his neck was bleeding as well. When he tried to examine it in the cheap mirror, it looked like two puncture marks. The man had really done his job well, Josh thought. Making it look like he’d been bitten. He sat back down with his washcloth over the wound because it hadn’t stopped bleeding yet. Laughing out loud, he thought he’d have to remember this. Tell a woman he was a vampire and then put two marks on her skin. He wouldn’t bite anyone, that was just gross, but the thought of someone thinking he was a cool vamp had its merits. Yes, he was going to do that the next time he got around someone he was going to get money from.

  When dinner came around, he didn’t feel well. Even sitting up was sort of making him sick. He just knew something he’d had for lunch had made him sick. Blaming it on the food got him yelled at again, but he was just too tired to argue with anyone. It was a bit like work if you asked him.

  Going back to sleep, he felt someone move him at one point, but he was too exhausted to give too much thought to it. When he woke up again, he realized he was in the hospital. Josh didn’t even care enough to ask them why he was there. He thought someone had tried to poison him. He was going to sue them all. Then he’d have some fucking cash.


  Don and CJ owned a home. The paperwork had been signed not an hour ago, and now they were going through it with the faeries sent to help them get it ready to move into. He was enjoying having them around, but he wanted CJ all to himself more than he wanted a nicely decorated house.

  “Sir, you’re not paying attention again.” He’d been doing that all morning, drifting off on some thought that had something to do with CJ being naked and him inside her. The faerie, Cody, had been trying to keep him centered since they had arrived. “I believe the mistress is beginning to make decisions with the house on her own.” He asked him where she was. “Three rooms down. She’s been in there for some time now.”

  “Look. I need to spend some alone time with CJ. I mean, we need to bond.” Cody told him that would be a good thing. “Then pardon me for being rude, but you need to leave. Now. And take the other faeries with you. I promise you, I’ll pay more attention after today.”

  “Yes, my lord.” He could tell that Cody wa
s struggling not to laugh. Don turned away when the need to laugh too caught him off guard. “I’ll make sure you’re not disturbed for…I was going to say until tomorrow, but you call out to me if you’re in need of something else. I’ll take care that the bedroom is romantic for the two of you.”

  When he left him, Don wondered which room the master bedroom was. He’d missed it someplace along the line and hated that. However, watching Cody and the three faeries that had been with them all morning enter one of the rooms, he made a note of it. Don did wonder if romantic for a faerie was the same as romantic for a human or shifter. He’d find out, he supposed.

  Finding CJ didn’t prove as easy as he’d thought it would be. It occurred to him as he opened all the doors that there were a lot of bedrooms in this house. Someone might have told him at one point, but his mind wasn’t centering well. When he found her in the bathroom at the end of the hall, she looked like she was thinking hard on something. Don asked her if he could help her.

  “This room looks off. Like it’s not right.” He didn’t know what she meant, so he tried to figure it out as she went on to explain. “The walls are too close. Like the wall with the shower in it is out of proportion to what you’d think. Am I making sense?”

  “I get it now. Let me look on the other side of this.” He went into the hall and then back in the room with her. “You’re right. It’s like there should be about five or so more square feet than is showing. You think there is something behind this wall?”

  “I don’t know. But even if it’s only blank space, it would be nice to have this room enlarged, don’t you think? I mean, it’s not really crowded, but it would be nice for the extra room.” He knocked on the wall, listening to see if he could figure out something. Calling out for Cody, he figured that if anyone could get to the other side, it would be a faerie. CJ asked the little man if he could figure it out for them. “I just want to know what is behind here. Please don’t tell me if there are dead bodies piled up. We just bought this house, and I don’t want a crime scene here.”

  Cody nodded and disappeared. When he returned, he looked at him first, then at CJ. They were both a little nervous when it took him so long to get around to answering them. Cody looked back at him.

  “I don’t know what it is. You could see, can you not? Go into the room beyond here?” He’d honestly never thought of doing it himself. So willing himself to the other room, he looked around for several minutes before he figured it out. Laughing hard, he went to where CJ and Cody were. “It’s nothing I’m familiar with, my lord. I am sorry.”

  “It’s fine, Cody. It took me a few seconds as well to—”

  “If you two are done, I’d like to know what the fuck it is. What the hell is on the other side that you had to laugh about?” Instead of telling her, he wrapped her into his arms and took her. “Oh, Don. It’s beautiful.”

  It was too. Even as dirty as it was, cobwebs hanging from everything, it was lovely. He wondered why anyone would have done such a thing to such a wonderful space. The windows were from floor to ceiling and boarded up from the outside. They went all the way around the space to provide light for the plants that had been left behind to die. There was a mural on the ceiling, as well as stone on the floor that he bet was beautiful too. He could just imagine someone taking a long soak in a tub and being able to see the windows filled with plants.

  “I want this opened up.” He said he did as well. When she put her fingers into one of the long-dead plants’ containers, the plant began to green up. The leaves appeared and unfurled so that the entire plant, a fig tree, came back to life within seconds. She touched the other plants as well. “Will you mind if I have the faeries fix this up for us? I so want to be able to look into this room and see all of this. It’s nothing I would have imagined it would be, and I love it.”

  Cody joined them in the room a few seconds after CJ called for him. The little man, knowing what his mistress wanted, was vibrating with excitement to do this for them. The windows were uncovered first. The room flooded with light.

  “Once we have this cleaned up, my lady, it will be simply the most beautiful bathing room in the world. I think I should like to have myself a little space in here as well. I would love that.” She told him he could so long as she wasn’t bathing at the time. “Oh no. I’d not do that to either of you. No. Just when I have a few minutes, it would restore me in the colder months when it is difficult for us to be warm. This will be wonderful, my lady. Yes, I can almost see it now.”

  They left him to his work. Others joined him, and Don could hear him telling them what was to be done. Don did wonder if the ceiling was glass too, but there was so much filth on the rooftop that he’d just have to wait and find out. Taking CJ’s hand into his, he led her down to what he hoped was the master bedroom.

  Cody had outdone himself. The room was, simply put, a master suite made for a queen. The four-post bed had a lacy canopy on the top. The furniture in the room was oak. It looked warm and inviting like you could run your hands over the surface all day and never get a splinter. There were no curtains on the two windows on either side of the bed, but there were black-out shades for him to pull when he needed to rest.

  There was also a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne chilling in it. A box of chocolates that were as dark and rich looking as any he’d ever seen before. The bathroom wasn’t nearly as nice as the one down the hall, but he decided that if after it was cleaned up, they both still loved it, he’d have the faeries make the same for their bathroom. Only larger and roomier.

  “This is very nice. If you’re trying to seduce me, you didn’t have to go to so much effort. I want you as badly as you do me.” He told her that Cody had done it, but he was going to romance her as much as he could from now on. “All right. I don’t think anyone has ever done this much for me. Even if you didn’t do it, it’s still very nice.”

  Pulling out the bottle, he opened it up and poured the two of them some of the sparkling wine. Sipping it, all he could think about was that he was going to make love to his mate. That the two of them were going to be joined in a way that would bind them like nothing that humans ever did with their loved ones.

  “I wanted to tell you how very much I love you, CJ. From the bottom of my feet to my head. My heart only belongs to you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. CJ told him that she loved him too. “I want to make love to you. Take you over and over until neither of us can move.”

  “Good. I’m glad you’re finally getting around to it. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to give my poor body some relief for days now.” He laughed. She was so incredibly honest he couldn’t help but love her. “I’m going to change into something pretty. So when I show you this, you’re not to pounce on me. I want you to admire what I’ve been thinking about for you. You can be naked. In fact. I’d love it if you were just standing there with a smile and a hard cock. I’m going to suck you dry.”

  He couldn’t swallow. Don was also sure that his head had lost about fifty percent of his thought process. When she stepped into the bathroom, he was still standing there when she came out. The nighty, the flimsy thing she had on, didn’t hide anything from his view. Don felt like he was in a candy store and told that he could only have one treat. But he also knew she was all his.

  “You’re not naked.” She laughed when he made everything he had on disappear. “What do you think of my itty bitty tiny little nighty, Don? Isn’t it just about the sexiest thing you’ve seen?”

  Words wouldn’t pass his lips. The moment she turned around, showing him the back of the thing, he knew on some level that he was going to be in serious trouble here. If he didn’t come right now, he’d be lucky if he made it to the bed in one piece. As soon as she dropped down in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth, Don held tightly to the oak post on the bed and prayed he didn’t break it.

  “Holy Christ, yes.”

  All she’d do
ne was lick the crown of his cock, and he came. It was a short hard punch to his system that left him staggering for more. Or less. His body wasn’t sure what he wanted right now. But when she took him to her mouth, swallowing, so he was past the tight muscles in the back of her throat, Don started fucking her. He truly knew he was going to die and didn’t care.

  Don lost all sense of time and his surroundings. If there had been someone in the room with them, wanting to kill them both, he would not have had the brain cells to do anything about it. Looking down at CJ to tell her he was dying, he saw her look up at him. He’d never experienced anything like looking into her eyes right at that moment.

  “Your eyes. They’re beautiful.” When she blinked, he nearly forgot she had his cock in her mouth. “They’re like a solar system. Blues with sparking stars. Reds and golds too. And it’s moving. Christ, it’s moving like the clouds in the sky.”

  She stood up then, her face wet with his cum. Lying on the bed now, he could only stare at her. Not only were her eyes different, but while lying on the bed, her wings spread out behind her, the colors so magnificent he was sure there were no names for the lot of them.

  “Do you want a child with me?” He nodded, thinking that a daughter by her would be just as beautiful. “I’m fertile, Don. If you want a child with me right now, then take me. We’ll have created a child so powerful she’ll surpass even the queen.”

  While he did hear what she was saying, none of it mattered to him. A child. Her belly swollen with his babe. Getting onto the bed with her, he kissed her while touching as much of her body as he could. Nipping at her skin, he tasted her rich blood, spiked not only with her lust but also the magic she had. Drinking from her in small sips was making his head swim, his body float. When he entered her, Don felt his beast roar out with his pleasure.


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