Silent Stars of Bethlehem (O Little Town of Christmas)

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Silent Stars of Bethlehem (O Little Town of Christmas) Page 9

by Laura Hodges Poole

  “That was the highlight of my memories from childhood.” Carly pointed to the children. “Being part of the Christmas play and then getting my stocking with candy. I didn’t realize the kids nowadays would still enjoy that.”

  Drew touched his hand to her back. “Seems like they are.” They got cups of punch while he scanned the room for Keenan.

  Tucked in a corner Keenan and Jasmine chatted and laughed. She batted her eyelashes, tilted her head, and giggled when he said something, while Keenan seemed at ease for the first time that night. Drew shook his head.

  “I’ve found Keenan…and Jasmine.” He motioned to the far corner, and they worked their way through the crowd to where the other two stood.

  “Keenan, this is Carly’s employee and friend, Jenna.” Drew extended his hand toward Jenna. “And I think we all know Jasmine now.”

  Jasmine locked her gaze on Jenna, and her eyes flashed. Jenna glared back.

  Keenan’s eyes widened, then an easy smile slid onto his face. He settled against the window ledge, crossing his arms. “Nice to meet you, Jenna. I assume you and Jasmine know each other.”

  “We’ve met.” Jenna smiled then turned slightly away from Jasmine and focused her attention on Keenan.

  Drew tucked his arm around Carly and whispered in her ear, “I think that’s our cue to leave.”

  “I agree.” Carly lifted her head and smiled at the others. “We’ll be back in a few.”

  “Oh, take your time.” Jenna and Jasmine chorused.

  Keenan snorted. “Yeah, we’ll be fine.”


  After they walked off, Carly put her hand on Drew’s arm and stopped him. “I want to talk to Lottie first. She’s over by the dessert table.”

  “Okay.” He followed her to the table and lingered behind her.

  “Lottie, the play turned out beautifully.” Carly hugged her.

  “I’m pleased with how smoothly everything went.” Lottie beamed. “Except for the runaway shepherd, there were no other hitches.”

  Carly and Drew laughed.

  “I think it was perfect.” Carly took Lottie’s birdlike hand in hers. “Thank you for including me.” Her throat tightened. “You’ll never know what it’s meant to me.”

  Lottie patted her hand with her other one. Her eyes glistened. “Oh, I think I do. Now that you know the way here, don’t let the Christmas play being over stop you from returning.”

  “Absolutely not. I’ll be here next Sunday…and the Sunday afterward.”

  Lottie hugged her again and whispered in her ear. “And don’t let this one get away.”

  Carly’s cheeks warmed. “I’ll do my best.” She turned to Drew. “Ready?”

  “Sure.” He motioned for her to walk ahead of him through the crowd. After they got their coats, they continued outside.

  They strolled down the sidewalk to the arboretum of the memorial gardens. A light snow had begun to fall. The moon hung high, and the stars twinkled in the night sky.

  Carly pulled her coat snugly around her as they stood and gazed at the sky. “Before you say anything, I have something to tell you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  She turned to face him. “I’ve finally gotten my head…and heart together where God is concerned.”

  Drew’s eyes sparkled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I had to get rid of some old baggage and realize that I’m not so unique in things I’ve faced or struggled with in life. I mean, everyone goes through trials and hardships. It’s even harder if you try to do it by yourself.”

  Drew nodded.

  “Spending time with you and Lottie and being here at church, I’ve realized I made things more difficult by trying to shut God out. I won’t make that mistake again. Life won’t be perfect, and I’m sure I’ll mess up from time to time, but he’ll be there to help me.”

  “You’re right, and I’ll be praying for you.”

  She flashed a smile. “Now, what did you want to talk about?”

  Drew pulled a small box from his pocket. “I got you something for Christmas, and I wanted to give it to you tonight. Now it seems even more appropriate.”

  Her pulse shifted into overdrive. He’d gotten her a gift? She trembled as he opened the box and withdrew a silver pendant of a star dangling from a delicate chain.

  “Now you’ll always be reminded that God’s love is not silent—no more than the stars twinkling in the night sky.” He undid the clasp and put it around her neck. He stepped back and smiled as he looked at it around her neck.

  Her fingertips caressed it as she admired its intricate design. “Oh, Drew, it’s beautiful.”

  “It’ll also remind you of how much I love you. I want a future with you, Carly.” His voice was gruff as he pulled her close.

  Had she heard right? He loved her?

  She slid her arms around his neck. Her heart brimmed with joy. “This has been the best Christmas I’ve ever had. First, you appear that rainy day in Cashiers. Lottie comes into my shop and invites me to do something I had no idea would bring joy back into my life. And then I discover I have a sister.”

  “God can do more than we can ever imagine in our lives, if we let him.” Drew’s eyes glistened in the moonlight. His fingertips brushed a strand of hair from her face, then cupped her cheek.

  “On top of all that joy, you love me.” She shivered in the cold and snuggled closer to him. “And I love you.”

  His lips met hers softly at first, then deepened, sending a thrilling sensation rippling through her. When he finally lifted his head, she tucked her head under his chin and he stroked her hair.

  After a moment, she leaned back and looked into his eyes. “Merry Christmas, Drew.”

  “It will be.” He kissed her again, then lifted and twirled her around causing her to gasp for breath.

  “I can’t wait to see what the New Year holds.” She smoothed her hair when he set her down.

  “North Augusta?”


  No longer cold or lonely, Carly looked at the night sky with its twinkling stars as snow continued falling lightly around them. As good as life had become in the last few weeks, the future looked even brighter.


  Dear Readers,

  As with all works of fiction, the characters of Silent Stars of Bethlehem are products of author imagination. Bethlehem and Hickory, North Carolina, are real towns, but some sites have been fictionalized to fit the story. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is merely coincidental.

  Join me in the spring of 2016 for the release of my American Flower series book in which Silent Stars of Bethlehem characters will continue their story in The Trouble with Jasmine.

  Visit my blog at “A Word of Encouragement” at There you may sign up for my quarterly newsletter that gives you an extra dose of encouragement through stories and devotions. I share about my family, my latest publishing news, and give away books.

  Follow me on Twitter @ Laura_Poole.

  Feel free to contact me with prayer requests or feedback on this book at [email protected].

  Connect with me on Facebook at!/LauraHodgesPoole.

  If you enjoyed Silent Stars of Bethlehem, would you consider posting a review on Amazon? I would greatly appreciate it.

  My novella from last year, A Christmas Chance, as well as my devotional, While I’m Waiting, are also available on Amazon.


  Laura Hodges Poole



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