One Chance, Fancy

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One Chance, Fancy Page 13

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  He felt so good inside of me.

  The way his cock head was rubbing me so deliciously. The way his pubic hair would rasp against my clit. The way he stretched me to the point of almost-pain.

  Everything was all so good. But paired together with the man that was currently making my body sing? It was more than I could’ve ever asked for.

  I leaned back on the counter, my hands planting themselves near the wall, and I froze. At this new angle, his cock shuttling in and out of my pussy felt different. Way different. Better.

  I wasn’t aware it could get better, but with the angle he was now pumping inside of me, he was able to hit that place inside of me that I thought was only a myth. Apparently, it wasn’t a myth. It was real. And oh God, I was about to come.

  A sudden, explosive knowing started down deep in my belly, a sense of something big about to take me over.

  My eyes closed, and Bayou’s hands on my hips tightened to the point that I knew I’d have bruises in the morning. Did I care? Hell no. I actually liked the idea of having bruises. I liked the idea even more that I’d be able to see them and know exactly how they got there.

  That feeling that something big was coming was now something huge. It was building and building to the point where I was nearly overwhelmed.

  “Let go, for Christ’s sake,” Bayou growled.

  My eyes flew open, and I saw him then, face tight. His jaw was clenched, and the cords of his neck were more pronounced as he tried to hold on for me.

  Seeing him on the brink but holding on for me? That was all it took.

  I exploded, albeit silently.

  My head fell back in a silent scream, and the breath rushed out of my lungs as an orgasm to end all orgasms took me over.

  Tiny sparks of pleasure started to tingle all over my body. Every stroke he continued to fill me with prolonged that pleasure until it was almost too much.

  Then I was pulled back from the brink by Bayou’s hands moving up to my shoulders and pulling me closer. His thrusts went chaotic and fast, and for the first time I realized he was just as out of control as I was.

  Then he was gone from inside of me, leaving me feeling confused.

  And suddenly I felt the splash of heat on my belly as he came hard all over me. The heat of his release felt almost scalding, and before I could comment on it, his mouth was once again on mine.

  His tongue touched mine, and suddenly we were kissing again as if our lives depended on it.

  When he finally pulled away, I knew things would never be the same for me.

  “I’ve never kissed a woman like that before,” he said, his breath choppy. “Once your tongue met mine, it was like I couldn’t tell myself to stop.” He licked his lips. “And we really, really need to go or someone is going to come looking for us here in a second.”

  I completely agreed with him. I was honestly surprised that my sister hadn’t come over yet to demand to know where I was. Except, my body hummed for his. I wanted him back exactly where it’d been only a few seconds ago.

  “I’ve never kissed a man like that before,” I paused. “Or had sex like that…ever.” I felt it needed to be pointed out.

  He snorted and pulled away, his cock trailing in the pool of cum he’d left on my belly as he went. The head dragged deliciously against my over-sensitized clit as he did, and my entire body jolted with pleasure before he pulled away completely. When he was no longer touching me, I felt bereft. As if he’d taken a piece of my soul with him when he departed.

  I watched in avid fascination as he pulled the towel off the rack—the one I’d hung there only a couple of hours ago—to wipe himself clean. Then I observed him as he tried in vain to tuck his cock back into his underwear, but without causing pain, that monster wasn’t about to be stuffed back in there.

  I bit my lip to keep the smile off of my face.

  Then the doorbell rang, causing us both to freeze.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “My sister,” I told him.

  “How do you…” The doorbell rang eighteen more times before Bayou cursed. “Okay.”

  I stood up from the counter and immediately felt the rapidly cooling ejaculate on my inner thigh start to make a slow glide down my leg.

  He made a low growl in his throat, and I had a feeling it wasn’t due to the fact that my sister hadn’t stopped ringing the doorbell.

  “Get changed,” he ordered as he reached for his pants.

  Moments later they were back around his waist, and his hand was expertly tucking his still hard penis—even harder actually—back into his boxer briefs.

  Then he was rebuttoning and belting his pants back up, leaving me there dirty with him and wondering how the hell I was supposed to ‘get changed’ with his daughter in the room and my sister seconds away from bursting inside the house.

  She always knew when I was getting into trouble.

  I guess I should feel lucky that I’d actually gotten off and so had Bayou before she’d made her appearance.

  I hopped into the shower, leaving Bayou to deal with my sister who I still wasn’t quite sure that he liked.

  Chapter 11

  I like to burn my bridges while I’m still standing on them so people know I’m serious about my crazy.

  -Coffee Cup


  Let me tell you something about Brielle.

  She’s fucking crazy.

  Let me tell you something about Brielle when she finds out that Bayou and I are seeing each other.

  She loses that ‘crazy’ and goes into ‘completely fucking lost it’ territory.

  Had I known that going over to Bayou’s place would’ve put me in the position I found myself in, I never would’ve gone.

  Yet, like a dumbass who was high on all things Bayou, I did.

  It started out fine.

  Honestly, the entire night went great.

  That was until Brielle showed up. She went from pissing me off to making me want to kick her ass in a heartbeat.

  First, it was the sneer she sent in my sister’s direction. Then it was the way she looked at the twins as if they were invaders in her territory.

  “Could you move them so I could sit down?” Brielle asked sweetly to Hoax, who was standing next to the couch that the twins were currently sleeping on.

  “No,” I said, pissed off now. “They’re sleeping. You don’t wake a sleeping baby.”

  Brielle’s eyes turned to me and she sneered.

  “Brielle,” Hoax said, sounding tired. “Did you hear that Bayou has a daughter?”

  The ‘daughter’ in question was currently sitting in my lap playing on my phone. I was sitting next to the twins.

  Brielle glanced at the little girl who didn’t bother to look up or give the woman throwing a fit in front of her even a glance. “Are you sure she’s yours?”

  I clenched my fists and tried to control my temper. It would not be cool to get up off this couch and punch that woman in the throat.

  “Yes,” Bayou said.

  He didn’t say another word, so it was obvious that he wasn’t even going to tell her why he thought she was his, only that she was and there was no other questioning why.

  Brielle took the hint, luckily, and moved to the fireplace where she took a seat and crossed her arms over her chest, and took up glaring holes through me.

  I wasn’t sure if she was mad at me because I was holding Isa, or because Bayou was standing behind the couch playing with my hair.

  He’d been doing that in full view of the others since I’d walked in the room.

  First it was a kiss to the cheek—which my sister caught, causing her mouth to fall open. Then it was giving up his seat and placing Isa in my arms only to show back up moments later with a cup of sweet tea and a cookie. That had caught Rome’s attention, and he and his wife, Izzy, had been whispering like little old church ladies ever since.

  Finally, it was him walking to the back
of the couch and leaning against it as he alternated with playing with my hair and rubbing my neck that caught the rest of the guys’ attention.

  Though, they looked less surprised by it.

  Apparently, we hadn’t been as circumspect with our feelings with them as we had been with each other. It’d only been oblivious for us. Which Castiel, another member of the club and a police officer/detective for Bear Bottom PD, had informed us of.

  Castiel had said that ‘he knew it’ and had left it at that as he’d gone to the kitchen and planted himself at the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room.

  Apparently the preliminary ‘Bayou now has a kid’ meeting had taken place while we were otherwise occupied, and Rome had filled everybody in on what had happened with the baby mama.

  A weird sound came from the kitchen, and I turned to see Castiel already standing from his perch on a barstool and walking to a radio that was plugged in under a set of cabinets.

  He came back moments later, turning it up and placing it on the bar which almost every single man there stared at and waited.

  It didn’t take long for the lady to come on the line.

  “Bear Bottom Fire, we need you en route to Bear Bottom High School for a…”

  Everyone was up and moving all at once, even Brielle, cutting off the rest of what was said by the dispatcher.

  Everyone but Bayou, who was still playing with a curl of my hair.

  “You not coming?” Brielle asked, trying not to let her annoyance with Bayou’s hand in my hair show.

  “No,” he declined. “Isa’s here. And it’s late. I don’t want to take her.”

  “You have to go,” Brielle argued. “You’re the one with the most authority.”

  “And the one that doesn’t piss Zee off when he’s working,” Hoax pointed out.

  “Why would Zee get pissed off?” I asked.

  Zee was actually Ezekiel, and a member of the club. He was really quite odd, odder than most if you could believe it. Though he made up for his oddities by being super good at everything he did, and very nice when you did get him to talk.

  He liked to hang out in the dark shadows like me, though where I always did it so I could read my books, Zee did it so he could avoid talking to people and watch the comings and goings around him.

  “Zee doesn’t get along with a few of the other volunteer fire departments.” Bayou stood up straight and stretched his arms up over his head, showing off a short expanse of belly as he did.

  I wanted to lick it.

  I did lick my lips.

  “I sense a story,” I said, sounding somewhat giddy.

  “It’s none of your business,” Brielle countered.

  I turned my head and made eye contact with my sister. I widened my eyes to say ‘what the fuck is her problem?’ causing Pru to cover her mouth and start to laugh.

  Bayou’s hand came down on my head, partially covering my eyes, having caught the look between me and my sister.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “What was it? I didn’t hear the rest of it,” Pru said, sounding tired.

  “They need us to set up a LZ—landing zone—and shut down the road so that a helicopter can land,” Hoax explained. “A landing pad for the helicopter is at the high school.”

  “Ohhh!” I cried out in excitement. “Can I go with you? I want to go with you!”

  “I’m riding with him,” Brielle denied me. “We always…”

  “You can ride with me,” Bayou offered. “If you promise to stay in the car with Isa and make sure she’s okay. I won’t be far away at all, but the loud noise of the helicopter might scare her, and I don’t want that to happen without someone she trusts with her.”

  And that was the first time that I pissed Brielle off, but certainly not the last of that night.

  The second time came when I was in the front seat of my father’s truck with Isa in my lap as we watched the helicopter land.

  When the helicopter’s blades finally stopped spinning, Isa and I got out of the truck’s cab and walked over to where Bayou was standing next to Zee.

  Zee’s eyes went to me and away from Brielle.

  His eyes flicked to Isa, and then to Bayou, and back again.

  He’d heard, just like they’d all heard, that Bayou had found out about having a kid. But this was the first time he’d seen her.

  “There’s no denying the parentage on that one,” Zee finally said.

  Brielle snorted. “I don’t see it.”

  “Then you’re blind,” I said before I could curb my tongue.

  Brielle snarled at me. “I’m sorry if I don’t believe that stupid whore’s word.”

  “Language,” Bayou snapped. “She’s three. You will not speak that way in front of her.”

  I barely refrained from saying ‘bullshit’ under my breath. The man was one to talk. He’d been horrid on his language around her thus far.

  Brielle rolled her eyes at Bayou, crossing her arms over her chest. “If I honestly believed that you cared, which I don’t think you do, I’d stop. But I’m not going to stop my ‘language’ just because this bitch doesn’t like when I say a curse word around a kid that we’re still not sure is yours.”

  Bayou’s eyes narrowed on Brielle. “She’s mine, Brielle. Drop it.”

  “Kid’s his,” Zee butted in. “Look at the eyes and hair. I would think that if that was a kid from some random Joe Schmoe that showed up on his doorstep, maybe he’d question it. But he knew this chick, and it’s exactly like something she’d do, keep his kid away from him. And with the testimony of the mother saying it was his, too? There’s no doubt.”

  I looked at Zee.

  I hadn’t really had a chance to get to know Zee over the months that I’d been working at the prison. He didn’t come to half the parties that I was invited to, either.

  My sister had told me a little about him in text messages on the way here. I’d wanted to know what the big deal was about why Bayou needed to be there if the other part of the fire department was going to be there as well.

  From what I’d learned, Zee worked for the Sheriff’s Department and was on the bomb squad. He also flew for the helicopter transport company part-time. And, according to my sister, he was a very talented artist that tattooed out of the garage of his house.

  From what my sister also explained, Zee had once had a girlfriend that he was starting to fall in love with. Then the woman had decided that all the jobs Zee had were too demanding of his time. But, instead of telling him that she had a problem, Zee’s ex had just decided to take up with another man. A man who, according to Pru who’d asked Hoax, was also on the volunteer fire department.

  A man that Zee had introduced his girlfriend to and had been Zee’s one-time best friend.

  Though apparently, it was very common knowledge and the entire town had heard about it because Zee’s best friend had grown up there and was the town ‘everybody knows the guy’ guy that was loved by everyone and everything.

  Apparently, he wasn’t there, though, because things were smooth sailing so far.

  “I…” Brielle started to argue some more, but Bayou cut her off with a look.

  “Seriously, swear to God, you’re pushing it,” Bayou said softly. Menacingly.

  Brielle snapped her mouth shut and turned her head. “Whatever.”

  I bit my lip to keep the smile off my face. I really didn’t want Brielle to hate me because I had a feeling that Bayou and I were a thing. But I really disliked Brielle. She had this air about her that rubbed me the wrong way, and I didn’t like it. Not at all.

  Zee, who was also quite silent during the exchange, glanced at me.

  I widened my eyes at him, and he scrunched up his nose.

  “Why don’t you have tattoos covering every inch of your body if you’re a tattoo artist?” I blurted.

  Zee looked down at the few bare portions of his arms, which were exposed due to him bun
ching up the ends of his flight suit due to the heat.

  “I don’t know. As for why I don’t have more? I didn’t want any,” he admitted. “I’m not a fan of the process of getting ink.”

  “You tattoo, but you don’t like getting tattooed?” I asked.

  “Zee is afraid of needles,” Brielle said.

  Zee gave Brielle a look that clearly said ‘fuck you.’

  I bent my head behind Isa’s to hide the smile that overtook my face.

  “I’m not afraid of needles,” he amended. “I dislike sitting still for the process of getting it done.”

  “But you tattoo,” I pointed out. “That requires you to sit still.”

  “It does,” he agreed. “But it also requires my concentration and engages my brain. I’m not the one sitting there with nothing to do for long periods of times. I’m working. Putting skills to use. That kind of thing.”

  Ahhh, that made sense. “Gotcha.”

  The radio squawked in Bayou’s hand, and the chick that’d ordered everyone out to the landing zone said, “Cancel the landing zone. Patient died en route.”

  “Bummer,” Zee said, looking tired.

  “Woke up for nothing,” I said. “Do you have clothes underneath that?”

  I gestured to Zee’s flight suit.

  “Yes,” he answered. “The insides of these are rough and uncomfortable. Plus, they’re very thin. If I didn’t have clothes on you’d be able to see everything from my nipples to the hairs on my balls.”

  Before I could answer that, my phone was shoved into my face.

  “Ack.” I pulled away when the light nearly blinded me.

  The phone was removed from my sight, and I looked over to see Bayou tapping away on it before handing it back to Isa.

  “Puzzles?” Zee asked.

  “She likes them,” I shrugged. “I saw her playing with one when we first met her, so I downloaded a few of the apps to my phone so that she could play.”

  “You should probably try to limit her screen time,” Brielle said. “You don’t want her to turn into one of those zombie kids that only plays on the phone and then gets fat because she doesn’t move around.”

  I’d have flipped her off if my hand wasn’t going numb from supporting Isa’s solid weight. She didn’t look like she weighed that much, but the kid was packing a surprising amount of weight into her tiny frame.


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