Borrowed Dreams (Debbie Macomber Classics)

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Borrowed Dreams (Debbie Macomber Classics) Page 12

by Macomber, Debbie

  She swallowed. “I guess the simplest way of saying it is yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, I want to be your wife.”

  Chapter Eight

  Brand blinked twice and then straightened. Carly watched as his face mirrored his confusion. “What did you say?”

  “You did ask me to marry you, didn’t you?” For a fearful instant, she feared she’d been wrong. “And, by heavens, you’d better not have changed your mind. Not after all the soul-searching I went through to reach a decision.”

  “I haven’t changed my mind.” An intense look darkened his eyes, and a muscle worked along the side of his jaw as his stared at her as though seeing her for the first time. He looked as if he couldn’t quite believe her. “Let’s get out of here.” He jerked her suitcase from the carousel at the baggage-claim area and ushered her out of the airport terminal.

  Brand didn’t say another word until they were inside her apartment. “Now, would you care to repeat yourself?”

  “I said I’d marry you.”

  An incredulous light brightened his eyes as the beginnings of a smile spread across his mouth. “You mean it?”

  “Of course I do.” Carly smiled softly as she reached out and traced the outline of his lips with the tip of her index finger.

  Brand pulled her into his arms. Crushed against him, Carly opened her mouth to his probing kiss, reveling in the passion she felt in him. Again and again his lips ravaged hers as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I won’t let you change your mind,” he whispered against her temple. “Not now. Not ever.”

  Weak with longing, Carly pressed light kisses on his eyelids, his cheek, and his jaw. “I’m not going to back out. I only pray that we’re doing the right thing.”

  “We are.” His arms tightened around her waist. “I know it in my heart.”

  He kissed her again with a gentleness that stirred her. She was doing the right thing. Yes, she was afraid, and there were many fears yet to face, but Diana was right. If Carly walked away from Brand and his children she would be turning away from the best thing that had ever happened to her. The choice was clear—either marry Brand or lose him forever.

  Brand inhaled deeply and took a step back. His hands settled on either side of her face as his eyes met hers. “We’ll get the blood test tomorrow.”

  Carly nodded.

  “And be married by Friday.”

  Her lashes fluttered down. Everything was happening so fast. Clearly, Brand feared she’d have second thoughts. “Okay,” she agreed, but her voice wobbled.

  His warm breath fanned her face an instant before he covered her mouth with his. Carly dug her fingers into his shoulders, unaccustomed to the sensations that he was arousing within her. Her lovemaking experience was limited, but Brand wasn’t aware of that. He would learn of her inexperience soon enough.

  She wound her arms around his neck and buried her face in his throat, kissing him with a compulsion she couldn’t define. All she knew was that she wanted to be closer to him.

  “Carly,” he said, and groaned.

  He kissed her with driving urgency, setting her down on the sofa and pressing her back so that she was lying flat.

  “Carly … dear God.” He brushed the hair from her face, his eyes finding hers. His fingers were shaking as he framed her face with his hands. “If we don’t stop now, we’ll end up making love right here.”

  Something in his eyes gave him away. “Are you afraid?” she whispered. He’d told her once that he hadn’t made love to a woman since Sandra.

  He released her and the silence stretched until Carly raised herself up on one elbow to study him. He regarded her steadily and nodded. “It’s been a long time.”

  His honesty had been painful for him, but Carly offered him a trembling smile and lovingly kissed his brow. “We’ve waited this long. We can wait until after we’re married.”

  His mouth teased the corner of hers as their breaths mingled. “I don’t deserve you,” he murmured, holding her close. “I’m no bargain.”

  Her soft laugh followed. “For that matter, neither am I.”

  * * *

  Later, as Carly dressed for bed, she examined herself in the mirror and was shocked at how pale and waxen her features were. She prayed she was doing the right thing in agreeing to marry Brand. She was afraid, too, far more than he realized. His honesty had been a measure of his love. He wouldn’t lie to her, and Carly admired him all the more for that.

  The following morning, Brand picked her up and they went together for their blood tests.

  “I’d like to have a minister marry us,” Carly announced after they’d climbed into the car once more. They hadn’t discussed who would perform the ceremony. From the way Brand was rushing things, Carly had the impression that he wanted a justice of the peace to do the honors.

  Brand’s fingers captured hers as he smiled faintly. “I’d prefer that, too.”

  An inner glow of happiness touched her eyes. “Where to next?” she asked cheerfully.

  Brand reached for the folded newspaper on the seat between them. “I thought we’d look for a house to rent.”

  The mention of a house was a forceful reminder that Shawn and Sara would be joining them in less than a month.

  “Yes,” she said, and swallowed back the surge of panic that filled her. “We should do that.”

  Brand handed her the newspaper. “We’ll need at least three bedrooms.”

  Carly nodded stiffly and read off a couple of the listings. “Do you want to check them out now?”

  His eyes sought hers. “Sure. We have all day.”

  They found a rental through a real estate broker that sounded perfect. The picture showed a modern home with three bedrooms and a large yard. Another room off the kitchen could be used as an office for Brand.

  “It’s perfect, I know it. We don’t even have to go see it.” Carly watched Brand’s eyes agree as he read over the details.

  “There’s a problem.” The broker went on to explain that the house was badly in need of a thorough cleaning and paint job.

  “It’ll work out fine,” Carly assured Brand later, when they were back in the car. “We can do the painting at night after work. If we work hard enough, everything will be ready by the time Shawn and Sara arrive.”

  “Carly.” One corner of his mouth lifted. “The first weeks after we’re married, we’re going to have enough to do without fixing up a house.”

  She snuggled closer to his side and playfully nibbled at his earlobe. “I thought soon-to-be-husbands were supposed to humor their soon-to-be-wives.”

  “I have a lot more in mind than humoring.” His voice was husky with longing as he turned her into his arms.

  Carly surrendered to his kiss, wondering if she would always feel this rush of excitement at Brand’s touch. She couldn’t imagine it ever being any different.

  After lunch they stopped in and talked to George, who pumped Brand’s hand in congratulation but frowned when he heard Carly would need Friday off, in addition to a few extra days later on when they moved.

  Later, when Brand dropped her off at her apartment and left to do errands, Carly had to pinch herself. She could scarcely believe that in a matter of days she was going to be both a wife and a mother.

  A hot cup of coffee helped soothe her nerves. She was taking on a lot in a short amount of time. As of yet she had yet to met Brand’s children. The responsibility of taking over the role as their mother overwhelmed her. But she’d do it. She’d be the best stepmother she could be and love them in a way that honored their mother. “Do you want to call Diana and Barney?” Brand asked later that night.

  “No. Not until after we’re married. Otherwise Diana will insist on leaving Hawaii and flying here to check you out before the wedding.” She was only half teasing.

  “I want to meet this friend of yours,” Brand said.

  “And you shall but all in due course,” she promised.

frowned a bit. “Don’t you want Diana here for our wedding?”

  Her husband seemed to forget Diana and Barney were on their honeymoon. “Brand, Diana’s barely been married a week. I’d love to have her at our wedding, and she’d be here, too, but not if we’re married this Friday. Do you want to wait?”

  He looked at her as if she were joking. “No way.”

  “That’s what I thought.” The truth was, Carly didn’t want to wait, either. “There will be plenty of time for you to meet Diana and Barney. I’ll keep our wedding a secret until after the ceremony, and then tell her.” Carly couldn’t see interrupting her friend’s honeymoon.

  “Will she be surprised?”

  Carly knew Diana’s reaction would be closer to shock. “Yes.” She laid her head on Brand’s shoulder. “But there are advantages to being married only a week after my best friend,” she said lightly. “We’ll be able to celebrate our anniversaries together.”

  Brand’s arm came up around her shoulders. “We’ll have lots of those, Carly.” His warm breath mussed her hair. “You’ve given me so much. Now it’s time for me to return some of that. We’ll be happy, won’t we?”

  She closed her eyes at the tenderness in his voice and responded with a gentle nod of her head because her throat felt thick with emotion.

  * * *

  No week had ever passed so quickly. Friday evening, with only a handful of people present, Carly Grieves became Brandon St. Clair’s wife. A simple gold band adorned her ring finger. With so many expenses coming their way in the near future, Carly had decided against diamonds. Brand wore a gold band identical to hers.

  Following the ceremony, Brand’s eyes smiled into hers. His arm wrapped around her waist and held her close to his side. “Hello, Mrs. St. Clair.”

  “Hello, Mr. St. Clair.”

  George, looking uncomfortable in a suit and tie, shook Brand’s hand and slipped him an envelope. “Just to give you two a start on a few things you’re going to need,” he said gruffly.

  “Aren’t you going to kiss the bride?” Carly asked her boss, with familiar affection.

  George cleared his throat and looked to Brand for permission.

  “Go ahead,” Brand urged, and squeezed Carly’s waist.

  Standing on the tips of her toes, she lightly brushed her lips against George’s cheek.

  The older man flushed with pleasure. “I suppose this means you’re going to be wanting extra time off every week.”

  “No. Things should settle back to normal once we return from Oregon,” Carly said, lowering her gaze. They would be making a trip to Portland next week. She didn’t mention that Brand’s children would be coming in less than a month. The changes that would mean in her schedule hadn’t been discussed.

  “Are you ready to leave?” Brand asked.

  “For our pre-honeymoon?” Carly questioned eagerly. Brand had been busy all week on what he termed “their surprise weekend plans.” Carly suspected they wouldn’t be leaving Anchorage, since they both were due back at work on Monday morning. Brand was scheduled to fly into Dutch Harbor on the Aleutian Islands in the first week of the month; he wanted Carly to fly with him, and on the return trip they’d stay at the lodge at Lake Iliamna. That was to be their official honeymoon. But this first weekend was a surprise Brand had planned especially for her.

  His late-model Chevy was waiting for them in front of the church. Brand helped her inside and ran around to the front of the vehicle. “Are you ready for this?” he asked as he inserted the key in the ignition.

  Carly tucked her arm in his and leaned her head quietly against his shoulder. “I’ve been ready for this all my life, Brandon St. Clair.”

  “Do you want to guess where we’re going?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest idea. But it must be special, after all the time you’ve dedicated to it this week.” She had only seen him one night that week after work.

  * * *

  Brand pulled up to the curb and parked the car. “Recognize this?”

  “The rental house?” Wide brown eyes turned to Brand. “We got it?” Brand hadn’t mentioned the house since that first day.

  “Come and see.” He jumped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side, lifting her into his arms. He closed the car door with his foot.

  One step inside the house and Carly saw that the real estate agent hadn’t underestimated the extent of the repairs that it required. The walls were badly in need of paint, and the entire place required a thorough cleaning.

  “Close your eyes,” Brand instructed. “All this is to be blocked from your mind.” He carried her through the living room and down a long hallway.

  “Brand, for heaven’s sake, let me down,” Carly objected. “You’ll hurt your back.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to be one of those wives who complains all the time.”

  Carly laughed, her mood happy. “All right, I won’t tell you.” Playfully, she nibbled on the lobe of his ear.

  Brand’s hold tightened as he leaned forward and opened the door that led to the master bedroom.

  The teasing laughter faded as Carly looked at the room for the first time. The walls were freshly painted in a light shade of blue. The navy blue bedspread and draperies were made from identical floral patterns.

  “Oh, Brand.” Carly breathed with a sense of awe. No wonder she hadn’t seen him all week. He’d obviously been working here every night.

  “The bedroom set is my wedding gift to you,” Brand said tenderly as he lowered her feet to the plush carpet.

  Running her hand along the polished surface of the oak dresser, Carly felt a surge of love that ran so deep it stole her breath. Finding the words to say what was in her heart would be impossible. Letting the spark of appreciation in her eyes speak for her, Carly looped her hands around Brand’s neck and kissed him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You must have worked every night.”

  Brand arched her closer by pressing his hands into the small of her back. She could feel his smile against the crown of her head. “At least I was able to keep my hands off you. Maybe it’s old-fashioned, but I wanted you to be my wife before we made love.”

  A sigh escaped her and Carly laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes. She’d thought a lot about their wedding night, and her feelings were mixed. She was eager and excited but at the same time apprehensive. In some ways she wished their lovemaking had been spontaneous and in others she was pleased that they’d waited until after the ceremony.

  A finger under her chin raised her mouth to Brand’s. When he kissed her, all of her pent-up longings for him exploded in a series of deep, hungry explorations. His hand manipulated the zipper at the back of her dress and artfully slipped the garment down her arms until it fell at her feet. Carly stood before her husband wearing only her creamy silk camisole, panties, and nylons. His hands at her breasts were tantalizingly intimate through the flimsy material, and her nipples became pebble hard, straining against his palm.

  “Brand,” she murmured breathlessly. “My suitcase is in the car. My silky nightgown’s in there.” She became lost again in one of his kisses.

  “I want to get these things off you,” Brand groaned, “not add another set.”

  “But I bought it especially for tonight.”

  Immediately, his mouth hardened in possession, claiming the trembling softness of hers. “Does it mean that much to you?”

  Her hands crept upward, fingers sliding into the thick hair that grew at the base of his neck. “No. All I need is you.”

  The silk camisole had ridden up, and she could feel the roughness of his suit against her bare midriff. The buttons of his shirt left an imprint on her soft skin.

  Brand’s mouth worked sensuously over hers as Carly moved away just far enough to unfasten his buttons and slide his suit jacket and shirt from him. He helped as much as he could, his warm breath igniting her desire. Once free of the restricting clothing, Brand lifted the camisole over her outstretched arms so that her ba
re breasts nuzzled his chest. Wave after wave of pleasure lapped against her as her fingers sought his face, marveling at the strength of his features, sharpened now in his excitement.

  “Carly.” He ground out her name as he shifted his attention to the creamy curve of her neck and shoulder. Wordlessly he took a step in retreat and, jerking aside his belt, removed the remainder of his clothes. Carly slipped out of her things and walked into his loving embrace. Brand lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  “I love you, Carly,” he whispered.

  “And I love you,” she returned. Her eyes misted with the intensity of her feelings. “I’ll make you a good wife, Brand,” she vowed. “And I’ll be a good mother.”

  Tenderly, he laid her on top of the bed and placed a hand on either side of her face, his eyes boring into hers. “I already know that,” he said, and pressed the full weight of his lean body onto hers. Carly’s pulse raced hot and wild, and she knew he was just as aroused as she. His skin was fiery to the touch as she ran her hands down his back and hips. The heat fused them together.

  * * *

  “Carly?” Brand’s voice was filled with wonder and surprise after their lovemaking. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she said with a heartfelt sigh. “It was wonderful.”

  He smoothed the hair from her face. “It gets better,” he promised each time.

  He held her tightly, kissing her cheeks and eyes until his breathing had returned to normal. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  “I didn’t know how,” she whispered, relaxing in the crook of his arm. “It was beautiful. I had no idea it would be this good.”

  “You’re not disappointed?”

  Carly raised herself up on one elbow and kissed the corner of his mouth. “You’re joking.”

  Chuckling, he brought her back into his arms, his hand pressing her head to his chest. “It was wonderful for me, too, Carly.”

  “Can we do it again?”

  “Again?” he asked. “You shameless hussy, I’ve barely recovered from the first time. Give me five minutes.”

  “That long?” Her mouth made a languorous foray over his chest and up past his shoulder until she located his mouth, teasing him with short, biting kisses. She centered her attention on one side of his mouth and worked across to the other.


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