Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 13

by Kerri Carr

  She started to slap me again but this time I held onto her hand and avoided it.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I demanded, my cheek smarting from the slap.

  She pulled her hand away from me, her face red with anger. “You tricked me!”

  “What? I did no such thing,” I protested.

  “They are the reason you never wanted to come home,” she snapped. “Why didn’t you tell me that instead of playing around with me?”

  My eyes widened in disbelief. “Now that’s not fair. I never played with you.”

  “Then what do you consider what we did yesterday?”

  “I don’t know what to call it,” I answered honestly, taking note of her suitcase packed and zipped by the bed. “I never expected any of that to happen. I just lied that you were my girlfriend but I didn’t mean anything by it. You were the one who went down on me.”

  “And you enjoyed it,” she fired back.

  “Who the hell doesn’t enjoy getting head?” I asked, frustrated that I was in this debacle with her. I was already trying to figure out how I had managed to cross the line with Ty and Wyatt.

  She came up to me and held my face between her face. “Daisy, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I replied. “You’re the closest person in the world to me.”

  “Not that kind of love!” she exclaimed and kissed me hard. “I mean I really love you and want to be with you. For five years, I’ve waited and wanted to tell you but I never did. I want to be with you.”

  I grabbed her hands and removed it from my cheeks. I felt so sad for her. For us. I didn’t know if our friendship was going to be enough to survive this. Now I understood the way she had looked at me when we were in the bathroom talking about coming to Alabama with me. And the picture of me on her computer she had been masturbating to. How had I missed all the signs?

  “This is all very flattering Phoebe,” I told her. “You’re a wonderful person. The absolute best but I can’t. My heart already belongs to someone else.”

  “Your step-brothers!” she exclaimed. “I saw when Ty dragged you into the room and I heard all of you. I couldn’t believe it and peeked in the room and you were there with both. Why can you consent to being fucked by both of them but you can’t think of being with me?”

  “Look, if you’d just calm down and let me explain,” I begged her. I really didn’t want to lose her friendship. “It’s not you. I’ve never been into girls before. And to make it worse, I’ve always had this thing for Ty and Wyatt. I always thought something was wrong with me for feeling this way about them. Why not one? Why both? I felt guilty, hated that I thought of them in such sexual terms but it just wouldn’t go away.”

  “I just wished you had been honest with me,” she said sadly. “All this could have been avoided.”

  “I didn’t know how you felt!” I cried and then we were enveloped in silence. Awkward silence. Where to go from here?

  “So you’re planning to stay here with them?” she asked in a somber tone.

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I know stuff happened between us and they want to talk when they get home but that’s a conversation I can do without.”

  “I’m leaving,” she replied. “Are you coming with me or staying?”

  I thought about what had happened between me and the brothers. I couldn’t face them after that. They would have figured out by now that I’d lied to them and want an explanation. I didn’t want to get into it. They might have both been okay with having sex with me today, but it wasn’t like I could have a relationship with both men.

  Yet, if I went back with Phoebe, would she think of it as me choosing her over the brothers?


  “Room service!”

  I got up from the bed and walked to the door to let in the steward with my order. The guy glanced up from my cleavage on display from the short hotel robe I had on and blushed a little. He couldn’t be more than twenty-one.

  “If there’s anything else you need,” he stated, wheeling the small trolley with the food into the center of the room. “Don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled and tipped him generously as he left.

  When I was stressed out, I ate a lot and I had ordered enough food to serve five. I’d been pacing and freaking out ever since I took my mom’s car and drove to The Renaissance Hotel. Faced with the decision of the twins or my best friend, I had copped out and not chosen either. I was in hide-out at the hotel, opting to leave before the twins arrived but not before dropping Phoebe off at the airport. Her departure had been very awkward as she walked away without even saying goodbye. I got it that she was hurt but I thought she was being a little unfair to me. I hadn’t asked her to fall in love with me and I hadn’t toyed with her feelings either. She did those things on her own without even asking me if I was into girls.

  Wheeling the trolley of food to the side of the bed, I got back in bed with the television on White Chicks. It always made me laugh but tonight, it wasn’t having that effect.

  I was eating strawberries dipped in whipped cream when there was a knock on the door. I frowned wondering if the steward had forgotten something.

  “Daisy, I know you’re in there. Open up.”

  Oh God was that Ty? How the hell had he found me? Wanting to give Phoebe some time to get over what had happened between us, I’d opted not to go back home to L.A. just yet but to cool out at the hotel in Birmingham. I’d only given Phoebe my information just in case she needed to get through to me which I doubted she would.

  “Daisy, open up!” he shouted through the door again. “We’re not—” He trailed off talking to me but I could hear anger in his voice as he was lecturing someone about minding their own business. From what I could hear, there was some talk of calling security.

  I jumped off the bed, popping the strawberry in my mouth and went to get the door.

  “Finally!” Wyatt announced and spilled inside, grabbing Ty by the shirt and pulling him into the room and away from the guest from next door who he was arguing with.

  “Why’d you leave?” Ty demanded as soon as the door closed. He was advancing menacingly towards me and I backed up to the bed. “Why do you always keep doing this, Daisy? Running away?”

  “I’m not running away,” I denied.

  “Why did you leave the house?” Wyatt inputted. “You knew we left matters unfinished between us earlier.”

  “There’s nothing to finish,” I denied, my cheeks coloring in embarrassment.

  “Do you need us to remind you what there is to finish?” he asked. “Because we are only too happy to remind you.”

  A hand reached out and unknotted my robe with a tug, causing it to fall open. I was naked beneath it but couldn’t bring myself to grab for the edges of the robe especially when Wyatt’s hands disappeared inside and found my breasts.

  “You can’t deny us this, Daisy,” he said softly. “If only you’d told us how you felt all along.”

  “This is the reason you stayed away from home, isn’t it?” Ty asked, in my ear. He had sneaked up to my back, effectively sandwiching me again. His breath was hot against the sensitive flesh of my neck and triggered shards of desire snaking down my spine and flooding my aching pussy. I couldn’t believe I wanted them again after the way they’d made me cum so hard earlier.

  “Answer me, Daisy,” he barked, sucking on my ear lobe, his hands reaching under my robe to feel my naked ass. “Don’t let us have to fuck the truth out of you. Be honest with yourself Daisy. Be honest with us about what you want.”

  Wyatt’s hand trekked down to my pussy and he rubbed slowly, lazily making me want more. Behind me, Ty’s fingers were rubbing against my pucker, playing and teasing me until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Yes you’re right!” I cried out. “I’ve always fantasized about doing this with you and I was ashamed of it so I stayed away. I didn’t want to be an embarrassment to the family.”

  “There’s nothing to be asham
ed of, love,” Wyatt replied. “I wish you’d shared this with us earlier. We would have all saved ourselves the headache.”

  “Yes, we would have,” Ty agreed. He kissed my neck and my shoulders, while Wyatt did the same to my collarbone and chest. I heard rather than saw them unzipping their pants.

  “What do you mean?” I moaned at the finger Wyatt inserted into my pussy. I was so wet from anticipation.

  “We have always shared women,” Ty answered, stepping out of his shoes and his pants and underwear. “We knew we wanted to share you when you came home that Christmas with that girl you claimed was your girlfriend. Is she really your girlfriend, Daisy? She told us where to find you when we called looking for you.”

  I shook my head. “She was a decoy to stop you from figuring out how I felt.”

  “But she fell in love with you,” Ty remarked. “Too bad we aren’t open to sharing you with anyone else.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “You brought a girlfriend to the funeral.”

  “Not a girlfriend. Just a business associate,” he replied. “You can be sure Daisy that this will be only between us and no one else.”

  “Do you understand Daisy?” Wyatt asked. “You don’t have any objections to this, do you? To us laying claim to you like this? Because Daisy, we’ve long been wanting you and now we’ve got you, we’re not letting you go any time soon. Do you think you’re ready to become ours?”

  I swallowed hard when Wyatt lifted me in his arms and settled me onto his hard cock. A shiver ran through me and I had to close my eyes from the intensity of that first stroke. Before I could get over it, Ty was pressing his cock coated in his saliva to my anus. He pushed through the quivering ring muscles and filled me with his cock. I wrapped my arms around Wyatt’s neck and hung on for the ride of my life as they both started thrusting hard and deep inside me.

  “Yes!” I cried out at the fullness inside my body. I felt plugged with both their cocks. “Oh God yes! Yes! Yes!”

  And I knew I wasn’t just crying out in encouragement of what they were doing to me but also consenting and agreeing to us continuing our affair. I wasn’t sure how it would work. I wasn’t convinced our parents would have approved of this but they always wanted us to be happy and we were happy with this. Being sandwiched between them like this made me feel alive and there was no other feeling to be compared to this.



  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 4 of 44

  Medieval Love


  Two friends Roslyn and Wade did their best to hide their attraction to one another as they prepare for a rebellion against the standing king. After suffering a panic attack, Wade gets his first peek at what Roslyn has been hiding underneath her masculine attire.

  Wade followed the trail of her outstretched arm, his mouth watering at the thought of tasting her. He finished the song, wishing he was the breath with which she recited the words. He ran his fingers down the curtain, images of her skin causing his heartbeat to triple in speed. He stepped out of her line of sight just before she turned around.

  A panic attack, a bar fight, and an awe inspiring speech contribute to their feelings for each other, strengthening their bond and attraction. A night of passion awaits them, but the King has other plans.

  After a horrid encounter with the King’s guards, the couple acquires a negotiation, where they secure new rights for the people in their village, in addition, to acknowledging the royal blood flowing through Wade’s veins.

  Upon realizing Roslyn is the source of his strength, Wade declares his love for her.

  This love is the romantic story of surviving love’s battlefield. The saying is true, “best friends make the best lovers.”



  Flakes of metal flew through the air before showering the ground.


  Hands tightened around the handles of swords, feet circling around each other. Guttural grunts and hisses filled the environment, crows voicing their approval, leaves applauding in the wind. They wanted to see a good battle and the one they were witnessing proved to be worthy. One of the swords made a swift down slice, the tip narrowly missed its target, catching the extra fabric. It dragged across the dirt, leaving a brownish dust behind. A forearm mopped sweat from a forehead, a drop off sweat surviving, making its way down the pronounced bridge of a nose. It peaked over the edge of the lip, trying to get a sense of the drop to the ground. It lingered there. Without warning, the tip of a tongue swept into the awaiting mouth, another causality of war.


  The clash between the swords resembled thunder, the sun’s beams bouncing off the metal creations imitating lightning. A blocked horizontal slash. A counter stab to the torso. Leg sweep. Back step and attack. It was a coordinated dance; the position of lead changing hands with each passing second. Every move was countered, each step matched; even the breaths taken were in sync. Up slice. Spin and slash. Duck, side step, stab. Down slice. Backhand horizontal slice.

  Both bodies straightened, their chests heaving. One sword rested on a shoulder, the other becoming intimate with the ground. Intent stares studies each other, single head nods following after, acknowledging the prowess of the other. They closed the distance between each other until they were face to face. Sweat speckled the foreheads, leaving bits of salt behind where it had already evaporated. Silence remained between them. Even the crows remained quiet. A hand was offered, the other grabbing it with a good grip. Laughter ensued.

  “You’re getting better,” Roslyn complimented.

  “You took it easy on me.”

  “I did not,” Roslyn kept her eyes to the ground, the dimple in her cheek giving away her dishonesty.

  Wade grabbed her arm, stopping her stride. “You know I hate when you do that.”

  “I had good reason My Lord; you’re still recovering from injury.”

  “So, and stop calling me that.”

  “You’re royalty, Wade.”

  “No, I’m not. If I were, I’d be living in the castle instead of in the village with you.”

  Roslyn narrowed her gaze, scowling at him out the corner of her eye.

  “I didn’t mean it like that Rosie.”

  She didn’t offer a retort, pushing past him as she made her way across the field. The sounds of the city spilled into her ears, the Scarborough festival in full swing. Her mood shifted as the smell of freshly baked bread wafted into her nose, the yeast in the air toying with her sinuses, a sneeze following not too long after. Feigning anger, she rejected his handkerchief, opting to use her sleeve instead. She ignored his apologies as she zigs zagged through the crowd in search of a place to seat. The adrenaline from the match was beginning to wear off, exhaustion taking its place. After finding a table in a pop-up tavern, she kicked off her shoes and massaged her feet, Wade setting off to get drinks.

  Upon returning, he offered her a mug, only to snatch it back.

  “Stop being an asshole, Wade. I need it. My legs are killing me.”

  “Are you still mad at me?” he asked. He hid the mug in his armpit.

  “I don’t even want it anymore. I’m gonna head home.” As she went to stand, pain shot through her right leg, sending her crashing back into the chair.

  Wade handed the mugs to a random patron before sitting in the chair opposite of her. Guilt overtook him as he noticed a red splotch near her calf. He fished his knife from his pocket and pulled it open with his teeth. He cut the pant leg until he revealed the middle of Roslyn’s thigh.

  “What the hell?” she protested, trying to cover as much skin as she could.

  “I cut you.”

  “I know.”

  “Earlier,” he scoffed. “It’s not bad, but you might need stitches.”


  “I can do it at my house.”

  Roslyn winced as she reclaimed her leg. Using the table, she pulled herself to her
feet, the majority of her weight on her right foot. Again, ignoring him, she hobbled past him, making her way into the overcrowded streets. His calls soon became lost in the nonstop noise, the outline of the tavern broken up by the multitude of various frames. She kept her eyes on the ground, stepping on shoes, canes, and staffs as they appeared in her vision. Her flapping pant leg caught her attention, the focus placed on the wound amplifying the pain. Nausea twisted her stomach as her eyes followed the blood trails down her leg, which disappeared into her sock.

  All I have to do is make it home. I can take care of it when I get home.

  She pressed on. Ten minutes into her walk, her right calf began cramping. She cursed the muscle as she looked to a place to rest. The blaring horns and disjointed conversations threw her into a fit of confusion. Her eyes darted left and right, her orientation off. The world around her began spinning, her heart beating in an irregular fashion. Anger mixed with frustration as she spun in circles. She was supposed to have gotten over this.

  Why am I reacting like this?

  Anxiety caused her blood to rush in her ears, the sound similar to waves crashing against the jagged rocks lining the shore. The theriac the doctor prescribed was supposed to cure her. A pain stung her chest, her vision growing blurry. She felt her body sway, her hands grasping at something to hold her up. Her temples pounded and her forehead was warm to the touch. Her hands became numb and she could no longer feel her legs. She stumbled back, catching death glares from the people she bumped into. “I’m…I’m so –



  Roslyn’s eyes fluttered open, the sunlight flooding through the window causing them to burn. She rubbed the exhaustion and blur away while observing her environment. After a few minutes of inspection, she hadn’t recognized where she was.

  “Hello,” she croaked. Her throat stung as she attempted to clear it. As she ventured further into reality, her senses began to pick up subtle sounds, sights and smells. She inhaled the pungent scent of hot coals; the rough sheets making her skin itch. She looked left and right, noticing the overall drab décor. It wasn’t until she looked down that she realized she was naked.


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