Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 25

by Kerri Carr

  “Are you doing this out of curiosity?” Julie asked.


  “Am I… will I just be a human play thing?”

  “You are afraid that if we do more than kiss I will harm you,” he said slowly.

  “Yes.” It was best to be blunt. But she wanted him, all of him. She had never wanted someone so badly. Even if it was just one night, part of her brain said, but she knew she couldn’t do that.

  “On my honor I will not harm you, make you a plaything, I am yours until you send me away,” he said. Then he kissed her again and reason went out of her mind.

  Somehow they found themselves on the floor, still clothed, he was kissing her neck, down her shoulders. He was touching all the skin that was bare. It felt like snowflakes that melted when his tongue touched them, she let out a moan of pleasure and he went down her leg that was bare, then up her other, never further as if the clothing were a barrier for him.

  “Julie, I want much more,” he said with strain to his voice. Julie sat up and in a movement that surprised her she ripped open his shirt. Buttons flew everywhere and it made him laugh. Julie was frozen for a moment but he was back to kissing her and removing her shirt with a lot more care then she had offered his. With new skin exposed he started to kiss along her breasts, still held in by the bra, teasing her nipples through the cloth with his warm tongue. She unsnapped the bra from the back and he delicately took it off then removed his shirt. He hugged her to his chest and she felt cocooned in safety, he kissed her neck, sucking lightly on it. Julie moaned as her arms wrapped around him, tugging him even closer to her. She could feel his need rising in his jeans, he had not bothered with boxers, and she couldn’t help but stare. She was actually going to have sex with an alien, it was like one of her storybook romances come to life.

  “I want all of you, Julie, we, my kind, know another by touch. It has been draining me not to touch you, can I know all of you?”

  “Yes,” Julie breathed out. He laid her back down on the floor and began to kiss her now bare breasts. Cyrus flicked a tongue over her nipple, bringing it to life as his other hand massaged her other breast. It was such an odd exhilarating feeling of hot and cold mixed together. He was gentle. When his tongue went to the other nipple he started to undo the zipper of her skirt, scooting it lower down her hips then off. His kisses followed, he ran his tongue around her bellybutton. Julie was trying to hold still but the blood was flowing lower. He kissed around her panties, then down her inner thighs. Fire and ice trailing up her legs, so close to her sex. His finger moved to tease the hem of her panties, slowly pulling them down. He slipped a finger between her lips and power seemed to surge into her clit. Cyrus moaned himself as he circled it with his finger before his mouth latched onto it and sucked.

  Julie couldn’t help but cry out as ecstasy surged through her. Cyrus ripped the panties off and lay down so he could explore her lower lips further with his tongue. It was like what he did when he kissed her but more aggressive, he slipped his tongue inside her, finding her wet and began to lap up the wetness.

  “You taste delicious, Julie,” he said. She blushed and he went back to his assault, inserting two fingers inside her until he found her G-spot which he took care to rub while his tongue did figure eights around her clit. She could feel the orgasm growing in her, her legs began to tremble and she found her hips moving to meet his face. The invitation made him go faster and Julie cried out his name when the orgasm hit her. He held her there, drinking her in, allowing his motions to slow before lifting his gaze to look at her. The look in his endless eyes was of pure affection. He leaned forward and kissed her again, she could taste herself on his tongue and feel his need pressing against her exposed sex trying to escape his jeans.

  “I will not get your pregnant,” he said. “You are safe with me.”

  She felt safe; Julie felt like this was where she was supposed to be. In the non-fiction section of her empty library. Cyrus stood to remove the jeans and she saw the length of him, the girth, for the most part it looked like a normal human penis except just as white as him.

  “I will try not to hurt you,” he said as he lay on top of her, barely pushing himself inside her tight walls. It was an unreal feeling, it didn’t hurt, it felt like his skin was trying to massage every pleasure muscle she had down there. The further he went the better it felt until he reached the end of her and let himself rest there for a while, breathing heavily. He was using so much control over her. Julie grabbed his face and turned it to kiss her, let their mouth meld together as he began to slowly move in and out of her.

  She lost all control over her body, it moving to meet his thrusts. Julie wanted him sheathed inside her forever, and let out small pleas when he would pull out. He began to pick a faster rhythm and her legs wound around his hips.

  “Julie,” he whispered her name, it sounded like a song beneath her skin. Lovely, each note, punctuated by each thrust of his hips. He was going faster and she didn’t realize she was crying out his name until the orgasm hit her again and filled her up with his seed. His seed was fire inside her but it didn’t burn, it felt good.

  It felt right.


  They cleaned each other off as best they could in the tiny bathroom. Cyrus could not keep from touching her and Julie did not mind it. He would press his lips to whatever exposed skin was there before pulling back and trying to dress himself now with a ripped shirt.

  “You’re an addiction, Julie,” he said. She felt much the same about him and was feeling braver with moving forward to kiss him.

  “No, no we have to stop. We need food and the library needs to be cleaned up,” Julie said. Cyrus sighed but stepped away from her. He began moving at a much quicker speed then she could follow putting all the fallen books away. Julie just sat down and watched him work. Her body feeling more satisfied then it ever had.

  When he was done, he scooped her up and held her against his bare chest, walking towards the door. Julie thought it would take all day to clean up the library but he was apparently using the books as a way to seduce her. She was okay with that as he carried her out to the car and put her in the driver’s seat as if she were a princess.

  “I did not hurt you?” He asked once he was buckled in.

  “No, it was… beyond what I had ever dreamed sex to be.”

  He smiled at that. He kept a hand on her leg as she drove, tugging up the hem of her skirt. Julie had to tell him to stop because she needed to concentrate on driving.

  “My apologies, I just, I want to concentrate on you.” The way he said it made things contract in her lower area.

  They got to the apartment and he had her in his arms again, almost running to where the bedroom was. Julie laughed and he kissed her, throwing her on the bed and tugging off his shirt when suddenly the bed began to shake. The walls began to shake and they could hear the books falling over. Cleopatra let out a hiss and was suddenly on the bed with them. Cyrus stood very still and stepped away from Julie who was trying to sit up herself.

  He walked out of the bedroom and she followed him, shocked to see what she supposed was another Sion. This one was shaved bald, had the same eyes as Cyrus, and was much bulkier. He wore a suit of red and in his hand a long blade that she had never seen before. It was black and worked like the tattoos did, in fact it seemed like this Sion’s tattoos were fueling the blade as if it were just an extra appendage with a handle.

  The other yelled something at Cyrus in the language she could not understand. The language sounded like singing from Cyrus but like nails on a chalkboard from this one.

  “Kraekel,” Cyrus said.

  Fear jumped into Julie’s heart as she stood there behind Cyrus. Cleopatra jumped out in front of both of them and hissed at the stranger. Kraekel movements were faster than Julie’s eyes could follow but he kicked Cleopatra into a shelf that had not fallen. She heard a loud thud, a crunch, and her cat lay on the ground completely still. Julie began to collapse to the floor as tears w
elled up in her eyes. She wanted to crawl to her cat but Cyrus kept her from doing so.

  Suddenly he pulled a similar blade from his chest and yelled out in the same language, moving to be sure to keep Julie safe. Kraekel slashed at him and he jumped back, his feet no longer touching the ground completely. What felt like reason was pouring through his lips but there was rage there as well. Julie could feel his rage pouring over her skin and it was suffocating.

  Kraekel was laughing, pointing a sword towards Julie, then switched his tongue so that she could hear him.

  “When you’re dead I will destroy her, I’ll be sure to take all the pleasure you have given her away, I will be sure that no one remembers anything of you but terror,” Kraekel said then lunged at Cyrus again.

  Julies apartment was small and she saw all her books being slashed in half. Cyrus met some of Kraekel’s blows. He looked once to see that Julie was sobbing and Kraekel’s blade caught him against his arm and he stumbled. Kraekel began to move towards her and Cyrus seemed to fly at him, his sword stabbing through the other’s shoulder before coming back. It was not a finishing blow, it only made Kraekel’s attention go back to Cyrus. Their swords met and power blasted around them. Julie had to duck down because she felt the scoring heat. It burned her exposed flesh like a really bad sunburn.

  Cyrus began to fight with more rage, which the other laughed at. They were evenly matched Kraekel kicked Cyrus in the face and he stumbled back, he went forward to shove his blade into where Julie assumed Cyrus’ heart was only to have his head cleanly swiped off by Cyrus’ blade. It flew and sat on her couch with a nasty scowl on it, staring blankly at her. Julie couldn’t move, she was frozen in fear. She wanted to throw-up. Cyrus walked over to her and she inched away, he dropped the sword and fell to the ground.

  “I swore I would never cause you pain, but I have, I am now king and will leave. Just give me the order Julie, and I will be out of your life forever.”


  Julie couldn’t keep in her sobs, she couldn’t even think straight. She went to her cat that lay dead on a pile of destroyed books. Cleopatra was stiff in her arms but she hugged her close. Cyrus stayed head bowed unmoving waiting for her to speak. The cat had been her whole life—the only thing that made her happy in this stupid town and now she was gone. Nothing was there. She had tried to protect them as best she could but was nothing compared to an alien prince who had wreaked havoc on her tiny apartment. Her world had just collapsed and she rocked back and forth with the cat.

  “Make the pain stop, Cyrus,” she sobbed. “Just make all this pain stop.”

  He stood up from his crouched position and the blade disappeared. Cyrus took her up in his arms, taking the cat away from her and taking her back to her bedroom. She felt the healing cocoon embrace her singed skin and she looked up to his face which was equally pained.

  “Let me share it,” he said. He bent down and kissed her slowly, something happened and it felt like he was sucking the emotions from her. They were still there, they still hurt, but suddenly she saw tears streaming down his cheeks. He hugged her to him then and rocked her back and forth.

  “Oh Julie, I’ve destroyed your entire life,” he said. He started to kiss her skin then. With each kiss it was like he was drawing some of the pain away, not all of it, but it was numbing it. It was helping her think, but she didn’t want to think she wanted to feel—to feel anything but the agony of losing everything.

  He undressed her before undressing himself. She didn’t have time to think before he slammed into her sex, there was no foreplay. It hurt but it hurt in a nice way. It distracted her from everything else. He picked her up off the bed and pinned her back against the wall, kissing her, thrusting up into her. Making the pain a pleasurable thing. He was all fire, there to burn away the damage. Julie scratched at his back as she let out her cries, each one punctuated by a well-placed thrust. He sheathed himself deeper inside her this way and she held on. Cyrus bit her neck and she let out a gasp as he fed on her pain, pumping her full of pleasure until they were both spent. He shot up into her and collapsed with her on the bed.

  Cyrus pulled out of her and stroked her hair, calming her. She didn’t have tears anymore. The pain was still there but it was not like she was drowning in it, he had taken much of that into himself and she could see the tears still streaming from his eyes.

  “I have nothing, Cyrus,” she whispered rolling onto her back to look up at him.

  “You can have me,” he said bending down to kiss the trail marks of tears that had fallen on her cheeks. “I can’t bring Cleopatra back; I can’t fix your books or wipe my brother’s memory from this place. But I can take you away from it.”


  “To Sion, where we have little sun, and I will teach you the language, but I don’t want to lose you Julie. I don’t want to be the cause of anymore pain, I want to make up for that pain, but we both know I can’t stay here.”

  It was too much for her to think of, to many emotions rocking her body at the same time. Leave Earth for another place? But he was right; all that she loved had been destroyed in the battle. She had nothing but Cyrus who had taken her pain into himself so she could breathe again.

  “You fell in love with me,” she said.

  “When I first grabbed your ankle, when I saw you fall. When you stripped so you could save me, when you dragged me to your car. I had never felt so much kindness and loneliness in one person. I knew there was a battle I had to fight but I couldn’t leave you, it was foolish of me, I didn’t think he would find me so quickly. Julie, I’m sorry.”

  The tears were not stopping and now Julie wanted to make them stop. She moved forward and pressed her lips to his, they melded together. He had fallen in love with her, and she knew she had fallen in love with him but didn’t want to admit. She didn’t want to have to deal with another heartbreak.

  “The only way you could hurt me more is to leave me,” she said.

  “Then we go. I cannot bring back Cleopatra but I will find you a new cat to own you, if you require them.” He stood from the bed and found a suitcase to pack away all her clothes.

  Julie just watched him do it, with such determination. He did not want her to leave his side and she did not want to leave his. She would be alien in this Sion place, it would be different, perhaps terrifying, but he had promised to fill her days with pleasure and to take away the pain.

  There was nothing left for her in this town. She was being given the chance to travel to places outside of Earth. The only people who would know she was gone and mourn her loss were her parents, but Cyrus gave her the time to write her good-byes to them.

  “It will make you feel a bit dizzy,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her. She noted that he threw some of her undamaged books into the bag. Cyrus pushed her close and stared down at her.

  “Things are always dizzying with you,” she said.

  Cyrus pressed his lips to hers, she felt the world move around them, and then they were gone.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 8 of 44

  The Ranch of New Dreams


  Stephanie has been trying to stay away from her grandfather's ranch for almost ten years. She once loved this place and spent most of her summers here riding horses. She had met her first love here and experienced the most painful loss the guilt which she has yet to overcome.

  Now, one year after her grandfather passed away, Stephanie has to return to the ranch to decide its further destiny. She is intent on selling it to invest the funds into her prospering IT company.

  One thing she dreads the most is seeing Erik again. Her grandfather has left him in charge of the ranch. As great as her teenage love for Erik was, she knows deep in her heart she will never find the courage to forgive him for the heartbreak she went through.


  "Let’s stop for a quick coffee break, Nana," Stephanie suggested.

p; The closer they were getting to the ranch, the more she was looking for reasons to stop and kill some time. Anything that could prolong the trip and delay them from reaching their destination.

  A part of her wished to be back there again, after so many years. Yet, she knew there were ghosts from her past that she was not ready to face yet. Ghosts that gave no rest to Stephanie for days and nights.

  "Darling, it's getting late. I'd rather we got there before dark," her grandma said. Stephanie knew she was also impatient and wished to arrive a moment earlier. "I can't believe your grandfather is not going to be there to meet us." Grandma shook her head and signed. She looked out of the window and Stephanie knew her grandma was struggling to hide her tears. "He knew we were visiting, he'd always surprise us. Meeting us halfway to the ranch and riding on his favorite horse."

  "Yes, I remember that, Nana," Stephanie smiled. "We all miss him a lot." She squeezed her grandma's hand.

  It had been almost one year since Grandpa Jonathan had passed away. To Stephanie, he had not only been the head of the family but a true friend. She had shared many secrets with Grandpa. Now, he was gone and had taken her secrets with him—as he had promised.

  The rest of the way they drove in silence. The road was slowly taking her back to where the most daunting memories of her past rested.

  Now, following Grandpa's will, she was headed back to the ranch. She knew he would not be happy with the decision she had made. Stephanie missed him more than ever now when hard decisions were ahead of her.

  "You're very quiet," Nana said.

  "I know... I am just thinking that Grandpa would not be very happy that I'm planning to sell the ranch," Stephanie said, not looking at her grandma. She knew, in her eyes, she was going to see the same disappointment. They had hoped that one day she'd be in charge for that piece of land that had been such an important part of the family history.


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