Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 141

by Kerri Carr

  “We’re from a planet called Gar, in the subterranean galaxy, and we come in peace. “Jesh was not surprised that she’d noticed all these things, she had a brilliant mind and she was a reported, the best combination against ferreting out secrets.

  To the surprise of the two aliens, she dropped the issue immediately and came back to seat with them. “Well, the questioning will continue at a later period. For now though, I want to see your eyes Gedha.”

  When his retractor reveals his indigo eyes, Jesh smiled. His eyes were beautiful even when compared to others on Gar. Alexis gasped. “They’re beautiful, Gedha. It’s like I can see into your soul, and it is breathtaking.” Ged pulls her to him and kisses her, tears are pouring from her eyes now.

  “Hey pretty lady, what are the tears for?” Jesh asks, leaning over to wipe them using her shirts sleeve. “There are breathtaking, amazing things I see when I look into your soul too. Your intrinsic strength, your determination to be the best always, your hunger for knowledge and ability to push through things that wants to hold you down.” Jesh also had tears running down her cheeks now too.

  Taking in all the emotions and feelings pouring out, they reach to find themselves again. Kisses, moans and satisfaction is what they achieve. Later that night, Alexis wakes Jesh up in the best way possible, poised between her legs, bringing her to orgasm. “this one is especially for you because you were sad earlier. In that moment, Jesh was sure that she was gone. There was no salvation for her. She was falling for this woman.

  Over the next week, Alexis stayed over every night, only going to her apartment during the day to get what she needed. One night, as they lay together watching a chick flick, Alexis had insisted was the best this year, she blurted:

  “You both are my family. The only ones who matter to me in the whole universe.” She looked at Gedha, and she was sure he could predict what she wanted to do next. He nodded at her and she continued. “Lexis, you’ve been the best person we could hope to meet on this planet, new to us, which is why we must tell you what you must have been wondering about. Why we are here.” She takes a deep breath and continues. “Please don’t see any of this as pertaining to you, or as something you need to do, because you have done all your own—”

  “Jeshi, I love you, but you love the sound of your own voice way too much. Get to the good part please,” Alexis interrupts.

  “Fine, fine” she takes a deep breath. “Our planet is dying out, we cannot reproduce on our own. So hundreds of us where sent down here to make babies and save our race from extinction.”

  “Umm, so it’s like that show, the 100?”

  “No. It’s nothing like that. We do not live on a space station, we have a planet that quite beautiful. It’s like that one in the second Guardians of the Galaxy, the one the evil dad creates.”

  “I haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy 2.”

  “I have nothing to say to you anymore. Nothing.”

  “Seriously though, why would they make you come here for this kind of mission when they know you aren’t into guys?” Alexis asks.

  “Our population is so low, they need every healthy females,” Jesh replies the same time as Gedha mutters, “Her asshole mother is the Superintendent.”

  Of course Alexis ignores her and turns to hear Gedha explain all about the government structure on Gar and how her mother fit in with all of it.

  Chapter 8

  Finding Happiness. Alexis

  I’m going to help them. She didn’t know her that would be possible, or what helping them would cost her, she just knew she had to help them. She had already fallen in love with them. Yes, yes, she knew, it was weird, but it was also true. She wouldn’t say she loved them equally, but almost equally. The almost part was for when Gedha deliberately dug out his asshole pants because he didn’t want her to “ruin her life for them.” This conversation happened the day she suggested carrying their baby for them. Surprisingly, with all the advanced technology they had back on their own planet—they’d both told her about several of them, immunization against HIV, gene splicing, chromosome enhancement, cars that ran on carbon oxide like photosynthesis—they’d never heard of artificial insemination. When she brought it up, and explained how it would work, Jesh, ever the curious scientific mind, started working on it immediately.

  One day, she decided she was going to introduce the both of them to her mother and sister. She didn’t know if she was going to tell them about how she was in love with the both of them or that she was having sex with the both of them at the same time usually. Her mother was very open-minded, but of course she had her limits, and Alexis was sure that this was it.

  The day she finally brought them over, her mom and sister loved them. Jess took one look at the three of them and asked her if she’d had sex with both of them. In a fit of honesty, or in bid to shock her sister, she’d replied “at the same time” and walked way. From that day on, she brought them with her to every brunch. Jess, contrary to her true nature had not said anything to their mother, or if she had, her mother was being discreet about it.

  Jesh’s invitro took after a few false starts. That day they had celebrated so hard, no wine for any of them though even if it probably wouldn’t cause the baby any harm. The next morning, while they were having breakfast, she became nauseous and ran to the bathroom. After helping her clean herself up, Jesh went and returned with shaking hands holding a pregnancy test kit.

  “No, no, I can’t be pregnant. I’m on the pill,” Alexis stated, not irritated, just stating the truth.

  Jesh shrugs. “You didn’t have anything to drink yesterday and you have barely eating anything this morning.” So glowering at Jesh, she pees on the stick and waits.

  Two strips. She knew what it meant, but she really didn’t want to assume anything, so she showed Jesh and dashed up to call Gedha. The trip to the hospital for three of them was a little never racking. The doctor came and confirmed the pregnancy.

  Gedha went to her apartment to pack all her things to the penthouse because here was no “way in hell he was letting the mother of his child live alone.” Through all of this, never once did it occur to her to be bitter toward them or the precious baby growing in her.

  Once, during dinner, Gedha whispered to her as they sat down together to eat. “Pass it on,” then he proceeded to part her legs and reach for her sex. He smiled when he realized that she had gone commando. As the pregnancy progressed, she began to feel irritated by clothes and wore fewer every day. It was becoming a kind of default for her to go commando. Jesh, when her libido picked up joined her. The two pregnant women had started becoming increasingly horny after their first trimester. As he continued to fondled and played with her as she leaned over to pass it on to Jesh. They kept on eating until they the urge to have an orgasm became stronger than the urge to eat, they give up on the food and went to the room to ravage each other.

  She’d been terrified about breaking the news to her mother and sister, scared they’d be mad she had a child out of wedlock. But they’d been so happy at the news, her sister had only said, “Wow Lexi, I forgot how much of a hot shot risk-taker you used to be, I’m happy for you.”

  “Is it that handsome man Gedha?” her mother had asked. They’d reassured her that she’d make a great mom and promised to help anyway they could.

  Gedha was being extremely careful with the both of them, not allowing them to lift heavy things or bend too much. The two of them draw the line however when he told them to stop working. They loved what they did way too much. This caused several arguments until they came to the compromise that they’d leave work at seven months. The idea of someone genetically engineering her child to remove all of her DNA was not palatable to Alexis, but she didn’t know what they’d do about it. She also didn’t know what she would do when their time was up and they had to go back. There were several non-alien things they did not know too. Would they ever tell her mother and sister? Would her baby have his father’s eyes? She hoped so. What they did know t
hough, was that they loved each other, and they’d always consider the others’ best interest before acting. Had have been difficult to settle her heart and relax her mind. For now.





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