The Night Series - Entire Series Boxed Set : New World Immortal Mayan Vampire Romance

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The Night Series - Entire Series Boxed Set : New World Immortal Mayan Vampire Romance Page 88

by Lisa Kessler

  He moved to lie beside her, his body spooning hers from behind. His lips caressed her throat while his hand explored her torso. He traced his fingers around her taut nipples as he kissed along her shoulder. She writhed into his touch, her body hungry for more attention. He teased her desire to new levels she’d never known existed.

  She pressed her hips back. His erection pulsed against her, and her body responded, slick and eager.

  His voice was deep, his breath teasing her skin as his hand moved down her abdomen, his fingers splayed wide, possessive. “I have never desired anyone the way I do you.”

  Muriah closed her eyes, surrendering to sensation. “Keep talking.” She ran her fingers down his arm, her hand resting over his, encouraging him even lower.

  Issa lightly grazed her skin with the tips of his fangs. “I want your body, your blood…”

  She almost lost it, shivering against him. Her gasp interrupted him as his fingers reached her sex, teasing her until she groaned. “Right there. Don’t stop.”

  Issa had no intention of stopping. The light from the torches danced on her warm skin. From his position behind her, he watched her chest heave as he pleasured her with his fingers. Her fingernails dug into his forearm, encouraging him. She was close to her surrender, but he wanted to feel it. Needed to feel her tremble with ecstasy.

  He shifted his hips a little lower until the tip of him rubbed her slick opening. He growled against her ear. “You are ready for me.”

  “Take me,” she gasped.

  Issa rocked forward, moaning as the warmth of her body wrapped around him. She was made for him. He thrust into her, long, slow strokes, her full breasts shuddering with each one, teasing his desire even higher. His fingers moved faster between her legs, and she brought her hand up behind her to tangle in his hair.

  “Be mine.” He worked into her more urgently as she throbbed around him.

  Muriah cried out his name, the sound echoing through the chamber as her orgasm claimed her. He slowed his thrusts and remained deep inside her, holding her tight in his arms until she caught her breath.

  He kissed her ear and whispered, “Only the beginning.”

  She turned toward him with a sultry smile that made his immortal heart miss a beat. “You’re going to spoil me.”

  “I hope so.” He slid free from her and repositioned her above him.

  Muriah didn’t hesitate to join their bodies again. She stared down at him, naked, glorious. And she was his.

  “I want to make you as crazy as you make me.”

  “Crazy?” He ran his hands up her thighs.

  “Yes. I want to take you to the edge until you think you’ll scream and then make it last a moment longer.”

  He throbbed inside of her at the thought. “My appetite might frighten you.”

  She lay down over him, nose to nose as she worked her hips slowly along his length. “Tell me.”

  “Blood and sex are closely linked for me.”

  “The first time you drank from me…I’d never been more turned on with my clothes on.”

  Hearing her admission made his pulse pound, and his hunger clawed to the surface. “I do not want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  He wasn’t as certain as she was. He wished he had enough control to care. But he’d passed that point the moment she confessed the effect his feeding had on her.

  Issa sat up, bringing her with him. Muriah’s legs moved around his waist as he worked his hips up into her. He trailed his lips down her chest, his eyes on hers as he took her nipple into his mouth. The passion in her gaze fueled his lust for her flesh and her blood. He cupped her breast and slowly licked the pert nipple, allowing her to see the points of his fangs, so close to the tender tip of her breast.

  Her body throbbed around him in answer. His orgasm teased him, making him ache for release and hunger for more all at the same time. This was the crazy she’d described. A wildfire of passion.

  She wet her lips, her gaze locked on his. He gripped her hip with his other hand and pressed her tight to him, sliding even deeper within the heat of her body as he sank his fangs into her breast. Muriah called out his name, shuddering in his arms as another orgasm rocked through her, pushing him even closer to the edge.

  Her rich blood filled him, elevating every sensation. His hunger tempted him to drink more. Each swallow opened her mind to his, and he took the opportunity to whisper to her using the intimate path they’d opened through her blood.

  You do make me crazy, Muriah.

  Her pupils dilated, her gaze questioning for a moment, and finally, she found the mental pathway back to his mind, her beautiful voice filling his head as a breathless smile curved on her full lips. Good. Give yourself to me.

  Her words unleashed an animal within him. He released her breast and claimed her lips. He opened his mouth, allowing her to taste her own blood on his tongue before he sliced his across the tip of his fang, adding his immortal blood to the kiss. Muriah moaned, working her hips into him harder. He clung to her, shivering as he peaked deep inside her.

  I am yours. He whispered into her mind as the connection faded. As long as you will have me.

  Issa lay back on the bed, his arms still tight around her. Muriah listened to his heart beating. She could hear everything right now. The subtle pops of the torches, each breath from Issa’s lips, every sound was enhanced.

  His blood.

  Her head popped up. “Did you just make me a Night Walker?”

  His large hand came up to cup her cheek, a crooked grin on his lips. “No. I only gave you a taste. It will wear off soon.”

  “That was…” She struggled to find words. “…that was so hot. I wish I had better words but…” She shook her head and settled back onto his chest. “Safe to say, you’ve ruined me for all other men.”

  His chuckle was richer now. She could hear every note in it. “I am not sorry.”

  His hand slid down her naked back. Possessive.

  And she liked it. Muriah closed her eyes, struggling to reclaim herself, her responsibilities. She tried to picture the red door of The Dimension’s Den, but all she saw was that moment when his fangs hovered over her breast. The passion in his stare.

  She swallowed a lump in her throat and opened her eyes, staring into the dark shadows. She’d never experienced anything like that. Not just the sex, but the connection. When she heard his voice in her mind and she somehow found his. It went beyond being intimate. They were one in every sense of the word.

  How much would it hurt to lose part of herself when they went their separate ways? He said he would come to San Diego, but they were both aware there was no real future for them. He’d live forever, and she’d be gone in the blink of an eye in Night Walker time. If she didn’t get her head screwed on straight, find Mr. Right, and settle down to raise a family, then she’d fail hers.

  How would she ever find someone who would share what she’d experienced with Issa? She wouldn’t. And now that she’d had that level of passion and connection, could she settle for a life without it?

  Fear teased the afterglow away.

  He smoothed her hair back, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “The sunrise is coming.”

  Her heart fluttered. “I guess you’re safe to rest anywhere in here, right?”

  “Yes, but I can move into another chamber if that will make you more comfortable.”

  “I’ve seen you during the day before. It doesn’t freak me out. Well…not much anyway.”

  “Will you be able to rest here if I am beside you?”

  “I’ll be fine. You can stay.” She rolled over onto her side, and Issa rested behind her, his arm draped over her waist.

  He kissed the back of her shoulder. “I cannot hear your thoughts, but I will tell you mine…I…”

  Muriah held her breath, waiting for him to finish. Instead, she realized he wasn’t breathing any longer. She cursed the sun and slid from under his limp arm and off the bed, taking the blanket
with her. Pulling her knees into her chest, she denied the tears that threatened and rocked herself slowly.

  In his arms, in his mind, surrender came easily. Her heart, the part of herself she coveted and protected from harm, reached for his boldly, without a thought for the future. It wasn’t until she caught her breath that reality wandered in, but her heart wanted no part of what her head had to say. While her defenses were down, her free-spirited heart had claimed Issa.

  But a future with Issa would mean the end of her family legacy. The end of everything she’d worked for, every piece of her mother and her grandfather, and the generations before him. Could she really be so selfish?

  Lukas popped into her head. He was counting on her to stop Apep and help him save Gretchen. Lukas knew more generations of her family than she did. What would he think if she gave up all they’d built because she couldn’t be responsible enough to find a decent man to be a father to the next generation of the La Deaux family?

  Maybe she could stay with Issa and adopt a child. She pondered the thought for a moment. Gradually, a knot tightened in her stomach. Adopting a child to continue her family business was the wrong reason. Would she be adopting to help a child or herself?

  She rolled her eyes. Home had never seemed farther away.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Gretchen led the way up the walk and unlocked Calisto’s house while Edie insisted on helping Lori. She rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, Edie.”

  “You’re bleeding and wheezing. That’s not fine.”

  Gretchen opened the door and turned back. “You should go to urgent care and be sure you didn’t break anything.”

  “I’d know if I broke something, and judging by that monk’s determination to get to you, I’m pretty sure they’ll be back, so until Lukas and Calisto are up, I’m not leaving you alone.”

  Lori sat on the couch, proud of herself for not wincing. That bastard may have cracked her rib when he shoved her into the parking meter to get to Gretchen. Crazy asshole.

  Edie came over with an ice pack and a towel. “You should put this on your eye.”

  Lori nodded and took the cool baggie of ice. Lying back on the couch, she placed the pack on her forehead just over her new shiner and used the damp towel to dab the blood from her nose.

  Gretchen sat in the chair across from her. “Thank you for your help today. I thought those guys were just watchers.”

  “They definitely know you’re the pregnant one now, so it’s time to beef up security. Tomorrow, I’ll get on the phone and find us some extra muscle for the daytime.”

  Since Issa took Muriah to Egypt, the threatening notes had increased. This week Edie noticed a priest with binoculars watching Calisto’s cliffside hacienda from the street above. This was the first time they’d gotten physical. Lori’s good eye moved toward Gretchen. If anything happened to her or the baby, Kate, being the most recently turned, would be the first Night Walker to die. She’d known Kate since they were little girls, living on the same street in Point Loma. The thought of losing her made Lori’s chest hurt.

  The moment the sun dipped into the horizon, the scent of blood attracted the Night Walkers so quickly that Lori flinched. Lukas appeared at Gretchen’s side, and Zafrina entered through the French doors.

  Gretchen met Lukas’s eyes for a moment before focusing on Lori again. “Okay, Lukas and Zafrina are here to stand guard over me. Let Edie take you to the hospital. You need stitches. And your rib might be broken.”

  Fire lit in Lukas’s eyes, his hands balling into tight fists. “What happened? Who did this?”

  Pain stung the corner of Lori’s swollen mouth as she smiled. “You should see the other guy.” Her gaze swept over to Zafrina’s face. “Calisto’s Fraternidad buddies sent in reinforcements today. We took Gretchen out shopping for maternity clothes. They saw Gretchen before we could get her to the car, and they tried to take her.”

  A spark of anger flickered in Zafrina’s bright eyes. “A priest attacked you?”

  “Or a monk?” Calisto entered the room with Kate. “These are not typical men of the faith. The Fraternidad del Fuego Santo fancy themselves watchers, but they are willing to fight if necessary in order to keep the Night Walker race from growing. If they have discovered which woman in this house is expecting, they will be relentless in their pursuit of her.”

  “Idiots.” Zafrina rolled her eyes. “We need the child in order to avoid the apocalypse. Typical mortals misinterpreting the signs.”

  Kate stepped closer to Lori. “Either way, they think their dreams about an immortal birth and antichrist are signaling the end of days, so they’ll do whatever they believe is necessary to stop it.”

  “I’ll enjoy doing what’s necessary to stop them,” Lukas growled under his breath.

  Zafrina crossed her arms. “We must keep Gretchen safe, even in the daylight.”

  “I’m sitting right here.” Gretchen sighed. “He made a grab for me today, but Lori shoved me toward the car and beat the crap out of him.”

  Zafrina’s gaze met Lori’s. “You put yourself in danger to protect us.”

  Lori adjusted the ice on her head. “Gretchen is my friend, and if anything happens to that baby, my other friend, Kate, will be the first Night Walker to die. If someone wants that baby, they’ll have to go through me first.” She searched Zafrina’s eyes, surprised to find admiration in their depths. “You don’t know me well yet, but no one messes with the people I care about.”

  “Lori’s not kidding.” Kate knelt beside the couch, inspecting Lori’s wounds without touching them. “There have been a few times I worried Calisto might be in danger if she saw him again.”

  “I am confident I could have defended myself.” Calisto raised a brow.

  Lori chuckled and winced. “I would’ve talked to Calisto first.” She removed the ice from her head. “I don’t go off half-cocked. But this guy got physical, so I did, too.”

  Edie came in with her purse. “Now that Gretchen’s protected, I should get you to the hospital.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Zafrina stepped closer. “I can tend her wounds better than any mortal doctor if Lori will allow it.”

  Kate looked at Zafrina and back to Lori. “Our blood—”

  “You told me already.” Lori interrupted, but her gaze was locked on Zafrina. Since the day Kate sat them down and tried to make them believe the impossible—that she was no longer human—Lori had been curious. “I’m willing to give it a try.”

  Zafrina nodded and glanced at the others. “You have a wedding to plan.” She waited, but they didn’t move. “So go plan it, and give me quiet to work. I will fix your friend.”

  Lori nodded at Kate. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” Kate stood and took Edie’s elbow. “Let’s give Zafrina room to work.”

  Gretchen pulled Lukas up with her. “Come on. I want to show you what I got today before that guy interrupted us.”

  Lukas gave Lori’s shoulder a squeeze as they passed by. “I owe you one, or maybe a hundred. Thanks for keeping her safe.”

  Lori nodded. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  Calisto approached Zafrina. “Thank you for helping her. She is dear to Kate.”

  Zafrina nodded and watched him go, then sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing Lori on the couch. “Thank you for protecting Gretchen. You saved us all.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I was glad to be there to help her.”

  Zafrina brought her finger to her mouth, sinking her fang into the tip. Lori couldn’t take her eyes off her. Her skin was a rich tan, making the lightness of her eyes even more prominent, and seeing her fangs made Lori’s pulse race unexpectedly. She’d never seen Kate or Calisto look anything other than human. This made Night Walkers real, not so easy to pretend they just had a different sleep schedule.

  Zafrina lowered the tip of her finger to the cut on Lori’s mouth. Lori stiffened, but Zafrina traced her full lips anyway.

  “The olde
r we are, the more powerful our blood becomes. We heal faster, and can heal you as well.”

  “It tingles.” Lori’s eyes widened slightly. “This won’t make me…”

  “No.” Zafrina shushed her. “You need to have much more blood to lose your humanity. We drink, then you drink, and the change happens. This will heal your wounds. No more.”

  Lori relaxed. Zafrina’s fingertip healed, and she carefully brushed Lori’s hair back from her forehead. Cool night air caressed the cut at her hairline. “The danger will rise during the daylight now that the monks have a target. We will not be able to help you protect Gretchen while the sun is up.”

  Zafrina pricked her finger again, deeper this time.

  “I’ll hire some security tomorrow. We won’t leave the house again.” Lori winced as Zafrina traced her finger over the wound at her hairline. “It’s only for a few more months.”

  Zafrina sighed and glanced the way the others had gone. When she focused on Lori again, she swore she could hear her speaking, but her lips never moved.

  It will not be for months. Zafrina stared down at her hands. When she lifted her gaze, her ageless face carried lines of worry. You proved yourself today, and I need you to understand what is at risk. I cannot help her during the daylight. You can.

  The voice was whispered directly into her mind. Lori’s eyes widened, and Zafrina pressed a finger to her lips. Her warm lips. “Shh.”

  “But how?”

  Zafrina shook her head. Focus only on me and think your words. I will hear them.

  This is crazy. You can hear my thoughts?

  Zafrina nodded and Lori sat up, her face so very close. Her eyes wandered to Zafrina’s mouth before she could stop herself. Lori lifted her gaze. I do not know how much longer Gretchen’s body will be able to maintain the pregnancy.

  If she loses the baby, you’ll all die. Zafrina nodded slowly, confirming Lori’s fear. Her heart pounded in answer. Tell me how I can help. There must be something I can do.

  You can stay calm for Gretchen. Zafrina took her hand. Lukas’s friend found a Mayan codex. The codex holds the answer I need. Is the child already immortal or does his immortality begin with his first breath? We need to keep Gretchen safe until I can deliver the baby. I tell you this in confidence. I do not wish to frighten the others.


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