Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 11

by K E Osborn

  I’ll be back. I need to clean it out, but this feels so damn final. I thought I’d feel sad, I thought I might even cry, but this is sending a fiery fucking rage through me that I’m having trouble containing.

  My shop’s going to be demolished, and it’s all because of Alex Scott.

  He’s faceless.

  A man I’ve never met.

  A man who has singlehandedly ruined my life.

  The man who’s taken my livelihood away from me.

  All I know is, karma always finds its victim. I don’t know what or how, but I believe somehow karma will be swift and vicious for Alex Scott. I have to believe that. I just hope I’ll be around to find out what the hell it is.

  Pulling my hand away from the door, I turn around to see my tattoo family staring at me.

  “It’s been lit, Tom-Tom,” Skins cheers.

  The corners of my lips turn upward.

  “Yeah, Tomi, thank you for taking a chance on me.” Jana sniffles, wiping under her eye.

  “I’m gonna miss this gang,” Gigi adds.

  I glance at Hogtie, my manager, and a man of few words. “I fucking love ya, chick. If you ever need anything, you call me.”

  I race forward the same time they all do, and we join together in a group hug. Arms go everywhere as Xander chuckles behind us. I relish in this moment—my tattoo family and me for the final time.

  “Well, enough of this sappy shit. I have a bird to pick up at a bar,” Skins calls out over the top of my head.

  We all burst out laughing as we break apart, and I take one last look at my team while Skins strolls off down the pavement. Gigi waves, taking off the same direction as Skins. Hogtie winks at me then crosses the road.

  Jana sighs. “I’m always here for you. Any time you need me. I’m your girl, remember that, okay?”

  I lean in hugging her again. I know this won’t be the last time I see Jana. We’re too good of friends to let this be it.

  She pulls back, winks at Xander, then heads off, leaving Xander and me in front of my store.

  Only it’s not mine anymore.

  I sigh as Xander wraps his arms around my waist while looking down at me. “Hey, I know you’re supposed to be getting back to Levi tonight, but Greta can take care of him. You’ve had a big day, you deserve a night to yourself.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I stare at him. “What does that mean?”

  He steadies his shoulders. “Stay at my place tonight.” It’s not a question, more of a statement.

  I’ve never seen his place. Hell, it’s taken a fair bit for Xander to open up to me, so for him to be showing me his place means he must be wanting to take our relationship further. My lips slowly spread up across my face as I beam in excitement.

  Today has been all doom and gloom, now there’s a beacon of light in this shitty darkness.

  “I don’t have any nightclothes,” I tease.

  He grins. “You won’t need any.”

  “Or a toothbrush.”

  “Use mine.”

  I scrunch up my nose. “That’s poor dental hygiene practice, right there, Xander.”

  He laughs pulling me to him, making me let out a small squeal as he looks me in the eyes. “Stay with me?”

  I soften at his almost-begging tone. “I gotta check with Greta first.”

  He leans in planting a chaste kiss on my nose. “Check on Levi. If it’s all good, I want you to myself tonight, Tomi.”

  Smiling, I pull back and remove my phone from my pocket, sending a quick text through to Greta and wait for her reply. The ding comes back soon after. “It’s all good, she can stay with Levi tonight. I’m all yours.”

  His face alights, and it comes from deep inside of him. It ignites his eyes, spreading a gorgeous glow across every inch of his features. “Follow me home in your car, I’ll lead the way.” He leans in quickly, pecking my lips, and it feels like there’s been a weight lifted from his shoulders. I have no idea what the hell’s running through his mind as he heads toward his ride.

  He hops on, pulling his helmet over his head as I stride toward my mini. I get in and follow behind him. I have to admit seeing him wearing a leather jacket and riding that bike does things to me. How the hell I’m meant to concentrate on the drive to his place with him in front of me like this, I have no idea. He pulls out onto the street, and I follow wondering what tonight has in store for us. Suddenly, this night doesn’t seem so bleak after all.

  After a little trip through the city, he pulls into a high-rise apartment complex, one of the more expensive ones in the city. My curiosity piques as I follow him. I had no idea Xander was rich. But I continue to follow him as he pulls into a specific parking space then signals for me to park next to him, which seems like some sort of premium parking. So, I do. It’s right next to the elevator. My mind starts to tick over. I guess I don’t really know much about Xander. With the clothing he wears, I never pictured he’d live in a place like this. This seems—expensive. And Xander’s always a jeans and tank top kinda guy. He doesn’t scream gazillionaire to me.

  I’m so confused right now.

  I hop out of my car and walk over to him with a raised brow as Xander slides off his bike leaving his helmet on his seat. “You live here?”

  He grimaces. “Yeah, I know it’s not what you were expecting.”

  I let out a snort. “You can say that again.”

  Xander grabs my hand, then edges me toward the elevator. He pushes the button and looks at me with a hint of something in his eyes, hesitation, fear, I can’t quite pinpoint the emotions running through him right now. I go to say something, but the elevator opens, so we walk in. He pushes the unmarked button after using a proximity card. It dings, then the elevator starts moving. Jerking my head back, I glance at him as he wraps his arm around my waist like he’s terrified I might run away.

  What the fuck is going on?

  The elevator keeps going and going. The dizzying heights have me wondering what freaking level Xander lives on.

  The doors suddenly open to an entryway.

  My head spins to look at Xander, but he ushers me toward the small lobby.

  I know exactly what this is—the entrance to a fucking penthouse apartment.

  We arrive at two giant marble doors, and I dig my heels into the floor, grinding us to a halt. “What the fuck’s going on? This is a penthouse apartment.”

  He tilts his head. “It is.”

  I scoff. “I knew you worked in your family business, but you wear ripped jeans and tank tops. They don’t scream this kind of wealth, Xander.”

  He reaches past me, the skin of his hand touching my arm sends an electric bolt straight through me as he holds a card to a scanner on the keypad. It opens the doors, and he gestures for me to head inside. “Let’s go in, and we can talk about everything in a more comfortable environment.”

  Flaring my nostrils, I turn, sliding past him in through the doors to see a vast open-plan apartment with marble floors, floor-to-ceiling windows giving us a view of the stunning night sky. There’s a staircase to the left made of dark wood with a chandelier coming down the center. A long dining table fit for dinner parties sits in an alcove, and to the right of that is a living area with white sofas. I don’t even know where the kitchen is. Right now, I’m merely standing in awe of this apartment and its opulence.

  It doesn’t suit the man I know—the Xander standing behind me right now.

  I feel so out of place like I need to tiptoe around everything in case I make a mark on the damn floor or break something.

  It’s flashy as shit and not my scene in the slightest.

  Fucking hell, maybe I don’t know Xander at all.

  I glance at him. He seems to sense my apprehension as he grabs my hand, leading me toward the living area. It’s a little more comfortable in here but still majorly swanky, then he gestures for me to sit.

  I do, the sofa is soft, almost too soft. I’ve never felt anything so fucking comfortable in my life. This thing must have cost
the blood of a virgin or something to maintain this kind of luxury. He stands in front of me. I see his mind ticking over too, but he looks calm, the calmest I’ve seen him all night. Again, like a weight has lifted from his shoulders.

  “I know you have questions—”

  “Yeah, like what the fuck is going on here, Xander?”

  He takes in a deep breath and then expels. It’s like he’s going to say something, but then he pauses. “There’s so much to tell you.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “But, it can wait for now,” he murmurs as his eyes glaze over, hooding with lust. “I can’t tell you how good it is to finally be sharing another piece of me with you, Tomi.” He bends down, his eyes on mine as his hand slides in behind my head to grab hold of my hair. He tugs my head back, pulling my face up to meet him as I let out a gasp at the same time his lips meet mine to capture me. Sparks erupt inside my body. I love it when he’s rough with me.

  My hands slide up under his leather jacket, pulling it down over his shoulders. He lets it fall to the floor as my hands reach up under his tank top, lifting it over his head. It cascades to the floor as he slides in, pushing me back on the sofa, his body pressing down on top of mine as our tongues collide frantically. My legs wrap around his waist as he grinds into my pussy. My clit is throbbing so damn hard I can hardly contain myself.

  He kisses me so full of need, so full of lust, that I find it difficult to breathe. We rock together grinding against each other like horny teenagers. Desperation fills me. I need to feel him, I just want him so bad I don’t even care about all the other stuff around me right now as my hands move in between us, and I fumble for his belt. He shifts his weight to allow me to undo it, and I rip open his fly, then yank his jeans over his ass.

  We’re both panting for frantic breaths as he shifts his weight enough for me to grab my jeans and work them down and slide them off one leg. I feel the tip of his cock sitting on my stomach, and I can’t wait, I simply need him. So, I yank my panties to the side as I edge him closer to me. He seems to agree with the quick pace of this as I angle him to my opening.

  He wastes no time thrusting inside of me. We both moan out loud at the delightful friction it causes. It’s good to be able to be vocal and express our emotions because, at my place, we can’t do that. But here, we’re free to say whatever we want or moan as loud as we like.

  He thrusts deeper, hitting that spot just right, exactly like he knows how to.

  I throw my head back in utter content. “God, yes,” I moan as he thrusts into me.




  He fills me so perfectly.

  It’s like we’re made for each other, in every way possible. My body tingles all over as he kisses my neck, his teeth grazing my skin as he forcefully thrusts inside of me. The energy surging through the room is palpable. It’s flowing through us, igniting the room, and I’m burning with fire. There’s no denying what Xander and I have is more than just an attraction, our connection isn’t just physical. Sure, that’s part of it, but when we join like this, the bond is solid.

  We’re meant to be together.

  I can feel it right down to the very essence of me.

  He thrusts again, the cushions of the sofa dipping like soft sponges as we rock together. Xander means so much to me, and as such, my body reacts to him like he’s my lifeline. He drives again, so hard and fast, it sends a shockwave through my very core, making my back arch off the sofa. My fingers clench into his back as I dig into his skin. My breathing is rushed and harsh as I pant ferociously to catch my breath. My skin riddles in a fine mist of sweat as flashing lights dance behind my eyes. He thrusts again, and it’s all I need for him to send me over the edge.

  Fireworks explode like the Fourth of July, sending a wave of pleasure over me.

  “Xander, God, yes,” I blurt out as my pussy clamps around his cock.

  His muscles tense as he stills, his balls pulling up as his hot cum explodes inside of me. We pant as his body collapses on top of mine. He supports his weight, but only slightly as his head sits in the nook of my shoulder.

  “Jesus Tomi, you kill me.” He slowly shifts to lay on the inside of the sofa beside me, and I smile that we’re going to cuddle.

  “In a good way, I hope?” I murmur as he slides in, wrapping his arm over my stomach.

  “Oh yeah, in the best possible way.” He leans in gently kissing my shoulder as I slowly close my eyes relaxing and taking in this moment.

  One thing I quickly realize and know for sure, if we’re going to keep having bareback sex, I need to get my contraception in working order, and fast.


  I never thought for a moment my first time at Xander’s place would be like this. Crazy hot sofa sex in a penthouse apartment. I have so many questions, and I can’t help but feel like even though I just had a crazy intense moment with Xander, another one of a different variety might be on its way. I need to know what’s going on. I need to know more, and I want to know it now. This not knowing anything about his life makes me batshit crazy.

  Sitting up on the sofa, he follows me and looks into my eyes seeming to know where this is heading before I even start.

  Licking my lips, tasting him on me, it’s like a rush all over again.

  But I need to focus.

  I need answers.

  Looking him in his eyes, I stand firm. “Xander… who are you?”

  He exhales, standing, then pulls up his pants as he heads toward an opening for another room. “I think we need some drinks for this discussion. I’ll be right back. You relax, don’t go anywhere.”

  I stifle a laugh. “I’m half-naked, where am I gonna go?”

  He winks at me, then walks out as I take in a deep breath, then turn, finally taking in the sights of his living room. There’s a giant television on the wall, and when I say giant, I mean massive. There are shelves with books, ornaments, and the like. Then there’s a wall with a few plaques strategically placed on it. I can’t help but wonder what that’s about, so I stand, pulling up my jeans and walk barefoot over the plushest carpet I’ve ever had the pleasure of walking barefoot on in my life, to the plaques on the wall.

  They look like awards for business excellence.

  Pride swarms through me for Xander, for the man I’m seriously falling for, while I read them. He’s gotten so far in his job, working for his family. Obviously it pays well if this place is anything to go by. I can’t wait to find out what it is he actually does.

  I read a little more then I see something which makes me do a double-take.

  Cold sweat riddles my skin as a ringing starts in my ears.

  I feel like I want to be sick, my stomach starts turning so violently I hunch a little.

  My skin prickles in goosebumps but not the good kind.

  My body shudders as bile creeps up my throat when I see the name inscribed on the certificates.

  I can’t believe it.

  I can’t fathom it.

  This can’t be happening…

  Alexander Scott

  I stumble on the spot, grabbing hold of the nearest shelf which pushes a candle to the floor, then it rolls a couple of times.




  It’s the same fucking person.

  I let out a garbled moan as I stumble backward hitting my legs on the coffee table. I almost land on it as I place my hands on the top to see a folder sitting on the dark wood. My heart hammers so fast in my chest. My head’s a swirling mess of emotion as a whooshing sound rings in my ears. I grab the file, hoping for it to shed some light. I’m grasping at straws, and I know it, but when I frantically fling it open, I notice a business card on the inside…

  Scott Enterprises

  Alex Scott

  … is embossed on it in the most beautiful foil gold on white. My stomach lurches as tears spring to my eyes just as Xander walks into the ro
om pausing to look at me.

  I glare at him.





  I’ve been played this entire goddamn time.

  How the hell could I have been so blind?

  He’s holding two champagne glasses. I scowl at him trying my fucking hardest not to cry right now.

  I absolutely refuse to give him my tears.

  Right now, I don’t want to be a hurt or weak Tomi. I want to be kickass-hold-no-barred-shove-it-right-up-his-ass, Tomi.

  He studies me standing with the folder in my hand glaring at him. He cautiously steps into the room further, but my rage gets the better of me, so I hurl the folder at him full force. It slams into his torso, making the drinks spill all over his bare chest and down his jeans making it appear as if he’s pissed himself while the papers flurry to the floor.

  I fold my arms over my chest as he places the now empty glasses on the coffee table looking slightly frazzled. “What did you see?” His voice is low and husky but holds command.

  I allow my anger to take hold. It washes over me like a hornet ready to strike. “What’s your fucking name?”

  His entire body sags as he closes his eyes for a moment. It’s all the confirmation I need as I throw my hands in the air letting out a frustrated scoff.

  “How could I have been so stupid? Xander? Alex? I mean if I were smart, I would’ve picked up that they’re from the same goddamn name, right?” He opens his eyes looking right at me, and tries to step closer, but I take a step back. “Don’t. Don’t you dare come near me! What the hell was this? Some twisted game you’ve been playing?”

  “I fucking didn’t want you to find out this way. Find out who I was by some goddamn accident. I brought you here tonight to tell you myself. This isn’t some game to me, Tomi. I’m not playing when it comes to you. I care about you too much—”


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