Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 18

by K E Osborn

  What if they don’t approve of me?

  What if when we tell them I’m pregnant, they disown him?

  There’re so many possibilities running through my mind it’s driving me crazy as we make the journey to his parents’ mansion.

  His hand is resting perfectly calm on my thigh as I cling to him for dear life. The smell of the daffodils in the back seat for his mother permeates the small space of the car as they sit next to a bottle of Macallan twelve-year-old scotch whisky for his father. A stark contrast right there.

  To think last night and this morning we were in a blissful bubble moving his things in and now we’re here, tense and nervous about this meeting.

  Tonight could make things difficult. I simply want his parents to approve of us. That’s all.

  I want them to accept their grandchild and me. It’s all I could ever ask for.

  “You’re too quiet over there. What’s going through your mind?” Xander asks, breaking through my thought cycle.

  I glance at him with a heavy exhale. “I just need this to work.”

  He quickly looks at me, then back to the road. “Tonight or us?” His voice is laced with concern.

  I tighten my grip on his hand. “No, sorry, tonight. I know we’re okay.”

  His body visibly relaxes as he continues the drive. “Even if for some crazy reason they don’t approve, I’m leaving with you, Tomi. You…” he peeks down at my stomach, “… peanut, Levi… you’re all that matter to me.”

  My chest squeezes as I chew on my bottom lip. “Okay, I trust you.”

  He smiles. “Good, ‘cause we’re here,” he says, turning down a stretch of road into Pacific Heights. My stomach swarms with butterflies as I sit taller in my seat. I have no idea how tonight’s going to go, all I know is I’m going to be on my best behavior to make a good first impression.

  He pulls up on the side of the road, and as I look up, there’s a giant mansion with fretwork on the paneling with an ‘S’ entwined through it, I’m guessing for Scott. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I had tried to wipe from my mind that his father was the man totally responsible for taking Hope & Faith Ink from me. I’d tried to forget that Xander is Alex in this equation, but right now it’s all flooding back into my mind, making me feel nauseous.

  I unhook my hand from Xander’s folding mine together on my lap. He glances at me as he turns off the ignition. My heart leaps into my chest as I take in the size of the home. It’s the biggest on the street. A two-story Victorian-style mansion with stairs leading up to the entryway. I’m not surprised that his parents live on what’s commonly known as Billionaire’s Row.

  “You ready for this?” he asks turning to face me.

  I shake my head but answer, “Yes.”

  He chuckles. “C’mon, the faster we get inside, the quicker we can get back home.”

  I snort out a laugh. “You wanna eat and run?”

  He shrugs. “If we need to.”

  “I’d like to make an effort and at least stay as long as we can.”

  He groans. “Fine. But only as long as we absolutely have to.”


  He inhales, then blows it out abruptly, leaning over to kiss my cheek which sends a tingle down my spine as he hops out of the car. I open my door and slide out as he reaches in grabbing for the flowers and whiskey bottle from the back seat as I head over to his side so we can walk together.

  I take the flowers from him as he holds the alcohol for his father, and we join our hands stepping toward the lavish home. We take the steps, and the front door opens before we even reach the top stair.

  I tense as I look up expecting his mother, but a maid answers the door with a cheery smile.

  Holy shit, they are rich.

  “Good evening, Alexander, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” she says curtly.

  Hearing that name, though, it sends a shudder through me, and I can’t help but wince as Xander tightens his hand in mine seeming to sense my agitation.

  “Good evening, Laura. This is my partner, Tomi. She’s going to be around a lot more from now on. And from now on if you could address me as Xander instead of Alexander, I’d appreciate that.”

  Laura’s eyes widen like she’s unsure of what the protocol is, but she weakly smiles and nods. “Of course, sir.” She looks at me. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Tomi. Won’t you both come on in, Mr. Scott is in the sitting room.”

  Xander’s hand leaves mine as it moves to my lower back ushering me in. My muscles are tense as hell as I walk inside this opulent home. It’s so lavish and formal. There’s no understated anything here. The entryway opens to the main foyer where marble floors with an extravagant staircase lead to the second story made of timber and wrought iron. It’s like a stairway from a feature film, it’s that dramatic.

  At the bottom, there’s wooden cabinetry giving it a warm texture to the open room. It all feels very Victorian with a giant ornate chandelier hanging in the center which sends shards of sparkling light dancing across the tiled floor.

  Off to the right is the dining room—the table a long wooden piece with high-backed dark timber chairs. The back wall of the dining room is covered in blue slabs of slate as another ornate chandelier hangs above the table, which is decorated in a vast array of greenery, giving the room a foresty smell.

  There’s no doubt the Scott’s have taste. Would I have styled my mansion if I had one, like this? Hell no. But it’s done well. I feel like there’re so many little details in this home I’m going to miss them all, but I can’t spend the whole time I’m here looking at the décor.

  Laura walks us around the back of the staircase through to another room. The stale smell of cigar smoke smacks me in the face instantly as Xander and I walk into the sitting room. This is just as beautiful as the foyer. The walls have mounted candelabras between each floor-to-ceiling glass paneling door that leads to an outdoor area. Gold curtains line the doors, making this room feel almost royal in a way. The dark brown of the leather chesterfields that face each other either side of the dark coffee table in the middle make me realize how big this room is with a coffee table that huge. A grand bookcase lines the wall filled with books and relics, having a warm brown, cream, and red feel to it. This is definitely his father’s sitting room.

  Laura gestures for us to take a seat. I glance at Xander as we move in and sit on the uncomfortable leather chesterfield. He places the whisky on the coffee table as Laura dips her head, walking out.

  I turn to Xander letting out a heavy exhale. “This place, Xander. Holy shit!”

  “You think a lady would refrain from using that kind of language in here, wouldn’t you?” a deep tenor radiates from my right as my head snaps over my shoulder to see a tall, sturdy man walking in. His gray hair is swept neatly on his head, his broad shoulders holding his suit well. He’s ruggedly handsome for an older man. I see where Xander gets his good looks. Swallowing hard, I place the flowers on the sofa beside me and stand. Xander follows my lead as I step toward his father.

  “Well, Mr. Scott, I guess I’m not a lady as such. I swear, and I won’t pretend to be something I’m not.” His face scrunches like I’ve offended him. “But what I will do is keep it to a minimum in your home out of respect for you, sir.” I place out my hand for him to shake. He looks from me to Xander, and he curls up his lip effectively ignoring me.

  “What the hell are you wearing, son? You think jeans and leather are appropriate attire for dinner? Since when? You believe your mother will be happy to see you wearing such mundane clothing?”

  I raise my brow, glancing down at my flannel top, jeans, and red heels.

  He must think I look god-awful.

  “Dad, give it a rest. This is how I dress when I’m not at work. Just because you don’t approve—”

  “No, Alex, I do not approve!” he says, looking right at me.

  I tense, a shudder running through me at the mention of that name and his words.

  “Darling,” a
soft voice breaks through the tension as a blonde woman who looks stunning for her age, struts into the room, arms wide like she’s excited we’re here.

  I’m glad someone is.

  She makes her way straight for Xander as she looks him up and down, pulling him in for an embrace. “Sweetheart, it’s good to see you.” She kisses both cheeks, making me smile as she pushes him back to look him over again. “This is a new look for you, Alex.”

  I internally cringe again. I’m going to have to get used to them calling him that, I suppose. He grabs hold of my hand. “It’s really not, I simply have never dressed like this in front of you. I do when I’m not around you or the office. This is the real me, Mom.”

  She smiles, it’s genuine as she grabs the hem of his leather jacket straightening it. She winks at him. “I always was a sucker for a leather jacket.”

  His father scoffs, turning around and making his way to the small bar area as his mother turns to face me. “And who's this gorgeous young thing?”

  Xander grabs my hand. “Mom, this is Tomi, my girlfriend.”

  I reach down, grabbing the flowers and hand them to her. She takes them, smiling. “Oh, honey, they’re my favorites… thank you and welcome to the family.”

  His father grunts under his breath, then he throws back a tumbler of something amber as I tense a little. His mother seems like a breeze. His father, however, he’s going to be a tough nut to crack.

  “I’m so happy to meet both of you. Though Xander didn’t tell me how beautiful your home is.”

  His mother raises her brow as his father lets out a cocky laugh turning to face us. “Xander? That’s what you call him? Is that so you don’t have to face the fact of who he really is to you, sweetheart?”



  Xander and his mother both scold at the same time.

  He scoffs. “What? It’s true, isn’t it? You cringe every time one of us calls him Alex. The thing is, Tomi, a girl like you won’t be able to let go of the past when it’s right on her doorstep. Xander is not his name. Alexander is. And if you can’t accept that, accept who he is, then this relationship is doomed.” His father turns, storming out of the sitting room leaving me tenser than when I arrived.

  His mother walks over to me, wrapping her arm around me for comfort. “The thing about Aldwin, dear, he’s threatened by you. He doesn’t like it when women have power. You, right now, hold all the cards over Alex… sorry, Xander.” She looks up at him with a kind smile. “Just remember he thinks you’re taking Xander away from him. He’s our only son… our only child. Aldwin may not show love in the typical way, he’s merely a scared little man afraid of losing his son to a powerful woman.”

  Xander moves in, kissing his mother on the cheek. “Thanks, Mom.”

  She smiles. “Why do you think he wants you with someone weak like Sasha?”

  My eyes open wide. “Who’s Sasha?”

  Xander laughs while shaking his head. “My receptionist. Long story for another time.”

  Mom rolls her shoulders. “I believe dinner’s ready. Shall we go?”

  “Please, I’m starved. And thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Scott, I do appreciate it,” I reply.

  “Oh, shush now, and please, call me Ophelia. None of this Mrs. Scott nonsense.” She links her arm with mine as we head out of the sitting room and back into the foyer toward the dining room. Aldwin is already sitting at the head of the table, his face sour as he drinks what I’m assuming to be whisky. I can’t help but wonder where the hell to sit. There’s only four of us, and the table seats about four hundred. Okay, so that’s an exaggeration, but there’s going to be a hell of a lot of space between us unless we’re all down one end.

  With Aldwin perched at the head, I’m guessing we all have to sit near him. As we stride up to the table, he doesn’t even look at us in recognition as we approach. The tension in the air pops and crackles while everyone remains silent.

  Xander moves to the chair to Aldwin’s left and pulls it out for me, so I casually sit, slightly anxious that I’m right next to him, thinking Xander will sit beside me, but he walks off. My eyes widen as he rounds the table and pulls out the seat opposite me on Aldwin’s right. Xander might be directly opposite me, but it feels like we’re an ocean apart. I feel like I’m left swimming these waters all on my own right next to a great big fucking white shark with his teeth primed and ready to attack.

  Ophelia doesn’t help the situation as she strides to the other end of the table sitting at the opposite head like this is how they normally have their family dinners. I’m so confused as to why his parents sit so far away from each other. As far away as possible with all the chairs in between. Sure, they might be the heads of this family, but shouldn’t she be by his side, not me?

  That’s just how I see it, anyway.

  Xander is the first to speak. “Dad, we have a lot to discuss tonight. So do you think you can try to focus and be civil?”

  “Fine, let’s just eat. Rena, dinner please,” he yells as three more maids appear out of thin air and scurry around, light on their feet, two carrying food plates and one moving around the table at lightning pace pouring glasses of red vino.

  I glance at Xander as he watches them filling my wine glass. He knows as well as I do I won’t be drinking that tonight. My dinner plate is placed in front of me, and I have absolutely no idea what it is. It looks so fucking fancy I can’t even tell what kind of meat it is, or even if it is meat. All I know is there are some of the tiniest carrots to the side. At least I can pick out one vegetable on this plate.

  “This looks delicious,” I lie.

  Xander smirks at me knowingly as his father picks up his wine glass. “A toast,” he offers.

  I tense as I pick up my glass along with everyone else.

  “To family, true family, and knowing when to stick to a good thing,” he digs.

  The thing is, I know Xander and I are a good thing. Aldwin means it in an entirely different way, but I’ll cheer to that and take it how I will. I think Xander’s thinking the same as me as we raise our glasses and smile.

  “Cheers,” I announce as Xander watches me lift the glass to my mouth, but I don’t take an actual sip.

  I place the glass on the table as his mother clears her throat and picks up her fork and knife and begins to dig in. I do the same as I try to figure out what I’m about to eat.

  “How long have you been working in the tattoo industry, Tomi?” Ophelia asks, making small talk.

  “Since I left school. I went straight into an apprenticeship, and then my parents helped me set up my own shop.” My chest squeezes at the thought.

  “Oh, that’s lovely. You have quite the artwork yourself,” Ophelia adds, and I glance down at my left arm which was mainly done by Hogtie. The bright colors in stark contrast to Xander’s black and gray. Levi loves the colors, so every image is something he adores.

  Aldwin looks up at Xander, a hard glint in his eyes. “She has a full sleeve of tattoos, Alex. How’s she supposed to dress in gowns when we have galas? Did you think of that?”

  My brows scrunch at the fact he’s talking about me like I’m not even here.

  What a jerk.

  Xander unzips his leather jacket, showing his tank top which reveals his chest tattoos as he pulls it wider. “She’s not the only one with tattoos, Dad. It’s just you don’t know me well enough to know I have them.”

  His father slams his drink hard onto the table, making me jump a little while he glares at Xander. “Did she do this to you?”

  I scoff as Xander goes to rebut, but I interfere. “I didn’t do anything to him, sir.” I accentuate the last word for emphasis. “Xander came to me wanting to start his tattoos two years ago. So I did my job. A job you took away from me!”

  He lets out a loud laugh snapping his head to face me. “I was doing my job, sweetheart. Your precious little tattoo studio was merely a speck of dust in the scheme of things.”

  My stomach sw
irls in anger. “A speck of dust? You have no fucking right and no goddamned idea what that place meant to my family and me. You threw my life, my brothers—”

  “Oh, that’s right, your idiot brother.”

  I stand from the table, my seat falling backward onto the tiles so hard it sends a loud crash through the room. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me! Your brother’s an idiot, isn’t he?”

  I’m hot, so fucking hot I feel like I’m on fire, my hands ball into fists as I start to breathe heavily.

  Xander stands from the table, his hands coming out as if to placate us both, but I’m far too angry to stop right now.

  “How dare you! You do not know what you’re talking about. Obviously, you don’t have a sensitive bone in your body. It’s no wonder you came in and ruined my career by taking the one place away from us that meant everything.” I let out a small laugh. “You don’t care about things you don’t understand, and I don’t have to sit here and listen to this bullshit from an asshole like you.”

  “Tomi,” Xander calls out as I glare at him.

  He hasn’t stepped in once while his father’s belittling Levi and me.

  “You’re a feisty little thing, aren’t you, sweetheart? Well, I can tell you now, Alex, this recovering alcoholic is not welcome in our family. She stays, then you need to think long and hard about what you want in your career at Scott Enterprises, boy, and whether you can be a part of this family. Because. She. Can’t.”

  I curl up my lip at his wrong assumption of me and his threats toward Xander. This man is a real piece of fucking work, and I’ve had about enough of his shit. If he’s going to sit there and tell Xander he can’t be a part of his own family because of me, then he has a screw loose.

  No one should kick people out of their own family.

  Doesn’t he realize that family means everything?

  In a blink of an eye, they can be gone.

  He’s a damn fool.

  Xander throws his napkin on the table, almost knocking over his wine glass. “She’s not a recovering alcoholic, Dad… she’s pregnant.”

  Aldwin’s eyes widen as I hear Ophelia gasp, but I can’t concentrate on her right now, I’m too busy death staring Aldwin to make a point.


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