Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 20

by K E Osborn

  My heart pounds in my chest as I hold onto him harder, loving it when he makes this speech. He has such a hard time communicating normally, but this one he’s learned well. He’s so good at telling people who he is because he’s had to do it for years. Being different for him has been his normal for sixteen years, so having to tell people why, shouldn’t be a thing, but it is. It sucks, and I hate it every time it happens, but it is what it is, and he handles it so damn well, so I let him go about it in the way that makes him comfortable.

  Ophelia smiles. “Who are you, Levi?”

  He looks up at Xander. “I am sixteen. I love finance. Video games. Lions. Red cars. And… I’m Xander’s friend.”

  My heart warms with pride as Xander pulls Levi to him. He doesn’t shy away too much, but Levi does smile up at Xander. “And Levi is my friend. He’s so damn good at finance, Dad. He hasn’t even finished high school, and he understands the stock market almost better than I do.”

  “That’s true,” Levi blurts out, making us all laugh.

  Even Aldwin, which surprises me. “Well, then it seems you have a bright, remarkable brother, Tomi,” Aldwin boasts, his voice conveying conviction which I wasn’t expecting.

  “I’m glad you see it that way.”

  “May we come in, dear? We have some things we need to discuss, and I feel like standing at the door may start to grow strange for the neighbors,” Ophelia asks gently.

  I smile at her. She’s so lovely, how can I refuse? I swipe my hand through the air as I gesture for them to enter the mess of a house. If this is their version of a truce, then they’re going to have to fully commit and just accept us for us.

  They walk inside, and Aldwin looks at the boxes lining the walkway, but he continues to walk without saying anything while Levi and Xander show him the way.

  I stay back with Ophelia as I close the door. “I’m so glad you came, Xander’s been off. I know he wants to fix this rift between you guys. I’m so sorry about what happened.”

  She places her hand on my arm. “Not at all. I’m sorry about last night, my husband is a jerk to everyone, but even more so to those he’s threatened by. You, darling, were taking his son away from him… in his eyes. With some heavy talk from our gorgeous Xander and then an earful from me this morning, I think Aldwin has realized that without him giving a little, we’re not going to be a part of your lives, and that’s so important, Tomi. We have to be a part of this.” Her hand comes out gently pressing on my stomach.

  I place my hand on top of hers as I smile at her. “That’s all I want, too, for all of us to get along. I need Xander and his father to be okay. I need Aldwin to see Levi for the marvel he is, not for the harsh words he used last night.”

  Ophelia smiles. “Levi’s a delightful boy, Tomi. You’ve raised him to be a bright, luminous spirit. He’s going to do great things with his life… I can see it.”

  Hearing her say such things fills me with pride, knowing she can see Levi for who he really is, lets me know this can work. I simply have to hope that Aldwin can see things this way too. “Thank you, I know we’re going to get along well. I just hope that his father can soften his harsh stance toward Levi and me.”

  Ophelia purses her lips. “I hope so too, darling, I really do.” She loops her arm with mine as we walk through to the family room. It’s a hot mess with mugs littering the coffee table, the curtains closed for Levi’s comfort, and potato chip packets on the floor. I shove them out of the way with my foot making way for Ophelia to enter so she can sit on the sofa next to Aldwin.

  “I’m sorry about the state of the house. We’re still in the process of moving all of Xander’s belongings into the right places, so it’s kind of a sty at the moment.”

  “Kind of?” Aldwin murmurs under his breath, making me tense as Levi messes about with his fidget spinner that Xander gave him. He doesn’t like people in his space, and having so many people in here is making him uncomfortable. But he’s using his tools of coping well right now, and I know if it does get too much for him, he’ll head off to his room for some quiet time. He’s good like that.

  “I appreciate you guys making the trip over here, but if you’re going to mock us at every turn, Dad, you know where the door is,” Xander states firmly.

  He dips his head. “Noted!” He looks at Ophelia and then back at Xander and exhales. “The thing is, Alex, while I understand your take on wanting to resign tomorrow, I can’t in all good faith let you do that.”

  Xander sits taller, his eyes narrowing. “And why is that?”

  Aldwin rubs the back of his neck like he’s uncomfortable. “Because… you’re my son, and as much as I might not fully approve of your choices, you have my grandchild on the way. My first grandchild, and I’ll not have it live in squalor.”

  My brows furrow as I open my mouth to say something, but Xander cuts in. “Just because this house isn’t a mansion or a damn penthouse, it doesn’t mean it’s squalor.”

  Aldwin folds his hands together on his lap. “You misunderstand. I won’t have you penniless or without a steady income, Alex. This baby needs all the support it can get. I can see it has all the love it will ever need, but I want my grandchild to have the best schools, the best of everything, and for that, he or she will require money. You’ll need to be working, by my side, until I retire and you can take over as we planned.” He dips his head. “Then the firm is yours to do with as you see fit. I won’t step in and help once I’ve retired… you will run it as you wish. It will be yours to either flourish or run into the ground.”

  My eyes shift to Xander to watch his reaction. He’s stoic, giving nothing away. I have no idea which way he’s going to go on this. He stands, walking over to his father. He looks him dead in the eyes, and I think for a moment he’s going to refuse him, but he places his hand out in front of him for his father to shake.

  A slow smile crosses my face as I relax. They shake hands, and Ophelia can’t stop grinning.

  “I’m glad you’re both more civilized about this today,” Ophelia adds.

  Aldwin lowers his head with a heavy exhale. “The truth of it is, after you both left yesterday… the way you left… it hit me.”

  I swallow hard as Xander’s brows furrow in question. “What did?”

  Aldwin finally glances up at Xander, staring into his eyes, really making an effort to show his intentions. “Alex, the way you stormed out, telling me what you did… it hit me harder than you know. I’ve put up this wall. I have to, for the company, you’ll know what I mean when you take my place. But for the first time in a long time, last night I stopped being your boss, and I was your father again. When I thought…” he pauses, his eyes almost glistening with his honesty, “… when I thought I was going to lose you from my life for good, I knew I had to swallow my pride and come here today…” he closes and opens his eyes again, “… I can’t lose you, Alex.” He inhales sharply lifting his chin as if to gather himself. “I know I’m not the easiest man to get along with. I know I push you… constantly, but Alex, you’re our only son, our only child… I simply want the best for you, in both business and life… you have to know that?”

  Xander slumps his shoulders seeming to relax a little more toward his father. Even I understand Aldwin a little more now. Xander steps forward. “I thought for years you didn’t actually care about me. That work was far more important than my feelings or even you being there as my father. I get it. I do. I know you were only looking out for me. I know you want what’s best for me and the business, but you don’t have to push Tomi away for me to succeed. I’m better with her in my life… you have to know that.”

  Aldwin glances at me as Xander reaches back taking my hand in his. Aldwin dips his head at me. “Yes, now I see.”

  My chest squeezes, hearing his father acknowledge me like that. Maybe he isn’t such a hardass. Aldwin exhales. “I can see now after coming here and meeting Levi. After seeing how the three of you fit together as a unit, Alex, you’re truly happy.” He looks at me. “
I… apologize. I seldom say that word, Tomi, but if you’re going to be in our family, I don’t want bad blood between us.”

  That must have been so hard for him to do, so I take it. “Thank you. I’m sorry for everything I said last night. I need us to be able to work together as a family unit as well. I don’t have parents, so I’d like to be able to look to you guys if I need to.”

  Ophelia’s eyes water as she reaches out, taking my hand in hers. “Of course, dear, you can lean on us any time you need us, right, Aldwin?”

  He dips his head. “Yes, I suppose…” He catches himself and then continues, “Could you… just for functions… please wear dresses with sleeves to cover your tattoos. We need you to look sophisticated for the firm.”

  I smirk with a nod. He’s back to being a hard-ass, just like that. I guess I’ll take what I can get from him. He’s going to be a work-in-progress I feel, but at least we’ve taken baby steps in the right direction today.

  “Do you want to stay for dinner? Take two?” I ask.

  Ophelia’s eyes widen. “You’re cooking?”

  I snort out a laugh. “More like ordering takeout. Pizza?”

  Aldwin shifts like he’s unsure, but a slow smile creeps on his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile. “I haven’t had pizza in so long, I can’t actually remember the last time.”

  Xander slumps his body like he’s reminiscing. “When I graduated high school, we went for pizza with Henry.”

  His father smiles like he’s fond of the memory. “Yes, I remember… see, another reason you can’t leave the firm. If you leave, what would Henry do? He’s been your driver since you were a boy, you can’t let him down.”

  My stomach squeezes hearing about Xander’s childhood, knowing he had someone with him while he was growing up like Henry. Another thing on my checklist, I really need to meet him.

  “I’m hungry,” Levi announces out of the blue, making me laugh.

  “Okay, buddy, let’s get you a snack before dinner,” Xander announces, standing up and walking into the kitchen with Levi leaving me with his parents.

  Aldwin’s eyes meet mine, and I see a shift in him from last night. He sees me, truly sees me for who I am and what I want from Xander, not the hussy he thought I was. It’s a refreshing change.

  “I hope you will come over more often,” I suggest.

  Ophelia beams so wide it’s like rays of sunshine shoot out from her very existence. “We’d love that.”

  “Just maybe tidy up a little before we come next time,” Aldwin jabs under his breath.

  “Sure,” I reply, keeping the peace. There’s no need to get all in his face about the house. I know it’s never this messy, so his request won’t be a problem. Greta keeps this place spotless most of the time. “Shall I show you around the house, and where we’re going to put the baby’s room?” I ask.

  Ophelia jumps up as Aldwin smiles again, seeming slightly excited about this. I think the one thing we have on common ground is family.

  That’s what we are now, whether Aldwin likes to admit it or not. We are all bonded because of one man, Xander. Because of him, I’m making a life for myself I never saw coming, a life with a wealthy billionaire who’s not just all about the money.

  He has a heart and a little streak of bad boy in him.

  He’s my bad boy billionaire, and I love every piece of him.


  A Month Later

  Being at work with my new schedule is taking some getting used to, but with the help of Henry, it’s becoming easier. He’s keeping me on track, and I’d be lost without him. But the thing is with the plan I’m putting into place, I think I’m going to lose him. But it will be to a good cause. Henry pulls the car up at home, and I take a deep breath as we both slide out of the car.

  He moves around to help me gather all the paperwork and items I need to plead my case to Tomi as we walk to the front door. Normally, Henry simply drops me off and leaves for the night, but tonight, tonight I want him to come inside and meet everyone. He knows why, and is prepared for whatever outcomes may arise from the conversation that’s about to take place.

  I get to the door, open it, and walk inside to the sounds of P!nk playing in the background.

  “This is quite different to the penthouse, sir.”

  I smile. “It’s so much better, Henry.”

  His face lights up. “That it is, sir.”

  Henry gets it, he’s a family man. Expensive taste and precious rare knickknacks don’t mean shit if you have no one to share them with. This house means everything to Tomi and Levi. It holds all the memories of their family, and so it seems only fitting we start our new memories here too.

  We walk through to the kitchen where the music is coming from to see Tomi and Levi dancing around in their usual way. Tomi has her baking apron on and is covered in flour as Levi dances with a cookie hanging out of his mouth. I love seeing them like this. This is their bonding time, and so I stand back watching my family in awe as Tomi’s eyes meet mine, and she bursts out laughing, dusting her apron down. “How long have you been standing there?” she asks.

  “Long enough,” I tease, walking in, grabbing her and planting a kiss on her lips. She tastes like cinnamon and powdered sugar. It’s delicious.

  Levi turns off the music, making me spin around to see him staring at Henry, and I straighten my shoulders knowing Levi doesn’t like strangers in his home, so I get to work quickly. “Levi, this is Henry, my driver and longtime friend.”

  Levi’s ears pick up. “He’s a friend?”

  I nod. “Yes. A very good one. He’ll be yours, too, if you’d like?”

  Henry steps forward, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to Levi. Levi takes it hesitantly and then looks at it. It’s a miniature statue of a lion. Levi beams in excitement. “Friend, yes. Henry, come see my lion collection,” Levi gushes, grabbing Henry’s arm and starts dragging him away.

  Tomi’s eyes widen as she goes to stop Levi, but I pull her back to me, shaking my head. “Baby, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  Her eyes narrow as I hear Levi and Henry leave the room completely, and I lock Tomi in my arms, so I know she can’t get away. She tenses. “This seems serious.”

  I exhale. “I just want you to hear me out before you jump to conclusions.”

  Her eyes narrow on me like she’s waiting for terrible news. “Just tell me.”

  “Levi told me the kids at school are still bullying him occasionally.” She winces as she nods. “The thing is, Tomi, he’s smart, so fucking smart, and I want him to flourish, not spend time at a school defending himself or having a sensory overload because he can’t cope.”

  She wriggles a little like she’s unsure of where this is going. “Okay…”

  I grab the papers and hand one to her. Her eyes scan over the brochure as she scratches her head. “Xander, I’ve heard of this place. Levi would never get in here. It has a waiting list as long as my arm. Never mind the expense associated with it.”

  I smile. “Don’t worry about the waiting list, I’ll have that sorted. They have a special needs section… for kids with issues. They have expert behaviorists and teachers to manage not only their disorders but their special abilities one on one.”

  “You make it sound like the school for X-men.”

  I scoff. “I’m being serious, Tomi. He’ll be among children like him, and the skills he’s gifted in will be accelerated. I know this is a huge step and not something you’d ever have been able to give him, but together, we can. He won’t be bullied, and he’ll get the best care. He’ll get the best education. He’ll have the best finance training he can get. He can make something of his life, Tomi.”

  Her eyes water as she looks over the pamphlet. “But how would he get there, it’s over an hour’s drive there and back each day. If I go back to work at the new Hope & Faith Ink once it’s built and you’re working at Scott Enterprises, how can this work? We can’t ask Greta to drive all
that distance each day, it’s too much once bubs comes along.”

  I glance to the hall toward Levi’s room where I know Henry is located. “That’s why I brought Henry to meet Levi. To make sure they get along.”

  Her eyes widen. “You’ll give up your driver for Levi?”

  I nod. “I’d give up anything for Levi’s happiness. I’ll drive myself around. It’s about time I manned up. Levi needs a guide like Henry. He helped me, now he can help and guide Levi.”

  “And Greta?” she asks.

  “Greta will have her hands full here at home,” I suggest placing my hands on her stomach.

  Her face lights up, beaming so wide with the brightest smile as she leans up on her toes kissing me strongly, the paper crinkling as she wraps her arms around my neck. Her tongue molds with mine, and I know that doing this, organizing it all behind her back, was worth the agonizing wait to find out if I did the right thing. Because in my heart, I knew it was. For Levi, and for Tomi. All we want is for Levi to have the best of everything, and he can have that now, and he will.


  We kiss passionately in the kitchen until a clearing throat alerts us that someone is with us. I slowly pull back to see Henry and Levi standing there, smiling at us.

  “Don’t worry, Henry. I’m used to them doing that,” Levi utters.

  Henry smirks as I grab Levi, pulling him into the family hug, he resists a little, but I hug him anyway making Tomi laugh.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Tomi, I’ve heard so much about you,” Henry gushes.

  Tomi breaks apart from me, making her way over to Henry, placing out her hand to shake his. “It’s so nice to meet you properly, Henry. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you’re going to do.”

  He dips his head. “It always has been and always will be my pleasure, ma’am. Levi is very gifted, and I’m sure we’ll have many great and interesting car rides together.”


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