Always Love You (MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary series Book 5)

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Always Love You (MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary series Book 5) Page 1

by Shirleen Davies

  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two

  Sunrise Ridge, Book Three, Releasing 2015

  MacLarens of Boundary Mountain

  Colin’s Quest, Book One

  Releasing 2015

  Contemporary Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Second Summer, Book One

  Hard Landing, Book Two

  One More Day, Book Three

  All Your Nights, Book Four

  Always Love You, Book Five

  Hearts Don’t Lie, Book Six, Releasing 2015

  Kerrigans of Peregrine Bay

  Reclaiming Love, Book One, Releasing 2015

  Sign up to learn about my New Releases:

  Always Love You

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Contemporary Romance Series


  Book Five in the MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Contemporary Romance Series

  Copyright © 2015 by Shirleen Davies

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  For permission requests, contact the publisher.

  Avalanche Ranch Press, LLC

  PO Box 12618

  Prescott, AZ 86304

  Always Love You is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is wholly coincidental.

  Book design and conversions by Joseph Murray at

  Cover design by Elle Designs

  ISBN: 978-1-941786-13-0

  I care about quality, so if you find something in error, please contact me via email at [email protected].


  Always Love You – Book Five

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary Romance Series

  “Romance, adventure, motorcycles, cowboys, suspense—everything you want in a contemporary western romance novel.”

  Eric Sinclair loves his bachelor status. His work at MacLaren Enterprises leaves him with plenty of time to ride his horse as well as his Harley…and date beautiful women without a thought to commitment.

  Amber Anderson is the new person at MacLaren Enterprises. Her passion for marketing landed her what she believes to be the perfect job—until she steps into her first meeting to find the man she left, but still loves, sitting at the management table—his disdain for her clear.

  Eric won’t allow the past to taint his professional behavior, nor will he repeat his mistakes with Amber, even though love for her pulses through him as strong as ever.

  As they strive to mold a working relationship, unexpected danger confronts those close to them, pitting the MacLarens and Sinclairs against an evil who stalks one member but threatens them all.

  Eric can’t get the memories of their passionate past out of his mind, while Amber wrestles with feelings she thought long buried. Will they be able to put the past behind them to reclaim the love lost years before?

  Read, Always Love You, book five in the MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary Romance series.


  This book is dedicated to all of my fellow authors who continue to offer their invaluable experience and encourage me with their amazing support. Thanks so much!


  Thanks also to my editor, Deborah Gunn, proofreader, Alicia Carmical, and all of my beta readers. Their insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  As always, many thanks to my wonderful resources, including Diane Lebow, who has been a whiz at guiding my social media endeavors, my cover designer, Kim Killion, and Joseph Murray who is a whiz at formatting my books for both print and electronic versions.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  About the Author

  Other Books by Shirleen Davies

  Always Love You


  Los Angeles, California

  “He’s got you by the balls, my friend. Either do what is asked or your little girl will pay the consequences.” The raspy, threatening voice burned through Robbie Morgan’s mind. He wanted nothing more than to pull the phone from the wall and smash it on the hard, tile floor.

  “Harming my daughter will do nothing to make me fall in line. Besides, what man would hurt his own granddaughter?” Robbie asked, scrubbing a hand over his two-day-old stubble.

  “Sonny doesn’t fit the description of a normal grandfather. He wants his son to follow him as the leader one day. All he’s asking is that you send her away, let others raise her until a time when you can bring her back in a way that won’t jeopardize the club.”

  Robbie hated the knowledge his sweet, young daughter could be a bargaining chip between rival motorcycle clubs, yet that’s what she had become ever since her mother had left—on the back of a rival club member’s bike. She’d relinquished all custody of their daughter to Robbie, giving up her rights. Now she wanted their daughter back and was using Robbie’s love for the little girl to force a confrontation.

  “To hell with him asking me. It’s an order and you damn well know it. My old man doesn’t understand. I’ll need time to make arrangements—if I do this.”

  If they ran, Sonny would search until he found them, then send her away someplace where Robbie would never find her—if he lived after whatever discipline Sonny ordered.

  “Oh, you’ll do it. It’s about respecting Sonny and the club. He’s being generous. You have seventy-two hours to make this happen.”

  The line went dead, along with all of Robbie’s plans for his beautiful, seven-year-old daughter. He slammed the receiver down, cursing a string of oaths before hearing the screen door creak open.

  “Daddy! Guess what I got today?” His daughter ran up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent to greet her.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat, accepting their time together had been sliced to a few short days. “I don’t know, sugar, what?”

  She pulled a little pink wallet from her backpack and held it out to him, a proud smile on her face. “This! I won the spelling bee. Isn’t it the best?”

  “Yes, it is the best,” he choked out as his mind sorted through what needed to be done. “I have a surprise for you too, sugar.”

  “What?” Her excited voice told him she expected something great.

  “We are taking a trip. We’ll pack and leave after dinner.”

  “Where are we going, Daddy?”

  “It’s a surprise, sugar, but I’m sure you’ll like it.” He stood and turned from her, unable to suppress his emotions any longer.

  Dinner and packing didn’t take long. He knew where he needed to go, a small town in Wyoming. It would take two days by car. Two days before he’d be forced to give up his child.


  Morning Springs, Wyoming

  “Are you certain, Robbie? Once you sign these papers, it will be difficult to change things.” Crystal O’Malley had grown up with Robbie Morgan in the same Los Angeles neighborhood, until her family moved when she went off to college. They’d always been close, had stayed in touch, and now he reached out to the social worker at the Department of Health and Human Services. She worked in the division handling foster care needs and adoption.

  “Yes, I’m certain.” Robbie looked through the glass wall separating him from his daughter, who played with another social worker, a friend of Crystal’s.

  “Can you tell me any more about why you’re doing this? I know how much you love her. It makes no sense.”

  “I’ve told you all I can. Believe me, you don’t want to know anything more about what’s happening.” He reached toward her, wrapping his large hand around her slender wrist. “Promise you’ll find a good home for her with a family who’ll love her.” His voice cracked on the last words and he pulled away.

  “I’ll handle this personally and make certain she has a good home.” Crystal’s chest tightened at the pain she saw on her friend’s face. At one time she’d envisioned them as a couple. Then his father had taken a path outside the law, joined an outlaw motorcycle club, and dragged Robbie with him. She’d heard Sonny had formed his owned club not long after. There’d been nothing she could do for him then. Now she could.

  “Will I get to know who adopts her?”

  “If they agree to an open adoption, yes, but I’m not sure that’s what you want given the circumstances. You’d need to supply them your contact address, although, we could work it so everything goes through me.”

  “I don’t know where I’ll be.”

  “Then everything should go through me. She’ll be in foster care for a period of time until we find her a home. I handle cases every day and I’m certain she won’t be in the system for long.” She squeezed his arm. “You have all my contact information—at work and home. I’m here for you, Robbie, anytime, no matter the hour.”

  Robbie nodded, unable to form a word through a throat tightened from grief.

  “Are you ready to say goodbye to her?”

  His gaze snapped to Crystal’s, a look of pure panic in them before he shot from his chair and started for the door. “No. I can’t…just tell her I had to leave…that I love her…I’ll always love her.”

  “Robbie, wait! You can’t leave her like this…”

  He turned toward her, tears filling his eyes, shook his head once and disappeared out the door.

  Chapter One

  Denver, Colorado

  December, 20 years later…

  “How many more?” Jace MacLaren peered out the window toward the nearby mountains already covered in snow as another storm threatened.

  “One.” Heath MacLaren passed a résumé across the table to his brother.

  They’d interviewed three of four candidates in the last six hours and wanted to get the decision finalized. It had taken three months to get this far, reviewing over forty résumés, completing telephone interviews with twelve before identifying four who possessed all the requirements. One would be hired today to become the director of their new marketing group. The search had been communicated to MacLaren board members and no one else.

  They’d chosen Denver for final interviews, which would enable them to keep the position quiet as long as possible. Heath expected to announce the establishment of a marketing department and the hiring of a director at Christmas, a few days before Kade and Brooke’s wedding.

  Jace scanned the résumé. “Works in Denver after spending a few years in New York. Glowing references. Attended college in California, finished a marketing degree in New York, and is enrolled in an online master’s program.” He glanced up at Heath. “Volunteer assistant coach for a local lacrosse team and volunteers with foster children. Interesting.”

  The MacLaren Foundation focused on services and programs for foster youth. Heath and Jace were two of the board members.

  “All of the candidates today have the education and experience. We need to find the one person who will work the best with the team. Brooke has done an exceptional job so far, and we both know Cam and Eric are indispensable. I’m certain we’ll be equally impressed with Kade. The right person must fit with them all.” Heath glanced up from the résumé. “And us.”

  “As of right now, my vote is for the second one we met today,” Jace said.


  They turned at a knock on the door before it swung open.

  “Your two o’clock is here.” Phyllis Jurgensen, Heath and Jace’s assistant, had traveled with them to Denver. She’d become as essential as any one of the management team members. Plus, she knew all the personalities involved in the family owned company.

  “I’ll be right there.” Jace stood and walked toward the door. “Let’s wrap this up and get home.” He disappeared into the hallway, entering the reception area as a striking woman, hair falling loose around her shoulders, wearing a conservative gray suit, stood to greet him.

  Jace extended his hand. “Miss Anderson, I’m Jace MacLaren.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Mr. MacLaren.”

  “Please, follow me and we’ll get started.” Jace opened the door to the conference room, letting her enter first.

  Heath stepped around the table. “Good afternoon, Miss Anderson. I’m Heath MacLaren. It’s good to meet you.”

  They’d expected the interview to last an hour. After two, Heath signaled an end to the meeting, walked her to the elevators, then returned to see a broad smile on Jace’s face.

  “What do you think?” Heath asked.

  “Impressive. Excellent experience, great answers, professional, and a sense of humor—”

  “Which is a necessity.”

  “How do you compare her to the others?” Jace asked.

  “Miss Anderson, hands down.”

  “I’ll let Phyllis know to finish the background check and prepare an offer.”

  As had become their habit, Jace wrote down a number on a piece of paper and slid it across the table.

  “Plus bonus,” Heath said. “We want her in Fire Mountain by early February.”


  Fire Mountain, Arizona


  “When do you expect to wrap it up and return?” Heath spoke on the phone with his stepson, Eric Sinclair, director of their land acquisition and development division. He’d been in Austin for the last week, visiting possible locations for another office complex. They’d just finished reviewing his recommendations.

  “Unless you have an objection, I thought I’d stay the weekend, look at the top two choices once more, then be available to attend some big deal supper hosted by the real estate broker we’re using.”

  “Business and pleasure, I presume.”

  “Absolutely,” Eric chuckled. He’d been traveling nonstop for the last few weeks, visiting three states and countless parcels of undeveloped land. He’d taken one day off.

  “I’ll set up a meeting for Monday to introduce the latest member of the management team.�

  “No problem. I’ll fly in late Sunday.”

  “Stop by the house if it’s not too late.” Heath hung up, knowing his wife, Annie, would want to see her son after such an extended absence. He looked up as Phyllis opened his door.

  “Miss Anderson is here to see you.”

  “Have her come in.” Heath set aside Eric’s report and stood, exchanging greetings, and offering her a chair. “I hear you’ve found a place.”

  “Miss Jurgensen is the one who found it for me. Someone she knows had a vacancy in their complex. I moved in this weekend.” Amber Anderson straightened her skirt and glanced around the spacious office. “I hope it was all right that I stopped by unexpected.”

  “Glad you did. I’m setting up a meeting Monday morning to introduce you and go over the basics of the new department. I want you to meet the rest of the management team, then set up meetings with each one over the next week. Have you had a chance to review the current marketing material?”

  “I have.” Amber reached into her bag to pull out a folder. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve jotted down some thoughts.” She handed a typed memo to Heath, who scanned it, his face indicating nothing of his thoughts.

  “This is a good start. I’m certain you’ll identify more areas for improvement as you meet with the management team.” He slipped the memo into his desk. “I’ll have Phyllis arrange for lunch on Monday with Jace and the president of our Cold Creek, Colorado group. Our brother, Rafe, won’t be in Fire Mountain for another week. You’ll need to meet with him as he heads up our bull bucking stock company in Montana.”

  “The way I understand it, each department or separate company handles all their own marketing, correct?” Amber asked.

  “Correct. We want to build continuity into the program, do some cross marketing, and try to build on each other’s strengths. Right now we’re duplicating efforts. We need a more efficient and effective system.”

  “All right. I guess I’d better let you get back to work. Thanks again for letting me stop in.” Amber grabbed her bag and slipped it over her shoulder. “I’ll look forward to meeting everyone on Monday.”


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