Her Heart's Desire

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Her Heart's Desire Page 4

by Mary Wehr

  “She claims she doesn’t, but I don’t buy it. You know Sara has a soft heart. This crap with her mother has to be gnawing at her. We’ve discussed it several times. Just when I think I’ve convinced her to at least let me locate her so she can hear her mom’s side of the story she changes her mind.” He lifted one shoulder. “So I thought it’d be a good idea to have a chat with Caroline Martin myself.”

  “Hmm, knowing Sara’s temper I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when she finds out you’ve been digging in her past. By the way, our secretary deserves a raise.”

  Reese went into the living room and flopped down on a leather recliner. He had always felt relaxed in this house. Now he was on pins and needles. Setting his beer on the end table, he slid to the edge of the chair and clasped his hands together. Most days he was a patient man, but today was not one of those days.

  Cade sauntered over to the fireplace and propped himself against the mantle. “Everything is filed you say?”

  Reese nodded.

  “Wow, Corrine does deserve a raise. Thank God she agreed to stay on for a while.”

  Reese had tried to find out Corrine’s plans now that the old man was dead, but casual conversation last night had turned up zilch. He even mentioned the idea of moving back to California but that hadn’t worked either. If he left, Cade would need her help. He’d just have to make sure there was another secretary hired before he left. “Look, bro, enough with the fucking chit-chat. I know you called me here for another reason besides this file, but before you say anything I want you to know that I’ve decided to move back to California. I’ll sell you my half of the business at a fair price.”

  Cade’s jaw visibly tightened. “It’s because of Sara, isn’t it? Don’t bother denying it. I know damn well how you feel about her.”

  Reese slammed back against the cushions in defeat. “Yeah, I love her, but I get the feeling that she doesn’t want me around. I don’t know what I did or said, but I’m going to be the first one to act.”

  Cade raised his hand. “No, hold on a minute. I haven’t had a chance to talk with Sara, and even if I had I doubt she’d tell me the truth. I’m positive she wants a threesome.”

  Reese shook his head in defeat. “It’s not going to work. If she’s just curious about how it feels to be fucked by two men at the same time I’m not doing it. This will not be a one-time thing for me, Cade. I love that woman. If she agrees and we go through with it, I want more than just a fuck. I want to be a part of her life in every way.” Talk about a bald-faced lie. If Sara wanted to be double-fucked then there was no way he’d let Cade bring in one of his buddies. It may tear him apart to leave but at least he’d have the memory of her hot body to carry with him until the day he died. Christ, he was all messed up.

  Cade went into the kitchen and came back with the file in his hands. “Trust me. I won’t go into further detail, but my gut instinct tells me she has feelings for you and this will not be a one-time thing. All I need you to do is follow my lead when she gets home.” He emptied the contents of the envelope onto the couch. “This is all the info I collected on Caroline Martin before Dad died. Sara’s mother lives in Arizona. I want to talk to her and find out why she hasn’t bothered to check on her daughter.” He finished off his beer. “And if Sara’s aunt had anything to do with it, God help her.”

  Chapter 6

  Sara spotted Reese’s car as soon as she turned onto Hickory Drive. Crap. The talk with Cade had to be put on hold.

  She eased up on the gas pedal and pulled alongside the small, comfortable ranch house she and Cade called home. Her palms were sweaty and the beat of her heart pounded in her ears. As far as she knew Reese still had feelings for her. Was this the way her mother had felt when she ran off with two men? The gossip that had flown around the neighborhood about her mother had been embarrassing and painful to hear. She cringed thinking about the names her mother had been called. But this situation was different. Sara wasn’t leaving her husband and she didn’t have a child.

  Why did life have to be so complicated? Better yet, why was she making life so complicated?

  She reached for the plastic bag with the cereal and milk and hurried into the house. Hearing the low rumble of voices coming from the living room she put the milk in the refrigerator and threw the cereal into the cupboard. She ran her sweaty hands down the sides of her shorts, took a deep breath, and joined the two men.

  Cade looked up when she entered the room. He was leaning against the fireplace looking hot in a pair of black dress slacks and a matching cotton t-shirt. His short cropped hair was slightly damp from a shower. Sara frowned. As far as she knew he wasn’t going into the office today and the only other time he’d dress this way was when he intended to dish out a punishment spanking.

  Drat. She had been so preoccupied with her feelings for Reese that she’d totally forgotten how angry he had been this morning. Those darn pain pills.

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat and squeezed her thighs together. The thought of a spanking made her tremble with desire. She had to be a freak. She pulled her gaze away from her husband and looked at Reese. He was sitting on the couch with his long, denim clad legs stretched out in front of him. His hair was loose, his blue eyes were sparkling, and his muscular arms were folded across his chest. He nodded in her direction and gave her a subtle wink.

  Sara’s breath hitched and the beat of her heart turned up a notch. Yep, something was up.

  “Er, hi, Reese.” She went over to her husband and kissed him on his cleanly shaven cheek. She eyed him up and down, hoping she appeared indifferent. “You’re not planning on going into the office today, are you?”

  Cade brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “No, darlin’, but I’m glad you’re home.” He straightened to his full height, clasped his hands behind his back, and rocked on the balls of his feet. “There’s something we need to discuss.”

  Sara sucked on her bottom lip. She was eye level with his chest. His presence and massive build made her feel all feminine and tiny. She wasn’t a short woman, but at six foot four, Cade easily overshadowed her.

  She took a deep breath, which was a big mistake. He smelled of mint and all male. Desire stirred in her belly and zipped lower to tease her clit. He gestured toward the couch and she licked her lips at the way his biceps strained the short sleeves of his shirt. “Sit down and let’s get on with this, shall we?”

  Sara resisted the urge to nip at the bunched muscles of his arm and went over to the recliner instead of where he had indicated. She sat down, her mind racing frantically. Why is Reese here?

  Cade’s deep voice pulled her out of her musings. “We are addressing the little incident you pulled this morning. You have two choices—you can accept your spanking now or wait until my hand is completely healed.”

  Sara’s mouth dropped open in shock only to snap it shut again when Cade held up his hand.

  “But be aware, if you decide to wait until later I will use my belt on your bare bottom.”

  Sara’s cheeks grew hot and her temper soared. She jabbed her thumb in Reese’s direction. “Why are we discussing something this personal in front of company? Besides, you can’t spank me now because your wrist isn’t healed properly, so this discussion is moot.” The fierce intensity in his gaze gave her goosebumps. Oh boy, that observation did not go over well.

  “Excuse me. I thought I was more than just company.”

  Sara shot Reese a scowl. He arched an innocent brow.

  “That’s the catch,” Cade replied. “If you decide to take your punishment now, Reese will do the spanking, but keep up with the sassy attitude and I’ll make the decision for you.”

  Holy hell, seriously? She chanced a glance in Reese’s direction. The handsome blond rat wore a huge lascivious grin. A flush of heat warmed her toes, shot straight up her body, and singed her ears. She hadn’t expected this, but really, how bad could it be? Reese wore a constant grin and she had yet to see him lose his temper. His whacks
wouldn’t be as hard as Cade’s. She’d be getting the better end of this deal.

  She cleared her throat. “What’s the other alternative again?”

  Cade blew out a breath, and she could tell he was getting agitated. “Accept your punishment now and receive ten spanks from Reese. If you wait until I can deliver the punishment the count will double to twenty and I’ll use my belt.”

  Sara fumed inwardly. Blasted man knew darn well she hated when he used an object instead of his hand. An object was too impersonal. She swallowed hard. Her panties were already wet at the thought of a spanking. There had to be something wrong with her. Stop analyzing. You want this. Just do it.

  Trembling with a touch of apprehension and a whole lot of anticipation, Sara stood up. Best get it over with before she changed her mind. Even though her belly clenched with arousal her feet felt as if they were glued to the floor. She was really going through with it. Reese was going to give her a spanking and boy did he look ready, willing, and able. She scowled. Perhaps too ready.

  Reese straightened upright and patted his knee several times. “Come on over, darlin’, and lay yourself right here.”

  Sara gritted her teeth. “You don’t have to act so darn eager.” She eyed the hand clasped around his knee. It was a big hand with long, thick fingers. Lightning pierced that spot between her legs.

  “Hold on a minute.” Cade crossed the living room and stopped directly in front of her. “Do you understand why you’re being punished?”

  Sara’s pulse jumped. She was on the verge of becoming unglued. The testosterone in the room was suffocating. Cade’s strong hands lightly caressed her arms. She met his gaze and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  His eyes darkened, and his grip tightened. “You agree to allow Reese to deliver this punishment?”

  Good Lord yes, Sara wanted to shout.

  “This will not be pleasant, Sara.”

  Sara felt a moment of panic, but brushed it aside.

  She knew Cade wouldn’t continue with the punishment until she verbally agreed so she cleared her throat and replied in a strong voice. “Yes, I agree.”

  Cade gave her a gentle push toward the couch. “Good. Then let’s get on with it. Ten smacks.”

  Reese cracked his knuckles. “Jeans on or off?”

  “Now wait a minute.” Sara planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Don’t I have a say in this?” There was that grin again. She narrowed her eyes. “Piss poor joke, Reese Dalton. Aren’t you ever serious?”

  “You’ll find out just how serious I am once you get over here.” Just that quick his demeanor had changed from happy-go-lucky to don’t-fuck-with-me serious. Sara’s belly quivered. Reese wiggled his finger. “Come here, Sara.”

  Sara darted a nervous glance in her husband’s direction. No sign of sympathy on his finely chiseled face and why should there be? She had agreed to a HOH marriage. It was what she wanted. She’d take what Reese dished out.

  On leaden feet Sara closed the distance between her and Reese. She stood for a few seconds by his side then crawled onto his lap, facedown. She wiggled to find a more comfortable position and was stabbed in the belly by something hard. Sure wasn’t his belt buckle. She smiled knowingly and rubbed herself against his erection. Evidently her lying ass up across his thighs turned him on as much as she craved the feel of his hand applied to her backside.

  Reese hissed. “Stop wiggling around and lift up a sec.” He shoved a pillow alongside his hard thigh. “Rest your head here, sugar.”

  With a small sigh Sara laid her cheek on the pillow. Ten smacks couldn’t be that bad.

  “Comfy?” Reese asked.



  “Will you just get on with it?” Sara snapped. This bantering back and forth had gone on long enough.

  Reese wagged his head in mock remorse. “Tsk-tsk, such an impatient young lady.”

  “Yeah, I haven’t cured her of that yet.”

  Sara growled and punched the pillow in frustration. “Will you two knock it off?”

  The first whack came without warning.

  She arched her back. “Ouch.” She twisted at the waist and glared at him. Another whack landed then another. Soon her ass felt as if it was on fire.

  “One more, kitten.”

  Sara closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. The last one was much harder than the others. Tears sprang in her eyes. Her ass stung, but the touch on the side of her face was tender. Cade. She knew the feel of his hands. She slowly opened her eyes. He stood directly in front of her.

  “Lesson learned?”

  Sara swallowed back her tears and lifted her gaze to his handsome face. The sting had already faded. All she felt now was a tingle spreading along her bottom. She smiled weakly.

  “Good girl.” He took hold of her chin, grazing her bottom lip with his thumb.

  She was faintly aware of another hand caressing her bottom. Once in a while that hand would slip between her thighs and skim across her clit ever so lightly. She arched upward as the caresses became harder and pressed the thick seam of her jeans against her sweet spot.

  Staring straight ahead she noticed that the swell in Cade’s slacks grew more prominent. Evidently the sight of her draped over Reese’s lap was arousing the hell out of him. She wasn’t minding it either. She licked his thumb as it passed across her bottom lip.

  His hand stilled. “Hungry?”

  Sara pressed herself against the hand that was rubbing her pussy and moaned.

  Cade inserted his thumb into her mouth and she suckled it greedily. “I take it that’s a yes.”

  He unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. He stroked the rigid length. Cade fisted his hand in her hair and traced her lips with his cockhead. Sara licked at the weeping tip and groaned. She loved the taste of her husband. Turning her head to one side, she rested her cheek on the pillow Reese had provided and opened her mouth. Cade fed her his cock inch by inch.

  “Jesus, that’s hot.” Reese’s garbled voice reached Sara’s ears. She was doing her best to listen to Cade’s coarse commands but Reese’s hand had slipped up her shorts. He caressed her bare buttocks then slid his fingers between her legs. He inserted one finger then another inside her pussy and pumped. Sara moaned.

  Cade kept one hand fisted in her hair and the other locked on her jaw as he pumped her mouth. Both men worked her body in a slow, steady rhythm. Long fingers filled her pussy while a hard cock pulled out of her mouth. Fingers in, cock out. Sara was a trembling package of dynamite ready to explode. She thrashed over Reese’s lap, sucking wildly on the hard cock fucking her mouth and pushing her ass back against the fingers invading her pussy. Not able to hold anything back, she screamed her release.

  Chapter 7

  Cade stepped away and Sara whimpered. “Please.”

  Cradling her in his arms, Reese rose to his feet and followed Cade upstairs. He laid her in the middle of the bed and backed up a step. Sara flinched when her butt hit the mattress. Both men stood in her line of vision, chests rising and falling with rapid speed. Cade’s dick was sticking straight out of his pants and the bulge in front of Reese’s jeans had to be pushing the seams to the limit. They were staring at her with hunger in their eyes, but neither one of them said a word. Sara bit her lip and heard a groan. Her gaze flew to her husband.

  He quirked a dark brow. “It’s your decision, Sara. Whatever happens next is up to you, but I’m warning you, your time to decide is limited.”

  Sara gulped. She knew exactly what he was talking about. She turned her attention to Reese, and her nipples tightened. He looked wild. His long, blond hair hung past his broad shoulders and his powerful arms were crossed over his chest. His feet were planted far apart and there was a tic bouncing at the side of his firm jaw.

  Sara’s heart pounded wildly in her chest. Cade was leaving the decision completely up to her. She could call the whole thing off and somehow she knew neither one of them would despise her for it.

trickled up her spine. Her aunt had told her time and time again that what her mother had done was dirty, but how could these glorious feelings she was experiencing right now be anything but beautiful?

  The slamming of the door jerked her out of her troubling thoughts. Judging by the fierce expression on Cade’s face her time was up. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. His chest was pure muscle, peppered with dark hair that narrowed into a trail and disappeared beneath his slacks. He began to unbuckle his belt and Sara knew then and there that for once in her life she was going to do something to please herself. She was going to have sex with two men. One her husband the other her brother-in-law.

  Reese had already discarded his shirt. Light blond hair dusted his tanned chest. He wasn’t as broad shouldered as Cade, but there was no mistaking the power behind his lean frame. Her ass still stung from his spanking.

  Cade held out his hand. Sara slid to the edge of the bed, placed her hand in his, and let him pull her to her feet. He jerked her against his body and captured her mouth in an earth-shattering kiss.

  Heat radiated from behind and soon she was sandwiched between two hard bodies. Cade nipped at her bottom lip while Reese snaked his arms around her waist and ground his crotch into her backside. She stuck her ass out further and pressed herself against his solid erection.

  Cade dropped kisses along the side of her neck then moved away and tore off the rest of his clothes. Naked, he approached Sara with a feral gleam in his eyes. Reese released her long enough for Cade to pull her shirt over her head and unsnap the front hook of her bra. Reese ensnared her hands again and held her close as Cade dropped to his knees and worked the zipper on her shorts.

  A cool breeze skimmed over her body as she stood there, naked and vulnerable. She caught her breath. She was used to Cade seeing her naked but what about Reese? Would he be pleased? Reese let go of her hands and stood off to the side. Sara resisted the urge to cover herself.


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