Fear Me

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Fear Me Page 3

by B. B. Reid

  “I’ve got a whole year with you,” he stated, finally releasing me. I slowly slid down to the floor, my legs too weak to hold me up. “I’m going to break you. But most importantly, I’m going to make you pay.”

  * * *

  10 Years Ago

  “I hate you,” he whispered.

  I was tugged to the ground by the pretty, ballerina bun that my aunt helped me do this morning. My hair fell around my shoulders and I cried out in pain when he stepped on my hand. “B—but why?” I could barely speak around the sobs and trembles that wracked my body.

  “Shut up and stop crying. You’ll get me in trouble if someone hears…you don’t want me to hurt you, do you?”

  I shook my head and looked up at him fearfully. He wasn’t that much taller but to me he seemed like a giant. Maybe it was because I was sitting on the floor because of him.

  I had just come out of language class and was distracted by the bad marks I got on my essay about what makes me happy. I guess Mrs. Peterson didn’t like that I wasn’t happy…not anymore. Not since my parents disappeared. Every day I hoped it would be the day they would come to rescue me.

  Maybe they’re lost, I thought. Mommy said she would “see me soon” when she left so she had to come back. Mommies were supposed to keep promises, always.

  Not long after my parents failed to show up, Aunt Carissa decided to enroll in me in the local school. My first day was today and all day I’d been wondering about the mean boy who pushed me off the monkey bars. Earlier, I saw him again for the first time, during recess. Our eyes met across the play area and I knew he recognized me. The empty look in his eyes filled with hatred when he saw me. Just as he started forward, the bell rang, and I practically ran for safety. I wasn’t expecting to see him again so soon, but he found me. Little did I know this would become our ritual.

  “Why are you still here,” he asked scornfully.

  “My—my parents didn't come get me yet.” I felt a fresh set of tears forming when I thought about how much I missed them.

  His eyes narrowing caught my attention, pushing aside thoughts of my parents. “Why?”

  “I don't know. Ma—maybe they’re lost?” I don't know why I was asking him but a small sign of hope would help me feel better.

  “Maybe they’re dead,” he snickered.

  “Don’t say that!” I shouted and balled up my free fist. He watched my fists clench tighter with mocking eyes.

  “I bet they’re dead,” he taunted further.

  “No,” I moaned.

  “Or they left you behind…” My shirt was now stained with my tears as they released from me uncontrollably. “Jeez, you’re just like her,” he said with an annoyed tone. He frowned his face and kicked my hand away with his foot in disgust.

  “Who am I like?”

  He ignored my question and his frown deepened making him looking meaner. “I’m going to do it one day, you know, he prompted in a hateful tone.

  “Do what?” I asked shakily. His fists balled as he stared down at me with angry eyes. I suddenly got the feeling that I needed to get away so I started to back away from him. I scooted across the floor while he followed after me.

  “I’m going to kill you. Just like I killed her. It's the only way.”

  * * *

  Over the years Keiran would remind me of his promise. He’d unleash his subtle threats on me to scare me and it always worked. Keiran could always get inside my head with little effort. Willow called it a mind fuck. I called it torture.

  I turned into my driveway on autopilot. My mind still could not define what had just occurred at the pharmacy.

  He touched me.

  I foolishly hoped for the past year that he would move on…or not come back at all. My heart lurched at the thought of never seeing him again even when I knew it wasn’t possible. He still had to finish the senior year that he also thinks I stole from him.

  I was sick and disgusted with myself for feeling the way I do for someone who hates me almost violently. I was too afraid to ask at the time what he was planning to do but I didn’t need to. Keiran was dangerous enough, but when provoked…

  I shook off the thought and briefly considered telling my aunt about Keiran. I wasn't sure I could handle him like this, but I didn't know how far his hatred ran so I couldn't involve her.

  I felt well and truly isolated.

  I entered the house and called out for my aunt. She gave a hollow answer in return and I knew what time it was. I found her in the living room watching re-runs of Sons of Anarchy. I think she had a thing for Charlie Hunnam.

  She and Willow did some serious drooling whenever he came on the screen. I had to admit his rugged swagger was sexy. He reminded me of someone dark-haired, ruthless, and hotter.

  I flopped down on the sofa next to her and looked at the clock. It was just after noon on a Saturday afternoon and I had nothing exciting planned. Willow had left the week before for an eight-week summer college program. My girl was focused; quirkiness and all.

  “Lake, you know you can talk to me about anything, don't you?” she asked without taking her eyes off the screen.

  I knew this was coming. “Yes, I know Aunt Carissa.” We still haven’t discussed what happened at school. I was glad she wasn’t looking at me. If I met her eyes, all the pain and heartache from the last ten years would come pouring out.

  “Do you want to talk about him?” I whipped my head around to face her unable to hide my reaction.

  “Him?” I asked in a shaky voice.

  “Keiran Masters. The counselor from school mentioned him.” The look she gave me let me know that she didn't buy my story about heat exhaustion but I couldn't tell her the truth either. My aunt wasn’t ready to hear about what Keiran had done to me over the years. It was still a hard pill to swallow each time I would remember. “Lake, I trust you,” she continued when I didn't answer and the silence grew thick with tension, “I just wish you could trust me.”

  She got up and walked away and I immediately felt like crap. She thought I didn’t trust her, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I didn't want this. I didn't want to hurt her but I had to protect her.

  Who will protect me?

  Chapter Three

  Summer passed without any more run-ins with Keiran. Six Forks was a good size town, but I must admit part of the reason was because I hid out in my house for the past two months. Willow was wrong. I could hide, so I did. But now it was the first day of school and I couldn’t hide anymore.

  Senior year, I thought jubilantly. Senior year meant the last step, making me closer to moving on and escaping the fear I lived in every single day. He didn't come looking for me and I assumed that once again it was a tactic to scare me. After all…he’s promised to kill me for ten years now.

  My phone beeped signaling that I had a text message. I checked my phone seeing that it was Willow.

  Don't come outside!

  I stared down at my phone, puzzled. Willow being weird was normal, but why wouldn't she want me to come outside? I walked over to the window to see what the reason was and nearly fainted when I looked out the window. The way my heart was pounding caused me to drop my phone. I did not expect what I saw below.

  He was leaning against his blacked out muscle car and looking very much like the typical bad boy in black cargo pants and a dark grey, short-sleeved button up that probably matched his eyes.

  How did he know where I lived?

  I’m sure it wouldn't be hard to find where I lived but why would he come here? This was too close to home. No pun intended. Willow was standing by her car as well, eyeing Keiran warily. My gaze was fixed on him, debating what I should do, when suddenly he turned his head and looked straight up at me through my bedroom window. I jumped back immediately and tried to calm my racing heart and the somersaults my stomach performed.

  I weighed all my options, hiding being the most desirable possibility, but I knew I couldn't leave Willow out there alone with him. He never terrorized her
or anyone else but me, but what would he do if I didn't come out? I knew he wouldn't just go away. It was obvious that he came here for something. I made a decision and grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. He made me a prisoner in my home the entire summer, but I couldn’t hide out here any longer and he knew that.

  I reached the door and stepped outside, feeling as if I was on death row and this was my final walk. I reluctantly walked over to him, but only close enough to talk to him without Willow overhearing. As I drew closer, I admitted that there was something dangerously irresistible about him. It drew me in even when I wanted to run away. If only I could figure out why…

  “Why are you here?” I asked before I lost my nerve.

  His eyes lazily traveled over me in a way that made me feel both insignificant and naked. I was wearing white jeans and a dark red top that hugged my torso and flowed at my waist. The top made me feel feminine and sexy. I knew I was making a statement when I put it on. I just wasn't sure what I was trying to say.

  He used both hands to push off his car, the momentum bringing his chest to mine all too quickly. I sucked in a breath and felt my body shudder just as it did in the pharmacy when he first touched me.

  “Lose the girl,” he said loud enough for Willow to hear. It took a moment for me to realize what he said, because my mind and body had both shut down in submission.

  “But she’s my ride to school,” I answered.

  “Get rid of her,” he repeated. The look on his face warned me not to argue.

  I reluctantly turned to Willow, who was openly glaring at Keiran. I never told her about the incident at the pharmacy. She’d only been back for a week now and it was an unspoken agreement between us that Keiran was a taboo subject. Not only that, but Willow seemed different since she’s been back. She was still my Willow, but I knew something happened over the summer. I was fond of looking into people’s eyes. They told more than the lips ever could – they told the truth. Willow’s eyes had changed. They held something that I didn’t recognize, but they also held something I did recognize—pain.

  “Will, I’m going to drive to school today. I’m sorry you came all the way here for nothing.” I gave her a small smile, hoping to reassure her.

  “Lake, we live less than a mile apart and your house is on the way to school. What’s going on?” I could hear the suspicion in her voice.

  “Nothing, I just have stuff I need to take care of immediately after school. I’ll see you in class, okay?” She caught the look I sent her to drop it so she huffed and got into her car after sending Keiran another glare. I waited until she disappeared down the street before I rounded on Keiran. “Please don't do this,” I immediately begged.

  “Get in the car,” he ordered. I blinked up at him a few times to process the idea of me in Keiran’s car…alone…with him.

  “Thanks, but I can drive myself to school.”

  There was no way I was getting into that car with him. We would be too close – breathing the same air. I was already painfully aware of him from a distance. I didn't need to torture myself.

  I dismissed him by turning by back and heading for my own car. I guess that’s how I ended up over his shoulder and tossed into his car the next moment. He was in the car before I could right myself. While reaching for the handle I heard, “I don't have the patience, Monroe.” He snapped the words out harshly and I quickly ditched my plan to make a run for it.

  Oh God, he’s going to kill me – kill me and toss my body in a river. I seriously watch too much Law & Order. I can see the words on my headstone now…

  She lived a miserable life full of fear and abandonment issues.

  Maybe it’s good she’s dead.

  After all, this was all we could give her.

  “Listen, I know what happened a year ago and I know how it looked, but I’m telling you I had nothing to do with you being arrested!” I yelled, uncaring that I just raised my voice at Keiran freaking Masters. My fate was already sealed.

  He didn't reply but I could see a muscle tick in his jaw as he pulled out of the driveway making my nervousness increase tenfold. Six Forks has a lot of wooded area, secluded so no one could hear my screams. We were driving for about ten minutes; all the while I was holding my breath. We reached one of the six forks in the road that made up the town. I was near panicking when he turned down the road leading away from the school.

  Oh God. Oh no…shit!

  “Let me out,” I was visibly shaking now. “Let me out…let me out of the fucking car!” I screamed as we headed down a long road that led to nothing but more trees.

  He parked when we were out of sight and shut off the car. He ignored my tantrum as he got out of the car, heading around to my side. I frantically grabbed my phone from my bag to call for help while cursing my stupidity for getting into the car with him in the first place. He ripped open the door, grabbed both of my arms, and slammed me up against the side of the car.

  “I’m going to make this quick and I’m going to say this only once because something tells me your little friend won’t hesitate to call the police if you take too long to show, so listen up.” I just stared up at him wondering if this was really happening. “You framed me –”

  “I swear it wasn't me…”

  He quickly wrapped a hand around my throat in warning. “You’re done talking,” he sneered. It was more a statement than a question. I looked away, the intensity of his stare burning through me. “Eyes on me.” He refused to make this easy for me. “I have a score to settle and it directly involves you and only you.”

  I felt his thumb rub my neck softly, but he dropped his hand as quickly as it happened leaving me wondering if it really did.

  “You won’t make a move without my knowing. Any time you eat, drink, or breathe I will know.” I stared at him as if he’d grown two heads. “Every moment is mine – your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams are all mine. I will always know where you are and what you are doing. You are mine…at least for the next year,” he smirked.

  “Who do you think you are?” I asked, my anger overriding my fear. Of everything he could have done, I never expected this. It sounded like slavery. I still didn’t understand why he didn’t kill me and get it over with. He’s been playing this cat and mouse game for years.

  “I am the guy whose freedom you stole.” The clipped tone of his voice cut into my nerves. I could tell from the tick in jaw that he was losing control. “For an entire year, my free will was taken from me and you will feel how I felt.”

  I still didn’t understand what he was asking for and what purpose he would need to take away my freedom. He wanted control, that much was apparent, but he wanted something else too. I could see it in the burning heat in his eyes.

  “What do you want?” I swallowed back the fear and ignored the dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

  “You and I both know what it is that I want.” I shook my head in denial, though I was starting to have a clue. I had nothing else that he could possibly want but the look in his eyes was unmistakable.

  He stepped closer and placed his forearms on either side of my head, resting them on the hood of his car. My back was pressed against the door and I was caged in by his hard body and drowning in the cool smell of his body wash. His tall body blocked everything beyond him from my view so I could see nothing but his broad chest.

  “I want the one thing that is keeping you so fucking innocent. I’ve wanted it for a long time, Monroe, and you are going to give it to me.”

  “And if I refuse?” I looked up into his eyes that were almost black with lust. He didn’t really expect to…did he? His smile was sinister and completely without humor. My heart began hammering against my chest and my stomach twisted up in a tight ball of tension.

  “Submit to me…or your aunt will disappear just like your parents did.”

  * * *

  He’d do it. I knew he would. I didn't know how, but I knew. A shiver ran through me as I entered the school in a daze. I thought of Keir
an as a bully—nothing more, nothing less. But now I knew there was something far darker below the surface that had been waiting to come out.

  And I was the dumb twit who released it.

  He never actually said he would kill her. But what else could he mean? He would kill my aunt if I didn't give him what he wanted. I thought back to our conversation on the way to school.

  “Why are you doing this?” I forced the question out. Did I really want to know?

  “What would stop you from framing me again, this time putting me away for life? I hate you but you know that already and I don't trust you so I need to keep an eye on you.” I closed my eyes against the confession that he hated me. Yes, I did know but hearing him say it was more painful.

  “You could just leave me alone,” I suggested.

  He looked amused as he said, “That’s not going to happen. You have something I still want.”

  I walked down the hallway in silence, unsure of what to do next. Keiran was out of my league and too big of an enemy for me to fight and win. I thought back to “her”. She was the one he’d killed. She was the reason I was afraid now. But who was she? Did she die because she fought back? These were the questions that have run rampant in my mind for ten years. It was the reason I lived willingly in the dark shadow of his hatred.

  “Give me your phone.” I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound of his voice behind me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I completely forgot he was following behind me. Keiran wasn’t a person to easily forget but it was also fair to say that he had me out of sorts.

  I dug my phone out and handed it over. When I looked up, I caught him staring down where my hand disappeared to in my back pocket. I cleared my throat but he took his time shifting his gaze from my ass when I held out my phone.

  He finally looked up and stared at me unapologetic as he took my phone. His eyes were heated and I saw the blatant lust as I felt a flush spread over my body. Nothing about today was normal. Was it really possible to desire someone you hated?


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