Fear Me

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Fear Me Page 14

by B. B. Reid

  I stopped and turned around once I was on the other side of the school, far away from Keiran. “Sheldon, I can't do this. Not now.”

  “Why are you always running? You don't have to let him win, you know.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” I yelled. I was frustrated beyond my limit.

  “Fight back,” she quipped.

  “Why are you telling me this? He’s your friend.” I narrowed my eyes at her when she nodded.

  “Yes, he is. They’re all my best friends. And we could be friends too if you’d let me. I'm not your enemy.”

  “No, but you are in bed with my enemy. Besides, you have Anya and the other cheerleaders. Looks to me as if you have plenty of friends.”

  She snorted, “I could always use better and I have a feeling you want more friends too.”

  I shrugged. “Doesn't matter. Keiran would never let us be friends.”

  “Keiran doesn't run me. I decide who I am friends with.”

  “Keenan hates me, too.”

  “No, Keenan loves his cousin.”

  “How is that different?”

  “His bond with his cousin makes him fight alongside Keiran and protect him, if need be.”

  I looked at her suspiciously. This could be a trap Keiran set out to hurt me or get back at me. “Why are you so nice to me?”

  “I don't know, Lake. Maybe because I like you and you've never done anything to me?”

  “Still, wouldn't your friendship with them turn you against me? That's what friends do right? Protect each other and fight their battles?”

  “And I would if I thought you were a threat.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “No offense, babe. So what do you say? Friends?” She held out her fist for a pound.

  I studied her fist, thinking it over before finally giving her a pound. “Friends.” We’ll see.

  Chapter Eleven

  I got through fourth period mostly unscathed thanks to Willow and Sheldon. I sat two rows ahead of Keiran, which was still too close, but it was the only row left that allowed Willow and I to sit together.

  Not even ten minutes had passed after class started when I'd felt something light hit my shoulder. I thought nothing of it until it happened again, this time on my back. I looked down to see two paper balls on the floor and then another hit my head.

  I heard, “Real mature, guys,” before a chair scraped and Sheldon came to sit with us. I'd looked back to see Keiran wearing a smug grin. Keenan had looked pissed and was glaring at Sheldon. He'd mumbled, “Traitor,” under his breath then rolled his eyes at me.

  After school Sheldon and Willow rode with me to my house. Keenan threw a temper tantrum in the parking lot. I was annoyed but she just laughed when he yelled obscenities and kicked his car. We opted to watch a movie here instead of going out to the movies. We were sitting in the living room doing homework and having girl talk. It felt good. I had this with Willow but it felt nice to have it with someone else too. My friend count was now two.

  Gee, Lake that has got to be a record. I laughed out loud at my private joke.

  “What's so funny?” Willow asked. I just shook my head and closed my textbook.

  “I'm done,” Sheldon announced. “So – the purple highlights? Did you do it yourself?” They've been discussing hair for the past ten minutes or so. Sheldon was in awe of Willow’s freedom to express herself. I wondered what or who was making her hold back who she really was.

  “Yeah, I dd. I'm actually going to add in dark blue highlights too.”

  “Way cool. I wish I could try that. My mom would have a heart attack.”

  “I've been trying to get Lake over to the dark side but she won’t budge.”

  “I don't know Willow, Lake’s got the innocent, big, blue-eyed look going for her. The guys dig her…in secret of course.”

  "Yeah, I call her the Barbie Ballerina."

  “Guys I'm sitting right here.”

  “Yeah but you've been quiet. Thinking about a certain bad boy with a dark disposition?” Sheldon was still convinced that Keiran and I were more than enemies.

  “That's a ship that will never sail, Sheldon.” Willow stated. “Lake is too accustomed to denying what she wants – out of fear…duty…protection.”

  “You actually think Keiran and I should date?” I asked incredulously. “Since when?”

  “I don’t, but you don’t date at all is what I’m saying.”

  “I assure you it isn’t by choice.”

  "So what is the deal between you and Keiran?” Sheldon asked. “All these years I knew he liked you but he also carried a grudge against you even before he went Juvie."

  It's been something I've wondered about for ten years. Why did he hate me so much? What did I do? How could I fix it? My mind drew a blank every time and the tension between us became too thick to sever.

  “I wish I knew,” I finally answered.

  Sheldon shrugged, “Too bad. I'm sure it would have made a great bedtime story.” She rolled her eyes, making me laugh. “Did you hear about the random guy that crashed Keiran and Keenan’s party the other night?”

  “The guys Keenan and your brother fought?”

  “No, some guy that was dealing at the party. Keiran must have caught him because Dash said he had to keep him from killing the guy.”

  “No way, what did he do?” Willow asked with a little too much excitement.

  “He shoved some pills and alcohol down his throat and told him he might want to go get his stomach pumped.”

  “Jeez! The guy could have died!” Willow exclaimed.

  “A couple of the his buddies were there and drove him to the hospital. Keiran isn’t in prison for murder so I guess he’s okay. It’s just strange because this isn’t the first time Keiran has caught people dealing in his place but it is the first time he’s reacted this strongly. I can’t believe you missed it, Lake.”

  “Oh, yeah. I uh, went upstairs and kind of fell asleep.” I acted nonchalant about it but really I was freaking out in my head. It had to be the same guy that offered to drug me. The guy was a tool but what Keiran did was dangerous and illegal. I mean, what if the guy had died? There was a party full of witnesses who could point their finger, including my aunt.

  "I'm curious to know how you and Keenan got together,” Willow stated and I realized I’d missed part of the conversation. “He seems so…pushy.”

  “When he doesn't get his way. Then my baby asks like a two-year old whose favorite toy was stolen but he is a sweetie pie at heart. He acts out but I think it’s to get his father’s attention. His mother died in a car accident when he was seven and his father just checked out. Not a lot of emotional love shared in the Masters house.”

  “So where are Keiran’s parents? I mean, how did his uncle become his guardian?” Willow was asking all the questions but I would be damned if I wasn't listening.

  “Keenan said his father, refuses to talk about his brother but apparently Keiran’s mother was one of the brother’s two-bit one night stands who left Keiran on John’s doorstep when he was eight.”

  “So why Keenan’s father and not the brother?”

  “I guess she couldn’t find him. Keenan said he’d never met his uncle so I guess that also explains why John didn’t hand him over to his brother. He probably can’t find him either or didn’t try if their relationship took a turn for the worse.”

  “What’s the brother’s name?” I asked.

  “Can’t remember but I’m pretty sure it started with an ‘M’. My parents did tell me that none of them are originally from Six Forks. John moved here a long time ago and lived alone until one day he brought home a woman and a baby. He was never even seen with a wife or girlfriend before and then seven years later, Keiran pops up.”

  She sat silent for a moment, thinking. “Crazy enough, but Keenan said his mother ran off around the same time Keiran was found. He didn't even know he had a cousin and that his father never mentioned a brother before. I guess they didn't get al
ong. He told me about the day John brought him home. He said he knew Keiran wasn’t normal…truth be told, I think Keenan was afraid of him. He never said it, but the way he would describe Keiran and the look he would get in his eyes… ” She looked thoughtful as her words trailed off.

  I can relate. “What about her relatives? Maybe she went home,” I said.

  Sheldon’s forehead wrinkled from her deep frown and I found myself leaning forward in anticipation. “I guess she didn’t go there either…or maybe she did. But Keenan has never met them.”

  “Wow…I never thought I would ever feel a twinge of sympathy for Keenan…or Keiran.” Willow looked sad as she spoke.

  “Uh huh, so what about you and my brother? He's got it bad for you,” Sheldon asked.

  “There is nothing to tell. Dash is chasing ass. He's too much of a playboy.”

  “So you're saying you want something serious with him?” Willow blushed as if she'd just been caught. Did she have feelings for him?

  “No, I meant –” she paused as if thinking over her words. "I don't want to – I just can't."

  “I know my brother. He is a charmer but he is a manipulative son of a bitch when it comes to something he wants. He got that from our father. This is the first time I’ve actually witnessed him chase someone. So if you don't want to be a part of something with him, then I suggest you be sure, because one thing Dash can detect is bullshit.”

  After Willow and Sheldon left I called my aunt and spoke to her for a while. She reminded me that she was flying to her next tour stop in the morning before we said our goodnights. I quickly fixed something to eat and was channel surfing when the doorbell rang. I frowned wondering who would be coming over when I saw Willow’s notebook on the coffee table. I shook my head and grabbed her tablet. Willow was a forgetful person and would always leave stuff behind.

  I opened the door with a smile. “Something here belong to you, Will –”

  “Something here does belong to me but I promise it isn’t a tablet.”

  * * *

  Keiran was the last person I expected to see standing at my door considering last night and today. “What are you doing here?”

  “You know why I’m here.”

  I tried to close the door but his booted foot kept it from shutting as he shouldered his way in causing me to lose my grip on the door and stumble. He caught me before I could fall and hauled me close to his chest.

  “You said we didn’t – you didn’t –” The purpose in his eyes as he held me was both provocative and scary.

  “I said we had nothing to talk about. We don’t. I said we weren’t in a relationship. We aren’t.”

  “Yes, but –”

  “I never said you didn’t owe me your body because you damn well do and I’m here to collect.”

  “I don’t owe you anything,” I said through clenched teeth.

  His lips crashed down on mine and for a moment I gave in to him and let my desires show before I snatched away. He grinned and said, “We’ll see about that in the morning.” He turned me around and pushed me toward the stairs. When we reached my bedroom he dropped the bag I didn’t notice he was carrying and locked the door.

  “What happened last night?” he asked as he removed his hoodie.

  “I told you it was a misunderstanding. Someone was here. They broke in and chased me up the stairs but I locked myself in. I’m sorry I never saw who it was and then you were here I just –”

  “Did he hurt you?” His voice sounded neutral but the tick in his jaw made me curious even when his question pissed me off.

  “No more than you have for ten years. I grew thick skin.”

  I don’t know what made me snap at him but I knew it was the wrong answer when his shoulders tensed and his hands balled into fists so hard the veins were bulging and straining against his skin. I didn’t believe the tension in the air could grow any thicker.

  Me and my mouth.

  “Is that right?” My body and entire nerve system went on alert at the chilling way he asked the question. I carefully backed away for the door, feeling sweat form around my face even as my body went cold and the hairs around my neck stood up. “I guess we are about to see just how thick…your skin has gotten.”

  I bolted for the door but didn’t so much as get my hand on the door before I was snatched away and then I was flying. I landed on the soft spread of my bed and shot upright. He was already standing at the foot of my bed, watching me as he lifted his shirt from his chest and dropped it on the floor.

  “Wait! I’m not ready.”

  “Tough shit, Monroe. You had a year to get ready.” How could I have known this would happen? I knew he would be mad but this…

  “Can we talk about this?”

  “I’m done talking. It’s time to fuck.” I reared back, feeling both appalled and turned on by his crude behavior. I searched his eyes one last time but didn’t find any mercy in them.

  “I’ll fight you,” I warned him, half-heartedly.

  “You won’t win if I fight back.”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “I have every intention of doing this. I have since the first time you looked at me with the same need that I felt every damn day.”

  “What are you talking about? I never –”

  “I read your journal,” he interrupted with a smirk. My heart stopped in chest. Or was it beating so loud that I couldn’t hear it anymore?

  He read my journal.

  That meant he knew every single emotion or thought I ever felt or had about him. That also meant he knew about my parents.

  “Have you ever thought about being a writer? You’re very…descriptive. I particularly liked the entries dated, August 17th and May 27th. Those dates mean anything to you?” he grinned at me but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  I dropped my head, knowing exactly what dates he was referring to. The day I realized I desired him and the day before he was arrested. They were both during the same school year.

  “You’re a monster.”

  “And you’re a liar.” He began removing his belt from his jeans. It was the same one from last night. My wrists still held the imprint of the skulls and were red and puffy.

  “I didn’t lie.”

  “Come here.”


  He sighed as if I were little more than a nuisance and then he was suddenly on the bed, dragging me to the edge of the bed and pulling me up. “Suit yourself,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Don’t –” He gripped my waist tighter in warning.

  My top was quickly unbuttoned and tossed away. The cold air hit my bare chest, hardening my nipples just before his head lowered and his mouth was on me, sucking. My back instinctively arched from the sensation, pressing my breasts into his mouth further. A sharp sting from his bite had me gasping and grabbing onto his head for balance as I felt my whole world shift from that little spice of pain.

  The next moment, I was on my back and his hands at my shorts, pulling them off my hips and down my legs until they disappeared over the bed. The dark look of determination on his face scared me even as my body prepared to take him. I couldn’t deny or hide the evidence of my arousal. I didn’t understand all that what was happening or what was wrong with me. I tried reminding myself of all the horrible things he’d done and planned to do, but none of it worked.

  When he reached for my panties, I finally got ahold of my senses, and grabbed onto his hands to stop him, but he took those away from me too and I was left bare and shaking on my bed. I should be screaming and yelling and cursing, but I wasn’t. Instead I watched him devour my body with his eyes and I could see a hint of approval in them.

  He pulled me up again and ordered me to finish undressing him. I reached for his jeans with nervous hands and unbuttoned him and slid the zipper down. I grabbed onto the waist of his jeans with both hands and slid them down his legs all the while keeping my eyes on his, letting him see my disdain and praying I was shielding my hunger.
br />   “You can keep fighting it, Monroe, but my dick will be deep inside you before the night is over. We have all night. There is no one here to save you. No one to hear you scream. No one to see you come.” A slow, steady throb began between my legs from his threat. “Lay down and spread your legs for me.”

  I scooted back toward the headboard and slowly lowered my back to the mattress. I stared up at the ceiling while I spread my legs for him. I knew he could see my arousal.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. I let my gaze travel to his face and saw the anger there. “Don’t hide from me,” he growled.

  “You should be used to it by now. I’ve hidden from you my entire life.”

  The deep hatred that flashed in his eyes, more than I’ve ever seen before, was my only warning. He covered my body with his and forced my thighs open wider to accommodate him. I could feel the head of his cock poised at my entrance as he grabbed a hand full of my hair in his hand and leaned down to place his lips at my ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you now and when you’ve had more than you can take, I’m going to do it all over again, and I won’t let up, no matter how much you beg me to.”

  I looked into his eyes and couldn’t see any hint of remorse, only angry lust. The past ten years rushed back to me all at once and it felt like a punch to the gut. How could I ever think to desire him? He threatened my aunt; he tried to take away Willow. I hated him.

  “When this is all over –” My voice caught in my throat as he began entering me. I already felt so full. “and you realize the mistake your making, it will be me who makes you beg, and I won’t stop until I bring you to your fucking knees.”

  He stopped and stared back at me, his eyes searching mine, before he finally spoke, his voice chilling. “Thank you, Monroe. You almost made this hard for me.”

  It felt as if the loud cry I releases came straight from my soul when he slammed into me. Shock and pain, took over my body as he took my virginity. I clutched his shoulders and tried to push him away but he seized my wrists in his fists and locked them against the mattress.


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