Fear Me

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Fear Me Page 29

by B. B. Reid

  “Keiran?” I shuddered out.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I love the way you make love…but I need the way you fuck me.” His body stiffened and his eyes hardened when I said ‘make love’ but I didn’t get the chance to take it back or realize my mistake. He spit out a harsh curse, sat up on his haunches and yanked my hips off the bed leaving my lower half suspended in the air as he delivered short, brutal strokes that left me gasping for breath and clawing at the sheets.

  “Keiran, wait,” I whimpered.

  “Shut up.” His hand closed around my throat, squeezing and cutting off my air supply. The panic and the feeling of him moving inside me was a dangerous combination and after the fifth or sixth drive of his cock, I came on a piercing scream. He watched me come, seemingly mesmerized, while keeping a hard rhythm inside my trembling body.

  “There is nothing more sexy than watching you come around my cock,” he growled and then tossed his head back. I felt his fingers digging into my hips and saw the veins in his neck stretch and knew he was coming.

  We each laid in silence, trying to catch our breaths and our thoughts. I wanted to run and hide but that would be admitting my feelings for him.

  “I should take you home,” he said absently. Too late you dumb twat…you already did.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ever heard of the walk of shame? It was when a one-night stand had to endure embarrassment after getting fucked, literally and figuratively. Despite, what people may think, I have some respect for myself. It’s ironic really because after a knockdown, drag out fight, I stayed. Why? Because he didn’t get to sex me the way he did and then kick me out. But I had been too busy celebrating my victory to realize that I may have won the battle but not the war…well the war was multiple orgasms.

  Since I stayed, Keiran didn’t leave me alone the entire night. In the middle of our fight he shoved me onto his naked lap and made me ride him until I was spent and even then continued take me throughout the night. I knew he regretted our one true spark of intimacy so he tried erasing it by being the same cold bastard he’d always been.

  In the morning he’d barely spoken two words to me except to tell me he was taking me home to shower and change clothes for school. “Can I make you breakfast?” I heard Keiran ask behind me when we walked into my house.

  I turned wide eyes on him. “You want to make me breakfast?”

  He shrugged before shedding his black, leather bomber jacket. “It’s the least I could do after last night.”

  I paused in surprise. “Are you apologizing?”

  “No.” He turned away, quickly disappearing into the kitchen. I walked upstairs to shower and when I looked in the mirror, I immediately noticed the numerous large, red hickeys and bite marks all over my neck and trailing beneath my shirt to my breasts.

  I panicked, wondering how I could cover them up. I hurried to text Sheldon and Willow, who both told me to use makeup and assured me it would be gone in a couple of days. I stepped in to shower and ran the shower gel over my aching muscles, hoping to soothe them. To say Keiran worked me over was an understatement.

  After showering, I quickly blow dried my hair and then unceremoniously threw on jeans and a button up and left my hair to hang in soft waves down my back and finger combed my overlong bangs also making a note to have it recut.

  The smell of food greeted me as I made my way downstairs. He really did make breakfast. I found Keiran in the kitchen spooning our food onto plates. I guess my stomach liked what it saw when it growled…loudly. Way to go, you. Very sexy.

  He grinned at me and pushed my plate towards me. “Help yourself,” he stated, deepening my embarrassment.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” I admitted grudgingly.

  I picked up a fork and begin digging in to the delicious looking eggs when his phone rung and he left the kitchen to take the phone call. I was a little glad that he did because my table manners are atrocious when I’m hungry. I finished my food and considered seconds but he didn’t come back yet to eat. I mean it would probably be absolutely shitty of me to eat his food and mine. I canned the idea but then thought about how he tried to kick me out of his house. Maybe not.

  I devoured his food and when he still hadn’t returned curiosity took over so I hopped off the bar stool to search for him. He wasn’t anywhere downstairs so I headed upstairs next and heard his low voice drifting from my bedroom. Lucky for me the door was cracked so I peeked.

  He was standing by my desk holding a picture of me that was taken last year while he was in juvie. Willow and Aunt Carissa had convinced me to take an extremely long road trip to the beach when I started to become depressed for some unknown reason. Aunt Carissa had taken the picture of me standing, barefooted in the water, wearing the first smile I’d had in a long time. He was staring down hard at the picture with a tight grip on the frame as he spoke on the phone.

  “No, I want you to keep a tail on her. Find out why she lied.” His voice was menacing and I felt sorry for whoever it was he was referring to. “Oh and tell your boss he’ll be receiving a new package soon and to do as he pleases.”

  He dismissed the caller and I panicked, thinking I would be caught but he continued to stare down at my photo intensely. I took a deep breath and headed back downstairs as quietly as I could before I got caught. I didn’t have time to think about all that I heard before he was back in the kitchen. He looked around for his plate of food before he raised his eyebrow at me. I merely shrugged and took the plates to the sink. When my back was turned, I found the courage to ask the question that’d been on my mind since the game.


  “Yeah?” I could feel his eyes watching me, amping up my nervousness.

  “What are you going to do about Trevor and Anya now that you know they set you up?”

  “You didn’t get enough information eavesdropping at the door?”


  “I uh...”

  “Don’t do it again,” he ordered with a flat tone. I spun around, holding a soapy dish in my hand and felt the urge to hurl it at his head.

  “Why can’t you tell me and who were you talking to on the phone?”

  “Why do you need to know?” he asked with heavy disinterest.

  “Because he tried to rape me in a locker room? Or because he framed me too? I’ll let you pick.” Sarcasm was laced throughout my voice and hard to miss.

  His eyes narrowed menacingly but I didn’t flinch away. I’m getting good at that. Instead I held his stare until he rolled his eyes and pushed me out of the way to take over washing the dishes.

  “Keiran, I need to know. I –”

  “I’m well aware of what he did to you and what he tried to do to you,” he said, emotionlessly, as he made meticulous circles on the plate. He rinsed off the dish and moved on to the other.

  “You don’t care do you?” I fought back the misplaced hurt I felt and grabbed onto the counter for strength to hold in my emotions. He continued to wash the dishes with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “Caring doesn’t make a difference. It just gets people killed.”

  “Maybe you’re just incapable of feeling anything.”

  “I feel many things: anger, hatred, pain, lust. I don’t need to feel anything else.”

  “What about love, compassion, and happiness?” He finally looked at me a smirk as if he was amused by my question. “I don’t believe in it.”

  “Then I feel sorry for you.”

  “I’ll live. Those emotions you carry on your sleeve are what makes you weak…but you also feel anger and hatred too, don’t you?”

  “Who exactly would I have to hate?”

  “Your parents. You think they abandoned you and left you here to suffer. You think that if they weren’t gone then the past ten years wouldn’t have happened. You hate your aunt too. If she didn’t take you in, if she didn’t love you, then you wouldn’t be here. You don’t believe in love but you are a hypocrite.”

  “Get out,”
I barked. He leaned against the sink, crossed his legs, and continued to watch me with a knowing look in his eyes and his ever-present smirk. Anger like I’d never felt before passed over me so I grabbed the motherfucker by the horns and held on.

  A knife was in my hands with no recollection of how it got there. I charged toward him, ready to hurt him like he’d hurt me. When I was close enough, I raised my arm higher. His foot shot out, kicking my feet from under me and I was falling, the knife snatched out of my hands. He was on me before I could move, spreading my legs open and pressing the knife against my throat.

  “You want to hurt me?” he said, unbuttoning my jeans and shoving them down my legs. “You wouldn’t even know where to begin because first I’d have to give a fuck,” he growled and thrust into me. His fist in my hair pulled my head back as he thrust savagely into me. My screams were just as wild and wanton as I pushed my hips back to take more of him. He pressed the knife deeper against my throat and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I should kill you right now and put you out of the fucking misery you claim to live in every day but I can’t let you go. Fuck me, I can’t let you go,” he repeated with a single hard thrust and then he was coming, spilling his seed into my unprotected body.

  * * *

  “Hey, the fair tonight, are we going?” Sheldon drawled as she appeared, leaning against the lockers with a leg propped up behind her. I’d been distracted by the many thoughts racing through my head.

  “Uh, I’m not sure…”

  “Come on, Lake this is my only night off this week!” Willow exclaimed as she walked into our conversation. She never could resist the Ferris wheel. “Besides you owe me a prize,” she pouted.

  “Alright, alright. Don’t lose your panties,” I snapped. Willow looked at me in shock, mirroring my own surprise. I never talked to Willow like that. I mumbled a quick sorry and opened my locker to store my books for lunch but it was slammed back by a small hand with red fingertips.

  “I don’t know what you told my man, but you better stay away from him or you’ll be sorry. Keiran is mine.”

  “Funny, I’ve heard that before.” I mentally gagged at the stench of pure evil coming from the she-witch named Anya. “You better move that hand,” I warned. I was still angry from this morning and the disaster that happened after the argument. To say I was scared shitless was an understatement and it wasn’t because he threatened to kill me with a knife digging into my throat.

  “Or what, loser. You need to stop whoring –”

  She didn’t get to finish that statement because she was eating metal at the moment. I subdued her with a strong hand against her skull, pushing her face into the locker. I swear I could hear her teeth scraping against the locker. Note to self: disinfect that later.

  A crowd quickly gathered at the chance to witness a fight.

  “Listen carefully, please. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Keiran... isn’t… yours. He never was. So back off. And I would be very careful in the near future. I won’t be so forgiving. Mkay, pumpkin?” I smiled evilly at the back of her head. I realized I was totally out of character at the moment but I didn’t care. I needed an outlet and Anya elected herself as tribute.

  When she nodded I let the pressure off the back of her head and patted her once. “Atta girl. Now, get.” She flounced off in her high heels. Seriously what was with the pumps in high school?

  “I am so hot for you right now,” Willow deadpanned.

  “Raaawr! Who knew, goody two had it in her?” Sheldon included.

  “What the fuck was that?” I heard a voice growl. The crowd had nearly doubled so I didn’t realize that one of the spectators was Keiran.

  “I don’t know. What did it look like?” I thought at any moment his face would crack under the pressure he was placing on his jawbone.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  I sighed in exasperation and turned back to face my locker. I pulled out one of the sanitary wipes I kept on hand and wiped the front of my locker down.

  “Lake,” he called warningly.

  “I was keeping your ex-cum buckets in line since you seem to be incapable.”

  “Ooohh! Burn! Damn!” A volley of jeers sounded around the crowd.

  “Leave,” he commanded and when the other kids scurried and he turned his attention back to me. “You want to explain what your problem is?”

  “Is that a serious question?” Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he might have impregnated me while he threatened to slice my throat open but I could be wrong. I couldn’t tell him that anyway. Not with Willow and Sheldon watching us closely. We’d always been careful before but I admitted that I was just as mad at myself for giving in to him once again.

  “I’ll see you later.” He stated simply but it sounded threatening at the same time. With that he turned on his heel and walked away. It didn’t have to be said. I knew I messed up but if he could do what he wanted then so could I.

  “He looked pissed,” Willow commented. “What is up with them anyway? They are so hypocritical and bossy. It’s always ‘do what I say’, ’now’, ‘no’, ‘mine’. “Me Tarzan, you Jane. Now bend over!”

  “Don’t forget the grunting and growling,” Sheldon added.

  “I keep expecting to be dragged off to a cave or something.”

  We shared a long laugh over the guys’ expense but were interrupted by a throat clearing. We whipped around at the same time to find Dash and Keenan leaning against the lockers, watching us and looking irate. I guess they’d heard what we said. Oops.

  “Oh shit, um…I love you honey bun?” Sheldon jokingly attempted to soothe Keenan’s feelings. He rolled his eyes and walked away in the same direction Keiran retreated.

  Dash remained a beat and I could see the struggle in his eyes before he mumbled, “Fuck it,” and walked off after Keiran and Keenan.

  Willow, Sheldon, and I were left, standing alone in the empty hallway. We each shared a look before shrugging and heading to the cafeteria. Lunch was one big social gathering that I still haven’t become accustomed to after many years of avoiding the area and people in general.

  Willow still refused to sit at Keiran’s table because of her drama with Dash so we headed for an empty table to sit and I automatically looked around for Keiran but didn’t spot him. I was sure this was the direction he walked in and assumed he would come here. I looked around more and didn’t spot Keenan or Dash either.

  “Hello Ladies and Thing.” Buddy straddled a chair next to me wearing a toothy grin.

  “Get lost, kid.” Willow huffed.

  “Since when do I do what you say?”

  “Since I know where you keep the dirty magazines and stash of pornos and I’ll tell mom and dad.”

  “Ha! Who do you think I got them from? Dad needed to get rid of the evidence,” he said secretly as he grinned stretched wider.


  “Indeed,” he mimicked in a smarmy tone then turned to Sheldon and me. “Hey lover. Hey Sheldon.”

  “Don’t ‘Hey Sheldon’ me. Next time you use the bathroom put the seat back down. I fell in and got an ass full of toilet water!” She threw a green bean at him, which he caught with his mouth.

  “Don’t get mad at me because you don’t watch where you park your ass.”

  “Wait, when were you at her house and why?” Willow grilled.

  “Call of Duty. Duh. What’s your issue?”

  “You’re fraternizing with the enemy? My own brother!”

  “No one told you to give it up and get the guy sprung,” he had a disturbed look in his yes as he snatched a fry out of Willow’s tray.

  “You don’t know what you are talking about, Buddy. Don’t start rumors.”

  “I don’t have to. It’s already out there. Dash put the order out that you were off limits weeks ago. The poor schmuck from the other night was the only one to try but that was only because he’s new. Don’t worry. Dash already spoke with him too.” He shot Willow a devilish grin and her face pa
led before turning red.

  “He had no right –”

  “Tell him that, sis. I’m just an innocent bystander.”

  “As his twin, I can tell you that Dash is up to something. He’s sneaky. He may be quiet now but I assure you he’s plotting so I hope you’re ready to give in.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Willow scoffed but it sounded forced.

  “Willow, maybe talking to him instead of ignoring will work better. Tell him how you feel,” I suggested. Keiran may have been right. I was a hypocrite.

  “My brother doesn’t care about how Willow feels or what she wants. He is acting on his own feelings now and what he wants is you. Right now, he’s looking for a weakness and the right moment to pounce.”

  “This isn’t a war, Sheldon.”

  “No, this is a Chambers. You’re screwed.”

  “Thanks.” Willow replied dryly.

  “Anytime, babe.”

  “That is why I stay single,” Buddy included smugly.

  “Because you’re ugly?” Willow asked.

  “Just for that, I’m inviting Dash over tonight.”

  “You better not!”

  “Already happening,” he taunted, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text.

  “That’s it. I’ve disowned you.” Buddy scoffed and rolled his eyes before locking them with mine.

  “So Lake, what did you do to my boy?”

  “And who would that be?”

  “The muffin man,” he replied impatiently. “You know who.”

  “What’s it to you?” I asked rather than answer his question.

  “Because he’s is snapping and snarling at anyone who even walks past. He’s got some serious Lake fever going on.”


  “Yeah. I swear you guys are better than my stories.” I shook my head at Buddy. He really did watch soap operas faithfully.

  “I can handle Keiran.”

  “Can you?” His tone was laced with seriousness and his eyes bore into mine with concern in his eyes, a complete opposite of his normal playful self.


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