Fake it then

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Fake it then Page 11

by Elle Woods

  “Yes Lana, he asked if you were single,” Erica replied, failing at hiding an amused smile.

  “Excellent, I hope he’s here tomorrow.”

  “Well he’s got a concussion and pretty severe road rash so I think you’re in luck,” Erica responded sarcastically. Lana grinned widely, biting her tongue lightly.

  “So, are you going to tell me what’s got you so tired?” Lana asked, her piercing eyes all knowing.

  “Lana, I’m a nurse. I work weird hours. We’re all tired,” Erica explained as if speaking to a child. A beam of sunlight snuck through the window shades, making the nurse’s eye twitch.

  “Don’t gaslight me young lady. I know you better than that. You never drink coffee, so something must have you restless.” Erica groaned, Lana knew her better than anyone.

  “You don’t miss anything do you? I was doing some research, okay?”

  “Oh, I was really hoping that answer would be a bit sexier,” Lana pouted. “So what does Wonder Woman need to study?” Erica gave Lana a wry smile; she secretly loved the nickname her friend had allocated.

  “PhD programs. I’ve been tossing around the idea of getting my doctorate in nursing. But I didn’t really want to mention it yet.” Erica’s voice had hushed as a few coworkers passed by their table, blonde and red ponytails sweeping across the back of their scrubs. Lana’s eyes widened and she leaned in closer.

  “That sounds fantastic, why wouldn’t you mention that to me?”

  “Well I don’t know if I’m even doing it yet. Or if I even have the money to go back to school.” Erica paused, thinking about her next words. “And I didn’t want to deal with all the unhelpful comments,” she admitted. She knew what people would say: Why don’t you just become a doctor? Why would a nurse need a PhD? What would you even do with that? She received the same types of questions when she went to nursing school. Everyone in her family seemed remised that she didn’t go to medical school; almost like it was a waste of her Valedictorian scholarships.

  “Screw that, Erica. You’re the smartest person I ever met. With a PhD you’d be a super nurse. It’s good for your career, and in the long run even good for your wallet.”

  “It’s not about the money,” Erica snorted.

  “Of course it is. Who else is gonna be my sugar mama and take care of me in my old age?”

  “Have you already forgotten your man in leather?” Lana laughed at this before turning to stare at her friend straight on.

  “And how’s your love life, Nurse Silva,” she asked in mock severity. Every time she asked it was always the same answers; nonexistent, who’s got the time, ask (insert fictional character here).

  “Actually…” Erica began, lowering her voice and looking around. Lana nearly squeaked at the unexpected response. “I think I’ve been having moments with James all week.”

  “Oh, he’s James now?” Lana wiggled her eyebrows, her voice sultry.

  “I know, I know. But he treats me like an equal you know? When he gives me advice, it feels…genuine. He doesn’t view us like helpers.” Dr. Emerson was always respectful of the nursing team. He would often ask Erica her thoughts on a patient and trust her observations. The same couldn’t be said for other doctors in the building; they were condescending and viewed her like a personal assistant. “But he got very close to me today, and I swear there was some kind of spark between us. He compliments me, you know? I think he even said my hair was nice.”

  “Well he must really like you then, because we both know that ponytail is just a giant split end.”

  “Lana!” Erica snapped, her cheeks blushing pink as she grabbed for her hair.

  “I’m kidding…mostly. I mean, you’re an intelligent woman. If you think there’s something there, then they probably is.” Erica chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip, her stomach in knots at the thought.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t mind. He’s brilliant and so professional-”

  “Handsome,” Lana added on. Erica rolled her eyes but conceded.

  “Yes, that as well.” Not to mention it had been a while since someone had been able to catch her interest. All of her coworkers had labeled her as ‘too picky.’

  “Poor little paramedic will be so disappointed,” said Lana with a tut. She giggled loudly as Erica shot her an icy glare.

  “I’ll admit, it’s nice to have a connection like that. But we’re coworkers, nothing’s going to happen. We both care about our careers too much…and that’s the way it should be.” Lana fake yawned at Erica’s sentiment, slowly getting up from her chair.

  “Wow, even at your most romantic you’re a logician,” Lana muttered. She shouldered her purse and gave a warm smile to her friend. “Hon, someday someone is going to pierce through that stone wall you call a heart, and I’ll be here cheering them on.”

  “Like you haven’t already wormed your way in,” Erica quipped, her tone unusually tender.

  “I know, I take great pride in getting you out of your shell. Now eat up, okay? Can’t have you fainting on the job. Love ya kid.”

  “Bye, Lana.” Erica returned to her now cold eggs and sighed, resting her cheek on her fist. She let her eyes fall closed once again, dozing off quickly, her head drooping heavily.


  “Well, Nurse Sunshine! Fancy seeing you here.” The congenial voice broke through the dark haze of Erica’s nap. The nurse blinked her eyes open slowly, rubbing the sleep away. A muscular figure emerged from the blur, a crooked smile grinning at her.

  “Martinez,” she spat, straightening up in her chair. “Why do you feel the need to call me that?” The paramedic sat down across from her, his strong arms draped across the chair next to him. She studied the long veins for a moment, distinctive beneath his smooth looking skin.

  “Well, you never bothered to tell me your real name,” he retorted, taking a pinch of uneaten egg off her plate. He popped it in his mouth before grimacing. Erica frowned at this and sighed.

  “It’s Erica,” she admitted, a bit embarrassed. In their first meeting she hadn’t been interested in pleasantries. “What are you doing here, besides eating my meal?”

  “Well, I was gonna pop in for some food while they readied the ambulance, but I’m rethinking that decision.” He scrunched his nose as he looked around at the various trays scattered about the cafeteria. The room had emptied out for the most part, leaving Grayson and Erica along with an older doctor consumed in her crossword puzzle. “Did you know that you snore?”

  “I was not snoring, I was just resting my eyes,” she retaliated, her ears feeling hot. How long had he been standing there?

  “Is it normal for your mouth to hang open while you rest your eyes?” Erica shot him a glare and checked her watch. “Don’t worry, it’s cute. It’s the only time you’re not mad at me.”

  “Oh darn, as fun as this was I need to get back to my shift,” she said through gritted teeth. His eyes brightened and he stood up, mirroring her.

  “What a coincidence, I’m going that way too.” She ignored him and grabbed her tray. As she turned to put it in the bin she could feel his eyes on her, waiting patiently to walk back with her. She gave an aggravated huff and turned to face him.

  “What’s your deal Martinez?” she asked point blank, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest.

  “Oh, where to begin?” he teased, running a hand through his black hair.

  “I’m serious,” she took a step closer. “There are plenty of nurses who are enraptured with you. Why don’t you grace one of them with your charm?” Her tone was sarcastic, but Grayson’s playful façade never faltered.

  “Counter question: Why don’t you like me?” he inquired. Erica pursed her lips and began to walk away, but he caught up to her easily.

  “That should be fairly obvious. And dislike is a strong word.” You just annoy me to no end, she thought to herself.

  “Then enlighten me. You
know, us hot shot paramedics can be dense sometimes. Our minds are too filled up thinking we are God’s gift to women, after all.” Erica’s cheeks blushed a conspicuous scarlet. Nurse Jones must have told Grayson what she said. What an incorrigible little gossip.

  “Considering you must have heard that from Nurse Jones, you’re either a horrible gossip or a stereotypical ‘nurse flirt.’” She was attempting to walk faster than Grayson, but at about 5’11’ his legs were longer than they seemed.

  “Can’t blame a guy for having a type,” he quipped. “But please continue; you’ve intrigued me.” Erica halted her pace for a moment. Was this guy serious?

  “Well,” she began, a bit more tentatively, “I find you lack a certain amount of professionalism.” She rounded the corner, going down the hallway towards the supply closet. She needed a mask for her immunocompromised patient in 220.

  “And your evidence?” he asked, his tone more serious than she was used to.

  “Inappropriate jokes with patients, your blasé attitude towards major emergencies, your need to act like a stud,” she listed off, arriving at the closet.

  “So you think I’m a stud?” When Erica didn’t respond, he continued. “I don’t see it as unprofessional. I like to think of it as building a trusting bond with patients and alleviating their stress by offering a distraction.”

  “Think of that all on your own?” she mumbled, finally unlocking the door and stepping inside the cramped closet. She searched around for a moment with an incredulous look. She had only organized it two days ago and the supplies were already out of order and scattered haphazardly. Once she was a chief nursing executive, things would be run differently. She hadn’t noticed that Grayson had followed her into the closet until she nearly plowed him over. He caught her before she could stumble, his hands warm and calloused. She looked up into his eyes, her face blank.

  “Anything else you care to share?”

  “As a matter of fact, you’re always in my way,” she said softly, caught off guard by the close proximity.

  “That’s fair,” he grinned.

  “And stepping on my feet,” Erica added. Her chest was pressed against his, and she swore she could feel his heart. This was much too close.

  “Have you thought that maybe you’re just bad at sharing spaces?” he asked. “Maybe I wouldn’t step on you if you didn’t try to take control all the time.” Erica swatted his hands away from her and stood toe to toe with him.

  “Did you just call me controlling?” she demanded. Even in the dark room, she was able to see the golden streaks that lit up his brown eyes. She’d never noticed that before.

  “That depends, are you done listing all my faults?”

  “Yes,” she huffed. Though he was blocking the door, her arms wouldn’t move to push him out of the way.

  “Then yes. You’re a bit of a control freak.” Erica gave him a sneer, but before she could retort he finished his thought. “It’s kind of cute though. Your nose wrinkles up when you get into bossy nurse mode.”

  “If you’re done,” she quipped. This was not the first time she had been called bossy, and frankly it didn’t faze her anymore. But Grayson calling her cute did ignite a fire somewhere deep inside her belly.

  “And if I may continue,” he began, his tone serious, “I think you judge people too severely. You don’t know me, but you’re so eager to condemn me as a paramedic who’s only looking to get into someone’s pants. You forget that I had to work hard for this; I had to go to school and train just like you.” This left Erica uncharacteristically speechless. Grayson had almost sounded hurt, as if she was capable of damaging his feelings. She hadn’t thought she held that much power over him. Erica attempted to slide by him, eager to clear her head. Instead he closed the door, enclosing them in a stuffy darkness.

  “Have you ever thought about just letting loose? Just letting someone into your world for a moment?” Grayson asked, his tone almost hopeful.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Erica’s breathing had grown shallow. She just noticed that their hands were touching lightly, and neither felt troubled enough to recoil. His words echoed Lana’s earlier, and a nervous lump began to form in her throat.

  “You know, letting your hair down,” he clarified, his signature smile returning. He reached an arm behind her, his fingers brushing past the cartilage of her ear. He pulled the hair tie out slowly, her hair falling in messy waves in front of her shoulders. Erica could hear her pulse in her ears, every muscle in her body contracting violently. She should leave. Command him to get out of her way.

  “I don’t have time for fun,” she answered lamely, sounding unconvincing to herself. When was the last time she had been close with someone?

  “Tell me to get lost, and I will,” he said softly, leaning forward. He smelled of cinnamon, his cologne enticing and spicy. She was a professional; what if a superior found her in the supply closet like this? But she remained close to him, her body unwilling to break away, and her mouth refused to send him out.

  He moved his hand to capture the nape of her neck, his long fingers spreading through the locks of her hair. Erica’s breath hitched, but she remained still, leaning her head slightly back into his touch.

  “You never answered my question,” she said, breaking the silence. Her voice was weak and airy.

  “Ask me again,” he responded as if in a dream. His eyes never left hers, his expression more like an entranced gaze.

  “Why not another nurse here?”

  “I’ve always had a weakness for the smartest girl in the room,” he admitted, his tone only half teasing. They stood like this for a few moments until Grayson finally asked, “Can I?” His thumb gently traced her bottom lip, his touch featherlike.

  Not this guy, you can’t stand him! Grayson Martinez, really? What if James ever found out? And you preach to others about professionalism. Good job giving people more to gossip about. You know he’s not going to keep this quiet.

  But Erica’s body reacted with reckless abandon, effectively shutting up her brain with one fluid motion. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

  Coming Soon

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