Star Force: Secession (SF13)

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Star Force: Secession (SF13) Page 9

by Aer-ki Jyr

  “Star Force is not charging anything for this service. We are doing this to avert a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. I do not hold to the population control measures that some of you have implemented, but I understand the crisis that has prompted them. Project Exodus will give you a civilized alternative to stabilize your population levels.”

  “Coupled with this, we are also implementing Project Harvest, a massive expansion of Star Force’s foodstuff production facilities geared toward supplying Earth with sufficient levels to be able to rescind the current rationing, as well as for supplying what is needed for these new colonies as they grow and expand exponentially. Concurrently, we will work with any of you that wishes to begin retooling your own nation’s foodstuff production, much of which is still primitive and weather sensitive. We will help you devise a more productive approach, as well as make certain products available to assist in this, namely being a condensed version of a hydroponic factory that we’ve been streamlining for domestic use.”

  “For those nations with vast tracks of inhospitable land, we’re willing to contribute half the payment for these hydroponic facilities on the condition that the produce be put on the worldwide market rather than reserved for your own nation. Key areas I’m thinking about are the deserts and tundras.”

  “A small subsection of Project Harvest will be Star Force’s creation of oceanic production facilities located in the shallows along your nations’ coastlines. Similar to Atlantis, these facilities will be Star Force owned and run, but will sell exclusively to your individual markets, assuming you permit us access to those coastal areas. This will put a supply center on your home soil without consuming your precious land space, which has already become clogged with overpopulation in many cases.”

  “Likewise, many of you have inquired as to Star Force’s underwater building experience in order to expand your own coastal cities beneath the oceans and seas on your borders. I will tell you that it is not an easy thing to do, nor are we comfortable with just giving you the specs and leaving you to flounder in ignorance. But given the usefulness of bleeding off some of your population into new cities, I have agreed to found Project Nautilus.”

  “This will be a new branch of Star Force construction services focused on underwater development of complete cities, ranging in size from small towns to metropolises. It will be expensive, as you can imagine, but my sources tell me many of you are ready to begin such construction projects tomorrow if I give the word. Well, you can consider the word given. Nautilus construction teams are already assembled and can be deployed as soon as the first of you sign contracts.”

  “Now, to the philosophical side of this issue. Many have pointed out that the steps that Star Force is taking is nothing more than a stalling tactic, and that the issue of population control has to be addressed at some point. So let’s address it now.”

  “Killing off excess population is abhorrent, therefore it is not a credible option, though it is an expedient method of reducing the demand on resources.”

  “Restricting reproduction is a regrettable option, and one that I prefer to avoid. Given certain crises it can be necessary, but with preplanning it can be avoided and never should be considered a permanent solution. True civilization is a free society, and the type of restriction that comes into play violates that mandate. As an emergency measure it is marginally acceptable…far better than to have people starving to death…but it is not a valid, long term option.”

  “Where does that leave us then? Infinite expansion? Many would argue that to be foolhardy and unsustainable, and while I agree that larger population levels require greater responsibility upon leadership, it is not prohibitive. There are a great many advantages to having large populations that counter the downsides, so don’t discount growth as merely a problem. Unchecked, it can lead to overpopulation and a host of crisis points that we are now facing…but measured, sustainable, and beneficial growth can be achieved with proper foresight.”

  “Star Force is offering that foresight as we continue to push forward the colonization rush, faster than many of you are comfortable with, but I assure you that we know what we’re doing, the risks involved, and that we have a master plan…a key component of which is the fact that space is vast enough to eat up all the population we can throw at it and still laugh at our impotent efforts to fill the universal void.”

  “Due to continually updating astronomic research, we’ve identified the presence of thousands of planets around distant stars. While we might not be able to reach them yet, those worlds are there to be had and populated. If we achieve that someday into the future, our population won’t be measured in the billions, it will be measured in the trillions.”

  “With that perspective in mind, don’t look on hundreds of millions of births as a massive population explosion, but rather as just one of many stepping stones into the future. We must guard that future closely, for a misstep could spell disaster, without fearing it. Embrace growth. Embrace advancement. Embrace the concept of interplanetary civilization.”

  “Even now, in this star system, we have access to dozens of planetoids, most of which can be made habitable, but even those that cannot have orbital tracks for us to populate, as Star Force has taken the first steps in doing with Jupiter. We have plenty of room to expand in our own back yard, so to speak, before we would even need to think about having to push the boundaries of this star system in search of another. Star Force has the means, and the will, to see this broad and aggressive colonization effort forward. Your participation is a matter for each nation to decide what’s in your best interests.”

  Davis half turned and gestured to the population density map, with many areas of many nations glowing red.

  “Expansion can fix this problem, if handled diligently and wisely. To that end some of you are probably already crunching the numbers. When I said we could accommodate a million the first year, you’re probably thinking what’s the point? That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the global population growth, and even if Star Force grows its operations how much is 2 million, or 3, or even 5 going to achieve?”

  “In that line of questioning you see the depth of the problem this planet faces. We don’t just need an exodus from the planet, we need a mass exodus. That is why Star Force has to take an unusual tactic this time around. Normally we don’t do much building on Earth, 99% of our construction efforts being up there,” he said, pointing up at the semi-clear dome above their heads that was just beginning to show starlight now that the sun had set.

  “While the construction of the new colonies will be off Earth, we need to build our colonist training centers here to facilitate the processing. Now, I could build another dozen or so copies of Atlantis in the ocean, but that would be prohibitively expensive…and you know from my history that I have rarely used that term with regard to Star Force expenditures,” the Director said, cracking a small smile.

  “We need to build on land, not just for Project Exodus, but for Project Harvest as well. This is the most expedient and efficient route available to us, but as you well know land is in short supply, else we wouldn’t have the overpopulation problems that we face. You’re making the most out of what you have and are beginning to expand into your inhospitable climates, for those of you that have them, in search of more building opportunities. We are not going to try to steal those opportunities from you. Besides, we require much more acreage than most of you have available.”

  “There is another solution, however. Land that none of you possess, nor want. In exchange I am willing to accede to some of the demands that have been made of Star Force over the previous year regarding mitigation of the penalties handed down from the war. I am hereby willing to cancel the permanent nature of the military bans and instead tie them to the length of your service bans,” he said, drawing audible exclamations of relief and approval from the nations involved. They’d been diplomatically hammering him hard to renegotiate the penalties and the military ban had been their big
gest gripe by far.

  To those of you who are not suffering any bans, Star Force will compensate you each with one additional territory either on Luna or Mars, as is available, from those Star Force holdings that we haven’t yet developed. I think all of you here will find the arrangement more than sufficient recompense, considering that it is going to cost you nothing more than your approval.”

  “I will note the fact that West Africa and China are not here, and I will reiterate the fact that I do not care what they have to say on the matter. If there are any ruffled feathers to deal with, I leave that to you all to deal with as the international body. The Chinese will protest, I have no doubt, but with your consent we will be moving forward regardless.”

  “Now, maybe some of you have pieced together my riddle. Good for you if you have. For those of you who haven’t, let me be more clear,” he said, replacing the population statistics with a map of Earth’s southernmost continent.

  “For Projects Exodus and Harvest to be fully realized, I need Antarctica.”




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