Without Fear

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Without Fear Page 10

by Reese Knightley

  They hailed a passing nurse and asked her about the patient.

  “He was discharged earlier,” she told them and continued on her rounds. She really needed to brush up on her HIPAA course and he had half a mind to stop at the admin desk on his way out.

  A slight sound behind him spun him around and he pulled his gun at the same time, aiming it at…Felix’s head.

  “Whoa!” Felix hissed.

  “Shit!” Macy lowered down his gun and glared at the smirking bodyguard. “Where’s Logan?”

  “Doc discharged him today.”

  Felix waved at the gun he still held. “Don’t shoot, I’ll take you to him.”

  “What are you still doing here?” He frowned and tucked his gun away beneath his scrubs.

  Felix nodded to the hallway. “Keeping an eye on the asshole gang out there. I think they’re the ones that ransacked your apartment.”

  He gave a nod of agreement and when Felix eased the door open, Macy stayed on the man’s flank. It was better if he stayed out of sight behind Felix. They wouldn’t think anything of Felix being there, but if they got a look at him, they’d start shooting. And even though the men had more than likely killed Frank, no way in hell did he want to be responsible for the carnage Siegel’s men would cause inside the hospital.

  They made it safely out of the hospital, and a few streets over, they took the back stairs upward into an office building that was closed for the weekend.

  “Macy?” Logan’s voice drew his eyes to the man resting on a sofa in one of the break rooms. “You didn’t call.”

  “I’m sorry.” He hurried to Logan’s side. Sinking down to sit on the edge of the cushion, he brushed the hair away from Logan’s forehead. His heart melted beneath Logan’s tender look.

  “I thought you weren’t coming.”

  “I had another thought,” he murmured. God, maybe this could work.

  “What’s that?” Logan briefly closed his eyes beneath his touch before they were open again and locked on him.

  “We stick together.”

  A tiny smile quirked at the corner of Logan’s mouth. “I’ve been telling you that.”

  Macy gave a wobbly smile. “I know. I wasn’t listening, but I am now.”

  “Progress,” Logan whispered, making Macy’s chest go all tingly and tight.

  His eyes suddenly burned and he fisted Logan’s shirt and slowly pulled the man forward until their chests were touching. He briefly searched those clear green eyes before he dipped his head and brushed his mouth against Logan’s lips. Logan’s hands clenched at his waist and Macy sighed into the man’s mouth.

  “Psst. Sorry to break up this little reunion,” Ryder interrupted their kiss. “But what’s the plan?”

  “Let’s get the hell out of here and somewhere safe before we make a plan,” Logan said.

  “I know a place not far from here.”

  The beach house was not far, and under the cover of darkness, they made it in record time. He was glad because Logan looked exhausted. The owner of the house had passed away two months prior and the place currently stood empty waiting for the next of kin to either claim it or sell it. The Mayor of Crumpet, Jethro Plunket, was still in the process of finding the owner’s relatives.

  Macy put in a call to Jett and Nathan and the pair joined them. When the agents arrived, there were no introductions as the men had met previously at his apartment. Food was produced and everyone ate.

  An hour later, most of the men gathered around when he pulled out a map of Crumpet and spread it over the dining room table.

  “Jett, Nathan, I need you on each side of the town.” He pointed to the one main street.

  “Will do.” Jett grabbed his coat and left with Nathan.

  “What about the small airport?” Logan asked.

  “I can have the sheriff station a few men there,” Macy responded.

  “It’s all quiet out there,” Jaxon said, entering the back door with Felix. The pair came closer to check out the map of Crumpet.

  “So, you’ve put Jett and Nathan on watching the way in and out of town, but what is the plan?” Hayden asked.

  “I’m going to draw Siegel out,” he said.

  Silence reigned around the table; he felt several pairs of eyes on him. Logan’s were fixed on his face in what looked to be a death glare.

  “What makes you think he won’t shoot you on sight?” Logan growled.

  “He wants that video.”

  “Doesn’t the FBI have the video?” Felix asked.

  “They do.” He nodded and finally turned to Logan. “And I’m FBI. So, he’ll think he can use me to get the evidence.”

  “Just like he used your friend, Frank?” Jaxon murmured.

  He sucked in a breath and glared at Jaxon. “He used Frank to find out where I was. Once he had that information, Frank was no longer useful.” At least, that was what he suspected. His chest grew tight and he fisted his hands.

  “So, as long as he doesn’t have the video, he’ll keep you alive,” Hayden added.

  “Well, hopefully, I’ll have taken him into custody before he takes me hostage.” He whirled around and strode from the table and felt Logan on his ass. Walking through the house, he entered one of the larger bedrooms. He didn’t bother shutting the door, because Logan moved into the room and slammed it.

  “I know you’re angry and so fucking hurt about Frank, but this is a stupid idea.”

  “Did I ask for your opinion?” He turned on Logan.

  Logan stood his ground, head tipped, and Macy was so tempted to brush the hair from his forehead. The tiredness in his eyes had Macy wanting to coax Logan to lay on the bed, but the man was gearing up for a fight.

  “Macy, please be reasonable. You can’t take these guys on alone.”

  “Jesus Christ, Logan,” he finally growled, completely out of patience. “Your opinion of my skills as an agent is pissing me off. What in the hell makes you think I’m doing this alone?”

  Logan blinked at him, and then rubbed at his upper lip. “You’re not?”

  He scowled. “For someone so bright, you’re kind of thick. I’m an FBI agent. I’m not a one man show.”

  Logan’s lips pursed and his head tilted just a bit. “You’re my one man show.”

  Macy rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t stop the tilt of his lips. “You’re such a dork.”

  Logan’s gaze heated and he stepped closer. Macy stepped back, not ready to forgive the thick-headed bozo. Logan kept coming until Macy felt the bed behind him. He sat on his ass and looked up at Logan.

  Instead of pushing him back and making a pass, Logan dropped down to sit at his side and sighed.

  “I’m sorry,” the hunk muttered, and Macy slipped his palm up Logan’s back and closed his hand gently on the man’s neck.


  “Who are you taking with you?” Logan rasped.

  “Hopefully, a few of your men and a few marshals that drove down from Fern.”

  “Fern, Oregon?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I have a few family friends up there. Some of them are men who use to work for my brother.”

  “You know Whiplash Tauber or James Stanton?”

  “No, but I bet Diesel knows them.”

  “Is Diesel the one that reported to your brother?”

  “He did until he retired and met the love of his life.”

  “There’s plenty enough of us for this operation.” Macy smiled and Logan cupped his face.

  “I can’t go with you,” Logan admitted, his voice was filled with regret.

  Macy slipped his hands up and over Logan’s forearms.

  “You’ll be my base.”


  A week later, he was climbing the fucking walls.

  And the sling Macy insisted he wear irritated the hell out of him. He was on the mend. The wound was itching like fuck and he wanted to be out there daily when the guys made their rounds.

  He wasn’t built to take a
backseat. And that was what he’d been doing for the past seven days while they waited for Tony Siegel or his men to make a move on Macy.

  Of course, the past week hadn’t been all bad.

  He’d spent the days lounging with Macy in bed, and then barbecuing at night with the guys on the beach house deck. He’d gotten to see how much the men respected Macy and the way his lover handled himself. Macy was mind-blowingly efficient. People misjudged him by his looks and that was a mistake, but not his men. Logan was more guilty of that and struggled with his need to coddle Macy. He knew it was only a matter of time before Macy let loose with the growing storm his eyes promised. When that happened, he would be in a world of shit. The crazy thing was that he was trying to change, but his nature of taking care of the ones he loved was overriding any good sense where Macy was concerned.

  US Marshals Whiplash Tauber and James Stanton showed up the night Macy had spoken of them, and the pair had found their own accommodations. Logan had only seen brief glimpses of the two men. Jett and Nathan had basically moved in and one or the other could be found crashed out on the couch and one on the floor, because all the rooms were taken by his men.

  All in all, the operation was going as planned. Each night before Macy left in an attempt to coax Tony Siegel out of hiding, Macy applied makeup and dressed in tight pants and glittering shirts. Every morning when Macy got up, he went barefoot in faded blue jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt.

  Over the past year, he’d wondered who the real Macy was. Now, he knew Macy was a combination of both. The sweet and sassy waiter and the badass FBI agent.

  Logan didn’t mind either. In fact, he enjoyed the hell out of Macy’s “let’s get down to business and take out the bad guys” attitude, but also his snarky wit when he was annoyed or playful.

  Macy seemed to make it his mission to keep him on his toes, and Logan had to admit he liked it. No, he loved it. He loved the hell out of it and Macy.

  Fuck. How had he fallen so hard? The problem was, he wasn’t sure Macy felt the same. Sure, the man was attracted to him, the nights spent burning up the sheets were a testament to that, but was that all he was? A hot fuck?

  Screw that. He pulled off the sling and tossed it on the bed and dressed quickly. Tugging on a jacket, he eased it up over his arm and then moved his arm around. Yeah, it was tender as fuck, but he was going tonight.

  “Hey, boss,” Jaxon said when he entered the dining room. The table was filled with maps and weapons. It was their makeshift armory. When they ate, they usually sat out on the big porch or around the television in the living room.

  “Hey,” he said.

  Logan picked up his gun and checked the chamber before tucking it into the back of his jeans. Taking several clips, he put those away in his jacket.

  Macy came out of the bathroom and almost missed a step when he spotted him dressed to go out. Logan turned back to the table, but he could feel Macy’s eyes on him.

  The agent quietly stepped up beside him, lifted a weapon, and loaded it.

  Logan chanced a glance at Macy to find those cornflower blues, minus charcoal outline, focused on his face.

  “What’s the plan?” he asked gruffly.

  The room dropped into silence as if bracing for a battle.

  Macy’s lips pursed, then a slow smile grew. Logan was almost fearful to hear the scheme.

  “Date night.” Macy grinned.

  “Oooh la la,” Hayden snickered, and Felix playfully shoved the man on the shoulder. Hayden returned the shove and the pair were off, banging out the back door and racing down the darkened beach.

  Macy rolled his eyes and turned back toward the bedroom. “I need to get ready.”

  Some twenty minutes later, Macy emerged from the room. Logan had found a comfortable spot in one of the big, cushioned chairs in the living room. He coughed, choking on his own saliva when he caught sight of the gorgeous man.

  Painted-on, shiny black pants hugged an impossibly small waist and perfect ass. The bright pink, shimmery shirt was see-through and matched the freshly painted fingernails. The small, silver nipple rings showed through the mesh and matched the rings adorning several slender fingers. Macy’s long, dark hair was loose and flowing down his back. He’d outlined his eyes with black and the pink lip gloss made his lips appear fuller, if that were possible.

  Logan stumbled to his feet just as Jaxon let out a wolf whistle. He threw a scowl at the man, who held up his hands with a laugh.

  Reaching Macy, Logan took the young man’s hand. “You look beautiful,” he said lamely.

  Macy’s eyes filled with light. “Yeah?”

  “Oh yes.” How could Macy doubt his appeal? Logan wanted to drop to his knees and worship the man’s brains and beauty.

  “Some people think it’s too much.” Macy’s teeth tugged on his bottom lip.

  “They’re stupid,” he husked, fingering a few of the long strands of dark hair that fell over Macy’s shoulder before taking the black wool coat from the man’s hand and sliding it up his arms.

  “I’m underdressed.” He looked down at his blue jeans, gray, long sleeved shirt, and black leather jacket.

  “Don’t you dare change clothes,” Macy muttered and moved his hands over where the t-shirt clung to his chest. The silver rings on Macy’s fingers glittered. Logan flexed beneath the man’s touch and nodded.

  Fuck. If only this was an actual date. They had never gotten to finish the date they’d started.

  After they caught this bastard, he was taking Macy out for real. Perhaps, he’d fly them up to San Francisco and have dinner in his hotel.

  “Ready?” Macy said and turned to the team.


  The restaurant was a new one in town, and one that he’d wanted to try for a while. Only, he hadn’t visited the place because it was geared for an intimate date night crowd.

  Now that he had a date, he stepped inside and looked eagerly around. He didn’t care if the date was part of a mission. When Logan linked their fingers, it felt all too real to him.

  The inside was softly lit with candles flickering and tables draped in red. Scents of spices filled the air and his stomach growled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten.

  The waiter sat them at a secluded table at the back. From this spot, both he and Logan could see the entrance.

  Hayden, along with Jett, was flirting with the female bartender across the dimly lit room while the rest of the team was somewhere outside. Whip and Stanton were having dinner at a table across the restaurant.

  With all the expertise there, it should be enough to take Siegel down. If Siegel showed up. Honestly, Macy wasn’t sure how much longer the bureau would fund the stakeouts.

  “Looks like Siegel isn’t going to make his move here.”

  Logan’s voice drew his gaze and he sighed.

  “Probably not.” He lifted his menu. “And anyway, I hate putting Crumpet in such a dangerous situation.”

  “You’re not doing that,” Logan replied with a stern look.

  Macy huffed and gave a small grimace.

  “It’s true. You didn’t ask for this. Sure, you went undercover to get dirt on the guy, but Siegel’s the one who pulled the trigger.”

  And killed Frank. His mouth pulled down. Frank’s funeral was the next day. With no living relatives, Macy had taken responsibility for Frank. He’d found a plot in the small local cemetery. Frank had loved Crumpet. It seemed only fitting to lay him here to rest.

  “The crazy part is that Tony thought I’d come back to his family.” He shook his head. “As if. He never imagined that I was undercover.”

  “Tell me.” Logan reached and laced their fingers together over the tabletop. “You never told me what happened between you and your stepfather.”

  “He used to beat my mother.”

  “But she left him, right?”

  He nodded. “When I was seventeen, she packed our clothes and moved here to Crumpet. That’s when she changed our name to get away from hi

  “It’s not easy to change a name.”

  “My mom had connections in Vegas who helped her.”

  “She sounds like a smart lady.”

  “She is.”

  Logan didn’t ask anything more. The man kept the gentle hold of his hand and took a sip of wine.

  Macy took a tiny sip too. They had to keep up appearances of a real date.

  “Mom moved back to Vegas when I turned eighteen.”

  “You didn’t want to go with her?”

  “No. I rebelled when she moved back there.”

  “Most kids rebel at some point.”

  Keeping his voice low, he whispered, “When Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge Channing found out that Tony Siegel’s stepson was in the FBI, he called me to his office.”

  “How’d he even know?”

  “Frank,” Macy admitted. “I told Frank everything. I think Frank went to Alexander.”

  “Did you feel betrayed?”

  “Nah. The FBI has been after Siegel for a long time. He ran close to a hundred kilos of cocaine in and out of Vegas a month. With that video and my testimony, he’s going away for life.”

  “What about the people above him?”

  “You mean Siegel’s boss?” At Logan’s nod, Macy said, “Hopefully, Siegel will flip to make a deal and setup his boss in exchange for some leniency.”

  “Can the FBI make a deal with a murderer?”

  “If the price is right.”

  Logan shook his head and took a bite of food.

  “Sadly, it’s true,” he said softly and pushed his pasta around on his plate. “To save millions, two deaths are considered collateral damage.”

  That was easy to say, unless those killed happened to be loved ones.

  What if something happened to the citizens of Crumpet? He couldn’t shake off the thought, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He poked at the soggy looking broccoli next to his uneaten pasta.

  They sat quietly and finished the meal or at least he’d eaten as much as he could having lost his appetite. The waiter dropped off their check and he handed the man his credit card.


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