Sweet Tooth: A Second Chance Romance

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Sweet Tooth: A Second Chance Romance Page 16

by Aria Ford

  “I know,” he murmured. “I'm joking.”

  I smiled. “I'm glad it's Sunday,” I said.

  He made a low grunt of satisfaction in his throat. “Me too.”

  I closed my eyes as he hugged me. Memories of yesterday went through my mind and body, reliving the passion and tenderness.

  “I think I did quite well with the cake, too,” I murmured.

  He laughed. “My sweet, everyone was impressed. I never saw such a beautiful cake before. It was amazing.”

  I felt myself glow. “Marcelle helped make the icing decorations,” I said modestly. “She's talented that way.”

  “Well, you are talented in so many ways,” he murmured as he kissed me.

  I chuckled. “You too, dearest. Some talents that I hope don't come into play in the boardroom, though...”

  He laughed. “Only if you're planning to sneak in there.”

  “Drew!” I chuckled. “You wouldn't. Would you?”

  “It depends,” he murmured. He was rolling me over and I sighed as his hands stroked my skin. “If you were there I might just be sorely tempted.”

  I laughed. “I'm not sure I'm up to wild sex on the central table.”

  He laughed. “I hadn't thought of that, actually,” he murmured. “I was thinking along the lines of the bench where the projector is...”

  “Drew!” I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my throat. “You surprise me.”

  “It's your fault,” he said lightly. “If I see you, I want you. And then how can I help these bad thoughts...you make me crazy.”

  I laughed. “Well, I don't think workplace sex is something that will work in my workplace. Remember – the cafe has glass windows.

  He laughed. “I think that would make things a bit awkward.”

  “I think so.”

  We lay quietly a while. I found myself thinking about the beautiful new premises he'd bought me, on the main road in the downtown area, where we were in the walking path of all the businessmen on their way to banks and offices. I had been amazed by how quickly the place had caught on and already we were paying off the loans for equipment and starting to make a profit.

  “I'm glad you agreed to take a holiday,” he murmured into my hair.

  “Of course,” I said. “Marrying you is worth celebrating. For that, even I can take a day off work.”

  He chuckled. “I am sorry to demand two weeks, my sweet. But I do want you all to myself then.”

  I laughed as he kissed me and I felt my body responding to his with the same sweet longing as before.

  As we moved so that I lay in his arms and he kissed me, I knew I could not have been more happy. I was with Drew. I had a successful business and we were, to all intents and purpose,

  The End


  A Second Chance Romance



  Darkness enveloped us. Bradley and I moved side by side, silently trekking a path through the wilderness. Our footsteps were quiet, but leaves crunched beneath our boots, making us hold our breath. My nerves were calm and my heartbeat steady. Nothing about this mission was simple, but I knew my team had my back.

  Bradley and I slowly entered the compound from the north, while Jacob and Drew came from the east. The southern and western sides were covered by a deep, murky swamp.

  As Bradley and I approached the building, I felt my breathing slow even more. My mind went blank as I let my training take over. Bradley and I moved slowly, checking our surroundings with every step. There wasn’t room for fear, only action.

  When we reached the designated room, Jacob and Drew came around a corner. We nodded to one another and silently planned the extraction using hand signals. We’d made it this far; we weren’t turning back now.

  Jacob ducked to inspect the lock on the door. He nodded to let us know it was an easy entry. Quickly, he slipped his tools out of his pocket and inserted them in the lock. Bradley and Drew stood with their backs to us, watching the hallway for any signs of life. When Jacob opened the door, my gun was raised, ready to fire on sight.

  Luckily, the room showed no signs of enemy resistance. I entered first, sweeping my gun from side to side as I moved. Jacob grabbed Bradley and Drew, who walked backward into the room. Drew kicked the door closed behind them. It swung shut with a soft click. Finally, we were in.

  The room was dark. It took our eyes a few seconds to adjust. Once they did, we saw her sitting against the back wall. Her arms and legs were tied together, a gag shoved in her mouth. When she saw us, her eyes went wide with fear, and she tried desperately to crawl away. Bradley moved forward, quickly bending down in front of her.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “We’re here to help. You’re okay.”

  The girl still looked scared, but Bradley’s words calmed her. He untied her and removed the gag from her mouth.

  “Stay quiet,” he said firmly. “We’ll get you out of here.”

  Bradley handed the girl off to Jacob, who swept her up in his arms. Now that we had her, we had to move fast. If we were caught, none of us would make it out alive.

  We moved back through the door and down the deserted hallway. As we emerged from the building, everything was clear. We moved as a team, taking steps in unison and constantly swinging around to check our surroundings. It wasn’t until we made it to the tree line that things took a turn.

  Bradley and I stood back, making sure Jacob made it to cover with the girl. Drew followed close behind, and just as I was about to step into the woods, I caught sight of an insurgent behind Bradley. Without thinking, I grabbed Bradley by the collar and threw him to the ground, swinging my gun around as I moved. My shot went off just in time, and the insurgent fell to the ground.

  “Tango eliminated,” I said into my headset.

  Bradley jumped to his feet. We ran into the woods, falling close behind Jacob and Drew. We didn’t stop running until we were a safe distance from the compound. Finally, we slowed to a walk, and Jacob put the girl down. She stretched her legs for a few seconds before she could walk on her own. After muttering a soft “thank-you,” to each of us, she fell silent. I could tell she was battling some serious hunger and pain, but she was strong. She didn’t slow down or stumble until we reached our camp.

  Jacob took her to a place where she could sleep, while Bradley and I disappeared into our bunks. We would be extracted within a few hours, so sleep was out of the question, but we could have used some rest. I fell back on my bed with a thud, not bothering to remove my boots.

  “How does it feel?” Bradley asked. I turned to face him with a frown. “Completing our last mission.”

  “I feel exhausted,” I said without emotion. “And sore.”

  “Seriously,” Bradley said. “We haven’t talked about this yet. It’s been years since either of us had normal lives. We’re about to reenter society. How do you feel about that? What are you going to do with your life now?”

  “I have no idea,” I admitted. “Honestly, Brad, I’m just trying to get through this. When we’re back home, I’ll figure it out.”

  “I hear ya,” Bradley said with a nod. “But you must have some plans. Something. Anything.”

  “Nope,” I said, staring at the ceiling.

  I thought about what he said, but nothing came to mind. For nine years, my life revolved around the military. I worked my way up to become a SEAL, and then I went on missions. It was a simple life, but not an easy one. I got orders. I followed them. Simple as that.

  Now I didn’t know what to do next. In just a few hours, we would be on a plane bound for America. Once we landed, I would have to figure out my life, but right now I didn’t want to think about anything.

  “Well,” Bradley said. “Listen, whatever you decide to do, you should at least go by and see Mom and Dad.”

  “They aren’t my parents,” I said without hesitation. “They’re yours.”

  “Still,” Bradley said. I could feel him roll his eyes beside me. “The
y’ll want to see you.”

  “After they kicked me out?” I scoffed. “I doubt that.”

  “I talked to them yesterday,” Bradley said. “They’re planning a huge homecoming party for us—both of us.”

  “That’s great,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.”

  “Dammit, Ryan,” Bradley snapped. “Just quit being a dick and listen to me for a second, okay?”

  It wasn’t often that Bradley lost his temper. I sat up slowly and turned to face him. His eyes were fixed on my face with a determination I recognized all too well. His father had that same look in his eyes the day he threw me out.

  I sighed. “I’m listening.”

  “I know you have your issues with them,” Bradley said slowly. “God knows you have every right to be angry, okay? But they did take you in when no one else would. They adopted you, man. How many other people would have done that?”

  “They adopted me for a few years,” I corrected. “Then they kicked me out. Or did you forget that?”

  “I didn’t,” Bradley said. “But I also remember the reason they kicked you out. You weren’t exactly an innocent victim, Ry.”

  I turned away from him and scowled at the corner of my bunk. Bradley always had a way of getting under my skin. He wasn’t wrong about his parents. They did adopt me years ago, but things had changed since then. I was only a member of their family for a short time. I barely had a chance to feel like one of them before they made me leave. Why would I waste my time visiting them now?

  “I just don’t think I can,” I said, my voice soft. “I’m sorry.”

  Bradley sighed, but didn’t argue. He knew my mind was made up.

  “Thanks for the save back there,” he said, reaching over to slap my shoulder. “It would have sucked to go home with a bullet in my ass.”

  I laughed. “It would’ve been in your head, dipshit.”

  “Nah, those shits couldn’t shoot the broadside of a barn,” Bradley said.

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Seriously,” he said. “Thanks.”

  “Look,” I said. “Whatever happened with your parents, you’re still my brother. That hasn’t changed after all these years, and it’s not going to now. I couldn’t just let you die back there, even if I wanted to.”

  “Hilarious,” he said. “You’d be fucking lost without me.”

  “Doubt that.” I smiled, lying back down against my thin pillow.

  It wasn’t comfortable, but it felt good to be off my feet. I couldn’t wait to be back home. I didn’t know where I would go once I was released from duty, but I’d thought about it a lot. Bradley wouldn’t understand if I told him the truth. He only wanted me to go back to Lexington and make nice with his parents, which was something I just couldn’t do.

  Still, there was something about Virginia that sounded appealing. The idea of living in Lexington again made my skin crawl, but I’d always liked the state. As I laid there silently, I wondered what the housing was like in Richmond.



  My brother’s homecoming party was more lavish than most weddings. With a mother like Veronica Keeton, no party of ours was ever lowkey. I hated her over-the-top nature, but she would never change. As I looked around the living room at the insane decorations, I rolled my eyes and wondered what my brother would have to say when he arrived.

  “Jacqueline!” Mom called from the kitchen. “Sweetie, I could use some help in here if you don’t mind!”

  “Coming!” I called back. I sighed and glanced around the room one last time. Between the fondue station and the patriotic everything, I knew Bradley would be miserable in seconds.

  I walked into the kitchen without enthusiasm to find my mother standing by the stove, stirring a large pot of something that smelled amazing. Without asking, I knew it was gumbo, Bradley’s favorite. I smiled at the scent, remembering all the times I watched my brother shovel bowlfuls into his mouth.

  “What can I do?” I asked.

  “Would you mind getting the appetizers set out?” she asked. “There are some trays right there on the counter.”

  I nodded. “Sure thing.”

  Moving to the counter, I laid out all the trays and grabbed the appetizers from the refrigerator. I rolled my eyes again as I realized just how much my mother must have spent on this party. Deep down, I knew she meant well. It wasn’t easy for her to worry about Bradley’s safety. For years, she was the mother of a Navy SEAL. There were times when we didn’t know where he was or even if he was alive. The fear often got the best of me, and I knew it was much worse for Mom.

  As I thought about this, my feelings softened. I glanced up at my mother and saw the excitement on her face. With a smile, I walked over and hugged her. She smiled, surprised, and hugged me back.

  “I’m excited too,” I said. “I can’t wait to see him.”

  “Oh, honey,” she said, sniffling. “We all are.”

  I hurried over to finish the appetizers while my mother launched into a story about our neighbor, Mrs. Greenburg.

  “Apparently she seduced one of her students,” Mom said, using her scandalous voice. “Honestly, I can’t say I was surprised. You know she’s always been sketchy. I told your father, I said, ‘George, that woman is trouble. I don’t want her anywhere near the kids.’ But he always insisted she was fine. Now look, I was right!”

  “Uh-huh,” I said, barely paying attention.

  As much as I loved my mom, she was often exhausting. Her penchant for gossip was not something we had in common. I found senseless drama to be boring and uninspired, but she lived for it. Every time I came home, she would give me the rundown on the latest neighborhood news. As her daughter, it was my job to listen politely, but I never remembered a thing she said.

  Today I would have been happy to talk about my brother. Bradley was coming home—Bradley and Ryan. My stomach clenched tightly as I thought about Ryan. I hadn’t seen him in over nine years. Last time we were face-to-face, I was only fourteen. It felt like a different life.

  “Get the cake out, would you?” Mom asked, taking the appetizer trays into the living room.

  “Sure,” I said.

  I opened the fridge and pulled out a giant box. As I set it on the counter, I smiled to myself. This was going to be a great day. I opened the box to examine the cake, and my mood changed immediately. Staring at the cake, I felt an uncontrollable rage deep in my stomach. My face flushed, and when my mother entered the kitchen, she looked at me in shock.

  “Jacqueline,” she said. “Honey, what is the matter?”

  “Why isn’t Ryan’s name on the cake?” I demanded.

  “What?” Mom asked, a slight frown on her face.

  “It just says ‘Bradley,’” I explained. “Why isn’t Ryan on here too? He’s coming home today.”

  “He’s not coming,” Mom said quickly. She smoothed down her apron nervously and walked over to the sink. Her back was to me, but I could tell she was upset.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “He didn’t want to.”

  “His name should be on the damn cake, Mom,” I snapped. “This is bullshit.”

  “Watch it,” she said, turning to face me with a stern expression. “You don’t know everything Ryan put us through.”

  “I know enough,” I said, still fuming. “You adopted him, Mom. You and Dad brought him into this family and then you just abandoned him.”

  “We did not,” Mom said, her own anger showing in her voice.

  “Hey,” my dad said, suddenly stepping into the kitchen. “People are starting to arrive.”

  My mother gave me a look of warning before she hurried into the living room. I could hear her greeting family and friends with her high-pitched hostess voice. The sound made me cringe. I was still angry as my dad ushered me into the living room, but I put on a happy face. I smiled and nodded politely, just waiting for Bradley to arrive.

  When he did, my anger disapp
eared. He ran into the house with a huge grin on his face, coming straight to me. He grabbed me and lifted me off the ground, spinning me in a fast circle.

  “There she is!” he said. “I missed you, little sister.”

  “I missed you, too, big brother.”

  Bradley set me down and turned to our parents. He hugged them both for a long time, making tears fall down Mom’s cheeks. I knew how happy she was to have him home, and the sight warmed my heart. My anger was still there, hidden beneath the surface, but I knew now wasn’t the time to release it. This was her moment, just as much as mine or Dad’s. We were all happy to have Bradley home safely. My frustrations weren’t important.

  After Bradley greeted all the guests and ate a few bowls of gumbo, he grabbed two slices of cake and dragged me to the backyard. We sat on the back porch together, eating our cake in silence. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I would wait. We had time. Right now there was only one question that needed to be voiced.

  “So,” I said, licking the frosting off my fork. “Where is he?”

  Bradley stiffened beside me and exhaled slowly. With a sigh, he set his plate down and turned to face me.

  “Richmond,” he said. “He moved to Richmond.”


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